I don't even do anything particularly outrageous in this thread. I post news. I try to offer advice while stamping out the mountains of bullshit that pile up in here by people who don't know what they are talking about. Most of the things I say are simple things that could be looked up in an instant, instead I have to deal with a bunch of know it all weenies bad mouthing move speed runes on AP mids. Even just a hint of research by looking up any pro's rune pages or a guide will reveal that wow, move speed runes are really popular on a wide variety of AP mids.Take that however you want.
Yo I don't understand why people complain about the way soda presents his critiques if they already know that's the way he presents it.
I don't even do anything particularly outrageous in this thread. I post news. I try to offer advice while stamping out the mountains of bullshit that pile up in here by people who don't know what they are talking about. Most of the things I say are simple things that could be looked up in an instant, instead I have to deal with a bunch of know it all weenies bad mouthing move speed runes on AP mids. Even just a hint of research by looking up any pro's rune pages or a guide will reveal that wow, move speed runes are really popular on a wide variety of AP mids.
How many of you actually have to play with GAF on a regular basis even? It can be extremely aggravating to see the thread shit up with terrible advice and then have to watch people feed hard in lanes where they hard counter the enemy because of the fundamental misunderstandings consistently propagated by the players in this thread who refuse to do research. Think whatever you want, but I am just posting stuff I look up or information from high ELO or pro players that I keep in contact with.
It's fine if people don't know everything, and I won't claim to always know best, but I really just cannot deal with the people who have come to post in this thread when I can offer decent common knowledge and consistently have it thrown in my face while my GAF teams flounder.
Yo I don't understand why people complain about the way soda presents his critiques if they already know that's the way he presents it.
This reasoning can be also applied towards you.This type of attitude. It's not that you're right or wrong. It's the mindset that you always think you're right and you make everyone else seem like an imbecile.
This reasoning can be also applied towards you.
I was wondering when someone was gonna point this out. Didn't want to be the first, tho, I'm not some pervertBIKINI RIVEN HMM.
The chat is alright.It has literally nothing to do with the advice being good or bad. You come off abrasive and hostile.
As for playing with GAF, I haven't yet (outside of Opiate and two others for a few games). I haven't even joined the GAF chat. Based off this thread and the hostility in it, I have no real desire to.
I was wondering when someone was gonna point this out. Didn't want to be the first, tho, I'm not a pervert
The chat is alright.
Janna top counters Yorick hard.
Currently on a 14 game losing streak. All 14 games as Leona.
Currently on a 14 game losing streak. All 14 games as Leona.
Very hard to carry with a support champion. You should try to duo queue with someone and have them play the AD carry. It can really make the difference if you're able to communicate with your lane partner - zoning, ganking, dragon control etc.
try leona jarvan combo, i heard its crazy.Currently on a 14 game losing streak. All 14 games as Leona.
Yeah, the strategic recommendations for SR are not relevant to me, guys. This is a dominion losing streak.
16 in a row now. Im sure I've tumbled at least a couple hundred elo on this. Not sure if there's anything I could do besides 1) stop playing, 2) not play Leona, neither of which I want to do! Breaking the streak by playing Rammus or Kassadin or something would basically be cheating, in my mind.
This reasoning can be also applied towards you.
It's the best advice I've ever heard. Whether or not you're right or wrong is irrelevant. It's just the way you present it.
Take that however you want.
Trundle is the hardest Yorick counter
Don't worry, I look after the GAF chat. It's cool when I'm there!It has literally nothing to do with the advice being good or bad. You come off abrasive and hostile.
As for playing with GAF, I haven't yet (outside of Opiate and two others for a few games). I haven't even joined the GAF chat. Based off this thread and the hostility in it, I have no real desire to.
I could have, of course, broken the streak by simply signing off until tomorrow (Which often jumbles the online players around, which matters when you're at 2k elo and you face the same people pretty consistently), or by playing Kassadin, or Rammus, or Ezreal.
But there are a couple of reasons I did not. First, it would feel sort of like "cheating" to break a losing streak by simply picking an OP champion -- in the same way that it's much less satisfying to break a bad streak by having the enemy team suffer 2 afks. Second, I'm quite aware that as a support player who is generally doing my job (not saying I'm perfect by any means), these sorts of games are near coin flips, and I'm almost appalled, enthralled to see how many times it can come up tails in a row. The answer, this time, was 16.
