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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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RoA, Merc treads, FoN/Frozen Heart/Sunfire/Rylai's depending on comp.

Poison triggers Rylai's, so it gives you even more leeway when you're being chased, and makes you even more of a mass-CC pain in team fights. But I like to get at least one defense item before it so that I can continue to be reckless.

I usually run Ghost/TP, both because I play solo top and because it makes it easier to push random lanes in the late-game.

You have the right idea about engaging, but unless it's a very fragile champion, you should usually try to avoid it. Just hang out around your minions with your poison cloud and make it hard for them to last hit. With Catalyst and your ult, you can outlast most champions if you're careful.

Should I try to save my ult until the point where I'm 1/3 to 1/5 health or use it for attacking?

Welcome to Page 18 folks


Vayne over ashe in the easy department. She has a get off me move, speed boost and roll to evade, invis, great auto attack, less concern with managing mana, can give chase...yeah vayne is nub friendly and just beastly period.

I would say Ryze for AP. Tanky for a mage, has snare, and good burst dmg.

Warwick is probably an easy jungler to start out with.

Taric for support. His long cooldowns means new players don't have to worry so much about spamming spells.

GP maybe is noob friendly for bruisers. Quite tanky, has heal, escape cc, easy to last hit.

Not sure abou the easiest tank though. Maybe Malphite? Just ult team from a distant to initiate.
It may just be personal taste, but I have opposite opinions for some of this new player stuff:

When I started with Ashe due to the tutorial using her or whatever, I thought she was super hard to use. I probably lost a couple of bot games with her, and she's so very squishy. Once you start learning about strategic slows and using her crit passive maybe she's easy, but she didn't strike me that way.

Warwick may be easy for killing jungle monsters, but he is so slow to move around I am not sure I would recommend him even for new people...maybe so?

Vayne I do NOT recommend for new players. She was one of the first expensive champions I bought (maybe after Shaco and Caitlyn), and it seems like there are lots of terrible Vayne players, or players who are sometimes good but quickly become terrible if they don't get a good start in the game. The thing is that Vayne is so weak, people who are unfamiliar with her will burn her mana for rolls, and/or not pin people to walls, and end up dying in like 3 hits. It can be even worse if they try to start with doran's blade and their lane partner doesn't have a heal. Plus her range is not ultra long, so attacking minions might put them in the lane of some tanky gap closer. GAF games, non-GAF games, whatever, seems like beginner Vayne players will have a tough time.

I don't feel that gangplank is tanky until you get items on him. I have seen so many people saying he's easy to use, and tried him so many times myself, with different varieties of runes, and it never works. Now maybe I'm one of the worst players ever (possible), and maybe going armor + CDR + heavy arpen is a bad idea on gangplank (possible), but I always seem to be running out of mana and/or being squishy and/or not farming well early game. I haven't tried him solo top much, however.

I did start playing by trying to learn tank with malphite, so I'll agree with malphite, annie, and maybe ryze. You need to learn the quick chain constant spell seequence for cooldowns with ryze, however, something I still haven't figured out efficiently. And of course if you play tank, as I did with malphite, your whole team may scream at you how the loss was your fault, and you weren't tanking enough, and you didn't initiate properly, and you stole a creep or a kill, etc. etc. Tank and support are rough roles if your teammates are screamy, and it might put some people off the game.

I'm trying to think if there is anyone else good for new players. Maybe garen with his lack of mana, though again for some reason I couldn't figure out how to play him. Perhaps caitlyn/kogmaw/tristana depending on who is free that week, for the extra range over vayne, or graves for the built-in armor and magic resist.


I think annie is a great first champion to learn. Her mechanics are simple, but shes still very strong at her minimum. Plus, free last hits!

Ryze is kinda mana starved early game and his last hit animation sucks balls. He also requires smart casting.

Don't like Ashe as a first AD either. Her animation is average, plus she doesn't have a steroid. Ashe's power comes from her utility - utility which requires skill to use. Graves is better as "my first AD".
Also, Vayne is a high skill champion. New players shouldn't use her.


I'm also against the Vayne suggestion. She's very dependent on her abilities to do well and she's expensive. Should probably not recommend anything above 1350 IP.
Should I try to save my ult until the point where I'm 1/3 to 1/5 health or use it for attacking?

Welcome to Page 18 folks

It's very situational. It can be very good as an initiator when you're at full health. You can also use it to bait someone when you're low on health and your jungler is near.

And welcome to page 35!
Not this one.



I just started reviewing tribunal cases. I can't believe the number of cases where people get reported just for having a negative k:d. 2/4/11 with 200 CS isn't intentional feeding, I'm sorry.


It's very situational. It can be very good as an initiator when you're at full health. You can also use it to bait someone when you're low on health and your jungler is near.

And welcome to page 35!

This. I think one of the biggest issues I see is people just not using ult. The CD is really low - after the ult ends, the CD is only like 60 seconds or something. Don't be afraid to burn it during laning if you need to get some life back. Conversely, don't be afraid to burn it at full health to get the move speed buff and set up ganks/kills/initiate. It's a really versatile ult with a lot of uses.


I should try singed since its' free week. Last time I did I was terrible, but I know I was playing him wrong and have a better idea what you're suppose to do with him.
Vayne is one of the hardest AD carries to play in the game. I would never suggest starting with her.

