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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


I'm still a bit put off by how all these random modes only select a champ from your available pool rather than the whole thing. I get that it might be a way to "cheat" the system and use a champ that's neither in free rotation nor among your purchased ones, but it's quite vexing when I get the same ones over and over.

Is there any reason as to why all-random works this way, as opposed to being fully random?
I've given up playing ADC. I'm just gonna play jungle from now on. I don't even care if I demote or anything, locking in an ADC makes me sick right now.

Why even play a role that takes so much skill for so little in game impact.

I'll queue jungle/adc.


I've given up playing ADC. I'm just gonna play jungle from now on. I don't even care if I demote or anything, locking in an ADC makes me sick right now.

Why even play a role that takes so much skill for so little in game impact.

I'll queue jungle/adc.

That'll go over about as well as my Rumble game.

Or my Sion game...

Or my Shen game...

Or my Fiora game...


Just got Zac in ARURF. Am I going to kill myself with his %HP costs?

Edit: Went 7/4/7, even though we ended up losing. I guess E spam does get pretty good at higher ranks.


Eh, I find Jhin pretty boring lol.

I guess I'll just queue ADC/Jng so some autofill fktard doesn't get the role.


I don't know how anyone who plays ADC can actually play anything other than Jhin. Champ is so fucking fun to play.

I kind of like his four-shot thing, his Q and ult, and as a non-adc player I kind of agree with Jhin being one of the adcs I had more fun with (trying him against bots only, though).



cmon rito just give me this

I don't know how anyone who plays ADC can actually play anything other than Jhin. Champ is so fucking fun to play.
there's other fun adcs, they're just trash atm

like i think trist after her rework turned into a super fun champion

Yeah, take that W from him and he is instant trash level.

Like his laning is super safe compared to other ads
like everyone else said, if you take away a champion's signature ability of course they're gonna be trash

jhin is a very complete champion tho, all his abilities contribute a lot to his kit

i do wish his ult didn't slow, i find his ult being used as an engage tool to be kind of boring, i find the spell more interesting when it isn't just ashe ult on a lethality champ. specially since it's really fun to use, i feel more dmg and no slow would be healthier
I mean there is zero risk with Jhin right now while other ADs can be countered easily by Jhin since anyone can trigger his W , cast it, and you practically kill the oher ADC or at least drain like 50% of his/her health with little effort.


Playing Varus while ahead is fun because I make the enemy team miserable. But I'm done with the Jhin Varus meta.

Having watched a couple competitive matches, I'm kind of sick of Mao, Naut and Poppy on top, Kha, Rengar and Elise on jungle, Corki and Ryze on mid and Jhin Varus adc. At least support does have some more variety, but it's still lots of Zyra and Malz in there, too.
Jhin is not zero risk. The amount of damage you take in lane if you get hit by Jhin W depends on so much that it's not a guaranteed kill/50% HP by any stretch.


sigh low elo sucks. you rarely get to play the game before one of your teammates feed like a buffet. looking at you 2/7 zed and 2/7 jhin.


sigh low elo sucks. you rarely get to play the game before one of your teammates feed like a buffet. looking at you 2/7 zed and 2/7 jhin.
The lower the elo the less obstacles you have though. Your team-mates may suck, but that doesn't matter since in like silver you can literally just win games on your own.


The lower the elo the less obstacles you have though. Your team-mates may suck, but that doesn't matter since in like silver you can literally just win games on your own.

not as a support main. best I can do is ward and cc. just played with a bad vayne. :/. in 2017


sigh low elo sucks. you rarely get to play the game before one of your teammates feed like a buffet. looking at you 2/7 zed and 2/7 jhin.

If that's the case, then you probably should still analyze your own game: CS, roaming, warding, kill participation, objectives, nice plays you made, etc. Most of these things are obviously affected if your teammates suck (ie: you couldn't get cs because your jungler had no presence whatsoever and you had to concede lots to avoid getting yourself ganked), but you could still get some kind of parameter of whether you did well yourself.

I complain about being paired with crappy teammates often, but I also know I'm still climbing out of B4 for a reason. Even though I'm fairly confident in my support skills (I reliably bubble people up and pressure them in the early game as Nami), I know I lack enough skills that I'm still being matched up with bad players every now and then. Ultimately, you've got to roll with it, since the awful players are as likely to land on your team as on the opponent's (well, actually I guess you have slightly lower chances of getting them, since you'll obviously be one of the players on your team while the other team is five random people from your perspective). If you play well enough, you'll be going 50:50 on games defined by awful players, and hopefully a >50% win rate on games that are more balanced, slowly climbing out of having bad MMR and thus lowering the chances of being paired up with those guys again (but don't worry, since it looks like you'll continue to get "bad" players in your team up to Gold according to some LoLGAFfers).

URF has been a pretty fun respite from tryharding on soloq, though. I'll certainly miss it, even though most games boil down to which team gets the cheesiest champs (man, solo laning against TF in the early game was freaking hell).

Edit: Regarding your latest post, you obviously can carry as a support, even though you won't be the one getting the kills in most cases (unless you're Zyra, Malzahar or MF, I guess). A good support in low ELO can absolutely shut down the enemy botlane duo, zoning them out of farm (even as freaking Nami), turning teamfights around and warding well so that your team is less likely to get ganked. I guess better players won't be foolish enough to trade cs in return for eating one or two E-empowered Nami autos, but in Bronze I can reliably wear them down using mostly Es and the occasional W if they decide to attack me back.


Nidalee in URF is hilarious because her spears are basically auto attacks lol

Nah, that's Cass since she actually has to click on something to hit. Nid's spears are probably closer to Urgot's Qs, only with considerably more range.

