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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Graves, while fun, is not a good champion. Giving a ranged hero survivability, burst and sustained damage is not what I would consider balanced champion design.

Given that he doesn't carry as hard as Twitch or Vayne can makes me think he works much better as a AD Caster, esp. after the range nerfs. Q + R just do so much more damage, and Graves is being whored out for his passive and steroid. People see "Burst, CC, Steroid, blink, ranged AD" and they try to fit him into that mold, when I don't think that was the intention of the design.

Along with him, I still need to buy:
Singed (He is so awesome, free week madness)

All my fight money.





Rough games for me tonight. Ow. I've only used Mumble briefly with a different guild in GW. I was thinking it was like vent where you just pop in the server info and go. Was wondering why I was the only one on, and you guys were telling me to get on.

Facing Morg in mid wasn't too bad at first. I kept seeing Udyr up above early, I was a bit afraid to jump her. Probably a mistake, she started getting tanky and yeah. When she came back with items/kills, my spells were hitting her like an early morning mist. A LeBlanc that cant get early kills is a painful experience.

Vs Gankplank - Blaaargh. Oranges, oranges, oranges, crit half your health, oranges. Almost makes me miss the Trynds. Stupidly gave that one first blood though. Was feeling cocky from rolling over that Udyr earlier, I guess.


Rough games for me tonight. Ow. I've only used Mumble briefly with a different guild in GW. I was thinking it was like vent where you just pop in the server info and go. Was wondering why I was the only one on, and you guys were telling me to get on.

Facing Morg in mid wasn't too bad at first. I kept seeing Udyr up above early, I was a bit afraid to jump her. Probably a mistake, she started getting tanky and yeah. When she came back with items/kills, my spells were hitting her like an early morning mist. A LeBlanc that cant get early kills is a painful experience.

Vs Gankplank - Blaaargh. Oranges, oranges, oranges, crit half your health, oranges. Almost makes me miss the Trynds. Stupidly gave that one first blood though. Was feeling cocky from rolling over that Udyr earlier, I guess.
Oranges use lots of mana though, and I never seem to get the lucky crits that you need to be successful early. Maybe I stack too much arpen to use gangplank well...I'd love to do well with him.

On another note, my one game of the night went well...I was solo top versus nasus and orianna, but fortunately the orianna turned out to be terrible (and/or turned out to be ganked too many times by shaco to be useful). I don't know that I've ever gotten fed so quickly with riven. It was a nice feeling.



Kiunchbb said:
Kiunch's Eve is awesome, if Kiunch failed a tower dive, its the team fault, always.

Guys, guys... Clearly it was the team's fault. Kiunch was playing the best Riven ever but his team wasn't able to keep up with him.

In case anyone is still salty, I'm joking - please forgive me!
On another note, my one game of the night went well...I was solo top versus nasus and orianna, but fortunately the orianna turned out to be terrible (and/or turned out to be ganked too many times by shaco to be useful). I don't know that I've ever gotten fed so quickly with riven. It was a nice feeling.

Also, Riven counters Nasus so hard.


Whenever I look at scoreboards like these ice runs through my veins. Oh god, I haven't had a game like that in a while and I never want to again. ;_;

I'm going to stick with Dominion. At least when you get a really bad team, it's a short affair.


Viktor is a good champion imo, you shouldn't use him as the main damage dealer but more of a support / harasser. I upgrade his force field thingy and just stun and laser constantly. The shield is an extra for escaping. This is ofcourse if you have a good team. His ult is also good in combination with another AOE ult that stuns / slows.


formerly sane
Whenever I look at scoreboards like these ice runs through my veins. Oh god, I haven't had a game like that in a while and I never want to again. ;_;

I'm going to stick with Dominion. At least when you get a really bad team, it's a short affair.

True I don't want a game like that but had I seen that team comp I would've been thinking loss no matter how good the lb was. Amumu and that team late game will shut down squish central.


I find that normal draft pick, unlike ranked, rarely follow the current meta. I've experienced a lot of kill lanes in stead of the standard ad/support bot lane.
Been thinking of maybe streaming our inhouse games or any other premades that I'm a part of. Is there any interest on this, so that others can watch us play? gonna need some sort of schedule though.

Would be awesome so that Pro-GAF can advise us Bad-GAF and the Good-GAF players. Unfortunately, there's no set schedule. They are becoming more common as we have more people in the chat active! We hit 32 concurrent players!

rayven, is there any reason the champion picture doesn't reflect the skin you are using?

I would suppose that this is to make the champions instantly recognizable on the mini-map. I know I have identified who was in x part of the jungle from a .1 second flicker on the screen as they move through the fog of war.

As for the portrait on the lower left, I have no clue. Would be cool, though.

uploading last 2 inhouse games i was a part of to my LoLReplay name (same as my neogaf name) if anyone wants to watch.