Here are the easiest champs per role IMO (not best, easiest):

Ranged AD Carry - Caitlyn, Ashe

AP Carry - Annie, Ryze

Jungle - Nunu, Malphite, Warwick, Gangplank

Tanky - Garen, Malphite, Shen, Gangplank

Support - Sona, Soraka, Taric

Other - Kayle, Katarina, Master Yi

Overall, the easiest champ to play in the game is Garen. Q > Spin > Ult. Whatever.

I'd suggest starting out playing AD carries. They scale the best without masteries/runes, are easy to learn universal builds for, teach you how to last hit and stay out of danger, etc.

Playing support is great if you have higher level/more experienced friends that will help you out.

AP carry and Jungle are the two last things you should learn. Without developing map awareness and gank timing, you are going to go to waste in a middle lane and jungling is the hardest and probably most important role on the team.

Solo top tanky characters can range from braindead easy to super difficult. The role itself is simple enough and you would do well there once you understand your champ and what they can take/dish out in a 1v1 scenario.


I've found myself last-hitting with Ryze's Q once I have enough mana, maybe the animation on his autoattack is why.

And that Jarvan comic...I know that feeling so well when people on my team try Jarvan. ;_;


I should rape face more with Leblanc. Especially after yesterday's game. Thought we'd have them surrendering by 20 the way I was feeding off them.
I would like to note that I played Zilean for the first time today (that I can recall), in Dominion, and was called a pro-Zilean.


I trolled the hell out of a Tryndamere.


We had an all AP team yesterday (me/rex/kiunch and two randoms who just decided they wanted to roll AP too).

Top: Karthus
Mid: Brand (who constantly complained of lag)
Bot: Ahri/forget
Jungle: Rumble

Very very surprising that we won (go team Wota), and won pretty solidly too. Wish I had screencaptured it.


We had an all AP team yesterday (me/rex/kiunch and two randoms who just decided they wanted to roll AP too).

Top: Karthus
Mid: Brand (who constantly complained of lag)
Bot: Ahri/forget
Jungle: Rumble

Very very surprising that we won (go team Wota), and won pretty solidly too. Wish I had screencaptured it.

Nobody builds defense in normals, all ap can win easy


I haven't touched this game since November and how it's change. My shitty Blitzcrank skills are still intact. I will these master grabs one way or another, even if I cost my team a win. :p


Tribunal is just hilarious.

I wish you could get suspended for just discussing reporting all game. It really drags on the fun.

Also, 14/4/4 is no intentional feeding...these kids.


I like the YouTube comment.

*Riot reading Feedback Forums*

Tryn OP!!!

Eve UP!!!

Guys we should nerf Riven

Seriously though, look at their example video. Riven goes against a melee champion, Udyr. Udyr does not attempt to dodge, and basically doesn't attempt to attack Riven AT ALL. Meanwhile, Riven damages this champion who sits there attacking minions blindly. ...?

Kiting and ranged attacks should be used against Riven, bleah. And I never even noticed the health regen being that strong, considering that lacking sustain or heal unless you buy health regen items always seemed like one of Riven's weak points.

"As hard as it is to break through that shield" -- that shield is 2.5 seconds, no more, right? Even if you attack DURING that shield, it's what, 150-200 damage if it's leveled up to level 3 (and it may well be leveled last)? If people can break Sion's shield, and they can, then surely they can do some decent damage through that.

I'll have to wait and see how it works out, but considering tryndamere and akali were left the same, it just seems ludicrous to single out a new champion, especially since I feel that so often people who claim it's easy to counter akali still get crushed by her, and/or it can still be a huge pain to deal with her and tryndamere late game, taking 2-3 champions or special items to do it. Sure, you can take Garen top, but what if you don't have Garen?

Anyway, I just feel there are other very strong champions and it was kind of sad to single her out. She's one of the very few champions I thought was kind of fun due to the lack of mana and the ability to press buttons. I hope she doesn't immediately go to Eve and Karma levels of uselessness.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Who still complains about Akali? C'mon Blizzard, she was nerfed into the ground. There are still a number of champions who need to be nerfed before Riven though.


It was her only sustain. Her sustain was her weakest component, and it's what they nerf.

Hopefully people will shut up about her.
Basically this. Compared to tryndamere healing, or nasus healing, or gangplank healing, or any other champions that might have heal or lifesteal, I feel her sustain was not strong unless she can scare enemies off without taking damage.

riven is op

oh wait

Wise Jenga, predict the future for us -- will Tryndamere ever get a(nother) nerf, and will Karma/Eve ever get a buff? And will Graves get a(nother) nerf?

On another note I tried Viktor in a bot game. His death ray targeting is so WEIRD. Even if you smart cast it, you have to drag it on the ground before letting go of the key, since you can send it in all sorts of directions. It's really easy to try to click someone in mid lane and have the deathray shoot off to the side randomly.

Who still complains about Akali? C'mon Blizzard, she was nerfed into the ground. There are still a number of champions who need to be nerfed before Riven though.
There must be some world (probably >1500 world) where people easily counter akali. I'm convinced that in GAF games and non-GAF games, with low/average skill people, Akali is still crushingly good. Maybe I'm just wrong though. :(
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