Hey Riot when I was talking about Warlords getting reworked a sixth time I was fucking joking
Thats a change?
Hey Riot when I was talking about Warlords getting reworked a sixth time I was fucking joking
Yeah, its "true" lifesteal now because it would apply regardless of mitigation. A considerable buff for people that don't buy Lethality, little change for people that do.Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Thats a change?
Hey Riot when I was talking about Warlords getting reworked a sixth time I was fucking joking
Its harder to abuse on unintended champions as well like tanks.I really like that Warlords change.
It'll probably have to be tuned and such, but true lifesteal is a good idea.
If it's based on your total AD, it'll be fair I suppose
Allow them to sustain in lane, give them slight burts of healing afterwards
This is a nerf to Vayne because her AD is shite. Normal lifesteal is better for her because of Tumble and Silver procsVayne will be a complete ban for me
From what Meddler said they think she was nerfed too hard to expect buffs lolyou can tell riot had no clue about leblanc when she released with 120% q bounce dmg to minions
what a mess
feels like they didn't even test it, ricklessabandon was just one day casually saying i'm gonna start with 'extreme' numbers and we'll see how it pans out and next day ok experiment over that's enough testing and champion instantly drops 10% winrateFrom what Meddler said they think she was nerfed too hard to expect buffs lol
No shit she was gutted that was the point.
best game ever
lol I gotta play a flex game with yahwe were blue team
and we won this game
ayyyy m'lao
lol I gotta play a flex game with yah
But how did you guys even win that gameflex doesn't quite provide the true yoloq experience but hell yeah
But how did you guys even win that game
But how did you guys even win that game
we didn't have to do anything, the enemy team won it for us
how do you throw with triple infernals lmao
Bump.Inhouse Friday.
Format: Draft, Blind, Draft.
I have a dream that one day Envelaap and Gator will one day be able to play more than 1 champ :^).
tbh it'd be nice if in one of the inhouse games everyone played something other than their main role
talents could whip out the euw special and meatshield like no other meat has shielded before
Platinum Only joined the lobby
Cripplings joined the lobby
magicfiber joined the lobby
Keyblader joined the lobby
DoABarrelRoll64 joined the lobby
Gator Raid joined the lobby
x Léonidas x joined the lobby
Mudkira joined the lobby
DoABarrelRoll64: gg
boobyinator joined the lobby
Platinum Only earned an S on Lee Sin
Cripplings earned an S on Brand
magicfiber 1Pwny: look when the 4/19 bot lane
magicfiber 1Pwny: starts talkig shit to me
DoABarrelRoll64: heimer afk farm top and tries to talk about KD
magicfiber 1Pwny: u bet ur ass
Keyblader 2RuMp: heimer is useful in teamfights when he is there
Ryan Shepard joined the lobby
Cripplings left the lobby
Gator Raid GAF: heimer out of lane = LUL
DoABarrelRoll64: ^
x Léonidas x left the lobby
boobyinator left the lobby
Mudkira left the lobby
magicfiber 1Pwny: 4/19
Platinum Only left the lobby
DoABarrelRoll64: tiltedinger
DoABarrelRoll64: OP
magicfiber 1Pwny: yes
magicfiber 1Pwny: you tilted me
magicfiber 1Pwny: congratulations?
magicfiber 1Pwny: you tilted your own teammate
DoABarrelRoll64: thanks
magicfiber 1Pwny: /clap
Keyblader 2RuMp: I get the last word get better heimer
Keyblader left the lobby
DoABarrelRoll64: u deserve to lose
magicfiber 1Pwny: lol
Ryan Shepard left the lobby
magicfiber 1Pwny: oh no
magicfiber 1Pwny: not the last word
magicfiber 1Pwny: pls
magicfiber 1Pwny: anything
DoABarrelRoll64: now ur mad
magicfiber 1Pwny: but that
DoABarrelRoll64: LOL
magicfiber 1Pwny: im so mad
magicfiber 1Pwny: grrrr
magicfiber 1Pwny: gosh so angry
DoABarrelRoll64: hope you enjoy the road to bronze
Gator Raid GAF: Heimerdinger after laning phase = LUL
magicfiber 1Pwny: you will
magicfiber 1Pwny: with 4/19
magicfiber 1Pwny: lmao
DoABarrelRoll64: :)) i get last word bye loser
DoABarrelRoll64 left the lobby
magicfiber 1Pwny: renek be mad more
magicfiber 1Pwny: that i trounced you
magicfiber left the lobby
Gator Raid GAF: Heimer dinger after first turret = LUL
tbh it'd be nice if people didn't get target banned in the draft pick matches
Did Fizz really need to be buffed
tbh it'd be nice if in one of the inhouse games everyone played something other than their main role
talents could whip out the euw special and meatshield like no other meat has shielded before
Did Fizz really need to be buffed
Did Fizz really need to be buffed
Also, guys I like your idea. For only this inhouse, in the final game each team gets to decide their enemies' roles.
Lvl 9 newb. Finally jumped into pvp blind pick matches.
Been sticking to Top lane as Pantheon, by I just got Braum and Jhin to later dip my toes in other roles.
Won two and lost two, but in this last one (a loss), the guy who was playing jungler kept yelling at us to "help him" for the entire match. Like, he was demanding people from bot go to him.
Is that normal?
Lvl 9 newb. Finally jumped into pvp blind pick matches.
Been sticking to Top lane as Pantheon, by I just got Braum and Jhin to later dip my toes in other roles.
Won two and lost two, but in this last one (a loss), the guy who was playing jungler kept yelling at us to "help him" for the entire match. Like, he was demanding people from bot go to him.
Is that normal?
He was getting killed by players. I was just reflecting on it, based on how toxic the dude was I'm gonna brush it off as just a bad player who got frustrated/mentally checked out early.Outside of helping with a quick leash on the first jungle camp, it's not really normal for junglers to be the ones asking for help, since they're job is to help laners. (Unless the jungler is getting invaded to oblivion by the opposing jungler and wants some backup)
However, since you said that the jungler kept demanding bot lane to help him, was he/she asking for help in order to take the dragon? If that's the case, it's normal to ask for the bot laners to help burn it down faster so it doesn't get stolen.