How do we access them? Also, can you upload the one that we lost as a ranked team, too? I learn more from losses than victories. :p

P.S. Wrote this Caitlyn "mini-guide" for someone who was having trouble with her. My Jarvan guide was deemed useful last time, so I hope this helps someone out:

1) Put a point in your traps first for bush control at bot (or mid, if you must).
2) Get a Doran's Blade first. You get it for the health and damage, not the lifeleech.
3) Get Armor Penetration Reds, Yellows, and Quintessences, and Magic Regeneration Blues.
4) Level like so: WQEQQR QWQWR EEWWR EE (Max Q first, then 3 points in W, then 3 points in E, upgrading R whenever possible.)

5) Farm, farm, farm 2k gold for Best Friend Sword and Basic Boots. You now have mobility and damage.
6) Depending on what you need, prioritize Bloodthirster or Infinity Edge. Get either one of those or Phantom Dancer after that. So either: BT -> IE -> PD, IE-> BT->PD, IE->PD, BT, or BT->PD->IE.
7) If you feel threatened, get Banshee's Veil after. If not, ask yourself this: Do they have lots of armor? Last Whisper. No? Black Cleaver.

8) Early game is Cait's strength. Harass, harass harass. Ideally you'll want to poke them so much and so hard that when you hit level 6 and you target one of them with your ult either of them will die.
9) Save your passive's Headshot for hitting champions whenever possible.
9a) Use the brush when you last hit, to charge up your passive faster.
10) Know where strategic use of Net can save you.
11) Use Traps to set up advantages in teamfights, creating either a barrier against their team or a fallback line for your team by using the remains of a destroyed turret. Example:

o = trap O= turret remains | = edge of lane

| o O o o |

12) Do not use Piltover (Q) for anything but farming later in the game. The channeling time of .5 seconds is waaaay too long and not worth the damage unless you are trying to get a poke, and even then...
13) Don't use ult unless you are entirely out of range of their entire team. The laser targeting and 4 second channeling time is like a huge "HIT ME" beacon. Weirdly enough, you can also use it to initiate.
13a) You can use it within the enemy team's range if your team is causing sufficient chaos that they'll over look you, but it is extremely risky. The times I've done it successfully without immediately dying afterwards I can count on one hand after playing hundreds of Caitlyn games.


Couldn't sleep, so I popped back in for some AP Sion games. With boots of mobility, he's just relaxing. Didn't even worry about kills, just roamed around QW'ing everything and racking up assists. Not too sure what to build after deathcap, been grabbing random things; Hourglass, lichband, ga, radiuns, etc. Probably should look up a proper late game build. Just buying a bunch of wards seems the most helpful at that point.

Hopefully they don't nerf him or anything.


Riot art department hit a home run with Sejuani, she looks amazing.
And I don't know which Talon skin is my favourite now, Douchebag Talon was awesome but Strider Talon... boy, I want to buy Talon because of that skin. Bruce Lee Sin is awesome too but I already have Traditional.


Couldn't sleep, so I popped back in for some AP Sion games. With boots of mobility, he's just relaxing. Didn't even worry about kills, just roamed around QW'ing everything and racking up assists. Not too sure what to build after deathcap, been grabbing random things; Hourglass, lichband, ga, radiuns, etc. Probably should look up a proper late game build. Just buying a bunch of wards seems the most helpful at that point.

Hopefully they don't nerf him or anything.

Support Sion is freakin annoying. Hides in brush all day, pops out to stun and blast shield, already eating over 50% and with their ad range, possibly death. So annoying to play around.

I'm up for some games later tonight. I think I got my mic to work so hopefully I can finally chat!


Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.

Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.


Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.

Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.

I started learning the game with Ashe, worked for me!

Also seems like your build for singed is pretty much the build for him (depending on other team). Rod of ages is pretty much mandatory for singed.


Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.

Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.

Akali. Easy rotation, fun to play and has a nice escape.


Tips for Singed? I'm going RoA first, Boots3, and then FoN or Frozen Heart depending on team comp.

Some people play Rylai's Singed. They go something like Rylai's, Frozen Heart (for mana/armor) and FON (for MR/speed/health regen). I usually go ROA/Sunfire/FON when I play as Singed.

IMO, boots 3 aren't a necessity on Singed. Great early game, but I'd rather have the CC reduction of Merc Treads at the end of the game when you need to get through enemy lines to fling the squishy into your team.


Some people play Rylai's Singed. They go something like Rylai's, Frozen Heart (for mana/armor) and FON (for MR/speed/health regen). I usually go ROA/Sunfire/FON when I play as Singed.

IMO, boots 3 aren't a necessity on Singed. Great early game, but I'd rather have the CC reduction of Merc Treads at the end of the game when you need to get through enemy lines to fling the squishy into your team.

Does Rylai's activate on Fling? I'm not sure what a potential combo would be when you are approaching someone.

Start Q up > Fling > Slow in front of their escape > Q'ing while running in front of them

But what if they run the other way? Or they just start killing me? I took Heal/Ghost last time because that gives a good margin of error, and Ghost turned out great, what else would you take on him? Ignite for true damage?


