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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Someone posted this on a Taiwanese forum. They even included where they found the information (different client files). It looks like they ditched the old champion design completely.

Sejuani's basic attacks apply Frost, reducing enemy Movement Speed by 10% for 3 seconds.
> ==============================================
> Arctic Assault (Q):
> Sejuani charges forward, dealing 60/90/130/170/210 (+0.4) magic damage and applying Frost to enemies. Sejuani stops upon colliding with an enemy champion.
> cost 70/80/90/100/110 Mana
> cooldown 19/17/15/13/11
> range 700.0
> ==============================================
> Northern Winds (W):
> Sejuani summons an arctic storm around her for 5/5/5/5/5 seconds, dealing 12/18/24/30/36 (+0.1) (+ [1/1.25/1.5/1.75/2% of maximum Health]) magic damage each second to nearby enemies.
> Damage is increased by 50/50/50/50/50% against enemies affected by Frost or Permafrost ( magic damage per second).
> cost 40/40/40/40/40 Mana
> cooldown 10/10/10/10/10
> ==============================================
> Permafrost (E):
> Sejuani converts Frost on nearby enemies to Permafrost, dealing 60/110/160/210/260 (+0.5) magic damage and increasing the Movement Speed reduction to 30/40/50/60/70% for 3/3/3/3/3 seconds.
> cost 55/55/55/55/55 Mana
> cooldown 11/11/11/11/11
> ==============================================
> Glacial Prison (R):
> Sejuani throws her weapon, stunning the first enemy champion hit for 2/2/2 seconds and all other nearby enemies for 1/1/1 second. All affected targets take 150/250/350 (+0.8) magic damage and are affected by Frost.
> cost 100/100/100 Mana
> cooldown 150/130/110
move speed:315
armor base:17.5 (+3.5 per level)
mana base:220 (+40 per level)
mana regen:1.29 (+0.09 per level)
hp regen:1.45 (+0.17 per level)
magic resist:30 (+1.25 per level)
hp base:450 (+85 per level)
attack:54 (+3.5 per level)


Oh look a gap closing bruiser with an AoE stun.

EDIT: nvm she says "tank", so it's more appropriate I suppose.
Also, they are changing Skarner lightly lololol.

Wir werden nächsten Patch ganz leichte Änderungen an Skarner durchführen.


The boar is new. It was found in the same file set as the ability information. It also contained sound files matching each of the abilities.


I'd rather have curved skillshots than that boring normal stuff : |

Management of her debuff sounds interesting until you realise her ult puts it on aoe
I got good as GP solo top. Good build for him is Health Pendant ---> Philo ----> Boots + HoG ----> Wriggles ----> Frozen Mallet/Atmas. I normally get all of that around the 22-23 min marker because of the gold.
I just had the most annoying Yi teammate I ever had.


He kept whining on chat (all caps) and was so aggressive that he was suicidal. Seriously, there were a few times when I saved his ass with heals and an enemy silence and spammed retreat signal but no he decided to come back and try to kill Kayle. He got murdered because there was a Vayne tagging along then he blamed me for leaving him behind (all my skills were on CD and I'm not stupid -_-).

It got bad to the point I ended up having more kills than him before he RQ'd. He came back during the final 5 mins and basically, more than half of his kills listed came from him just cleaning up for us.

Still not sure if I'm doing support Soraka right. I try to get all gp10 items and boots somewhere in between. After that, I slowly turn those gp10 items into whatever aura items out there. I'm not sure if Aegis even helps since the passive aura seems to be ridiculously minor. Got starks since everyone was AD and was already on my way to Frozen Heart to replace Kage. I plant a lot of wards along the way.


I'd rather have curved skillshots than that boring normal stuff : |

Management of her debuff sounds interesting until you realise her ult puts it on aoe
Riot has actually showed interest in curved skill shots. They were asking for new mechanics that wouldn't break the "anti-fun" rule. I'd like to see it happen as well.
Still not sure if I'm doing support Soraka right. I try to get all gp10 items and boots somewhere in between. After that, I slowly turn those gp10 items into whatever aura items out there. I'm not sure if Aegis even helps since the passive aura seems to be ridiculously minor. Got starks since everyone was AD and was already on my way to Frozen Heart to replace Kage. I plant a lot of wards along the way.