Currently on a 14 game losing streak. All 14 games as Leona.
I guess he figured he could tell Scarra himself instead of telling Dignitas first.
(I think the only time I ever watched Scarra play Kat he got crushed by a Twisted Fate, so I'm not very learned in the ways of Scarra)
I'm sorry. Are you playing as support?
EDIT: Saw it was dominion. I wouldn't think she's good in DOM.
Sounds about right. Kat seems like an awful character to pick against someone with a stun on a three second cooldown.
It has literally nothing to do with the advice being good or bad. You come off abrasive and hostile.
This type of attitude. It's not that you're right or wrong. It's the mindset that you always think you're right and you make everyone else seem like an imbecile.
This is pretty precisely my objection to soda cop/Dance In My Blood's posts. When he is being more polite in suggestions I have no problem with it. I've tried to explain this in the past, and I figure it's best to let it go and not dwell on it if it's not going to change, so as not to derail the thread further.I don't think I came off as ignorant or as a boaster. I was giving my own opinions that I found out after my 1000+ games of AD carries and experimentation with itemisation and summoner spell combinations at a decent elo range. I was insulted and called an idiot who didn't know what I was talking about. I don't take kindly to that behaviour.
And it is exactly this.
I think the engine would support it on the same level of Tibbers or Shaco, since that already works. And they added pressing R again to move those, so you don't have to alt-right-click anymore (though this tends to confuse the crap out of me since I start to panic thinking my ult didn't go off).Ez is pretty different from Ashe and TF. Except for the global, Ez is much more skill shot based (all his moves are more or less skill shots).
However he's very fun to play.
Considering the current way they have you control alternate units (Alt + Click), I would have to say no. The engine cannot support it/would require a significant rework in order to support it.
Also they hate multi-unit trickery, just see all the stupid tethering on every fucking summon.
Yep. I didn't catch the stream early enough to see whether Kat or TF was picked first. I seem to recall that I used to like laning as Kat against TF, but once I started finding more average/decent TF players, they would beat me because TF farms so well and they can get the gold card quickly enough to cancel the ult.Sounds about right. Kat seems like an awful character to pick against someone with a stun on a three second cooldown.
I don't even do anything particularly outrageous in this thread. I post news. I try to offer advice while stamping out the mountains of bullshit that pile up in here by people who don't know what they are talking about. Most of the things I say are simple things that could be looked up in an instant, instead I have to deal with a bunch of know it all weenies bad mouthing move speed runes on AP mids. Even just a hint of research by looking up any pro's rune pages or a guide will reveal that wow, move speed runes are really popular on a wide variety of AP mids.
How many of you actually have to play with GAF on a regular basis even? It can be extremely aggravating to see the thread shit up with terrible advice and then have to watch people feed hard in lanes where they hard counter the enemy because of the fundamental misunderstandings consistently propagated by the players in this thread who refuse to do research. Think whatever you want, but I am just posting stuff I look up or information from high ELO or pro players that I keep in contact with.
It's fine if people don't know everything, and I won't claim to always know best, but I really just cannot deal with the people who have come to post in this thread when I can offer decent common knowledge and consistently have it thrown in my face while my GAF teams flounder.
It's usually empty. LOL
Given the examples you've given, I'm not sure how those can be considered advice. The sound more like someones personal preference.You are never willing to heed someone elses advice even when they have experience with the situation (Ferrio and Fiora Tiamats, Ferga and Ghost Ashe)
I didn't insult you or call you an "idiot" at any point in time. I'm sorry if this is the impression I left in any way, but the victim complex is getting pretty tired from multiple parties.When I had my "discussion" on Ashe with flash ghost with soda, I didn't make it out like I was better than anyone...I was insulted and called an idiot who didn't know what I was talking about. I don't take kindly to that behaviour.
