Here's your Sejuani guys:
It's just an art spotlight.
I see riot brought out their big breasted babe blueprint again
Here's your Sejuani guys:
It's just an art spotlight.
Graves, while fun, is not a good champion. Giving a ranged hero survivability, burst and sustained damage is not what I would consider balanced champion design.
Looking at his creep score compared to Vayne, I don't think it was minions he was killing...Yeah, by killing minions.
Oranges use lots of mana though, and I never seem to get the lucky crits that you need to be successful early. Maybe I stack too much arpen to use gangplank well...I'd love to do well with him.Rough games for me tonight. Ow. I've only used Mumble briefly with a different guild in GW. I was thinking it was like vent where you just pop in the server info and go. Was wondering why I was the only one on, and you guys were telling me to get on.
Facing Morg in mid wasn't too bad at first. I kept seeing Udyr up above early, I was a bit afraid to jump her. Probably a mistake, she started getting tanky and yeah. When she came back with items/kills, my spells were hitting her like an early morning mist. A LeBlanc that cant get early kills is a painful experience.
Vs Gankplank - Blaaargh. Oranges, oranges, oranges, crit half your health, oranges. Almost makes me miss the Trynds. Stupidly gave that one first blood though. Was feeling cocky from rolling over that Udyr earlier, I guess.
Kiunchbb said:Kiunch's Eve is awesome, if Kiunch failed a tower dive, its the team fault, always.
Also, Riven counters Nasus so hard.On another note, my one game of the night went well...I was solo top versus nasus and orianna, but fortunately the orianna turned out to be terrible (and/or turned out to be ganked too many times by shaco to be useful). I don't know that I've ever gotten fed so quickly with riven. It was a nice feeling.
uploading last 2 inhouse games i was a part of to my LoLReplay name (same as my neogaf name) if anyone wants to watch.
Whenever I look at scoreboards like these ice runs through my veins. Oh god, I haven't had a game like that in a while and I never want to again. ;_;Sigh...
Whenever I look at scoreboards like these ice runs through my veins. Oh god, I haven't had a game like that in a while and I never want to again. ;_;
I'm going to stick with Dominion. At least when you get a really bad team, it's a short affair.
Another reason not to do blind picks.
Been thinking of maybe streaming our inhouse games or any other premades that I'm a part of. Is there any interest on this, so that others can watch us play? gonna need some sort of schedule though.
rayven, is there any reason the champion picture doesn't reflect the skin you are using?
uploading last 2 inhouse games i was a part of to my LoLReplay name (same as my neogaf name) if anyone wants to watch.
Couldn't sleep, so I popped back in for some AP Sion games. With boots of mobility, he's just relaxing. Didn't even worry about kills, just roamed around QW'ing everything and racking up assists. Not too sure what to build after deathcap, been grabbing random things; Hourglass, lichband, ga, radiuns, etc. Probably should look up a proper late game build. Just buying a bunch of wards seems the most helpful at that point.
Hopefully they don't nerf him or anything.
Tips for Singed? I'm going RoA first, Boots3, and then FoN or Frozen Heart depending on team comp.
Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.
Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.
Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.
Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.
Tips for Singed? I'm going RoA first, Boots3, and then FoN or Frozen Heart depending on team comp.
Some people play Rylai's Singed. They go something like Rylai's, Frozen Heart (for mana/armor) and FON (for MR/speed/health regen). I usually go ROA/Sunfire/FON when I play as Singed.
IMO, boots 3 aren't a necessity on Singed. Great early game, but I'd rather have the CC reduction of Merc Treads at the end of the game when you need to get through enemy lines to fling the squishy into your team.
Does Rylai's activate on Fling? I'm not sure what a potential combo would be when you are approaching someone.
Start Q up > Fling > Slow in front of their escape > Q'ing while running in front of them
But what if they run the other way? Or they just start killing me? I took Heal/Ghost last time because that gives a good margin of error, and Ghost turned out great, what else would you take on him? Ignite for true damage?
I use Ghost/TP because I usually solo top as Singed (except for those rare occasions I have to mid against Bind because he picked Kassadin. Grr...). TP is great for getting back to lane and also TP ganking if your team actually wards. All of Singed's abilities activate Rylai's AFAIK. If you're enemies aren't running in fear from you, you aren't playing Singed right.
I guess the biggest issue I have going Rylai's is sustainability. Without catalyst, I feel he can get pushed out of lane easily or needs to burn his ult to regen health.
Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.
Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.
Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.
Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.
I'd say someone who stands back. Sona.
You don't want to recommend melee characters, as they get caught in the thick of the fight.
Tips for Singed? I'm going RoA first, Boots3, and then FoN or Frozen Heart depending on team comp.