So I really, really need advice in last hitting minions.
I am strugging to do a 100 minions at 10 min, I only reach 45-55
couple rules i guess:
- don't just last hit every low health minion u see, prioritize the ones focused by ur own minions. always pay attention to that
- be patient for last hits, u can almost always wait for another minion auto before last hitting, so make sure before last hitting
- don't use abilities randomly cos they deal aoe and mess up minion hp, either prime your minions with autos then clear em with spells or be smart about when u use spells and make sure you're not screwing up ur wave
- don't lose cs over harassing, as a rule of thumb if u can harass or kill a creep just kill the creep. sometimes you'll be cool with missing creeps for harass (say the enemy mid has no pots and u can force him to back and lose many more creeps than u) but don't autopilot into it and then miss a ton of minions
that's all i got, it's a lot about being comfortable with the champion's autoattack animation (ori is really different from viktor), and some champions have really unique last waveclearing patterns (leblanc/cassiopeia/ryze), but if you're playing botlane or something and you're ashe it's just a matter of being a bit smarter
practice on sandbox mode or something
everyone struggles do to 100 in 10 min wtf
yea 100 in 10 is not realistic in a normal game
i normally only get that on syndra/ori games where i'm in low pressure lanes and my jungler is playing pretty passive too