Ranged mostly
If you can save to 3150, Corki is pretty strong.
Ranged mostly
Ranged mostly
What ranked elo has over 40 kills one one team alone. D:just lost after we were 3v5 the whole game.
we were ahead by 40 kill
edit: rank btw.
i hope our carry and troll last pick get the ban so fcking hard
I haven't played him yet but I think Draven's weakness will be positioning in team fights. Being forced to move to certain spots in the middle of a team fight to catch your spinning blades, possibly setting yourself up in a bad position, or lose out on DPS seems pretty hard.
I realize that the blade does land depending on if you're running forward or running backwards, bur you're still, in a way, being forced to move to certain spots that may not always be the best position to be in.
When are we going to get another AP Mid? We must be due one soon, the only decent recent one was Ahri, I guess you could count Ziggs but no one plays him any more and Vicktor is damned near useless.
What ranked elo has over 40 kills one one team alone. D:
I would buy that.Draven is stupid fun, just wish the catch axe symbol was more recognizable in team fights. Also he needs a Macho Man skin, badly. Macho Man Draven....Think of the glory!
Unless you use the tried and true method of no runes. Then you have all this IP for all these champs.Only buy characters you've played and know you like, particularly early on.
Only buy characters you've played and know you like, particularly early on.
I got put in with a 4-man premade in draft and they asked me to AD carry. I thought it was my lucky day.
Their support player picks taric, so I pick corki and figure we're going for a kill lane. Last second he switches to janna, which I would've definitely gone someone less squishy with.
We get in game and he's terrible. Never AAs the enemy cait or soraka even when they can't hit him back, shields me when i'm not even close to engaging so it's on CD while cait comes in and outranges me, and not once during an exchange lands a storm on cait. It was like a 2v1 lane and since they had sustain and I didn't, I had to hug my tower and go back to base far too often.
On top of that, our jungle fed cait by going in right as they had a full wave of minions just outside of our tower range and giving her a kill over me. Then he blames us for not going in even though I'm at 30% and they are both full health.
We lose since the other lanes are feeding and even though I managed decent farm and am 0-0-0, they blame me for not carrying them.
Sometimes this community really gets to me.
I just realized high school is out and all the little shitheads are now online.
Can we have an age filter? Please? For fucks sake, before I grind my teeth.
Damned if I know. They have to scan their birth certificate when they sign in, I dunno.
lol @ putting barriers of entry on a F2P game.
I'm not pointing fingers, but you're the one first picking Teemo bromine.I just realized high school is out and all the little shitheads are now online.
Can we have an age filter? Please? For fucks sake, before I grind my teeth.
I think he means in ranked. And it sounds like he doesn't want to play ranked any more.You could play with me Sodro, but I guess the Bad-GAF branding is too strong on this bottom.
Teemo is a good counterpick to certain champions top.if you pick teemo you have no right blaming others.
I think he means in ranked. And it sounds like he doesn't want to play ranked any more.
Teemo is a good counterpick to certain champions top.
unless he is super fed, he have no good rule in the end game since he die quickly and have 0 cc.
unless he picks few lucky kills with mushrooms he is useless.
Every AD carry says otherwise but ok.
I'd rather have high school kids playing games than anyone who uses the word "kid" or "kids" in ingame chat. People going "listen kid" or "damn kids, bla bla bla elo hell" etc., when they are the ones going 0/10 and making horrible decisions or whatever make me sad.I just realized high school is out and all the little shitheads are now online.
Can we have an age filter? Please? For fucks sake, before I grind my teeth.
I'm not pointing fingers, but you're the one first picking Teemo bromine.
You can't blame your team for making you pick Teemo.That I did, but I hated the team's attitude before the game even started.
Ranked had been a very, very nice experience up until yesterday, where I ran into several teams consecutively that were full of dicks.
If only there were an AD ranged carry, or a support character, that could be obtained for free with a skin for each!"I don't have an AD ranged carry, or a support. And I don't have rune pages for anything besides top, mid, and jungle. Therefore, I should be allowed to do only those roles regardless of what everyone else wants or called for."
You can't blame your team for making you pick Teemo.
That said, Teemo is the cutest champion and ergo the best. The yordle aura alone should have carried you to victory.
The number of kills you had was the number of fucks you gave.
If only there were an AD ranged carry, or a support character, that could be obtained for free with a skin for each!
"And by mid rune pages I mean I don't have a rune page for Akali to trigger both of her passives but I'll choose Akali against Veigar anyways."
Ranked is the best.
She's alright. Greatest level 2 fighting capability in the game I think (lame udyr not withstanding). She has a very simple play style and can snowball pretty well, but also gets countered quite hard by strong top lanes. Her high damage can be abused against people who don't expect it (many people). I also like omnislashing. She's basically Master Yi in team fights though.What's Fiora like guys? Saw she was on sale and I haven't seen her around since the week she came out.
I dunno, you have a guy who can play 3 roles (which is pretty good) and he probably told this beforehand. There's no real problem with this. (Though I think everybody who plays ranked should be at least be ready to support). If your team can somehow force a guy to go to the one lane he cant operate in, you're kinda setting yourself for a fall.
It kinda seems like you're getting annoyed that he can "only" play top, mid and jungle? That sounds unreasonable, chloe.
Happened to me the other day; was playing Sona in lane with a Vayne who had a death wish. I healed her every time it was off CD and even used the summoner spell. Eventually I just couldn't keep up and she died - then blamed me for not attacking with her. Yes, you with no health and me vs two other champs at full health - sounds promising.What gets me is when people complain when you won't join in when they decide to suicide in your lane. Doesn't matter if you had less than 10% hp against enemies that were at full health, apparently you are expected to jump in and kill the enemy without dying.
I would say it's extraordinarily rare. If you're wanting a more traditional strong top lane champion you might want to practice olaf, yorick, garen, or maybe even riven.Yeah, how is it that people wreak shit with Teemo?
Garen is probably one of the worst bruisers in the game.I would say it's extraordinarily rare. If you're wanting a more traditional strong top lane champion you might want to practice olaf, yorick, garen, or maybe even riven.
But at least southern has experience with him, and garen should be successful at staying alive against certain top lane matchups.Garen is probably one of the worst bruisers in the game.