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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I just logged in and won two games in a row quite decisively. I'm feeling myself, so I want to keep going, but half of me knows next game somebody will DC and we'll have a troll Soraka jungler and get stomped. What has this game done to me :(


Sejuani jungle sure feels pointless especially when compared to Nautilus. Aside from her ultimate, it's difficult to contribute anything significant to team fight. Her E is useless if they aren't going to run, and her W does laughable damage. If Q is used to initiate you have no way to escape or chase. Bleh.

Her passive in conjunction with E, her ultimate and Shurelia's can all be used as either gap closers or escape tools. That said, she's still sub par.



Sorry if old.


ezrael is the most fun ad carry to play with in the game, so much utility and he is amazing with a good support.

Ezreal and Miss Fortune are definitely my two favorite AD carries. Ezreal is so satisfying with his higher skillcap and mobility. Miss Fortune is just fun to rampage the early laning phase.


riot need to fix sejuni and hecarim, hecarim is eaty to fix because of the caps on q and w.

his q is great now after the buff and he just need a w buff for better sustain.


conversely, riot needs to do something about darius ult- fuck. that. shit.
if they leave it as is, I will buy him and jungle the shit out of him


well fuck

Then I proceeded to anally rape her with my shovel.

Taught that bitch.
...what is your problem? o_O Rape is a horrible thing and that's a pretty disturbing thing to say.

riot need to fix sejuni and hecarim, hecarim is eaty to fix because of the caps on q and w.

his q is great now after the buff and he just need a w buff for better sustain.
I have seen pretty good hecarim's. The key to them seemed to be doing lots of damage instead of focusing on purely ganks/CC.


...what is your problem? o_O Rape is a horrible thing and that's a pretty disturbing thing to say.

I have seen pretty good hecarim's. The key to them seemed to be doing lots of damage instead of focusing on purely ganks/CC.

i tried him once in rank as jungler and he was nice with movement speed runes with great clear timing but he seem to be lacking mid game especially when ur team mate are feeding hard in any lane.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD

Sorry if old.

That is horrifying.

And yet so true, unless Sona ults she can't peel attackers from her carry :(. Still my favorite support though.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Played some ranked today. Got really scared when my team was down by like seven kills early game and I didn't have a lot of hope for our Ashe when their Vayne was clearly going to be the best player. Fortunately I was able to hold stuff together and carry pretty hard, and my team was pretty good about listening, taking advantage of winning team fights, and not forcing anything we wouldn't win when we could outpoke.

Yorick was just undying. I'd 2v4 with Sona on my side and come out with a bunch of kills and tons of health. Even ulted people that got caught way out to keep them alive in team fights. Shut down lanes so hard too. Just keep pushing people out. Need to work on my CS though, especially early game.


How do I safely play as Graves?

I dash in to AA + get the full damage off buckshot, but I have no escape.
Conversely, I stay back until I need to escape with E, but then I'm losing out on the benefit of the increased atk spd and the extra Buckshot damage.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
How do I safely play as Graves?

I dash in to AA + get the full damage off buckshot, but I have no escape.
Conversely, I stay back until I need to escape with E, but then I'm losing out on the benefit of the increased atk spd and the extra Buckshot damage.
Against who? You should be winning trades, and if you get a dash buckshot off that should push them out of lane or give you a kill. You shouldn't need to escape as Graves. Your passive makes you much tankier than enemy AD carries.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
How do I safely play as Graves?

I dash in to AA + get the full damage off buckshot, but I have no escape.
Conversely, I stay back until I need to escape with E, but then I'm losing out on the benefit of the increased atk spd and the extra Buckshot damage.
Every autoattack reduces the cooldown of the dash. So you should be able to use it to initiate and get away assuming you don't take huge damage


I don't know what's wrong but I do terribly in ranked. I used to get nervous playing but that isn't a problem so I really have no way to explain it. In normal draft I do pretty well and have won more than I've lost. The average skill level of someone in my normal draft games is much, much higher than those in ranked. I'm not used to playing against people like this and I can't carry myself, even when I duo. What's most important at ~1100 elo? Farm? Early teamfights? :s


I don't know what's wrong but I do terribly in ranked. I used to get nervous playing but that isn't a problem so I really have no way to explain it. In normal draft I do pretty well and have won more than I've lost. The average skill level of someone in my normal draft games is much, much higher than those in ranked. I'm not used to playing against people like this and I can't carry myself, even when I duo. What's most important at ~1100 elo? Farm? Early teamfights? :s
I lost back down to like 1150 elo so I'm probably not a good one to ask, but I would say work on becoming very consistent with one or two champions that work in most situations (and not someone like Shaco that is banned 80% of the time).

