Old school olaf build
If you want to get out of 1200s you're going to have to carry harder chloe
1200s? I'm still doing my placement ranked matches of "not last hitting, not calling MIAs, not buying wards, terrible team comps and then wonder why we lose, contesting Baron? LOL, Nautilus can jungle!?!?!?" phase.
I try to let people take whatever roles they want but even that fails. The Fizz asked if he should jungle or do another lane. I told him he could jungle but he decides to go bot. When I tell him he should have gone support bot he told he me can't play support. Then why did he let me jungle? AHHHH.
I really can't carry with Nautilus. These last two games, what would normally be potential ganks for me ended up being me trying to defend the tower for the laner that died/is too low because they overextended before I got there/etc. instead. I might have to go back to someone less fun but can carry. Who would be better for carrying from the jungle: Nocturne, Skarner, or Lee Sin? Under the assumption that Lee is banned, I'm guessing it's between the first two? Or someone less conventional like Jax?
Nice, Ark.