2 gp5 items should be sufficient. One of them should obviously be Philosopher's Stone, but the other can either be Kage's Lucky Pick or Heart of Gold. Get Ionian Boots and Aegis. The latter is a very powerful item throughout the mid-game. Late you can upgrade your Philosopher's Stone to Shurelia. If you have more money you can get other aura items for your team: Get Starks if you have a lot of attack damage on your team and WotA if you have AP.

Also get wards. Lots of wards. I usually start with the cheap mana regen item (for Philo), 4 wards and a health potion.

Edit: I just noticed you have 138 CS. That's a lot of CS for a support. I don't know if you got them late into the game, but normally you'd let your laning partner get all the creep kills while you baby sit him.


Still not sure if I'm doing support Soraka right. I try to get all gp10 items and boots somewhere in between. After that, I slowly turn those gp10 items into whatever aura items out there. I'm not sure if Aegis even helps since the passive aura seems to be ridiculously minor. Got starks since everyone was AD and was already on my way to Frozen Heart to replace Kage. I plant a lot of wards along the way.
Aside from what was already mentioned, that Riven should almost certainly have had frozen heart instead of two thornmails, if they were trying to go solid tank. Or ideally, someone else would have frozen heart, and the riven would have atma's weapon considering they had two warmogs.

Randuin's omen could have helped against the heavy enemy AD too, and I guess that would have worked for you if you started with heart of gold.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I got good as GP solo top. Good build for him is Health Pendant ---> Philo ----> Boots + HoG ----> Wriggles ----> Frozen Mallet/Atmas. I normally get all of that around the 22-23 min marker because of the gold.
I don't really feel top lane is passive enough right now to run gold items. I just bully people out of lane when I see people trying to get away with that.


woo that's 12 games I've won in a row

Had a weird game with kennen, someone explain this to me:
It ended with me getting 12.2k with 166 cs and 8/6/12
The enemy kennen has 11.9k with 191 cs and 8/7/12
No gp/5 or anything

@____@, has LoL started to give gold punishments for deaths?
Your team could have gotten the dragon more than they did, and/or more turrets than they did, and/or you killed people who were worth more than their kennen's victims. I think killing someone who was on a killstreak can get you up to 500 gold, for instance.


Your team could have gotten the dragon more than they did, and/or more turrets than they did, and/or you killed people were worth more than their kennen. I think killing someone who was on a killstreak can get you up to 500 gold, for instance.

Ya not all kills are equal value. Killing someone who's died a lot is worth alot less, as well as killing someone who's on a big kill streak (up to a 500G bonus). And then there's dragon and baron gold bonuses.


Your team could have gotten the dragon more than they did, and/or more turrets than they did, and/or you killed people who were worth more than their kennen's victims. I think killing someone who was on a killstreak can get you up to 500 gold, for instance.

ah yeah I edited it out, I had 4 tower kills and he had none


I got good as GP solo top. Good build for him is Health Pendant ---> Philo ----> Boots + HoG ----> Wriggles ----> Frozen Mallet/Atmas. I normally get all of that around the 22-23 min marker because of the gold.

GP is sooo easy to use

My build is usually cloth armour 5 pots, wriggles and boots on first b (i'm very conservative with mana so i lane for ages), warmogs on second or third b, then laning phase should be over

I don't get why people stack gold per 5 items on gp though, he farms so well


GP is sooo easy to use

My build is usually cloth armour 5 pots, wriggles and boots on first b (i'm very conservative with mana so i lane for ages), warmogs on second or third b, then laning phase should be over

I don't get why people stack gold per 5 items on gp though, he farms so well

Philo gives mana and health regen, so increases your sustain. Good alternative to latern I suppose, and you should net more gold in the long run as long as you cs well.


No. He's no very good and I doubt a buff will change it. Changing ratios and cool downs wont necessarily fix the problem. There's something 'off' about his kit. Good concept, terrible execution if you ask me.

I think it's because his skill cap is really high. To be useful in a teamfight, he has to hit more than one person with e(laser), his w (the stun/slow) can mess up people's positions in the fight (similar to gragas' ult), and he has to hit at least 3 people with his ult and his q.... he can do whatever he wants with it.

Problem is, noone stops to think about these things in a team fight when playing viktor. Everyone just thinks: OMG A FIGHT, and start to use every cd on one person. I think Viktor can only work as a tanky mage with sustained damage and not a burst caster. Sadly, his cds don't agree with this play style.


