This is why you don't put me mid.
It can work fine. They picked it to try and counteract janna is such a joke, why would anyone try that.
Everyone builds WotA on Ahri.
Any advice on how to build hecarim? I've been going boots, philo stone, HoG, frozen heart, then trinforce, just not sure what to do after that
What if the minions are trying to last hit us.
Well when your jungler has more CS than any of your lanes they kind of messed up.Saint Vicious apparently does everything perfectly while he blames everyone else for the game going south.
Well when your jungler has more CS than any of your lanes they kind of messed up.
Seems like Riot backed out and we get Final Spark for Lux's ult. I like it![]()
Fiddlesticks seems pretty good.. any tips for dealing with him?
"[But Final Spark] doesn't even come close to conveying what the ability does. And Infinite Light does. Yeah, yeah, its not a global ability, but it's a pretty big ******* laser. A little hyperbole is just fine by us. We considered translating the name directly from German to English as Final Spark, but felt reference to electricity didnt feel like Lux."
Seems like Riot backed out and we get Final Spark for Lux's ult. I like it![]()
Final Spark doesn't make sense either. You can use her ult more than once in her lifetime so... does that really make it Final? lol.
What is your favourite champion?
It's the final spark her enemies will ever see.
So if I was to start learning how to use supports, then sona would be the ideal starting point?It's the final spark her enemies will ever see.
Sona. She has sustain, a speed boost, and an annoying lane poke with an AOE stun ultimate to top it all off. That, and she's pretty easy to learn when compared to other supports.
So if I was to start learning how to use supports, then sona would be the ideal starting point?
I think they should have called it Laser Beam
She's easy to learn but difficult to master.
What is your favourite champion?
I've had a deathproof Nasus once just win the game by himself. The guy just killed us in two or three hits lol...What is your favourite champion?
Mine is nasus. I always liked how nasus has some utility that people seem to forget about. He is good at pushing, good at defending, and also good at locking down that carry. He is, of course, best at solo top, where he can seem to hold his own against most champs (at my pitiful, unranked, solo q level) , and if that goes south? Just farm his Q and 3 hit a tower. You'll cause enough damage somehow. And the late game is just bliss. Not many champs can take out a farmed trynd with maxed out items, without kiting.
So if people don't like playing him, just try it out... Just remember to tell your team that you'll be busy for the first 20 minutes.
Listening to the Curse teamspeak during that last game was awful. Everyone pointing figures and raging, sounded like a solo queue game rather than a pro team. Saint Vicious apparently does everything perfectly while he blames everyone else for the game going south.
I actually thought Curse has been doing really well lately, but they really need to work on their communication and teamplay. SV seemed to call the shots and even made Cop play Urgot, even though he said he hadn't played as him in while. They need some bonding or something or else they're gonna bomb the S2 finals.
You can say this about every champion.
Don't do this.
Ghost is useless on Ashe. It just makes you an easier target for Exhaust. All it takes is one gap closer, or someone catching you off guard and you're done. Even if you're building around late game you would be better served by Cleanse. Running double mobility summoners on an AD carry just says that you don't know how to position properly.
But it's not exactly the same thing. A bad Janna ult can ruin a teamfight, whereas a Sona ult can't really hurt your team unless you completely miss.
Ghost is useless on Ashe. It just makes you an easier target for Exhaust. All it takes is one gap closer, or someone catching you off guard and you're done. Even if you're building around late game you would be better served by Cleanse. Running double mobility summoners on an AD carry just says that you don't know how to position properly.
Just because you saw something work for a pro on a stream doesn't make it good. You are not Aphromoo. The only thing the video you posted even emphasizes is how in a very, very, very specific situation if your enemy makes dozens of mistakes in a row you can pick up kills by blowing multiple summoners and ultimates while they use none when your team has a massive gold advantage.Ashe strives on her slows. If you get jumped on by gap closers such as xin zhao, warwick and nocturne, you're still going to die unless your team peels them off for you. Positioning means nothing when you have to vs a team with 2 or more champs with gap closers. Cleanse isn't going to save your life when it comes to gap closers.
Great example of how ghost works on ashe's attack move with ghost on.
The reason all of the bad advice that floods this thread bugs me is because lately playing with people from GAF is nightmarish window into incompetence and laziness as our team runs around uncoordinated and clueless. So yeah, don't tell people to run Ghost on Ashe.
Such a strange game. We won pretty easily but I've never actually encountered a double jungle like this.
Corgi I could never be mad at you. Also Nautilus is one of your best champs, and he's a support/tanky jungler.A lesson I learned yesterday: don't let me play support/tanky junglers.
getting a real movie villain "you imbecilessss get theemmmmmm" vibe from soda
Corgi I could never be mad at you. Also Nautilus is one of your best champs, and he's a support/tanky jungler.
What do you do when enemies ward all their lanes so you can't gank? Buy vision wards for bot and top?
Just played a game where I couldn't gank anyone because no one warded their lanes and was saving up gold for stuff.
Ghost is useless on Ashe. It just makes you an easier target for Exhaust. All it takes is one gap closer, or someone catching you off guard and you're done. Even if you're building around late game you would be better served by Cleanse. Running double mobility summoners on an AD carry just says that you don't know how to position properly.
I feel like I can do more with Nocturne though. But then again I like hitting something and watching health bars go down.
Can Nocturne pretend to be spider man? I didn't think so!
Then again Noc is basically Batman with his darkness and diving...hmmmmmm.
Sounds perfect for you guys then. Go ahead, run can run ghost sure
if you want to LOSE
you can run ghost sure
if you want to LOSE