Youre two sentences contradict each other. Her movements are enhanced in that she has the ability to get away from opponents using her ult.
My points anyway stands that her ult is an escape. It sure is situational and not reliable all the time but it is an escape. Just because it doesn't work all the time denies it from being an escape.
Agree to disagree then.. We'll see how Riot classifies it but I seem to recall them mentioning no escapes for her.
Here's how I define them:
If an ability is used to close the gap to an opponent, I'd call it an initiator, not an escape - Irelia's Q, Akali's R, Darius's R, Diana's R, etc.
If the ability can be used without vision (i.e. Lee's Q) or to a friendly object (i.e. Lee's W, Jax's jump, etc) then that's an escape. If the ability causes an opponent to lose vision or otherwise disengage from you (Vayne's ult tumble, Akali's shroud, Twitch's whatever the heck makes him invis, etc) then that's an escape as well.
I'll further elaborate that snares or anything else that stops movement of your opponent would be considered an escape.
Despite the fact that initiators can be used to escape they would not be called an escape when talking about that champion's kit.