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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Honestly, having Tibbers mimic Annie isn't a bad idea. Cut her damage by 1/3, and Tibbers can only mimic abilities 1.5 seconds after casting.

Deleted member 77995

Unconfirmed Member
Will posting regularly in this thread get me to diamond?

Edit: havent finished promos yet but im pretty sure ive dropped from low gold to mid silver this season :(


Will posting regularly in this thread get me to diamond?

Edit: havent finished promos yet but im pretty sure ive dropped from low gold to mid silver this season :(

When I first started posting in this thread I wasn't even level 30.

Now I'm Diamond.

That's all the testimonial you need.


Hopefully galio is a preview of the new direction for tanks. His cc seems nuts so his damage is probably on the lower end


MFW when D5 thinks you take fervor on Draven against Cait + Nami. He lost tower at 8 minutes.



I think you're looking through rose tinted glasses Kayos. I was around back then, and not that much has changed really.

Like it sucks that some older members like Rex and Ferrio don't play anymore, but overall the community was less welcoming back then. Half of the inhouses would just fail because people would rage and leave after the first game.

We had a huge spreadsheet, but it stopped being used like after the first 30 people.

Honestly, I like the direction GAF is going in, especially since players like Talents and Dob have NA accounts now and we can all play on the same server.

Qon (god, your old name was so much better) you should try showing up to some inhouse games, they're actually enjoyable unlike shitty solo q. #BreezyLimboDraft isn't a good example of how one is actually like.

What old name? Corgi? That's still my summoner name! I'd play leeg with you guys but something is wrong with my WTFast routing recently so I kind of stopped playing leeg altogether again. If it works again I'll play with you guys maybe!

Unless you mean Quonny then oops.

Also I came to say hello! Hi!
Hopefully galio is a preview of the new direction for tanks. His cc seems nuts so his damage is probably on the lower end

I'm guessing it's the case. (That or he's an AP juggernaut... aka Tank that builds DMG. Trundle is a Warden Juggernaut iirc)

Seems like they're giving him a more balanced Shen Ult. Not Global, doesn't follow the person targeted but has a more interesting impact.

Anyway, I feel like Sion is the hall mark goal for them with future tanks. Sion can easily deal more dmg with his rotation than Poppy or the Tree ... but his whole kit is a skillshot so no one bitches about his DMG because it's avoidable and very telegraphed. Meaning that it's up to the Sion player to land them skills and landing them either gives your team some great CC or could zone someone away ... or it can be completely missed.


I used to get 125 ping.

Then my ISP made a deal with Riot and my ping went to like 50-65. Now my ping is like ~69 after the move.
I get that it was good for people over there but the idea of making a server for all of NA in fucking northern Cali was really dumb lol


I tried that against Irelia last time i got top.

Didn't go well.

Just pick Singed and make her regret jumping on top of you instead.

Actually, watching minishcap talk about it as he played makes it seem like poor old Singed has been getting several indirect nerfs to his main items (RoA, Rylai's), masteries (CoK) and even summoners (Ghost) as of late, all while ad-based champs got to shrug off his flings thanks to edge of night.

I'm not all that invested into him, but I'm still hoping the tank item overhaul helps him in some way, or at least doesn't further hurt his itemization. I get that he's too different from most other champs due to his play patterns, and that he probably doesn't appeal to any kind of character fantasy as per Riot's current design philisophy, but I still really like him and the design space he occupies. Still, he's supposed to be a mad chemist that flings people around, gets massive and opaque stat buffs to dissuade people from fighting him and whose main means of attack is actually running away from people, so I get why he might've been all but ignored in game balance patches for quite a while.


Reave said galio is a warden/mage.