There're lots of champs that get to spam abilities almost as fast as basic attacks (Karma, TF, Olaf, Lux, Sivir, Urgot, Cass, Mundo, probably Annie and more I haven't seen yet), which makes your life absolute hell when you're stuck playing a melee champ into them.
Thinking I should go back to my old days with my pocket pick Bear top and Diana mid/ top.

Seeing a lot of Susans and Darius players top and neither of them can take on the Bear early. And I'm seeing lots of Garens and Yas tops ... and for some reason I use to shit on Garens with Diana when I played her a ton.

Playing WW top really just makes me feel like I'm playing a less tanky, far more interesting version/ better designed version of the Bear. Hope that the WW team is the team doing Volibears full rework when ever that happens.


Having watched a couple competitive matches, I'm kind of sick of Mao, Naut and Poppy on top, Kha, Rengar and Elise on jungle, Corki and Ryze on mid and Jhin Varus adc. At least support does have some more variety, but it's still lots of Zyra and Malz in there, too.
that's just how it is, pros are there to win, not entertain

I blame myself for letting my winrate getting so low.
i mean yeah, your winrate is a direct indication of your ability to be successful so you can't ever blame anyone but yourself

some games might be lost because of others but that % is entirely ur fault!

Hextech key and chest vanished after opening, no reward.

Cool game.
submit a ticket to rito support, if it was a bug they'll fix it 100%

they're really good about that stuff

I mean there is zero risk with Jhin right now while other ADs can be countered easily by Jhin since anyone can trigger his W , cast it, and you practically kill the oher ADC or at least drain like 50% of his/her health with little effort.
ehhh, w isn't really jhin's problem, jhin is just strong right now because lethality adcs are strong, same as mf

his kit is alright, he probably doesn't have as many tradeoffs as he should for his cc but he's still immobile and squishy, rengar can do whatever he wants to him


Ok I wanna start playing Janna in ranked but I feel her ult sucks at healing. it is one of those use if Rengar jumps on your adc type things.

but yea my eyes are on Janna/lulu.


Ok I wanna start playing Janna in ranked but I feel her ult sucks at healing. it is one of those use if Rengar jumps on your adc type things.

but yea my eyes are on Janna/lulu.

Personally, I can't for the life of me use reactive champs such as Janna or Taric reliably, and I'm on the fence about Lulu now, mostly since I can't rely on my teammates getting the most of my buffs and debuffs compared to giving them free picks with Nami or Naut's CC chains.


Personally, I can't for the life of me use reactive champs such as Janna or Taric reliably, and I'm on the fence about Lulu now, mostly since I can't rely on my teammates getting the most of my buffs and debuffs compared to giving them free picks with Nami or Naut's CC chains.

I only play Naut when I am up against leo or blitz since he counter her ass.

Oh and nami goes real well with jinx, ez, and vayne. if your adc picks MF, Jhin, or varus you can play stuff like naut, leo, or tahm


I only play Naut when I am up against leo or blitz since he counter her ass.

Oh and nami goes real well with jinx, ez, and vayne. if your adc picks MF, Jhin, or varus you can play stuff like naut, leo, or tahm

Nah, I just spam Nami no matter what most of the time. I agree that focusing on one or two champions is a way better idea for climbing (and also mastering those champs) than trying to coordinate a cohesive team with teammates that are more often than not unreliable and unlikely to adopt unified strategies. Nami's kit is versatile enough that I can do poke, sustain and engage/disengage, which is part of the reason why I like picking her so much. The only reason I ever drop Nami and go Naut is when she's picked (which is pretty rare), or if my teammates pick random crap and we end up with no tanks.


I think I'm gonna play Taliyah in solo queue even though I don't know her too well yet. If I learn to roam with her, I should be able to know when to roam with other champs cause I never ever roam lul.

Cait in late game is kinda bad


She's usually pretty meh mid game but she's a beast late game.


Cait in late game is kinda bad
caitlyn is one of the strongest adcs lategame dude

I think I'm gonna play Taliyah in solo queue even though I don't know her too well yet. If I learn to roam with her, I should be able to know when to roam with other champs cause I never ever roam lul.
yeah i may do the same

maybe play her every game on flex for a while or something

i always wanted to be good at tf but he's too hard to play in lane
I thought they used to have Hecarim and Sona banned for URF. I'm not sure why they aren't for ARURF. Probably because it's random?

Dunno about Sona but Hecarim got nerfed HARD in URF. Q doesn't get cool down reduction anymore so you can't melt people even if you're full tank. He's not top tier anymore. I'd say some of top tiers are the following:

Karma, Shaco, Eve, Sona, Garen, Alistar

Generally anyone with very low CDs for their DPS, CC or shield. Garen E is bugged because multiple casts stack, so it does shitloads of damage. Even after removing the minion shields, I think Karma is still the best.

Last night I had great success with WW. First levels were rough, but once I had some items and maxed Q and E I could duel anyone like Yasuo and Mundo. I could also safely jump into 1v2s with relative safety.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
ARURF power champions I've seen are usually AP oriented. Hourglass is super broken with such a low c/d and range/shields can be overpowering. Diana, Nidalee, Vel'koz...things like this are very hard to have an answer for. Strong AD would be stuff like Wukong, Kled, Urgot, Varus.
ARURF power champions I've seen are usually AP oriented. Hourglass is super broken with such a low c/d and range/shields can be overpowering. Diana, Nidalee, Vel'koz...things like this are very hard to have an answer for. Strong AD would be stuff like Wukong, Kled, Urgot, Varus.

You'd think that AP champs are the stronger ones, but off tanks scale way better. To the point where they can almost 1v5 the enemy team if it's a fiora or irelia.

But AP shaco & AP ali is where the fun's at.
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