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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Has GAF given up on the likes of Hecarim/Sejuani? I haven't seen those two since release week.

I like Hecarim jungle although I feel that his ganks are a little weak with no guaranteed CC aside from landing his ultimate. I'll give him a try again today and see what happens.


I like Hecarim jungle although I feel that his ganks are a little weak with no guaranteed CC aside from landing his ultimate. I'll give him a try again today and see what happens.

Is he really only viable as a jungler? Can he go mid/top?


Do it. Anivia is so powerful when played right. I really need to try her out with that new item.

I just finished my first game with her. 3-1-5 win while laning against an enemy Veigar. I kept baiting him into his E by getting in range and shooting a Q, then detonating it before he could drop his W so we'd both just sit there stunned. This wasn't actually getting me anywhere though, and I needed ganks to actually secure a kill on him.

We stayed pretty even in farm but he needed to farm with W to keep from having his tower pushed, so his Q was fairly weak by end game. I didn't fuck up a single wall all game, which I consider a huge success.
I was just dragged into a dumb blind pick match by a friend. My team wanted to duo top, but I switched to jungler. Then the enemy team went duo top and wrecked our solo top because there was only so much I could do, so I had to basically babysit top, and then we lost.

Of course, both teams were pretty bad, so it doesn't say much about anything. It just made me wonder about how to deal with duo top, because I haven't seen that outside of AI games.


I was just dragged into a dumb blind pick match by a friend. My team wanted to duo top, but I switched to jungler. Then the enemy team went duo top and wrecked our solo top because there was only so much I could do, so I had to basically babysit top, and then we lost.

Of course, both teams were pretty bad, so it doesn't say much about anything. It just made me wonder about how to deal with duo top, because I haven't seen that outside of AI games.
pick character with good sustain like shen/yorick and tower hug since they will be pushing so fucking hard to ur tower
That was interesting.

I had an excellent turnaround game in Ranked...

to be followed by a 2-21 rout.

It honestly wasn't my fault! I was harrassing and outfarming... until J4 appeared and started ganking. All deaths were to ganks, the last 4 me being under the tower. Our poor Udyr lost his blue to start, and Olaf top went 0/8.

I was just like "wtf am I supposed to do?"


I was just dragged into a dumb blind pick match by a friend. My team wanted to duo top, but I switched to jungler. Then the enemy team went duo top and wrecked our solo top because there was only so much I could do, so I had to basically babysit top, and then we lost.

Of course, both teams were pretty bad, so it doesn't say much about anything. It just made me wonder about how to deal with duo top, because I haven't seen that outside of AI games.

If you're playing jungler know that top is going to lose so just let it lose. you'll most likely lose top tower (maybe 2) but still ignore it (unless they're being super greedy and its an easy double kill). Instead focus on grabbing all the buffs and ganking mid and bot. Being able to grab all the buffs allows you to have high gold and experience so you get real strong. At the same time gank mid and bot to your hearts content because there will never be a counter-gank and even if you dont succeed you are pushing the opponent off the creeps and giving your teammates the advantage . It may seem like you're losing in the beginning but during mid to late game you, your mid and bot should all be really strong. It sucks for top lane but they just have to deal with it (btw they'll most likely be raging at you the entire time but ignore them)

tldr fuck top lane let it lose, snowball other lanes and win


man, just got the worst player in LOL

he said darius or feed then darius was banned then he kept saying that he will feed and choose pantheon with some shitty abilities like revive.

when the game started he went afk and we were little ahead in 4v5 game then he come back and say "you were winning and now u will lose" and he kept feeding (he was 0-18-0) by the end.
this was a rank match and everyone in our team reported him.

i hope he get banned forever from LOL and every other game he play, what a sad fuck.


man, just got the worst player in LOL

he said darius or feed then darius was banned then he kept saying that he will feed and choose pantheon with some shitty abilities like revive.

when the game started he went afk and we were little ahead in 4v5 game then he come back and say "you were winning and now u will lose" and he kept feeding (he was 0-18-0) by the end.
this was a rank match and everyone in our team reported him.

i hope he get banned forever from LOL and every other game he play, what a sad fuck.
Was that in ranked, because yes, that even happens in ranked games on rare occasions. The dedicated feeder is a sight to see.


another game with last pick who dont want to fill the last role (support) and choose twhatever the fuck he want.

i cant believe this is 1100 elo rank games :/


another game with last pick who dont want to fill the last role (support) and choose twhatever the fuck he want.