No. He's no very good and I doubt a buff will change it. Changing ratios and cool downs wont necessarily fix the problem. There's something 'off' about his kit. Good concept, terrible execution if you ask me.

I just want to say I still have lots of fun playing him, the only complaint I have is his ult. It doesn't really do much of anything (in practice).

But I'll agree, he is pretty underwhelming if you're looking for an AP caster to get into. Try him out if he's free still.


No. He's no very good and I doubt a buff will change it. Changing ratios and cool downs wont necessarily fix the problem. There's something 'off' about his kit. Good concept, terrible execution if you ask me.

Biggest complains I see is his range, and his shield activates too late on his ability. (They say it should activate on hit, not return).


Tragic victim of fan death
The kit for Sejuani looks like it's a mix of Shyv and Ashe. Ugh, really not liking how this champ is going to play if this is how it is. It's been a long while since we got an energy based champ. Can we get one soon or something. Ahri was the last good champion released and before that was Talon which they nerfed to the ground. I'm not counting Riven since they had to fix her.


The kit for Sejuani looks like it's a mix of Shyv and Ashe. Ugh, really not liking how this champ is going to play if this is how it is. It's been a long while since we got an energy based champ. Can we get one soon or something. Ahri was the last good champion released and before that was Talon which they nerfed to the ground. I'm not counting Riven since they had to fix her.

You're missing graves. Fizz was okay too.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Graves, while fun, is not a good champion. Giving a ranged hero survivability, burst and sustained damage is not what I would consider balanced champion design.


The kit for Sejuani looks like it's a mix of Shyv and Ashe. Ugh, really not liking how this champ is going to play if this is how it is. It's been a long while since we got an energy based champ. Can we get one soon or something. Ahri was the last good champion released and before that was Talon which they nerfed to the ground. I'm not counting Riven since they had to fix her.

They learnt their lesson in OP once they released nocturne and vayne and had to nerf them consecutively

Too much work


Tragic victim of fan death
You're missing graves. Fizz was okay too.

Oh damn, I forgot Graves. Never mind. I retract my entire statement. However, in all honesty, Graves is way too strong. It's like they didn't learn their mistake with Initial Vayne release.


Oh damn, I forgot Graves. Never mind. I retract my entire statement. However, in all honesty, Graves is way too strong. It's like they didn't learn their mistake with Initial Vayne release.

Which would you rather have (as in you spent rp on), a shyvanna or graves?


I think it's because his skill cap is really high. To be useful in a teamfight, he has to hit more than one person with e(laser), his w (the stun/slow) can mess up people's positions in the fight (similar to gragas' ult), and he has to hit at least 3 people with his ult and his q.... he can do whatever he wants with it.

Problem is, noone stops to think about these things in a team fight when playing viktor. Everyone just thinks: OMG A FIGHT, and start to use every cd on one person. I think Viktor can only work as a tanky mage with sustained damage and not a burst caster. Sadly, his cds don't agree with this play style.

He's not very rewarding for such a high skill cap. There's something lackluster about his skills. His shield puts him in a dangerous position because he has to get close to use it and it doesn't apply immediately. If I have to use stun before going in, then I'm already halfway through my skill set and that's without scaring the enemy.

I've yet to see someone (ingame or on stream) use Viktor in a way that suggests he could be powerful. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't see it happening before the next patch.

On a related note, this post tickled my funny bone: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=19617177#post19617177


He's not very rewarding for such a high skill cap. There's something lackluster about his skills. His shield puts him in a dangerous position because he has to get close to use it and it doesn't apply immediately. If I have to use stun before going in, then I'm already halfway through my skill set and that's without scaring the enemy.

I've yet to see someone (ingame or on stream) use Viktor in a way that suggests he could be powerful. I'd love to be proven wrong, but I don't see it happening before the next patch.

On a related note, this post tickled my funny bone: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=19617177#post19617177

I've gone 19/1 with him before and on another occasion made a Sona ragequit for killing her twice with the range on his E. I'm terrible in general so those two instances, along with just having fun in every game I play with him, convinced me he was worth it.
Been thinking of maybe streaming our inhouse games or any other premades that I'm a part of. Is there any interest on this, so that others can watch us play? gonna need some sort of schedule though.
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