I didn't know Galio had a Yu-Gi-Oh card.
Critcrank is so much more fun than ap blitz
edit: i didn't even realize i was laning against nightblue haHAA
Those nerfs have been locked in for like two weeks now lol, I recall a Rioter basically saying "yeah we are actually hitting her that hard"man with 7.5 being the day after tomorrow i guess those leblanc nerfs are all but confirmed
she's sitting on a really high winrate so it's understandable but those are some rough nerfs, she loses so much aoe dmg it's crazy
yeah lolwtf thats so weird
"I can't even win with nd5"
edit: i didn't even realize i was laning against nightblue haHAA
Post 'em, GAF.
I'm like Hashinshin-lite. Only wards I use are to watch for ganks, lol. Trust in my ability to 1v2 once tower drops :^)
Seriously though, it's something I need to work on
what r wards
Post 'em, GAF.
I'm like Hashinshin-lite. Only wards I use are to watch for ganks, lol. Trust in my ability to 1v2 once tower drops :^)
Seriously though, it's something I need to work on
Pretty sure my ward score is like 100.
I only ward to get vision on people that run into bushes so I can leap on them.
Pretty sure my ward score is like 100.
I only ward to get vision on people that run into bushes so I can leap on them.
play some urf with me u n00b
Now that i think about it, they whitewashed galio; that is my biggest gripe with his rework
Is this a jokeNow that i think about it, they whitewashed galio; that is my biggest gripe with his rework
what r wards
edit: holy shit jared
envelaap pls
Now that i think about it, they whitewashed galio; that is my biggest gripe with his rework
i know, but sometimes they change stuff idkThose nerfs have been locked in for like two weeks now lol, I recall a Rioter basically saying "yeah we are actually hitting her that hard"
Video ia removed?
It's hard to do anything original without going full CertainlyOP since there's already 120+ champs
Those comparisons (oh is just Panth's ult lel) are lazier than any champ design could ever be.
Is this a joke
Please tell its a joke
Wardscore is pretty meaningless.
Also, unless Galio does like zero damage, it's gonna be like another Maokai/Nautilus scenario where he doesn't have any clear weaknesses.
Looks fun to me. Seems like a big improvement and the kit has clean reads and obvious strengths and weaknesses. Wonder how stuff like the taunt will combo out of the ult. Seems pretty rare for a champion to have this much hard CC.