If you can be consistently decent with your champion(s) and farm well early, then you should be well on your way, especially if you have a duo person who is also consistent. Then the next step would be helping other lanes as well I guess.

I have started becoming terrible instead of consistent unfortunately -- lots of practice don't seem to help me much.


I lost back down to like 1150 elo so I'm probably not a good one to ask, but I would say work on becoming very consistent with one or two champions that work in most situations (and not someone like Shaco that is banned 80% of the time).

If you can be consistently decent with your champion(s) and farm well early, then you should be well on your way, especially if you have a duo person who is also consistent. Then the next step would be helping other lanes as well I guess.

I have started becoming terrible instead of consistent unfortunately -- lots of practice don't seem to help me much.

I think the problem is that when I duo, we usually get stuck in bottom lane... Maybe I will try some solo :\


I think the problem is that when I duo, we usually get stuck in bottom lane... Maybe I will try some solo :\
Unless you're consistently good at working together and dominating bottom lane, then you may well need to be good at top/mid (possibly jungle) to carry.

That said, I feel like a lot of the time the bottom lane is the problem if I duo top + mid, and I think we've successfully carried a bad bottom lane before...so if you CAN always be an amazing AD carry then that could certainly help out.

And if you jungle, be prepared to get blamed for nearly everything.


What's jungle Nautilus like? I'm still enjoying jungle Malphite and I generally do like tanky/CC champions, unfortunately wasn't around to play Naut in his free week the other week.


Just finished a fantastic game. Both our top and mid lane got counter picked, but they decided to swap lanes and I gave Ahri blue buff at level 1 = 20 min win. I was sure they'd respond by sending Galio top and Teemo mid.



What's jungle Nautilus like? I'm still enjoying jungle Malphite and I generally do like tanky/CC champions, unfortunately wasn't around to play Naut in his free week the other week.

His early clear times are slow so he is prone to counter jungling. But once he gets a couple levels under his belt he starts to fly through the jungle. Godlike ganks due to all the CC.


Precisely why I like him.

You should go bot lane as him with Darius for some brotherly love.

What's jungle Nautilus like? I'm still enjoying jungle Malphite and I generally do like tanky/CC champions, unfortunately wasn't around to play Naut in his free week the other week.


I have attack speed marks, armor yellow, MR blue, and move speed quints. WEWQ, R>W>E>Q. I always start with wolves and blue but I need a really good leash since, as Avinexus said, his clear time is slow early. Level W first and activate it at 1:32 so I can get one hit with it on the wolves and have the shield back up for blue. I try to get 650g (and level 4) before basing so I can get my Boots of Mobility and have my Q ready. After that I just run around anchoring all over the place and tend to forget to spend my gold. Also you have so much CC that if the enemy doesn't have Flash it's often a guaranteed kill because Nautilus doesn't care about towers and his passive laughs at Ghost.

He's my favorite jungler at the moment and also the most fun IMO.


So I played another game to avoid ELO decay, ranked is something I need to get used to, I still getting very nervous whenever I am playing ranked. I can barely cs correctly, ending up just throwing mana to kill minion. I took mid lane from our kennen (only shit I can still play after Diablo 3) as Ahri, kicked him to top, managed to feed Annie and jungle jax 3 kills in 15 min (YAY ME).

The sad thing is the jungle did not camp me or anything, annie just outplayed me, I starting to think my ELO is way higher than my actual skill level =/.

Kennen keep talking nonstop shit to me for a few minute for taking mid from him then start feeding. At a point I can't even CS cause annie can just 1 combo me to death.

Kennen went to mid to baby sit me whenever he pushed to tower at top, feeding me 3 kills, help us took 3 dragon and I snowball back from there. I was 75% of the team dead, had the least CS of both team excluding the support -.-



You should go bot lane as him with Darius for some brotherly love.


I have attack speed marks, armor yellow, MR blue, and move speed quints. WEWQ, R>W>E>Q. I always start with wolves and blue but I need a really good leash since, as Avinexus said, his clear time is slow early. Level W first and activate it at 1:32 so I can get one hit with it on the wolves and have the shield back up for blue. I try to get 650g (and level 4) before basing so I can get my Boots of Mobility and have my Q ready. After that I just run around anchoring all over the place and tend to forget to spend my gold. Also you have so much CC that if the enemy doesn't have Flash it's often a guaranteed kill because Nautilus doesn't care about towers and his passive laughs at Ghost.

He's my favorite jungler at the moment and also the most fun IMO.

