OMG FUCK THIS GAME, YAS loses lane top within 10 mins. tell him to control his lane because his top roamed bot and afk.
then tries to talk down to me for why he went afk. So of course the nunu jungler who fed decides to go afk as well.
so yea it was a 3vs5 13 mins and we opened mid.
I told yas just mute. that is why it is there. He said nope and afk.
perfectly winnable game.
I really am tired of this fucking game.
then tries to talk down to me for why he went afk. So of course the nunu jungler who fed decides to go afk as well.
so yea it was a 3vs5 13 mins and we opened mid.
I told yas just mute. that is why it is there. He said nope and afk.
perfectly winnable game.
I really am tired of this fucking game.