I had two back-to-back games as Taric in ARURF for some dumb reason, and I got him the first time around by spending my two rerolls, so I didn't get a chance to switch either time. He honestly sucks big time when you can't lane with someone decent (and them having some kind of dash for surprise Es helps quite a bit). His kit feels really really weak except for E and R, because the heal and shield embargo makes his Q and W barely do anything even at max rank, and maxing E first only gives you a slightly longer stun...
Meanwhile, I still haven't gotten Teemo even once despite having gotten some champs such as Singed 6+ times. I just want to realize my dream of filling the whole map with mushrooms at least once before this game mode rotates out...
Beside that, I've begun purchasing a couple of the not-so-expensive runes with my IP, such as HP/level yellows and movement speed quints for Singed (with the yellows also working for my tank support page). I guess after that I'll go MR/level blues, and maybe upgrade my AP blues from tier two to three, but I'll probably have to keep 6300 IP saved up in case they hold another 2x1 rune page sale soon, since the four extra pages I got with IP previously really aren't enough to customize for both top and support.