Playing Nautilus is the most fun I've had in this game since when I first started maining Blitzcrank. They are just too fun to play.


Yeah, I was an idiot and got killed twice by nautilus because of the CC when I didn't ward. The ult is ranged AND autotarget, so once it's on you if your lane enemy has a stun, it's nearly a guaranteed kill.

Even though I was katarina and presumably had flash + shunpo, I possibly could not have escaped (in one case because nautilus was very smart to gank without a minion wave behind me?), since ult knockup + chain pull immobilize + autoattack stun + 1.5 second stun from Annie burst + Nautilus slow means you're doing nothing for like 4 seconds. If I had turret-hugged I might have had a chance though -- so my fault probably.

But no, he probably can't carry games.

And he has a really cool-sounding voice.


If Darius doesn't get nerfed, maybe I'll buy him. But so many people are complaining, even if he mostly just seems okay.

There's always Nasus/Renekton, Garen/Lux, and Kayle/Morgana.

I really dislike his passive and how easily he can stack 5. Even if you kill him in a 1v1, you'll probably die to his passive anyways. I did do well against him as Jax once. Passively farmed to 6, get apprehended, stun and AA/W him and Q away making sure he doesn't get more than 2 stacks of bleed on me. I suppose someone like Olaf who builds health would also beat him.


If you only get 3 Atk Spd Marks, and opt for a Wit's End/any 40% atk spd item, you will reach just under 0.99 atk spd, which is where you want your speed to be in order to proc both dots on his shield. Anything about 1 atkspd, and Naut's dot is overwritten, so you LOSE damage. It's the Teemo issue all over again.
You should go bot lane as him with Darius for some brotherly love.


I have attack speed marks, armor yellow, MR blue, and move speed quints. WEWQ, R>W>E>Q. I always start with wolves and blue but I need a really good leash since, as Avinexus said, his clear time is slow early. Level W first and activate it at 1:32 so I can get one hit with it on the wolves and have the shield back up for blue. I try to get 650g (and level 4) before basing so I can get my Boots of Mobility and have my Q ready. After that I just run around anchoring all over the place and tend to forget to spend my gold. Also you have so much CC that if the enemy doesn't have Flash it's often a guaranteed kill because Nautilus doesn't care about towers and his passive laughs at Ghost.

He's my favorite jungler at the moment and also the most fun IMO.

I always play him as a support and have done wonders with him. I have heard mixed things about his jungling. I'm just scared to try him because of his slowness and how bad it can be if he gets counter jungled early on.

He is one of my favourite and most played characters though. I love how much his slow scales up and I've become really good at using his pull.

Another piece of advice for using nautilus in a team fight. Try to switch between targets with your autoattack if multiple people are close to you. You can only stun each enemy champ once every few seconds, hence why you should alternate between targets to stun more champs and prevent them from doing damage and being clumped up for your teammates to nail them with their aoe abilities/skillshots


I always play him as a support and have done wonders with him. I have heard mixed things about his jungling. I'm just scared to try him because of his slowness and how bad it can be if he gets counter jungled early on.

1-3 is slow. After that you get pretty quick clears with AA W AA E.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
I hate when you're the only decent support among a group of friends.

"Guys, I wanna play Morg!"


Forever a Sona...
I hate when you're the only decent support among a group of friends.

"Guys, I wanna play Morg!"


Forever a Sona...

Sona's fun, dawg. I personally enjoy running around with tons of gold, an AoE ult, 5 wards, and crazy defensive auras that add +30-40 armor/magres to everyone around you.

Also, Power Chord utility!


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Sona's fun, dawg. I personally enjoy running around with tons of gold, an AoE ult, 5 wards, and crazy defensive auras that add +30-40 armor/magres to everyone around you.

Also, Power Chord utility!

Indeed, hence why I play her over the snooze fest that is Soraka. Janna is fun also.

I would prefer to play Leona but god damn if I'll ever get that much IP.


Indeed, hence why I play her over the snooze fest that is Soraka. Janna is fun also.

I would prefer to play Leona but god damn if I'll ever get that much IP.

I bought Leona and her Iron Solari skin today again and found out that if you buy the skin during champion select you can't select it. Weird bug that seems to only happen with her.

I like Leona but I feel like I'm missing out on a bit of damage from her passive if I'm not with a Corki.
I bought Leona and her Iron Solari skin today again and found out that if you buy the skin during champion select you can't select it. Weird bug that seems to only happen with her.

I like Leona but I feel like I'm missing out on a bit of damage from her passive if I'm not with a Corki.

Or a Jarvan.

Also, you can buy skins from Champ Select?!
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