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League of Legends |OT13| Diamond is Unreachable


Oh god. Autofilled top.



Real talk if you want to hard mode learn how to dodge skill shots create a new account and play arams. Aram only accounts are everywhere at low levels with nothing but ziggs, xerath, varus, nidalee, blitz, etc.

It's honestly how I learned to dodge them when I was new to the game


So Ioki and the random were doing really badly in laning and constantly dying. Me not knowing how to play top, I didn't deny Nasus properly.

Ioki I would say picked it up during the midgame, landed some good bombs, and I got some good engages as well despite being behind. The Ez never picked it up. I hate toplane lol.

The Lee played really well too.

diamond looks a lot like gold
I'm no better than Silver toplaner tbh.


The thing with Nasus I've noticed is that he gets to be really lane dominant, but then he just loses the game because he doesn't do anything worthwhile because his kit is worthless.


The thing with Nasus I've noticed is that he gets to be really lane dominant, but then he just loses the game because he doesn't do anything worthwhile because his kit is worthless.
I rather have a nasus on my team than a Rene anyday.

Why because Rene takes more skill than a gold top player can muster


anivia is pretty busted for sure

i feel like the frosted thing should work a bit differently, right now u cant do e+r anymore but if adc takes one step in ur fully charged ult they're pretty much dead. i think it's important that u should always have to stay a little bit in the ult to turn frosted, so that you're not totally screwed if u barely touched the tip of the ult

they could maybe do something like frosted stacks that fall off with time (probably all at once, idk). you get a frosted stack on every tick of the ult, or two when the ult is fully charged, or whatever. q gives max stacks if it stuns. at 3 stacks you deal double damage just like now, or something like that? (so 2 seconds if fully charged, 3 seconds if not). anivia gets rewarded for playing skillfully by landing her q or keeping u in the ult, and u don't get super screwed if u even look at that thing

it's not gonna add a lot of counterplay to her but might make her a little less brutal. e being a skillshot would be kind of nice for counterplay but i feel anivia's a champion that could use one reliable spell considering the rest of her kit


Just had one of those infuriating 50 min games that we should have won in 30 and it turned because of a split pushing Rammus. At least have the courtesy of having a zz'rot if you're going to do something that stupid.


Nothing says "ADC in Bronze" quite like standing still next to the enemy Ashe and just autoing each other until one of you is dead.

At least I won :v


Riot has updated their official policy on stuff like support Singed.


We’re updating our policy so unusual play styles don't get 14 day bans
In the past, it was possible (although very rare) for players who caused an abnormal amount of pain to their teams with off-meta picks to receive a 14 day suspension from one of our manual audits. These audits were designed to compliment our PB systems by finding players who “fell through the cracks” of detection. We then feed the results of our audits back into our PB systems to improve detection so less and less bad experiences get missed in the future.

We stand by these audits; upon review 99% of players audited were correctly disciplined. Intentional Feeders, Bots, cheaters, and rage quitters are all common offenses found through our audits. But in very rare instances players who chose extremely unusual picks could end up getting audited. When we dug deeper we found it was usually the result of poor communication with their team that caused extreme frustration and pain; players (and even the reviewing rioter) would interpret this poor teamwork as intentionally trolling.

To be honest, it’s pretty rare to see bans of these type; every day we see thousands of oddball/unusual picks that don’t result in any reports or bans and go through matches normally. So in these weird and unusual cases (4 or 5 a year) where players were banned for going off the reservation, we dove in to see if the player’s behavior deserved a penalty and if they did, what kind of penalty. The thing that stands out about these edge cases are that their goal was to win; although their attempts were often muddled by unclear or inconsistent communication with their team mates.** Doing crazy stuff and challenging the meta is something we want to enshrine in League of Legends.** And although this may cause a higher burden on teammates and communication; after review we feel a 14 day ban for imperfect communication (when there is a clear intent to win matches) is too harsh.

After a lot of talk internally we’ve developed a new policy that protects players who want to try new and unusual stuff while also ensuring that we shield all players from actual trolls and intentional feeders.

Here’s how that process will work:

  • Players who cause an undue amount of frustration and pain because of a crazy pick but are dedicated to winning (not trolling) will not receive a ban instead we’ll temporarily lock their account. The player will get a message to reach out to Player Support so they can unlock their account. Before you guys get too scared, given our review of past audits, we feel this will only apply to a few players a year. Seriously, last year thousands of these audits were performed, and we saw only a tiny handful of these cases appear.
  • When contacted; Player Support will let the player know they’re not banned, but temporarily locked out of their account because of an audit. We’ll share in-game examples and reports of the kind of behavior that’s causing them to pop up on our radar.
  • The player gets feedback on how they can communicate what they’re trying to do and how their team can win without ruining the experience of people they play with. After that Player Support will unlock their account.
  • With their account unlocked the player is free to return to games right away.
  • Player Support will reach out again if they find any actual behavior problems. If they’re flagged with unsportsmanlike conduct, or outright trolling, they’ll receive a penalty. If it’s just their style to try to win with weird picks and unusual plays then they won’t get a penalty.
We want players who enjoy playing off-meta picks but massively disrupt their team to learn and adjust their communication on their own, without being banned. As long as a player is working towards their team’s chances of winning, we won’t punish them for non-standard play styles. That said, there are clear differences between meta breaking and straight up trolling. We stand firm that people who intentionally troll and disrupt games in League will end up banned.

