Geeze, I just had a game where my top Panth went 0/10/3 and mid Ryze went 0/7/6. My only death in the game (with no kills and seven assists) was near the end, when I didn't move out of the way and Ryze ulted himself and two of us into the whole enemy team when every single one of them had a 3K gold advantage compared to their lane opponents, so of course we all promptly died and they aced the rest of our team for an easy win.
One time we managed to take a kill on the support Karma with help of Jax and he had about 20% HP left, so of course he didn't back and tried to fight Orianna in the jungle just after she had hit level six... and then our Cait even thought it was a good idea to fight her alongside Ryze, and she also dies while Ori can just ignore our midlaner and goes straight for her since she was already weak as well. She literally walked into an Q-W just to get into auto-attack range on the other side of our blue (possibly hoping it was unwarded or something) and propmtly died.
I get that you might have a bad game or not really get a particular match-up, but Ryze and Panth dying so much made no sense. Like, even I know you should try and play safe and hope for good teamfights and a better game once laning phase ends if you're behind to avoid snowballing your disadvantage into other lanes...
Edit: Another game, another loss. Top Rumble goes 0/5 against Morde very early on, and then Morde just rapes everything because reasons. Meanwhile, adc and I make a dumb decission that gets us both killed arly on, and then he kills himself by walking into a Malphite ult, and I kind of can't find any way to come back into the game.
Final game for today will be as Singed against Yorick, and with a Nunu support in the enemy team.
Edit2: Oddly close-ish game that seemed lost initially. Ashe fed her ass off during laning phase, but after our base was ravaged for a bit we got two near-aces on them for some reason, but ultimately we couldn't capitalize on them at all because our lanes were pushed and dragon/baron were taken. Over fifty minutes of excruciating pain later, we got aced with 70s+ death timers and that was it. Nunu, Varus, Xin and Annie also made sure I'd stay put if they wanted to put a stop to my antics, so I couldn't actually get close to their backline unless I waited for CDs, but that meant my team was getting hit by the abilities instead, so it was lose-lose (Varus ult also rooting nearby teammates also screwed us over several times). Turned my 5-0 streak around for a nice 0-3 one, putting my win rate at exactly 50% with a 30-30 record. Hopefully I don't lose anymore so I can avoid falling off of B3.
I'm kind of beginning to resent Blitz players, because while Nunu was doing lots of peeling and chasing with his slows Blitz was the most boring and useless thing ever. Almost any other support champion could've been more useful than it after laning phase was over, and the fact that Ashe fed like crazy meant that it couldn't even do its thing during the early-game.