i cant believe this is 1100 elo rank games :/

Learn to play around it. The stereotypical roles can be countered, if someone doesn't want to play support they can play a character who will help their carry dominate the lane. Me and a friend of mine often go "strange" bottom combinations in normal matches (not ranked because people bitch at us) that work against the typical AD carry/support.
Just backdoored as Shen. We still had Nexus towers when we took down theirs, then I ninja planted wards just behind the walls of their base. Teemo got killed below as I was recalling. A 4v5 is a dangerous situation right now since they had four hard CCs (Amumu, Kennen, Veigar, Shen). I hesitated a lot about selling my equipment for backdoor since if it failed we're gonna get boned so hard. I just sold my Aegis and spare ward and bought two BF Swords. Ninja teleported to their base and wrecked the Nexus while they were busy teamfighting.

I really don't know if it's better to stack AD or ASPD for backdooring. On a hindsight maybe I should've sold everything, kept Warmog+Wits and bought Zeals for dat Shen passive.


Learn to play around it. The stereotypical roles can be countered, if someone doesn't want to play support they can play a character who will help their carry dominate the lane. Me and a friend of mine often go "strange" bottom combinations in normal matches (not ranked because people bitch at us) that work against the typical AD carry/support.
depend on the support, if its alistar or soraka and they play safe ur going to push the lanes since ur 2 players and they will gank u easily since u will lack wards because u will buy offensive items. not to mention that ur late game will suffer if it didn't work because u will lack true carry without proper feed.


False, Black Cleavers armor reduction does not apply to towers, or any other structures for that matter.
Oh, that makes me sad. Well at least it would help against champions and provide attack speed + damage regardless.

According to really old posts from like two years ago, last whisper also does not work against turrets, but brutalizer/ghostblade WOULD (flat armor penetration?). Or at least some old sword of the divine would.
man, just got the worst player in LOL

he said darius or feed then darius was banned then he kept saying that he will feed and choose pantheon with some shitty abilities like revive.

when the game started he went afk and we were little ahead in 4v5 game then he come back and say "you were winning and now u will lose" and he kept feeding (he was 0-18-0) by the end.
this was a rank match and everyone in our team reported him.

i hope he get banned forever from LOL and every other game he play, what a sad fuck.

I find it hilarious that someone would risk a ranked account just to be an idiot. I don't know how many hours I've played and I'm not even level 30 yet. To waste all that time... ha.
pick character with good sustain like shen/yorick and tower hug since they will be pushing so fucking hard to ur tower
If you're playing jungler know that top is going to lose so just let it lose. you'll most likely lose top tower (maybe 2) but still ignore it (unless they're being super greedy and its an easy double kill). Instead focus on grabbing all the buffs and ganking mid and bot. Being able to grab all the buffs allows you to have high gold and experience so you get real strong. At the same time gank mid and bot to your hearts content because there will never be a counter-gank and even if you dont succeed you are pushing the opponent off the creeps and giving your teammates the advantage . It may seem like you're losing in the beginning but during mid to late game you, your mid and bot should all be really strong. It sucks for top lane but they just have to deal with it (btw they'll most likely be raging at you the entire time but ignore them)

tldr fuck top lane let it lose, snowball other lanes and win
Thanks for the responses. I guess I did the opposite of what I was supposed to do, considering we lost top anyway.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Lol normals.


We won btw.


Played some of my first solo/duo ranked games today.

I'm shocked that people are so bad at life. I don't believe in the ELO hell stuff, but this is going to be a fun ride either way.


One thing I like in spectator mode is how newly purchased items flash and are shown larger for a second so you can see them more easily.


Played some of my first solo/duo ranked games today.

I'm shocked that people are so bad at life. I don't believe in the ELO hell stuff, but this is going to be a fun ride either way.

I played my first solo ranked game yesterday too. Didn't really do much since the rest of my team was dominating though.
Playing against an Irelia player yesterday and I was all like, "bitch please I know how handle this chi-" *FIRST BLOOD*

well fuck

Then I proceeded to anally rape her with my shovel.

Taught that bitch.


Just played with a Lux who had a fully stacked Mejai's within the first 20 minutes o_O Thankfully she was on my team. Lasers everywhere.


Sejuani jungle sure feels pointless especially when compared to Nautilus. Aside from her ultimate, it's difficult to contribute anything significant to team fight. Her E is useless if they aren't going to run, and her W does laughable damage. If Q is used to initiate you have no way to escape or chase. Bleh.
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