All this talk on the topic made us want to dig deeper into how players understand the meta, so we’ll be rolling out a Dev Diary to get into how we view the meta and what that means for you with Lead Gameplay Designer, Meddler. You’ll hear more on that soon.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Do you really think the person that regularly picks stuff like support Singed is trying to push the meta in some new and creative way? Or do they just want attention and to clown on their teammates? This player is just imaginary. Kind of a rotten outcome because it just empowers the wrong people even if it errs on the side of caution. A two week ban is not the end of the world.
Do you really think the person that regularly picks stuff like support Singed is trying to push the meta in some new and creative way? Or do they just want attention and to clown on their teammates? This player is just imaginary. Kind of a rotten outcome because it just empowers the wrong people even if it errs on the side of caution. A two week ban is not the end of the world.

It depends. Some people just really wanna play their favorite character all the time. Singed...wasn't he diamondish? Did he only play Singed throughout his career? I dunno.

But yeah, in the end it boils down to attention. It always has.


I dunno, I play Kayle ADC from time to time and wouldn't want to get banned for that.

Though when someone plays smite singed support, they're not even really playing "support".


I dunno, I play Kayle ADC from time to time and wouldn't want to get banned for that.

Though when someone plays smite singed support, they're not even really playing "support".
you wouldn't get banned for that because u play a fairly normal game. no one got banned for playing adc ziggs. if u play like a normal person and don't feed and don't like troll or whatever people aren't gonna report you. if it works and isn't annoying they're not gonna report you

the thing with this singed person is that they force their team to play in a way that's only fun for them


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It depends. Some people just really wanna play their favorite character all the time. Singed...wasn't he diamondish? Did he only play Singed throughout his career? I dunno.

But yeah, in the end it boils down to attention. It always has.
So...queue up for a role that is appropriate for the champion you always want to play. Nobody is going to get punished for irregular picks that seem odd. If a person's League history is just a long streak of causing other players strife they don't need a warning. They need a break or to be gone completely.


Do you really think the person that regularly picks stuff like support Singed is trying to push the meta in some new and creative way? Or do they just want attention and to clown on their teammates? This player is just imaginary. Kind of a rotten outcome because it just empowers the wrong people even if it errs on the side of caution. A two week ban is not the end of the world.

a two week ban is pretty bullshit for that actually
So...queue up for a role that is appropriate for the champion you always want to play. Nobody is going to get punished for irregular picks that seem odd. If a person's League history is just a long streak of causing other players strife they don't need a warning. They need a break or to be gone completely.

I mean, if a player really wants to play Teemo as a support because he thinks it'll work, why stop him?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I mean, if a player really wants to play Teemo as a support because he thinks it'll work, why stop him?
People can play Teemo support. Unfortunately I have seen it more than I would want to. I also really want to report them after the game even if they are on the enemy team. My single report does not get someone banned. If the community collectively has a bad experience with a player who is clearly making the game worse for everyone the reports pile up and the player gets banned. Sounds like a functioning system.
People can play Teemo support. Unfortunately I have seen it more than I would want to. I also really want to report them after the game even if they are on the enemy team. My single report does not get someone banned. If the community collectively has a bad experience with a player who is clearly making the game worse for everyone the reports pile up and the player gets banned. Sounds like a functioning system.

Oh I agree with that. But replace that with a Singed who really wants to play smite, and he clearly explains his plan to the allied team. And the allied team just shits the bed.

What then? IMO if this new 'ruling' protects those players, sure. That's fine.


if people report him enough that he gets banned he's probably not doing any of those things and he's probably not contributing to the game being fun

people like winning, if it worked in a way that was enjoyable people probably wouldn't report him
if people report him enough that he gets banned he's probably not doing any of those things and he's probably not contributing to the game being fun

people like winning, if it worked in a way that was enjoyable people probably wouldn't report him

The more you want to win, the less it'll be fun.

That's just a fact. You can't have fun and want to win.
lol what do u mean?

I've seen it before, I've experienced it before. I'm specifically talking Ranked.

The harder you want to win, the less 'fun' you have unless you go into ranked with the intention of not giving a fuck. A need to win and progress in ranked is counter to having fun.
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