Yeah sucks that Warlords got wrecked. Gonna just have to go Fervor or Stormraider's on Draven.
I guess it doesn't matter in games like this.
Kill that MF AP
Yeah sucks that Warlords got wrecked. Gonna just have to go Fervor or Stormraider's on Draven.
I guess it doesn't matter in games like this.
When you look at your jungler in champ select and see this
Watching the Soraka top OTP guy in his D2 promos is kinda funny. He has to keep from hovering as long as he can, introduce himself, link to his OP.GG and lay out his game plan in the lobby to keep people from dodging.
Edit- He made it to D2.
Super Kennen looks ace. Not sure why so many people are complaining about Pug'maw, though.
Super Kennen looks ace. Not sure why so many people are complaining about Pug'maw, though.
Link to stream?
Pugs being an abomination aside, the ingame model looks really out of place. Doesn't look like it's the same champ with a skin, but rather like one of those user made model swaps. I can't be the only one that feels it's somehow off.
I think if he was wearing a pug onesie/costume like Gnar or Alistar it'd fit better in the game, on top of matching other skin themes AND being infinitely more adorable.
The only reason he has any success is because people don't know how to play against it.
I can guarantee that if he plays against the same opponent twice he will get shit on.
i guess i'm alone in this but i think most urf themed skins look dumbThe group splash art looks dope though.
yeah i agreePugs being an abomination aside, the ingame model looks really out of place. Doesn't look like it's the same champ with a skin, but rather like one of those user made model swaps. I can't be the only one that feels it's somehow off.
I think if he was wearing a pug onesie/costume like Gnar or Alistar it'd fit better in the game, on top of matching other skin themes AND being infinitely more adorable.
not gonna make it again, i feel like fridays are a bad day to do inhouses since ppl idk go out at night and shit on inhousesInhouse Friday.
Format: Draft, Blind, Draft.
the thing with current leblanc is that her power might not be much higher than before, but she has so much more access to it it's silly. now you can double chain whenever you want, double dash out if u need to, etc. you also don't need your ult to burst people anymore since all her damage is on her passive, the ult is just a way to proc it more easily. and she also doesn't have to ult to waveclear, so even if her ult isn't super necessary for her burst, it's not like she has to give it up if she wants to instantly clear a waveI'm fine with that. LB does too much too well. Ungankable, good burst, early pressure, high mobility, kiting with chains and distortion, and more.
I don't believe you. Post a ranked game.bork + triforce feels really good on lucian with the buffs
I don't believe you. Post a ranked game.
i guess i'm alone in this but i think most urf themed skins look dumb
i think renek and kennen are fine tho but like jokey skins like that are just ugly to me
yeah i agree
tho onesies are stupid unless they're cute like gnar's
maokai's is stupid
not gonna make it again, i feel like fridays are a bad day to do inhouses since ppl idk go out at night and shit on inhouses
tho i guess it's nice when u got one of those friendless weekends and are all alone and sad lol
i think the two inhouses i've played actually cheered me up quite a bit because of that haha
the thing with current leblanc is that her power might not be much higher than before, but she has so much more access to it it's silly. now you can double chain whenever you want, double dash out if u need to, etc. you also don't need your ult to burst people anymore since all her damage is on her passive, the ult is just a way to proc it more easily. and she also doesn't have to ult to waveclear, so even if her ult isn't super necessary for her burst, it's not like she has to give it up if she wants to instantly clear a wave
i'm very much in disagreement with this design for her since it feels a lot less interesting and i don't like designs focused around having complete control of a champion, i like very clear tradeoffs and moments of weakness that define how they behave, and i feel like her rework was one step forward two steps back
her old version had issues but i much prefered it even if i've grown to love new leblanc as well
I like the Vlad rework tbh.
i wouldn't put leblanc nowhere near malzahar or morde, and it's not been the same category for all of themidk i feel like rito have really missed the mark on a lot of their reworked champs (malz, lebonk, vlad being the biggest offenders tho vlad got nurfed out of viability unlike the others) it feels like every champ/class update they say they'll focus on fewer champs and try to make them better but it's been a pretty mixed bag so far
Even in old client Riot can see postgame and pregame chat. It's just if you flame postgame no-one bothers to report you.1-3 in flex and 0-3 in solo
at this rate I'll end up playing more games than last season at least.
can riot see post game chat in the new client? asking for a friend
What exactly does "fall off late game" mean to the community?
Cause something like Pant or Liss "falls off" hard later in the game IMO but I go to reddits for champs and see people bitching that their champ "falls off hard" late game because ... reasons? Like, it feels like if something isn't a bs late game hyper carry like Ryze or Fiora or Jinx or fucking Twitch it "falls off hard" to so many people.
What exactly does "fall off late game" mean to the community?
Cause something like Pant or Liss "falls off" hard later in the game IMO but I go to reddits for champs and see people bitching that their champ "falls off hard" late game because ... reasons? Like, it feels like if something isn't a bs late game hyper carry like Ryze or Fiora or Jinx or fucking Twitch it "falls off hard" to so many people.
Well, for example in bronze, Lucian is super strong in early and mid but crappy in late game , people dont know that and throw the game or are stuborn to feed him early rather than wait for late and destroy him
Bruisers and stuff like Panth fell off harder in previous seasons, but the label has kinda stuck. Nowadays there are tons of good AD and bruiser items and champs Panth/Renek don't fall off nearly as much as they did before.
Season 1/2 Panth/Renek really fell off hard.
For some champions it's more that they are good at picking off single champions which happens more early/mid whereas lategame people are grouped so it's a lot harder.
I always did wonder why people say The Croc falls off hard late game. Watching SRO and he doesn't agree at all ... and seeing him in game I have to agree with him, Croc seems to do just fine when played right.
renekton got a power shift long while ago, didn't he? now he doesn't fall off as hard, but still falls off i think. id ont know i never see him
for warlords they should take off the percent lifesteal on the one auto, keep the charging for the energized attack, but make the heal flat over time
I like the percentage. Makes it less good early game and better late due to inherent scaling with your AD.
This means pokey supports are stronger and bot lanes need to pick a support with sustain if they want sustain, or shield to reduce damage from trades. New bond of stone might help a bit for tanky supports.
oh snap i forgot about stoneborn pact. makes more sense in conjunction with that change
All Warlords does is force LS3 starts on every single ADC which is more passive sustain instead of active sustain.
I really like the warlord's change. Adcs can't get as much free sustain in bot lane anymore.
I just hope the bond of stone mastery won't end up being busted in terms of sustain.
already busted on sej. who scales well with health.
Lethality ADCs already did, now others have no reason not to because Dblade starts sucks ass.Is everyone really buying that right now? It's limited to three pots at least and it's not really the passive stat stick that warlord's is. Once the three pots are gone they are gone. People did use LS3 + warlords on some champs before.
ITS NOT A PHASE MOMput my op.gg on dom's stream since he's just looking at everyone's and saying something at a glance. called me a confused Ekko one trick that likes playing jungle i don't know what ot feel and to stop playing different champs
Lethality ADCs already did, now others have no reason not to because Dblade starts sucks ass.