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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


I really can't wrap my head around using him, probably for the same reason I suck at playing Taric and Janna. Having two out of three non-ult abilities that are meant to protect my teammates coupled with being a melee champion makes him really awkard for me. The only thing I actually like about him is his "¡Llegó el bigote!" line that plays when he uses his jump in the latin VOs.

I also finally got m7 on Nami after getting my third S-rank game since I leveled her up to m6. I might be a one-trick pony, but am proud of my performance when playing her. It's also cool that I'm slowly buy surely learning more macro aspects of the game now that I need to devote less of a mindshare to actually playing her compared to other champions.
I have mained nami for 3 seasons and love her but I gotta say Braum is a much easier champ to peel with and ultimately help carry. He just fits the meta so easily.


Watching diamond/challenger support games are very helpful. I only watch the players who talk though. Makes it more entertaining


All I'm saying is that Blitz is uncounterable garbage. And why hasn't Amumu been nerfed yet??

Bronzodia Kappa
Easy way to counter blitz is to just play naut or any other tanky support.

That way if he hooks you you can just go right in on the adc because you will most likely survive the intial burst.

Plus once he hooks you it is basically out of the fight
Easy way to counter blitz is to just play naut or any other tanky support.

That way if he hooks you you can just go right in on the adc because you will most likely survive the intial burst.

Plus once he hooks you it is basically out of the fight

It's not a bad idea. Playing someone you don't want in the middle of your team is a good counter. Other than that, you can also play around the minion wave and force him to take the hook in the middle of your minions.


It's not a bad idea. Playing someone you don't want in the middle of your team is a good counter. Other than that, you can also play around the minion wave and force him to take the hook in the middle of your minions.
Yea his hook always comes from his right side. So you can bait the hook then go all in. I honestly only ban him when I feel like my add can't dodge or my team would get tilted from a blitz invade.


braum is c tier at best; near unwinnable matchups vs zyra malz and poor ones vs lulu karma
lulu I can understand but the rest he can win against depending on his adc in lane.

Ranged supports will always have an early game advantage over melee champs but I feel comfortable against everyone you listed. Especially zyra. lol just E her plants then Q


i think i'm gonna start banning vayne

i'm tired of idiots picking vayne on my team

why do you do this

why would you voluntarily pick vayne in this meta

what kind of masochistic imbecile would do that

anywho, i guess third run at plat promos will be the winner

now to get mid two times in a row and then get top all promos again!
lulu I can understand but the rest he can win against depending on his adc in lane.

Ranged supports will always have an early game advantage over melee champs but I feel comfortable against everyone you listed. Especially zyra. lol just E her plants then Q

you are a melee support with no sustain versus the 2 highest damage supports in the game. zyra Q ignores braum's E while you have almost 0 kill threat against her due to her oppressive harass and zone control.


I have mained nami for 3 seasons and love her but I gotta say Braum is a much easier champ to peel with and ultimately help carry. He just fits the meta so easily.

Nah. I can't peel worth a thing with reactive-style champs. I remember the time I tried playing Zilean and kept messing up every single ult (either too early and it timed out before my target died, or too late and they were already dead before I got to cast it). Dictating fights myself is the reason I'm so comfortable with Nami, since I get to go in, even at level 1 with my W, level 2 I can poke with a couple E autos and then W, and starting at level 3 I can threaten some pretty nasty cc chains with E plus Q, or use my bubble to peel/disengage. I know her play patterns and the amount of abuse I can take back in trades pretty much by heart by now, which allows me to make way better plays than with any other champion.

The meta's also all kinds of messed up in my division, since I still routinely see low-tier champions all over the place. The lethality items everybody's using do sting as a squishy mage support that doesn't build armor, but I'm still doing okay against them for the most part.

Watching diamond/challenger support games are very helpful. I only watch the players who talk though. Makes it more entertaining

I like it especially when they tend to speak out loud about what they're doing at any given time, since it's easier to comprehend just what drives them to do things in a certain way than when you're just watching them do stuff. For example, them saying "I usually build <Item A>, but this champion requires me to go <Item B> first for <reason>" is a lot better than seeing them just rush Item B instead of what I expected them to build.

It's not a bad idea. Playing someone you don't want in the middle of your team is a good counter. Other than that, you can also play around the minion wave and force him to take the hook in the middle of your minions.

Personally, I see Blitz match-ups as a nice opportunity to test my skillshot-dodging abilities. Playing Nami into him I can easily make his life hell by constantly poking him while dancing around my minions, but if I had to go melee then I'd probably pick Naut as well. Most of the time it'll be giving you a free flash into the enemy adc by hooking you, since you'll still get to keep your Q, R and flash to get to them while shrugging most of the damage off with your W.


you are a melee support with no sustain versus the 2 highest damage supports in the game. zyra Q ignores braum's E while you have almost 0 kill threat against her due to her oppressive harass and zone control.
Braums build panth plus mastery allows recover quite nicely and the shield allows him to survive the burst. Good defensive champ. Zyra is strong but her low Heath and movement speed makes it quite easy to focus her. Lulu and sona are the only supports that I find truly annoying when it comes to ranged poke. Playing support so much and Malz being my most played mid champ makes it easy to know what the enemy wants to do.