And I'm getting the same vibe from you, so I don't know what to say. I don't really care, but it's wrong to paint the GAF community with the same brush. I thought I was clear about why I dislike poor advice in the thread: I'm the one who has to play with GAFfers. It becomes me and not you who has to deal with someone running Ghost on Ashe and losing the entire game for us because one single Exhaust not only shuts down their damage but all of their mobility.Based off this thread and the hostility in it, I have no real desire to.
Hi. I'm going to keep taking red buff from you, is that the attention you want?Hey guys give me attention please
Trundle is the hardest Yorick counter
Oh god I never realized how much it cost me when I bought that bundle. This is the problem when you buy in $50 chunks of RP.Oh and I caved and finally bought the 7 page rune bundle. It killed me to spend $20 on it
And I'm getting the same vibe from you, so I don't know what to say.
I don't really care, but it's wrong to paint the GAF community with the same brush.
I thought I was clear about why I dislike poor advice in the thread: I'm the one who has to play with GAFfers.
Really I wish people would just not make a huge deal out of every little thing I say. If I disagree with you who cares? On some level I am trying to create discussion. I encourage you to try and not blow everything up and just try playing with GAF, because it really is a pretty low key play environment for the most part.
Played a few Diana games last night. She's FUN. I love her kit.
No one would let me jungle so I played her mid. I stomped AP trist and Gragas and got stomped by Talon. I feel like if I played her better I could have survived the Talon lane a little better though. I traded better initially but he was bursting me down hard even with a chain vest around lvl 7-8 after he got his brutalizer.
I tried a few different rune pages. Not terrible surprisingly my favorite was my AP movespeed - Movespeed quints, magic pen marks, armor yellows, MR blues. I traded well and the movespeed helped quite a bit for gap closing to land a Q->R as well as running away.
My least favorite for the lane was AP quints, attack speed marks, armor yellows, MR blues. I didn't feel like she took advantage of the attack speed at all for laning.
Items I got the most out of were Rabadon's of course, Abyssal (really liked this item on her), Void staff. I picked up hextech revolver but I can't say I was feeling the spell vamp too much. She's pretty mana hungry early if you spam her spells so I wasn't getting a lot out of it. Rylai's was good but despite how tanky I built (even got a frozen heart one game) I still felt squishy as hell. I had the most success as a glass cannon assassin. Get in, secure the kill and run away.
I definitely want to jungle her. I was cs'ing really well by clearing jungle camps in between waves. She clears fast.
edit: Oh and I caved and finally bought the 7 page rune bundle. It killed me to spend $20 on it but I've been playing a lot of draft and I was struggling with 3. Now I need a boat load of IP to get some more runes I don't have. doh.
You'll want another one in a month or two, heh. Rune pages are addicting in a weird way for me.
You'll want another one in a month or two, heh. Rune pages are addicting in a weird way for me.
I always want to get the rune page pack, but I never had the ip to buy the damn runes to justify it. How can I save for rune when there's a new champ every 2 weeks.
My akali page doesn't have enough rune to tigger both passive, manaless mid have mana regen and armor, ad page have cd reduction. If only there's a way to buy runes with rp.
I always want to get the rune page pack, but I never had the ip to buy the damn runes to justify it. How can I save for rune when there's a new champ every 2 weeks.
My akali page doesn't have enough rune to tigger both passive, manaless mid have mana regen and armor, ad page have cd reduction. If only there's a way to buy runes with rp.
The rune combiner still exists. CDR runes have their uses on supports and certain champions like Sejuani though.haha yeah my rune pages are pretty generic too.
I need to replace my AP/lvl glyphs on my mid page with flat MR ones, or maybe my scaling MR since I already have them. And I need better marks than Magic Pen on my support page.
Is that rune combiner thing still in the game? maybe I can roll the dice and convert some of my useless CDR runes to something I need...
The rune combiner still exists. CDR runes have their uses on supports and certain champions like Sejuani though.
I had one game that their jungle diana started with 13 pots.... with no items other than pots she wracked up 3 kills off the lanes. Which she did then pick up deathcap, which if she was geting kills with no items before.. you can imagine how bad it was now.
Trying to think of a good item to get before rab. I'm not to keen on spellvamp for her, lichbane early is just as expensive, rylais i don't need that much hp early... hrm.