watching your teammates do things that only a person with 2 weeks of Lol experience make is painful.
you know it is bad when you gotta tell your adc what to build.
cost me my promos.
I was watching minishcap's stream a while ago, and got to see a game where his Elise jg player eventually asked her team if she should get at least one armor item against a full-AD team, and another where he got a Zac jungle that kept leaping into 1v5s and dying for no good reason while building full AP. I also saw his teammates make some pretty awful mistakes that I didn't expect diamond-tier players to make, and yet they did. I guess some people could've been boosted into those games, but it looks like players are still likely to make some pretty awful mistakes regardless of their division.
Then again, watching minishcap made me feel kind of bad for his teammates because of how easily he got tilted into calling his teammates names and continously cursing at the stream.
One thing I noticed is that Edge of Night is really OP against Singed since he can't pop it with anything, and it's probably pretty easy to prepare the spellshield in time even if the RG+ult+ghosts into you. Maybe you could pop the RG slow early if that does trigger the shield in order to get a fling in, though.
As someone new to the game, it's very annoying going against people with full runes and a keystone in normals. I'm already at a disadvantage by being new, but having to lane against someone and seeing thunderlord's or something in loading before every game is a bit tilting. It'd be nice to go against others without those small advantages once in a while.
While it could just be matchmaking not working all that well for you, if you're getting paired up against higher-level opponents than you when playing solo it might also mean that you're considerably better than people on your same level. You will be eating thunderlord procs and getting beat at math by better runes, but you can play around some of those advantages with smart play.