Edit: range supports are so damn popular. That most of my games have been against one as braum.


i think i'm gonna start banning vayne

i'm tired of idiots picking vayne on my team

why do you do this

why would you voluntarily pick vayne in this meta

what kind of masochistic imbecile would do that

Banning Yasuo is still a bigger priority for me, since the Law of Yasuo stipulates that an enemy Yas will ace us all and an allied one will feed like crazy, while Vayne is more likely to suck regardless of which team she ends up in (at least until the lategame comes around).
Braums build panth plus mastery allows recover quite nicely and the shield allows him to survive the burst. Good defensive champ. Zyra is strong but her low Heath and movement speed makes it quite easy to focus her. Lulu and sona are the only supports that I find truly annoying when it comes to ranged poke. Playing support so much and Malz being my most played mid champ makes it easy to know what the enemy wants to do.
no, it's exactly the opposite. his awful build path makes it extremely hard for him to get past laning phase when he's constantly being poked down. it doesn't take burst to make braum useless and it's reflected in both is poor win rate and low pick rate.


I just thought I was doing well enough my job as adc, no one was near me. Then I look at my hp bar and I'm almost dead.

I was attacking a thornmail Rammus lol


these are cool

i like it cos it has ahri in her pajamas


no, it's exactly the opposite. his awful build path makes it extremely hard for him to get past laning phase when he's constantly being poked down. it doesn't take burst to make braum useless and it's reflected in both is poor win rate and low pick rate.
Really? I haven't struggled in a lane yet and have literally played him 10 games straight.

Guess I am the outlier



well back to promos already lol

trying to splitpush more, it's fun

it's one of the things i have the most trouble with, cos i never trust my teammates not to get killed doing something stupid like fighting 4v5 against a kat team and costing us two turrets

fortunately what this game made me figure out is that if u splitpush u become super op and just come back and kill everyone yourself



that doesn't even have pajamas ahri
We're doing well, Yi is fed as fuck (16/4).

Gets tilted cause something didn't go his way (apparently I tilted him cause I didn't go to their bot inhib? IDK, I muted everyone. But they had no wards and no minions there to tp to so I guess I was supposed to run from base to there?), sells all his items and goes all tears and runs around base until we lose.

I hate this game sometimes.


We're doing well, Yi is fed as fuck (16/4).

Gets tilted cause something didn't go his way (apparently I tilted him cause I didn't go to their bot inhib? IDK, I muted everyone. But they had no wards and no minions there to tp to so I guess I was supposed to run from base to there?), sells all his items and goes all tears and runs around base until we lose.

I hate this game sometimes.
some people are such fucking babies &#128580;


Banning Yasuo is still a bigger priority for me, since the Law of Yasuo stipulates that an enemy Yas will ace us all and an allied one will feed like crazy, while Vayne is more likely to suck regardless of which team she ends up in (at least until the lategame comes around).

Had a game the other day where the enemy Yasuo was basically 2v1 in midlane as the jungler kept ganking him but he ended the lane phase 9/1 or something and steamrolled the game. :lol
Nothing like a 20/6 Illaoi game and 2 quads to make a night.

Anyway, I really don't think BC is needed on Illaoi anymore. I faced a team with 3 tanks all building tank and a LW item was all I needed to melt them in no time (I made sure to not invest into too much HP so that I could get the most outta the LW item. Focused on resistances instead). It was like night and day when I got LW.

With BC I have NEVER had such an easy time against tanks.

My new basic Illaoi build is DD and if all is going well go right into TF and then SG/ SV (order depending on comp of the enemy team and how I'm doing at the time).

some people are such fucking babies &#55357;&#56900;

Yup, shit's annoying.
Super Low Elo feels like a completely different game tbh.


just lost 2 in a row. win streak is over

I had an adc who rushed a Guardian angel, and a 0/5 top who said he couldn't do anything against rumble. Somehow climbing put me deeper in the bronze mentality shit fest. lord have mercy
Rushing GA on ADC is bad, but if someone fucks up early against a Rumble I could buy that after a certain point there's nothing they can do.


Rushing GA on ADC is bad, but if someone fucks up early against a Rumble I could buy that after a certain point there's nothing they can do.

yea rumble is a great top laner, and can definitely abuse champs reliant on mana/mellee farming.

but my adc at 30 mins in had a guardian angel, and rushed static. she had no b.f.

edit. went on to win 2 games after this and got an S rank with braum.

I am trying to see how far I can go before I want to play something other than braum
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