*trollface*Well, that is disappointing. But hey a new mobile bruiser is coming Tuesday!
Wait a minute. . .
Nay, LoL 2 shall be released
I'm still curious to see what technical feature they needed for the new champion to work.
Bet ya anything they couldn't figure out how to get a champion on a mount. I expect more mounted champions coming soon...
P.S. 43 GAFfers in the GAF room! woot!
Legata carrying an entire GAF team. Too good.
The only good thing that will come out of this Riven nerf is that she'll lose FotM and I can finally start playing her again.
God damnit Riot. It better be some insignificant nerf like that Cait nerf of -5 movement speed.
The thing is that even though the Cait nerf was minor, it seems to have pushed her even further to unused territory. Pretty much everyone does Graves/Vayne (then Kogmaw/Tristana), and only rarely Caitlyn.The only good thing that will come out of this Riven nerf is that she'll lose FotM and I can finally start playing her again.
God damnit Riot. It better be some insignificant nerf like that Cait nerf of -5 movement speed.
Where'd you go. I went to take a piss and you went mia.
One thing I may not have realized much before today: Sheen only does bonus damage from your base attack damage (including level bonuses), unlike the double AP bonus from lich bane. An extra 80 damage every two seconds doesn't seem so impressive when you put it that way, but I guess it helps.
it's actually quite an impressive damage boost for characters that can proc it constantly (skarn, ez, corki, etc.), for its price, though if I am trying to go triforce I usually get a phage first.
A lot of MR considering they only have Morgana.
Fair enough. I was just curious. It seemed to work out quite well for you.
A bit like this one, it's unfair to kill everyone and being a junglerIt's illegal to build armor. You should all know that by now.
Yeah I normally run ad quints and armour pen reds, but that page at the time was like flat armour and health runes in every slot. I was surprised how little of difference it made in clear time / ganks to not have those there for the minor stat boosts
Met up with a group of friends at their house last night.
The League of Legends player skulked off fairly quickly to LOL some more. :/ Online game addiction is gross.
Any of you guys find yourself sneaking away from gatherings to play LOL and make numbers go higher?
I picked up Lee Sin recently and really need to start learning him. Right now, GP is pretty much my only jungler as I'm sort of bored with fiddlesticks.
What is the most common jungle route for Le Singa
So why don't you guys watch the Shurelily stream on own3d?
It's quality. Total quality.
I thought own3d was where most of the top players streamed?
Unless you can mount/dismount the boar, then wouldn't Nunu already be using that technology?Most league streamers are on Own3d. You should probably start checking out Own3d.
I think TheOddOne is pretty entertaining.
I've heard rumblings that the new technology that sejuani is using is the ability to have a mounted champion. Thats cool I guess.... But I was hoping for a new gameplay technology. : (
I've heard rumblings that the new technology that sejuani is using is the ability to have a mounted champion. Thats cool I guess.... But I was hoping for a new gameplay technology. : (
Yeah but Nunu isn't animated independantly of the yeti. He's just a figurine on top of the frame... if you know what I mean.
51 minute game. Rizzle deaths - 0. Orianna support mage too strong with the shields
20 bucks says Urgot + Sona had REAL sexy time down bot
Also, I now own Pentakill Karthus *happy dance*
Edit: *heavy metal dance, whatever that consists of*
urgot was probably top
Balls, I didn't realize they had ashe.
I know what you mean. But if she can't mount/dismount the boar, then I don't see how they couldn't implement it before. They'll still move as one unit. Like a Skarner using his ultimate on an enemy. Maybe I just want it to be something "bigger".