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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Actually when he transforms and you are not good at stunning just run around and kite. The tombstones are a good way to cheese early.

Beat the game twice and still never quite figured out where the music box was.
It's been a while since I played, but if I remember right you gotta come up from the sewers at some weird point to find the house where a little girl's dad is gone out on the hunt. It's fairly obvious that he is father gascoine.
In fairness, all the interactable doors/windows are signified by a lit lamp. But that also means your tip isn't super helpful lol. I wish I could tell you where the music box is, but I'm sure a google search would show it.

Well that window is tricky since is the one right when you climb up the stairs from the sewers and open the shortcut to the fountain part of Central Yharman.


Played today's soloq game, and things went okay except that our fed Fiora and Kat weren't enough to compensate our potato-tier Lee and Ashe... oh well, back to 0LP I go.

I realized that not being open-ended about how many games I'll play is actually a lot better, since otherwise I'd tend to fall into the gambler's fallacy of playing more whether I'm ahead (let's keep the ball rolling!) or behind (next match we'll win for sure!).

I'm also probably going to drop poor old Singed for now and focus on Teemo for top, with Yorick as a sub in case he gets banned, since the poison man feels kind of underwhelming and can be easily counterpicked into oblivion, even in bronze.



this skin was pretty disappointing but i want to play more ahri


Just played this game for the first time, it was fun.

But people are seriously toxic out of their fucking minds. One dude was raging when I was doing the mandatory games vs bots, jesus christ.

Also people who make the girl characters in this game have no shame. It's ok.


OT Hard Carry
Well that window is tricky since is the one right when you climb up the stairs from the sewers and open the shortcut to the fountain part of Central Yharman.
You can hear the music box playing when you're near that window.

But people are seriously toxic out of their fucking minds. One dude was raging when I was doing the mandatory games vs bots, jesus christ.
Good practice for the real game

Also people who make the girl characters in this game have no shame. It's ok.

best grill


Lulu is starting to become a common ban in my games (not from my side). It's interesting to see when she has not received any changes this patch. Which adcs are strong have shifted a little bit, though.


I haven't seen a lulu in more than 20 games. which is crazy because her utility is perfect against the common in all champs you see picked.

Renek has definitely seen a boost in popularity. More people picking him in both pro and soloq.


I haven't seen a lulu in more than 20 games. which is crazy because her utility is perfect against the common in all champs you see picked.

Renek has definitely seen a boost in popularity. More people picking him in both pro and soloq.

Just like Janna, I hate playing against Lulu.

Her ult and polymorph makes me want to fight people.

Yeah, she's a good anti-assassin. I wonder if it's mostly the LCS attention and kill-blocking that makes people ban her.


I have been starting to struggle playing Lulu again which is weird considering she was awfully powerful a week ago.

Maybe I am playing against better people, but I can even proc my QSS anymore without getting picked off.
Tbh I can't believe that Riot has left AD TF in such an unbalanced state. It is less fun to lane against than Cait/Zyra or Varus/Zyra last patch.


I just build lethality and one shot him tbh

Can't win that duel unless he's lucky enough to get gold card on his first pull


played ahri on my promos last night to try her out, she feels pretty strong actually

Lulu is starting to become a common ban in my games (not from my side). It's interesting to see when she has not received any changes this patch. Which adcs are strong have shifted a little bit, though.

she's been gaining popularity in competitive (at least in na), and i think they're on 7.4

not sure what changed, i guess assassin meta just naturally bumps up lulu's worth


to me ahri's a much healthier champion for the game than reworked leblanc

i feel like a big problem with the game right now is that everything's up all the time, everyone runs cdr runes and there are items that get most classes to 30% cdr pretty easy, ultimate cooldowns have been slowly buffed to the point they're always around 90s cd, and champion kits have lately been designed around very capable basic abilities rather than big ultimates

leblanc is a perfect example, when before she had like a cooldown on how often she could blow up ppl since her ultimate gated much of her dmg, her new passive means she can now murder anyone at any time which is probably what makes her really hard to balance

ori had her ultimate cooldown reduced to 90s which means that at 40% cdr you sometimes end up doing dumb shit like ulting twice in one teamfight and also means there's less punishment for missing such an important ult as hers

so shifting from leblanc being top tier to ahri i feel is healthier even tho i find leblanc much more fun and interesting. i just wish more champions were balanced around ori's old ult cd rather than zed's or whatever


I don't think Ahri is really that healthy as she has a very risk adverse playstyle. Of course her damage is on the lower end, but if her team is winning she doesn't have to do anything as she's incredibly difficult to punish.

I think Ori is a fairly balanced midlaner.


ye that splash is god tier

I don't think Ahri is really that healthy as she has a very risk adverse playstyle. Of course her damage is on the lower end, but if her team is winning she doesn't have to do anything as she's incredibly difficult to punish.

I think Ori is a fairly balanced midlaner.
like i said, i just think ahri is better in the sense that her kit is gated by cooldowns since she doesn't do all that much without her ult. charm is really strong but not in the same universe as like a syndra stun and her poke is weaker compared to like every other midlaner. as a champion she has mostly meaningful tradeoffs for her generalistness, which is more than can be said about many champions, and she's both easy to play and has a high skill ceiling, and she's cute

ori imo was much better before the buffs, right now it feels like you have ur ult up all the time, which imo dumbs her down quite a bit. i understand it was meant to put her up at the same level as other mids but i'd rather it was done the other way around

also u should start banning anivia, looking at solo q numbers she's busted again


Not enough people play her to warrant a ban. She's always been a champion Riot pretends is high skillcap, but when it comes down to it she's just broken because of base damages and her wall is used to mess up people's pathing than to block people off in smart ways.

Riot mage update really didn't work out very well, and champions like Annie, Syndra and Anivia should be looked at, not because they're strong, but because their kits could be so much better.
At least Annie got a delay on Tibbers so it's easier to miss with it, it's more than I can say about Syndra.

Syndra needs a new passive, straight up. Riot is too scared to make her excuse for a passive fun so might as well scrap it entirely instead of just being free numbers for leveling up.
Not enough people play her to warrant a ban. She's always been a champion Riot pretends is high skillcap, but when it comes down to it she's just broken because of base damages and her wall is used to mess up people's pathing than to block people off in smart ways.

Riot mage update really didn't work out very well, and champions like Annie, Syndra and Anivia should be looked at, not because they're strong, but because their kits could be so much better.

Syndra is strong. Strong as hell. She can miss all of her abilities and still send someone to the shadow realm just by pressing R. Her kit is fine, her damage needs to be fixed.
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