Does Rylai's activate on Fling? I'm not sure what a potential combo would be when you are approaching someone.

Start Q up > Fling > Slow in front of their escape > Q'ing while running in front of them

But what if they run the other way? Or they just start killing me? I took Heal/Ghost last time because that gives a good margin of error, and Ghost turned out great, what else would you take on him? Ignite for true damage?

I use Ghost/TP because I usually solo top as Singed (except for those rare occasions I have to mid against Bind because he picked Kassadin. Grr...). TP is great for getting back to lane and also TP ganking if your team actually wards. All of Singed's abilities activate Rylai's AFAIK. If you're enemies aren't running in fear from you, you aren't playing Singed right.

I guess the biggest issue I have going Rylai's is sustainability. Without catalyst, I feel he can get pushed out of lane easily or needs to burn his ult to regen health.


I use Ghost/TP because I usually solo top as Singed (except for those rare occasions I have to mid against Bind because he picked Kassadin. Grr...). TP is great for getting back to lane and also TP ganking if your team actually wards. All of Singed's abilities activate Rylai's AFAIK. If you're enemies aren't running in fear from you, you aren't playing Singed right.

I guess the biggest issue I have going Rylai's is sustainability. Without catalyst, I feel he can get pushed out of lane easily or needs to burn his ult to regen health.

That's what I was thinking, past the health and mana of RoA, the Catalyst gives him a great amount of staying power in lanes. But hey, if you take TP, you have better lane coverage anyways, so I guess I can try both and see what works/adapt.

Thanks! I'm gonna try this when I get home.
I gave Kog'maw another chance this week and after a few games I think I overestimated how much the nerfs hurt him. He's still not a top 3 carry like he was but he's right outside that rank.

Also like the Jax changes. They make him more skill based.
Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.

Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.

I'd say someone who stands back. Sona.

You don't want to recommend melee characters, as they get caught in the thick of the fight.


Morde is such a pubstomper at my Elo. Went 14/3/12 in a solo q game last night.

Also, who do you guys thing is the easiest character for someone new to the game to learn? Friend is downloading and I wanted some suggestions. I was thinking Garen because he has good survivability and damage output, while he also has little responsibility in the team - he doesn't really have to tank or initiate, he just spins around like a mad man.

I'd suggest Ashe, since she has a bush reveal, extra gold, an initiate, a slow, and good damage. She's just fairly slow.

You could also do someone like Sona for sitting back and watching others, but at his level, they will all be newbs.

Annie works too for learning combos and free last hitting.


I'd say someone who stands back. Sona.

You don't want to recommend melee characters, as they get caught in the thick of the fight.

I'd say Sona is too dull. She is very easy to play, but not a very interesting introduction to LoL. Ashe is both cheap and easy to learn.

Don't Tryndamere, Jax, Master YI and other fighters do really well at lower levels?


My vote for a learner character is Ryze. He has low cooldowns, builds +mana so it's pretty hard to run oom on him, he can build tanky without sacrificing much damage and he has decent range.

I tried to get a friend into LoL and he went Ashe for his first game. He was constantly oom and felt like he wasn't contributing much damage with just her one nuke (not counting her ult.) Ashe is an ok starter champ for someone familiar with DotA or HoN, but a true noob to the genre isn't going to effectively kite or fully appreciate being able to check bushes.
Teaching him about last hitting, pushing and itemizing is more important. Pre 30 he can play anyone really.

If he plays support he will, in fact, probably feel like hes doing poorly since support cant contribute if your team is uncoordinated.


Vayne over ashe in the easy department. She has a get off me move, speed boost and roll to evade, invis, great auto attack, less concern with managing mana, can give chase...yeah vayne is nub friendly and just beastly period.

I would say Ryze for AP. Tanky for a mage, has snare, and good burst dmg.

Warwick is probably an easy jungler to start out with.

Taric for support. His long cooldowns means new players don't have to worry so much about spamming spells.

GP maybe is noob friendly for bruisers. Quite tanky, has heal, escape cc, easy to last hit.

Not sure abou the easiest tank though. Maybe Malphite? Just ult team from a distant to initiate.


When I started I was told to play Ryze as well. I didn't like him because of how damn slow he is. That said I agree he's a good champion to start with.


Tips for Singed? I'm going RoA first, Boots3, and then FoN or Frozen Heart depending on team comp.

RoA, Merc treads, FoN/Frozen Heart/Sunfire/Rylai's depending on comp.

Poison triggers Rylai's, so it gives you even more leeway when you're being chased, and makes you even more of a mass-CC pain in team fights. But I like to get at least one defense item before it so that I can continue to be reckless.

I usually run Ghost/TP, both because I play solo top and because it makes it easier to push random lanes in the late-game.

You have the right idea about engaging, but unless it's a very fragile champion, you should usually try to avoid it. Just hang out around your minions with your poison cloud and make it hard for them to last hit. With Catalyst and your ult, you can outlast most champions if you're careful.
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