I feel like we pokemon now like what do we not have? Water/fire? Sounds good print it

Hopefully urgot becomes a legitimate mage marksman


i'm trying to figure out who galio reminds me of

he's got like a art deco bioshock sculpture vibe to him that's really cool looking but i'm pretty sure he reminds me of a character off some anime or something

he kind of looks like a bayonetta boss too

he's so cool looking

because it'll be great and because it would be fun. IE if Galio takes 50% of damage in X amount of time, he becomes invulnerable and taunts everyone to attack him for 2 seconds. Give it like...a 120 sec cooldown.
the way you've designed that ability is really confusing. first it's a passive so while you get some agency on when you use it (think karthus passive), it's still something that doesn't really feel like a big moment you've created, it's something the enemy team opted into, which is weird, and also since it's damage based then it means that buying tankiness means you give up access to your passive since it's harder to take that damage

you could make it pre-mitigation to avoid that problem but you're still gonna run into the issue that short of not attacking galio there's no way around his crazy passive

i do agree his old ult was kinda cool, just very outdated

Poppy does.
yeah, but poppy has like a giant head

not arguing against it, just sayin'

Hopefully galio is a preview of the new direction for tanks. His cc seems nuts so his damage is probably on the lower end
inb4 his knockups deal 300 base + 10% max HP damage on a 4s CD
hopefully, yea, but i do feel like the dmg problem is probably gonna show up again since that's what always happens with tanks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also i feel like riot was so proud of themselves for 2016 being a knockup light year that they went all out on new galio lol

What old name? Corgi? That's still my summoner name! I'd play leeg with you guys but something is wrong with my WTFast routing recently so I kind of stopped playing leeg altogether again. If it works again I'll play with you guys maybe!

Unless you mean Quonny then oops.

Also I came to say hello! Hi!
corgi sponsored by voyboy now
Reave said galio is a warden/mage.

I feel like we pokemon now like what do we not have? Water/fire? Sounds good print it

A tank that's also a mage? Build for both tank and some AP like how Darius and Susan and the like are best built full tank with one dmg item?

I'm not saying Juggernaut but ... yeah, sounds like an AP Juggernaut.

Lets wait and hope! :eek:


A tank that's also a mage? Build for both tank and some AP like how Darius and Susan and the like are best built full tank with one dmg item?

I'm not saying Juggernaut but ... yeah, sounds like an AP Juggernaut.

Lets wait and hope! :eek:

Nah he has at least two massive gap closers and insane cc which kinda disqualifies him from the juggernaut category already. Juggernauts are low mobility low cc but will destroy you if you don't keep your distance

In terms of build though yeah it seems similar
Nah he has at least two massive gap closers and insane cc which kinda disqualifies him from the juggernaut category already. Juggernauts are low mobility low cc but will destroy you if you don't keep your distance

In terms of build though yeah it seems similar

Ehhh, I kinda call BS on Riot's definitions for some classes.

Example: Low CC. Darius is a pain to deal with as a melee champ cause he pretty much plays like a damn jail house rapist. As in if he grabs hold of you you either try to run and likely get fucked to some degree or fight back and maybe not get as fucked. He has an AOE displacement with a strong slow. And his W is a slow. Half his kit has some form of CC. It's selfish close ranged CC designed to allow him to stack his passive on people but still pretty damn strong IMO.
Mobility ... depends on your definition I guess. Cammy is what I think of as "mobile". She can jump over walls and shit. Same for Lee and Fiora and Riven.

I wouldn't call Galio's new ult "mobility", I would call it a likely partly global ult. Sure, he can move with it, but TF isn't suddenly a mobile champ because he can ult himself somewhere. Outside of that the only move we see him do is a telegraphed dash at someone and CC them. Garen's whole play style is pretty much "press Q, run at them and CC them with Silence before spin2win and ult". Same goes for other juggernauts like The Bear and Udyr (yeah, the champ known for running around with a spell that speeds him up and stuns people with an AA is labeled a juggernaut according to them)

Kinda like how they say Diana is a "diver" because she has no way to gtfo after she jumps in ... but other champs called divers like Hec and Lee can gtfo one way or another with their kit if things get hairy and they didn't blow everything where as Diana would have to Q ult to some enemy unit to create distance.

Point is, if he's a solo lane Tank that you will want to build some ap on (AP being needed for DMG I'm guessing. Would be interesting if they made a champ whose CC scaled with AP ... stronger slows and longer stuns the more AP you got. But that seems like a bad ideal) then I read that as "Tank that can deal enuff dmg with AP to make buying some amount of AP worth it" and that's all I need in my AP juggernaut fantasy.
Paired with a Zilean with a 60% win rate, dude proceeds to go full AP route so told him he is a bad support because no sightstone, RIP match because he decided to stay in top and mid.
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