No, that wasn't even the change that helped. Nunu used to have major mana issues as a jungler. Now he doesn't. His dragon and baron control also became insane because Consume does full damage to those targets. Those were the changes.And cooldown.
No, that wasn't even the change that helped. Nunu used to have major mana issues as a jungler. Now he doesn't. His dragon and baron control also became insane because Consume does full damage to those targets. Those were the changes.And cooldown.
No, that wasn't even the change that helped. Nunu used to have major mana issues as a jungler. Now he doesn't. His dragon and baron control also became insane because Consume does full damage to those targets. Those were the changes.
thats my thought exactly about darius, he is op for noobs who dont know how to trade and whine when they lose in straight up lvl3 fights. someone in reddit mentioned that his win% is like 48% which is balanced imo.
battlecast urgot is the only way to play him, shame he is not worth playing shit right now (maybe mid).
I'm not saying cooldown is the sole reason. I'm saying it also added to the fact that people looked at Nunu and decided that he was viable again.
Anyone want to tell me how/why Nunu @ top is good? Played with a friend, and he was Renekton @ top against an Nunu. He went 1/5 against him by the time laning phase ended.
...because of the changes. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
Hmm, Abyss on mid is a good idea, I usually leave it for the far end of the match, but I think it may be better than rushing Rilay's if I'm fighting against a scary mid. But good tips, I'm a bit smarter at harassing with autoattacks and saving up mana with Lux, because I at least know how much mana her spells costI only watch the first 20 min:
1. Don't let kass farm for free, you should auto attack him every time he tries to last hit minion with auto attack. If he used his Q to last hit, he is vulnerable for the rest of the CD. Try to do it without taking too much minion damage, of course, it also depend on the match up. Against kass you should spam auto attack, against someone like cass you should spend entire laning phase dodging poison.
The thing is, once kass hit 6 he should outright eat ahri for free, if that kass isn't little bit... err.. slow (dam mod), I would suggest going abyssal first plus another mres item.
2. Try not to use mana to kill minion at 1-5 unless you really have to, once you run out of it you pretty much lose the lane.
3. Try use your Q to harass when your opponent trying to last hit, but outside of your auto attacking range. You can throw one randomly just to keep your opponent on their toe when you have pretty high mana.
4. You should pay attention to your opponent item, kass rushed tears and cd boot (wtf) while you have 2 doran, you should go all out aggressive on him since you have more powerful item . If you see your opponent rush catalyst or gp10, that's them saying "LOL free farm lane".
I wish I could get a redo. Knowing this stuff and a friendly jungler handing me blue buff once might've made a huge difference. Not saying I'd beat him, since the guy was really good, but I would at least given him a fight.@Ahri vs Vlad: It's more-or-less an even lane and comes down to player skill; for that, I'd give the nod to Vlad, personally. Better sustain and easier to play so he has an easier time outplaying. That said, punish him early. Q has a long cooldown (10s base, -1.5s per level) and it's the only way he's scary in low level trades. Farm safely and punish whenever his Q is on cooldown. You're trying to basically force him to leave lane before you.
That said, a good Vlad vs Ahri should know this too. Only using his Q on you and dodging your Q/E rather than getting baited into using pool.
Nunu is a terrible champion because the yeti is a terrible mythical creature.
Give me my ghost champion Riot.
he is played in high play because they are playing him pre nerfs, no one will ever touch him after the nerfs.I hate watching him shine in high level play because he has the potential, just not with my group of friends lol....
...because of the changes. I'm not sure what you are getting at.
Hmm, Abyss on mid is a good idea, I usually leave it for the far end of the match, but I think it may be better than rushing Rilay's if I'm fighting against a scary mid. But good tips, I'm a bit smarter at harassing with autoattacks and saving up mana with Lux, because I at least know how much mana her spells cost![]()
I wish I could get a redo. Knowing this stuff and a friendly jungler handing me blue buff once might've made a huge difference. Not saying I'd beat him, since the guy was really good, but I would at least given him a fight.
he is played in high play because they are playing him pre nerfs, no one will ever touch him after the nerfs.
That's not a ghost that's a bleached Scarecrow.
With Ahri I do 2 Doran's, Hextech Revolver, Boots, then Rilay's, so it's not like I'm rushing it. I get Rilay's before a WotA because of the extra health, but Abbyss might give me more survivability. I'm not a big fan of Rilay's anywaysI like an early Abyssal if you're not doing that well in lane vs someone aggressive. I'd say it's a far better option than an early Rylais. On that note, I'd probably never build Rylai's first unless you're being hyper aggressive and they're always trying to kite you ... but you'd probably still be better with any other option. Rylai's is a nice item for after your core.
Edit: Or if you just want the MR and to cement your lead in the match, I guess, for the early Abyssal. Especially if their mid gets some MR to try and give themselves a chance vs you.
I should probably go all out on him every time he uses his Q, but he can blood pool himself into safety. He's pretty tough :/Vlad is a good laner but he needs to be played right. He can be aggressive and harass but he gets crushed if he gets too aggressive. Playing vs Vlad is to just make him lose a lot of HP every time he tries to go up. He may sustain really well but you can make it too costly for him to step up.
Does Nocturne count?
With Ahri I do 2 Doran's, Hextech Revolver, Boots, then Rilay's, so it's not like I'm rushing it. I get Rilay's before a WotA because of the extra health, but Abbyss might give me more survivability. I'm not a big fan of Rilay's anyways![]()
I should probably go all out on him every time he uses his Q, but he can blood pool himself into safety. He's pretty tough :/
League needs a new ghost champion, and I'm interested in what they can do with how good all their new champions are looking compared to old stuff.
Some serious analysis going on right now in the MLG tournament.
guys there is a summoner spell called ghost
guys there is a summoner spell called ghost
Everyone builds WotA on Ahri.Ahri buys Hextech Revolver? I don't I've ever built one on her.
Everyone builds WotA on Ahri.
they un nerfed him in live though
Don't do this.I use it. It's great on Singed and several AD carries.
Oh, awright, I'm probably gonna end up replacing it for one of those two (or even go to wuss town and get a RoAThat's actually what I meant by Rylai's first since Ahri almost always gets that early Revolver :x I just like Deathcap or Abyssal better before a Rylai's generally speaking.
Can't believe you're not even level 30 yet and manage to remember all this stuffThat's kind of your goal. He Qs, you auto him or hit him with your Q (or Q+W). He W's away which costs him 20% of his health, minus whatever he sustains back. It's then down for 26s (-3s/level, usually leveled last) which makes his own harassment ability suffer. You just take these small wins over the course of three, four, five, etc. trades in lane.
Can't believe you're not even level 30 yet and manage to remember all this stuff![]()
Don't do this.
It's awesome on a nasus...guys there is a summoner spell called ghost
Just started playing this with some friends, so far I like ashe and I like twisted fate, even though it took me a fair few games to get the hang of himAny other champion recommendations? I tried a few melee ones but I couldn't really figure out how to make them work if that makes sense.
I just feel that fighters who are supposed to stay in the fight would love ghost more than flash.
That really depends. I personally am more a fan of Rylais->Rab. Great survivability and your ganks become so very very goood. W sets up people for charm so hard with it.Everyone builds WotA on Ahri.
He means champions who are actually ghosts.I just feel that fighters who are supposed to stay in the fight would love ghost more than flash.
Everyone builds WotA on Ahri.
He means champions who are actually ghosts.
But for real. Stop using Ghost in 99% of regular situations. So useless compared to Flash.
GUYS WHAT IF LEAGUE OF LEGENDS TAKES PLACE IN THE AFTERLIFE @_____________________________________________________________@