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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


I mean, every assassin has a point a click kill ability. She's not that strong after nerfs. Maybe in competitive, but not for the average player who's in Silver V in solo q.

Like Annie and Anivia though, she lacks counterplay.


Not enough people play her to warrant a ban. She's always been a champion Riot pretends is high skillcap, but when it comes down to it she's just broken because of base damages and her wall is used to mess up people's pathing than to block people off in smart ways.

Riot mage update really didn't work out very well, and champions like Annie, Syndra and Anivia should be looked at, not because they're strong, but because their kits could be so much better.
she has a pretty high pickrate, not as high as ahri but she's also much stronger than ahri

At least Annie got a delay on Tibbers so it's easier to miss with it, it's more than I can say about Syndra.

Syndra needs a new passive, straight up. Riot is too scared to make her excuse for a passive fun so might as well scrap it entirely instead of just being free numbers for leveling up.
i feel like the idea of powering up her abilities is a really fun and interesting concept, because not only it's just cool to be on like ULTIMATE FORM at lvl 18, but also because they could do a lot of fun shit since her kit all interacts with each other and also minions and jungle creeps and stuff. it's also thematically consistent with her character

they were really lazy with this rework but that doesn't mean they can't do it better next time

Syndra is strong. Strong as hell. She can miss all of her abilities and still send someone to the shadow realm just by pressing R. Her kit is fine, her damage needs to be fixed.
this is very tired and narrow minded argument that's been made a billion times for syndra

syndra has no mobility, has very situational defensive abilities and all skillshots outside of her ultimate. she also has a ramp up concept that people like to forget exists when complaining about her ultimate

you don't win games as syndra if you don't land your skillshots, despite being able to one shot the 3 levels down ezreal that arcane shifts into ulti range for some random reason

stop looking at champion kits based on specific pain points and start looking at them holistically

I mean, every assassin has a point a click kill ability. She's not that strong after nerfs. Maybe in competitive, but not for the average player who's in Silver V in solo q.

Like Annie and Anivia though, she lacks counterplay.
her counterplay is that you run her down with nautilus

or camille or khazix or whatever with maw

she has "low counterplay" if you're lucian and try to outplay me (lol) by dodging around like an idiot. most champions have low counterplay scenarios like that

if i'm lux and run into kalista or lucian or vayne i can't do anything (imagine they're balanced or whatever), these champions have a billion dodges, it's virtually impossible to catch them with a snare. jhin can ults me from a gazillion distance and now i'm slowed for 29 months while rengar clicks on me and kills me with little effort

you won't see me crying cos i was an idiot and tried to duel vayne, adcs have to start realizing there's a food chain here, and you can't 1v1 everyone all the time



Syndra only really presses R and deletes someone outside of lategame in pro games where players get 10+CS/min and lategame if you're a squishy with no MR then you're the only one to blame.
this is very tired and narrow minded argument that's been made a billion times for syndra

syndra has no mobility, has very situational defensive abilities and all skillshots outside of her ultimate. she also has a ramp up concept that people like to forget exists when complaining about her ultimate

you don't win games as syndra if you don't land your skillshots, despite being able to one shot the 3 levels down ezreal that arcane shifts into ulti range for some random reason

stop looking at champion kits based on specific pain points and start looking at them holistically

I know that Syndra is just more than her ult. Newt said that Syndra isn't a problem because she's strong, and I was just highlighting a noticeable part of her kit that kinda proves otherwise. Someone being really good at her skillshots only makes her more deadly.


I am more scared about Syndra stun than her R, and if you survive she can throw a minion of judgment
yea her stun is really strong

also i hate ur nu avatar, it makes me think you're dobo

Syndra only really presses R and deletes someone outside of lategame in pro games where players get 10+CS/min and lategame if you're a squishy with no MR then you're the only one to blame.
yeah, specially now that it's harder to get easy 7 ball ults

I know that Syndra is just more than her ult. Newt said that Syndra isn't a problem because she's strong, and I was just highlighting a noticeable part of her kit that kinda proves otherwise. Someone being really good at her skillshots only makes her more deadly.
i think most ppl would agree she's in a pretty alright place, she's obviously strong but that's not a bad thing, and you can counter pretty easily with hard engage (nautilus), poke (ezreal) or just bruiser rushes (olaf is pretty strong atm i heard, so that's really bad for her)



Quite the opposite of the "pick an OTP and ride it" advice, I've discovered that when I get in a groove I rapidly start shitting the bed but when I do things like pick jg back up for the first time in four years I tend to not notice myself going 16/4.

Is this just a symptom of "gotta carry these bonobos"-itis? How do I solve this?


