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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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I dont think you can jungle mundo without runes

You'll die at your first buff probably or use 3 potions if you start cloth


he need fast reactions to keep up with his Q and W combo and his e is such a bad attack (well, its good to cancel some ultimate with knockdown). his Ultimate damage is low and dont do much.
i played like 3 games with him and thats how i feel.


I dont think you can jungle mundo without runes

You'll die at your first buff probably or use 3 potions if you start cloth

I recently jungled him on my smurf account. Granted I had a few mastery points (~20), but he was still pretty safe after I got a leash. You either have to sacrifice health potions for W or jungle time.

I was only using him in the example because he's fast - not safe.

Maybe he felt faster than he actually was. The other team didn't have any junglers so I had no point of reference.


I haven't played him yet but I think Draven's weakness will be positioning in team fights. Being forced to move to certain spots in the middle of a team fight to catch your spinning blades, possibly setting yourself up in a bad position, or lose out on DPS seems pretty hard.

I realize that the blade does land depending on if you're running forward or running backwards, bur you're still, in a way, being forced to move to certain spots that may not always be the best position to be in.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So many bad Draven players on streams. Biggest thing people don't understand is double stacking axes. If you keep last hitting and catching axes you can build up two stacks of his Q and destroy the enemy in lane. Kind of not wanting to see all the bad ones in game.


Ok after going 13/3 in my first game as draven, here is how i interpret his playstyle:

catch Qs and use W in lane to harass and kite damage. If you can't keep this combo up when your jungle ganks, you probably won't secure the kill.

In major team fights, walk back right after you throw your Q out so that the blade bounces to an area outside of the team fight area.
Keep kiting with W and keep the rotation going: auto attack,walk out,catch,autoattack,walk out,catch. This is extremely difficult since it takes a load of micromanaging. What i found and probably very important is that when you get phantomdancer, you can Q, then auto attack and then still have enough time to catch your blade. This is if you know how to cancel your attack animations.

But when it comes to end game and you have IE,PD and LW you don't need to catch Q's unless you're chasing down kills so you can keep using W. If you catch your Qs when you have over 250ad, you cut your damage down by a lot since your auto attacks without catching Q is alot better.

So overall I think catching Q is only essential when you are in early or mid game.
There comes a point where catching your Qs will decrease your dps in team fights by at least a 1/4.


Oh god, just played a ranked where I was second pick.

First Pick goes AP Tristana, assures me he has this.
I choose Graves along with an Alistar Jungle. They picked Blitz at this point so I wanted someone with a dash.
We get Alistar Jungle, Darius top..and our last guy is afk or something, cause he ain't responding.

"Yo we need a support!"
"He locks in Ashe. "Support ashe"

I facepalmed, I figure I will farm the best I can and let her feed if she does.

Somehow...somehow their Vayne is braindead and focuses Ashe during teamfights in bot, while I wipe her out. And somehow, this AP Trist is beating the crap out of their Akali.

We win eventually and their Blitz goes "Their 3 AD carries vs. our 0" and I lol. 1500 elo get.


Oh god, just played a ranked where I was second pick.

First Pick goes AP Tristana, assures me he has this.
I choose Graves along with an Alistar Jungle. They picked Blitz at this point so I wanted someone with a dash.
We get Alistar Jungle, Darius top..and our last guy is afk or something, cause he ain't responding.

"Yo we need a support!"
"He locks in Ashe. "Support ashe"

I facepalmed, I figure I will farm the best I can and let her feed if she does.

Somehow...somehow their Vayne is braindead and focuses Ashe during teamfights in bot, while I wipe her out. And somehow, this AP Trist is beating the crap out of their Akali.

We win eventually and their Blitz goes "Their 3 AD carries vs. our 0" and I lol. 1500 elo get.

Ap trist is pretty viable. Especially against ahri. She's like leblanc at level 6.

I've played with support ashes before. Complete kill lane. Ashe crit and volley at level 1 will take off 1/2 of anyones hp in a second. Lane domination starts there unless they have a soraka support. I've gotten first bloods with ashe and sivir combos at bot in the first few seconds of seeing the opponents.


Oh god, just played a ranked where I was second pick.

First Pick goes AP Tristana, assures me he has this.
I choose Graves along with an Alistar Jungle. They picked Blitz at this point so I wanted someone with a dash.
We get Alistar Jungle, Darius top..and our last guy is afk or something, cause he ain't responding.

"Yo we need a support!"
"He locks in Ashe. "Support ashe"

I facepalmed, I figure I will farm the best I can and let her feed if she does.

Somehow...somehow their Vayne is braindead and focuses Ashe during teamfights in bot, while I wipe her out. And somehow, this AP Trist is beating the crap out of their Akali.

We win eventually and their Blitz goes "Their 3 AD carries vs. our 0" and I lol. 1500 elo get.

