Even with a terrible team.. SOME HOW... even after losing the baron and golem buff... our team STILL managed to pull out a win... dispite losing in almost every category!!
And no flash... on anyone.So much heal.
And no flash... on anyone.
How did I not know that. That's awful.That's probably because it's a low level game. You get flash at level 12/13 I think.
Don't use smartcast on his laser. I've had a lot of success with him this week because his burst is so high and his survivability is pretty great too. Need to work on placing the stun/slow box though because the range on it is so short. If you miss his laser you can really screw up in a teamfight, but he's really fun for me. His poke is crazy in lane. I'm not sure if it's the servers right now but the laser bugs out too often.Victor is akward to use.
Don't use smartcast on his laser. I've had a lot of success with him this week because his burst is so high and his survivability is pretty great too. Need to work on placing the stun/slow box though because the range on it is so short. If you miss his laser you can really screw up in a teamfight, but he's really fun for me. His poke is crazy in lane. I'm not sure if it's the servers right now but the laser bugs out too often.
Depends entirely on the ability. Which is why key bindings should be saved on a per character basis already.Smartcast or bust.
Depends entirely on the ability. Which is why key bindings should be saved on a per character basis already.
There's only a few things I don't smart cast on, and they're usually stuff I feel need very specific positioning or that I want to hit just perfectly at a long range. So things like Veigar stun or Blitz grab where I need to be more reliable with where they're going just tend go better without smartcasting.Hmmm I probably disagree on this.
I think smart casting is going to beat regular any time of the day. Of course, it's up to the user for preference.
Even with a terrible team.. SOME HOW... even after losing the baron and golem buff... our team STILL managed to pull out a win... dispite losing in almost every category!!
If you get an early advantage, you need to use it to end the game before the enemy can play catch up.
Also, Frozen Mallet on Ashe is pretty bad, since you already have an built in slow in your Q.
[quote="Legato.Reborn-, post: 37196266"]Hmmm I probably disagree on this.
I think smart casting is going to beat regular any time of the day. Of course, it's up to the user for preference. [/QUOTE]
Have you ever tried smart casting Veigars stun? Getting it aimed precisely is very difficult with smart cast, unless you've familiarized it down to the bone.
On a technical stand point, you're correct. But smart casting spells that require precise aiming can be very tricky.
If you get an early advantage, you need to use it to end the game before the enemy can play catch up.
Also, Frozen Mallet on Ashe is pretty bad, since you already have an built in slow in your Q.
Best Friend Sword.Question for you then... What can i replace Dorans with when i have like $1500 and i'm back at the base?
Best Friend Sword.
but that doesn't give me any extra health :S
I dont get the mallet for the slow... i get the mallet for the health + AD
You don't want a defensive item, especially early game. If it's your first trip back and you have that much, you want a BF Sword. Later in the game, get a QSS or GA or Banshee's Veil. You still don't want FM.but that doesn't give me any extra health :S
I dont get the mallet for the slow... i get the mallet for the health + AD
Well they recently blocked LoLreplay from tracking endgame stats.Well it's Monday. Here's to hoping Riot does a bunch of backend work this week, and we get some patches that fix some of the gosh dang funking redonkulous issues we've had post patch.
There was an ingame announcement about there being a problem with endgame stats, and endgame stats no longer show team kills/deaths/assists, or total normal game wins/losses. That might then cause LoLreplay to not pick them up.Well they recently blocked LoLreplay from tracking endgame stats.
So yeah, Riot has definitely set their priorities straight!
I never saw this announcement in my client. All I know for certain is that after the Hecarim bugfix- patch, LR stopped tracking.There was an ingame announcement about there being a problem with endgame stats, and endgame stats no longer show team kills/deaths/assists, or total normal game wins/losses. That might then cause LoLreplay to not pick them up.
The amount of health you have is no a priority on AD carries. You need to focus more on your positioning during fights if you feel you need a Frozen Mallet, the extra health won't help you if you get caught anyways, you will be dead no matter what. Boots of Swiftness are also bad and you should never buy them, ever, on anything.
I don't smartcast. I need dem visual markers!
Yep, I have it turned on, and it's nice for checking range or whatever, presumably. What's the best way to cancel it if you're holding a button down though? Escape or something?There is an option in the menu (though I'm not sure what it is called) where you can show visual markers with a smart-cast. Basically you can see the marker as long as you hold down the button. I have it turned on but hardly ever use it, since some of the visual markers can be deceptive. Talon's W goes quite a bit farther than the marker, for example.
I understand this reasoning and I probably wouldn't normally get something besides banshee's veil or guardian angel on AD carries, but I once saw a frozen mallet + warmogs + atma's impaler Graves. With his passive defensive boosts, plus all that, it was completely ludicrous. He had more HP than a 6-stack Cho'gath, like 4000+, plus high defensive stats, plus good damage.Pretty much what Avinexus said. If you are going to buy any defensive items on an AD carry make it a Guardian Angel or a Quicksilver sash. QSS can cancel most stuns and Guardian Angel is basically a second life when you get in a teamfight and you get focused down first.
So I think I've hit pretty much the bottom of elo in the past couple of months, which is fine I guess. What's weird is that teams with no jungler always beat teams with junglers down here
There is an option in the menu (though I'm not sure what it is called) where you can show visual markers with a smart-cast. Basically you can see the marker as long as you hold down the button. I have it turned on but hardly ever use it, since some of the visual markers can be deceptive. Talon's W goes quite a bit farther than the marker, for example.
Yep, I have it turned on, and it's nice for checking range or whatever, presumably. What's the best way to cancel it if you're holding a button down though? Escape or something?
I understand this reasoning and I probably wouldn't normally get something besides banshee's veil or guardian angel on AD carries, but I once saw a frozen mallet + warmogs + atma's impaler Graves. With his passive defensive boosts, plus all that, it was completely ludicrous. He had more HP than a 6-stack Cho'gath, like 4000+, plus high defensive stats, plus good damage.
Pretty much what Avinexus said. If you are going to buy any defensive items on an AD carry make it a Guardian Angel or a Quicksilver sash. QSS can cancel most stuns and Guardian Angel is basically a second life when you get in a teamfight and you get focused down first.
Nashor's Tooth on Jungle Nautilus after Philo, Hog, and Boots? Y/N?
Generally I go for Aegis but sometimes my support gets it.
I would actually have to disagree to a certain extent. I love getting frozen in place of GA or QSS if they have a team with a lot of diver/ champs with jumps, especially against nocturne or leesin or people like them. With frozen you wont immediately die to them in 2 hits late game and you can kite better. On Kog or Trist it also gives the added benefit of catching one of your opponents late game with a constant slow. But it totally depends on the team comp. If you have really good protection like Ali you don't need to worry about defense as much.
okay so after ditching lee sin as I cant seem to play him at all i picked up Vlad, fell in love and even bought his legendary skin. Sometimes I do real awesome but sometimes I just get wrecked D:, any tips gaf? I'll probably just play vlad for a whileeee