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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


And Galio is a walking, talking statue.

And Fiddlesticks is a living scarecrow.

And Rek'Sai is whatever the fuck she is.


i just realized practice dummies also have 100 mr

so yea whatever damage tests you try to do on sandbox mode are useless

i'll leave it to people with the time to do the math if liandrys is straight out stronger than ludens
So after all this galio news, I am curious if that will affects the next champ reveal (pls be a support)

And Galio is a walking, talking statue.

And Fiddlesticks is a living scarecrow.

And Rek'Sai is whatever the fuck she is.

Malph is a mountain technically


"Less Flashy"


Has a floating shiny sword that you can see from across the map
When he dashes purple shit comes out
And he teleports across the map BECAUSE WHY NOT

Yeah, Shen's kit is nice and cohesive mechanically, but I don't think it fits him all that much thematically as a ninja. If anything, he'd be more of a mystic retainer-style samurai with how his kit is basically all about arriving to your teammates' aid and diverting your opponents' attention with his taunt and shields. Like, a dash that gets people to attack you definitely feels un-ninja as hell (maybe if it was a dummy, but Wukong already does that).


Yeah, Shen's kit is nice and cohesive mechanically, but I don't think it fits him all that much thematically as a ninja. If anything, he'd be more of a mystic retainer-style samurai with how his kit is basically all about arriving to your teammates' aid and diverting your opponents' attention with his taunt and shields. Like, a dash that gets people to attack you definitely feels un-ninja as hell (maybe if it was a dummy, but Wukong already does that).
Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)


Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)


Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)

When you get in make sure the first thing you do is create a lightning mid laner for me.


OT Hard Carry
Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)

Have you considered that, if you get accepted, you might have to play league again? (^:

Hopefully you'll get in, tho. Best of luck.

Then after you're done with DM Swain I trust you to make a push for the visually appealing monster/void champs. Hit me up for design ideas and help with fanfics lore. No sexy roleplay tho.
What position are you applying for Breezy?

Uhm...uhm...I wont say here ._.

Have you considered that, if you get accepted, you might have to play league again? (^:

Hopefully you'll get in, tho. Best of luck.

Then after you're done with DM Swain I trust you to make a push for the visually appealing monster/void champs. Hit me up for design ideas and help with fanfics lore. No sexy roleplay tho.

Oh Ill push for Swain @_@

i guess if rito hired costy anything's possible :>

why not apply to blizzard tho

Ive applied to Blizzard too as a QA analyst~


if u get hired ask if they need a fanart archivist

edit: it's cool that the new lux vo makes lux be all like ez who?? cos this lets me run wild with my lux x quin smut
Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)

May Talos guide you.

If you get in, pitch PROJECT Rengar to the skin department if it's not already in the works pls.
Well another day

I applied to Riot again

wish my luck, thread. I linked my personal design docs and what not this time. LONG TIME COMING. I fully expect to get rejected. I don't know why I'm telling you, you're my league buddies(Despite not playing much league these days.)

Ask for Johanna while you are in


Passive: After not taking damage for 12 seconds Galio gains a shield that absorbs X magic damage.

First Cast: Galio starts to charge, gaining [20/25/30/35/40 (+x armor) (+ MR ) ]% Damage Reduction but slowing himself by 30%.

Second Cast: Galio taunts nearby enemy champions for 0.5 to 1.5 seconds and refreshes the Damage Reduction for 4 seconds. Taunt duration and radius increase with charge time.

Shield of Durand's charge cannot be interrupted by crowd control.

I don't know what to say.
Yup, Galio seems to be falling into the Sion Hall Mark I said earlier.
As in, Sion deals fat amounts of damage and is full of CC. Fatter than Poppy and the like. But all his skills are fucking dodgeable skillshots that are highly telegraphed so no one bitches about him dealing too much DMG cause he has soo much counter play. On the flip side no one plays him in the pro scene because of these very reasons (Why chance it when you can just play something far more reliable?)

I mean, I see and understand WHY they want to make tanks this way. IMO seeing someone like Tilterella shit on people with Sion at such a high level of play is way more impressive than just watching someone fly across the screen and yell "Outplayed!" cause their champ has mobility out the ass. But I feel like many people who play these popular tanks will be put off by the game asking them to put more thought into things by adding more skillshots and requirements to laying down dmg.

Anyway, Sion Mid is my 2nd most played Champ soooo Galio Mid is likely gonna be in my pool.


the magic damage shield is weird, it's clearly not meant for laning since he's a melee dude that's probably gonna get harassed a lot but as a ganking shield it being a magic dmg shield it feels like it's not that useful for either bot or top

i guess the idea is that u use it to gank mid?


dog'maw looks so good, but crazy out of tone with the art style of league

toy renekton also looks great, and moo cow Alistar looks pretty good too. hero kennen just looks.. bad
the magic damage shield is weird, it's clearly not meant for laning since he's a melee dude that's probably gonna get harassed a lot but as a ganking shield it being a magic dmg shield it feels like it's not that useful for either bot or top

i guess the idea is that u use it to gank mid?

As an anti-mid, I suppose. Rito probably wanted to keep a semblance of his old kit-IE the idea that he was anti-magic. So they put it in the form of his anti-magic shield. But...with his damage resistance, it probably isn't needed?


I guess it's to help out his laning against mages. I don't see him going mid because his waveclear/damage isn't high enough to keep up against most mages, so maybe a mage top counter?


12s without taking damage is quite a bit

orianna, syndra, leblanc, etc. all have spells on 4s cooldowns, plus ranged autos

he's melee

it won't do him much good in lane
Yeah, in laning it wont' be good against purely melee characters, but in teamfights it'll be a huge asset because at max rank it's an extra 23% of his health as a magic shield. In combination with his resistance gained from taunting, he will be a potent teamfighter.

On the cooldown side, his skills are on the longer side(Barring Q), but as I mentioned, tanks usually end up building CDR so his CDs actually won't be that bad.

He looks very strong as is~


i feel like more proper anti-mage stuff would be like silences and mana drains and stuff

i know rito doesn't like those and for good reason but i don't get an anti-mage vibe from this kit, at first glance he seems like a tank dude with some random magic resist stuff thrown in


or they could bounce off spells using a barrier or absorb or redirect skillshots or something. i would really like to see an ability that creates an area that makes skillshots just circle around like some anime shield or something


i don't think they intend galio to be an "anti-mage" but i'm not sure what the magic resist stuff is there for. i guess it's meant to let him go mid but it feels a bit arbitrary when coupled with the rest of his kit

anyways have a cute mf



it's pretty much ivern's shield all over again hahaha ... . ..


6s of 60% damage reduction on a 7.2s cool down using a typical tank build is more obscene than Ivern's old shield.

This kit is gross, busted out of the gate. Very disappointed.


Well I'm diamond 5 and I'm shit so everything matches up :^).

nah dude, just had a yi in a smurf game say i'm d5 and then yell at everyone and feed

but obviously you knew that wasnt directed at you anyway
Back when I was in silver literally half the people claimed "diamond smurf".


Man another Rioter in my game. I gotta be on best behaviour :(.


really feels like pug'maw needs to be a higher quality, higher price skin

needs the dog sound effects to really give it that punch it needs
really feels like pug'maw needs to be a higher quality, higher price skin

needs the dog sound effects to really give it that punch it needs

Yeah like

Removing all of the kog maw sounds and just adding dog noises would add so much to it. Having the Koggy sounds overlaid the dog panting is uh...sounds weird?
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