I've seen ashe support in a couple of high elo streams


I imagine a Malphite jungle would be ok without any runes. I've only tried him with full runes, but you don't even need a pot if you start with cloth armor.
Few things are better than deciding to play a troll match, picking a stupid, unorthodox strategy, doing terrible all game, and then winning anyway. What an amazing game. We had no right to win. Hahaha



darius getting tons of kills will always hurt if the team (carry precisely) is not doing well .
there is limit to his abilities (cd and MS are his two major weaknesses).
it will take time until people notice that if ever and stop ks every kill with his ultimate.


So I'm seeing support Blitzcrank and Lux AP mid in almost literally every game. Where has all this Blitz and Lux love come from?

Also seeing Warwick top and Yi jungle a lot too.


When are we going to get another AP Mid? We must be due one soon, the only decent recent one was Ahri, I guess you could count Ziggs but no one plays him any more and Vicktor is damned near useless.


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Viktor is my AP mid of choice. So much burst damage.

His laser is still bugged like crazy though. Will sometimes just stay at one point and not move at all and other times it will move through enemies and do 0 damage. It's absolutely infuriating.


His laser is still bugged like crazy though. Will sometimes just stay at one point and not move at all and other times it will move through enemies and do 0 damage. It's absolutely infuriating.
This is one of the big things that makes me scared to play him.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It's not that bad. The lack of damage on it is very, very rare. If it goes invisible it hurts the enemy more than you.


When are we going to get another AP Mid? We must be due one soon, the only decent recent one was Ahri, I guess you could count Ziggs but no one plays him any more and Vicktor is damned near useless.

Ziggs is a strong pick and Viktor is underrated. We've had a nice balance of champs recently.


I finally tried Draven, for a bot game. Sooo much micromanagement. I managed to get double blades a few times, and running away immediately after attacking seems to be the most reliable way to predict where it's going to land. Still, it's practically a brain drain to play. XD


darius getting tons of kills will always hurt if the team (carry precisely) is not doing well .
there is limit to his abilities (cd and MS are his two major weaknesses).
it will take time until people notice that if ever and stop ks every kill with his ultimate.

Having played Darius extensively as him and against him I can attest to this. In fact I actually do stop using the ult sometimes if it's a fight I think/know the team can win without me using it. One recent game I played was a Darius mirror top and my opponent got the edge on me because his Jungler was able to secure him two kills early game on me. Bought some GP5 items, let him take first tower and went to assist the other lanes. However when we started to end the laning phase he would literally KS everything he could so by the end of the game he was the only person on his team to have any kills so we just focused him and the rest of the team had no firepower afterwards.


just lost after we were 3v5 the whole game.
we were ahead by 40 kill

edit: rank btw.
i hope our carry and troll last pick get the ban so fcking hard


There are games where you KNOW you should dodge really regret it if you don't.

(Normal blind pick btw) Champ select I picked Cassio while the other guys were loading. Then someone picked Fizz and called mid. Then someone picked Galio and called mid. I laughed and switched to MF thinking I'd go bot then someone picked Ashe and called bot. All the while the two mids were arguing, both claiming that they couldn't play any other lane but mid. Since there was already an Udyr jungle I picked Akali thinking I'd go bot with Ashe and make it a kill lane. I should have dodged.

Opponent was Ashe Leona and it was a pretty good Leona. Our Ashe was getting way too aggressive and kept getting stunned by Leona. Our jungle never once visited bottom, their Hecarim jungle was ganking very well. That champ is so fast :( All the while Fizz was complaining so hard about going top. Just a miserable game. Sadly enough we still won a few teamfights but there wasn't enough coordination to keep it up.

In reality, I should have sucked it up and played support. I probably would have played Allistar and might have had a chance of disrupting their combo and getting our Ashe fed. Was a poor end to the night after a couple of wins.

So what's a good champion to get for 2196 influence points. I'm a newb and currently using tristan

Save to 3150 and it'll open up a lot more options. You could also buy Ashe, I think she's in the 1300 range of IP. Good AD carry if you like that role.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Who/how do you beat WW solo top? His healing is stupid and the range on his Q or whatever is also stupid.
Two ways are to take someone who can trade better, like Olaf, or grab someone with enough sustained damage and harass to push him out of lane, like Kayle or Yorick. Quick Silver Sash can always help later game.


How to counter top lane: play hybrid Kennen.
Use standard ad runes and get armor pen and magic pen masteries.
OP harass early game with your W. If they buy MR buy doran's blades and laugh. Then get Zhonya's and win the game.


Ranged mostly

Teemo is a fun pick but he isn't inherently good and he's more of a counter-pick, so I'd wait until he is free to try him out and buy him if you'd like.

Honesty Tristana and Alistar, plus the free week ranged champs should be able to tide you over. I'd say wait until 3150 IP range, a great selection there.
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