Quite the opposite of the "pick an OTP and ride it" advice, I've discovered that when I get in a groove I rapidly start shitting the bed but when I do things like pick jg back up for the first time in four years I tend to not notice myself going 16/4.

Is this just a symptom of "gotta carry these bonobos"-itis? How do I solve this?
I would stick to a few champions you're comfortable with.

I will mention that mindset does change a lot. If I have my regular mindset I'm a diamond player, but if I start to lose it I'm not better than a gold player, personally.

The ideal way to play the game is go into every match with the aim to win, no matter what. This doesn't mean don't surrender when it's 2/20, but overall try to stay encouraged.

If you were to post your OP.GG I could check out specifics, but if you don't want to it's w/e.


I would stick to a few champions you're comfortable with.

I will mention that mindset does change a lot. If I have my regular mindset I'm a diamond player, but if I start to lose it I'm not better than a gold player, personally.

The ideal way to play the game is go into every match with the aim to win, no matter what. This doesn't mean don't surrender when it's 2/20, but overall try to stay encouraged.

If you were to post your OP.GG I could check out specifics, but if you don't want to it's w/e.

The account it's happening on is here, I originally fired it up as a smurf to learn other roles on transitioning from s1/2 support main with wildly peaky results but it's gotten most of my play because there's "nothing there to ruin".

The thing is, I'm tending to regress toward 1.0 KDA on comfort picks while I soar, or at least don't embarass myself, grabbing something that looks good off of CGG tier lists, until I get used to it at which point I'm shit. (And this isn't even a matter of my old faves bombing totally out of relevance; I enjoy Irelia and Kayle top, Sona and Morg supp, and I've even noticed definite ramps down in say my attempts at ADC this season, with better early than recent results on Varus and MF.)

It's definitely a mindset issue, because I can feel myself going "ugh every other lane is losing, I've gotta take the risks" and... It's not even necessarily what loses me the game but it definitely reduces comparative performance and tilts me further.
whats holding you back is your build patterns. you play a lot of characters that scale better with resistances rather than damage due to the lacking nature of their kits as damage dealers. furthermore, it begins to put you behind in mid late game since youre lacking the tankiness to properly disrupt DPS output and peel bruisers/assassins. warwick especially after his rework does not care about onhits anymore and would much rather go full tank to exploit his built in damage resistances and decent CC.


I would play kha, graves, or hec some as well. Since you seem to play jungle a lot.

Item build is important but based on those games I don't think it was item build alone. Looking at your teammates and it looks like yah got stomped


JG has been, well, a "hey I got autofilled hey wait I did the best on my team" experiment. It's easily my most common role in my last 25-50 but before that was ADC and before that was top and before that was supp, each with similar issues.

I'll definitely try building tankier, as I have noticed that "can't carry anymore" falloff; since I often end games with a large gold pool used only for pots/boots->pd or luden's/the ga-zz shuffle, should i consider getting an early offensive item but then selling it for tankiness late?


"Your brother just qualified for his Dota 2 tournament, why aren't you good at League of Legends?"

- My mom to me, 9:09 PM, March 13, 2017

JG has been, well, a "hey I got autofilled hey wait I did the best on my team" experiment. It's easily my most common role in my last 25-50 but before that was ADC and before that was top and before that was supp, each with similar issues.

I'll definitely try building tankier, as I have noticed that "can't carry anymore" falloff; since I often end games with a large gold pool used only for pots/boots->pd or luden's/the ga-zz shuffle, should i consider getting an early offensive item but then selling it for tankiness late?

warwick is problematic because he has to sac an item slot for a tiamat item or else he cant clear post first clear. otherwise go full cinderhulk tank on him.


warwick is problematic because he has to sac an item slot for a tiamat item or else he cant clear post first clear. otherwise go full cinderhulk tank on him.

It also just occurred to me; drake RNG is probably a factor in my chances, because I've done it lv3 every game with the blue/wolves/frog/drake path and gotten caught exactly once. Should I be mixing it up and doing this for infernal/mountain but prioritizing an early gank for ocean/cloud?
I feel like this game has a lot of hidden depth that Riot does a piss poor job of informing people about, relying too heavily on their interest leading them to informative members of the community.

"Your brother just qualified for his Dota 2 tournament, why aren't you good at League of Legends?"

- My mom to me, 9:09 PM, March 13, 2017


Soooo ... why aren't you good at LoL?



yea no joke they absolutely deleted leblanc

i think leblanc might be the weakest lvl 1 champion in the game, every point you put into anything feels like you're not gaining any power, your waveclear always falls a bit short, it's terrible :/

there's just no reason to play leblanc anymore, they 100% ruined her

edit: wrong stuff so editing it out :T
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