Jazzy Network
Not enough tryhard.
Not enough Bad-GAF.
Try playing Singed?Yeah, I'm trying my best to be decent at this game. I don't have the luxury some of you got of being able to screw around and still do ok.
Yorick is pretty fun, but I generally run AD reds and Quints, his ghouls scale of it, and his shovel does pretty weak dmg so it helps with last hitting as well. My biggest problem with Yorick is every time I play him in blind solo queue, I ult our carry, he dies and then when he is revived for 10secs stands there and complains about the server lag.. urgh.Gonna try some support Yorick.
Running g/10 quints. Armor pen marks/mana regen seals/cd reductions glyphs with 8/1/21 masteries. Not sure if those are good, but it's the best I can do without spending all my ip ATM.
oh my
Yorick is pretty fun, but I generally run AD reds and Quints, his ghouls scale of it, and his shovel does pretty weak dmg so it helps with last hitting as well. My biggest problem with Yorick is every time I play him in blind solo queue, I ult our carry, he dies and then when he is revived for 10secs stands there and complains about the server lag.. urgh.
Both are OP. Wukong is a little more situational though.I've been pretty out of the loop for the last couple of months, just started playing LoL again lately, but I'm curious as to what LoL-GAF think of both Wukong and Ahri? I've been tempted to try one or the other out for a while now.
Both are OP. Wukong is a little more situational though.
Riot hasn't said anything about any changes to either champ. Wukong is pretty under the radar, I don't think he'll see any changes for a good while. You don't really need to wait for the patch if you don't want to.I'll wait for the patch then decide, I'm not bothered if their OP, they just look fun to play.
Riot hasn't said anything about any changes to either champ. Wukong is pretty under the radar, I don't think he'll see any changes for a good while. You don't really need to wait for the patch if you don't want to.
My guide for people who are beginning League of Legends who never played a MOBA.
1. No, don't practice with bot matches. Outside of the first two or so games where you may get a smurf, you'll be playing with people just as new as you. All bots do is teach you bad habits and keep you soft.
2. Don't spend any money on this account. You'll realize why later.
3. Get to level 30, hooray! Pat yourself on the back. You realize that for the past couple of levels you're playing with a lot of people who are soft in the head. Chances are, you ended up in ELO hell. Some say it doesn't exist, but it does. You may of been in this ELO because you had to learn how everything works, that's okay (you gotta walk before you run), but the game decides you're in an ELO with people who've played a thousand more games as you but are in the same hellish ELO as you. Really sucks if you spent money on several champions just to play them in games where a Shaco AFKs because a Brazilian Yi stole it and immediately died. And it's just as likely to happen to the other team so your enjoyment level between games shift from "I want to kill the whole world" to "I won, but it didn't feel like it." You can grit your teeth and try to fight your way out of it as Janna, or...
4. Make a smurf account, and stomp on a bunch of skulls for a couple games (while apologizing!) until it flags you as a smurf and sky rockets your elo.
5. Watch madness unfold for a few games as you end up fighting a menagerie of smurfs. Some are incredibly skilled, some are bad players who didn't realize the game has flagged them, etc. It's going to be like watching galaxies explode, but you start to notice that the more games you play, the more things balance out.
6. You are now smurfing at an ELO that puts you up with and against other smurfs that are actually around your skill level! You may see new things such as actual junglers, coordination, and impressive feats of teamwork! Holy crap, people aren't trolling or feeding. You can start spending money.
7. Hit level 30, look at how much higher your win:loss ratio is on your account is. Smile.
What counters Wukong other than like a Malphite top?Ahri's almost certainly getting a small nerf next patch although Riot hasn't said anything about it. She's very strong right now and a top tier caster. Wukong is very good in lower-medium elo, but he seems to be countered in high elo matches.
http://i.imgur.com/PTuOi.jpg fantastic wallpaper
What counters Wukong other than like a Malphite top?
My guide for people who are beginning League of Legends who never played a MOBA.
1. No, don't practice with bot matches. Outside of the first two or so games where you may get a smurf, you'll be playing with people just as new as you. All bots do is teach you bad habits and keep you soft.
2. Don't spend any money on this account. You'll realize why later.
3. Get to level 30, hooray! Pat yourself on the back. You realize that for the past couple of levels you're playing with a lot of people who are soft in the head. Chances are, you ended up in ELO hell. Some say it doesn't exist, but it does. You may of been in this ELO because you had to learn how everything works, that's okay (you gotta walk before you run), but the game decides you're in an ELO with people who've played a thousand more games as you but are in the same hellish ELO as you. Really sucks if you spent money on several champions just to play them in games where a Shaco AFKs because a Brazilian Yi stole it and immediately died. And it's just as likely to happen to the other team so your enjoyment level between games shift from "I want to kill the whole world" to "I won, but it didn't feel like it." You can grit your teeth and try to fight your way out of it as Janna, or...
4. Make a smurf account, and stomp on a bunch of skulls for a couple games (while apologizing!) until it flags you as a smurf and sky rockets your elo.
5. Watch madness unfold for a few games as you end up fighting a menagerie of smurfs. Some are incredibly skilled, some are bad players who didn't realize the game has flagged them, etc. It's going to be like watching galaxies explode, but you start to notice that the more games you play, the more things balance out.
6. You are now smurfing at an ELO that puts you up with and against other smurfs that are actually around your skill level! You may see new things such as actual junglers, coordination, and impressive feats of teamwork! Holy crap, people aren't trolling or feeding. You can start spending money.
7. Hit level 30, look at how much higher your win:loss ratio is on your account is. Smile.
What counters Wukong other than like a Malphite top?
2. Don't spend any money on this account. You'll realize why later.
.Ahaha 3. assumes you get stuck in (normal games) ELO hell. If you really are "stuck" and it's impossible for you to get out of there, that means you belong there. Simple as that.
You could also hit level 30 and just do ranked - it offers an ELO reset every season. I don't see the benefits of having to play 150 more games all over again just to hit level 30 again. All that wasted IP too. Eurgh.
Wukong uses Mana. Try Kennan or Rumble. Basically characters who can outlast him and force him to use his mana more. Sometimes its not about beating the other lane, rather just preventing that lane from becoming a problem.
Kennen and Rumble are good against almost everyone right now though.Wukong uses Mana. Try Kennan or Rumble. Basically characters who can outlast him and force him to use his mana more. Sometimes its not about beating the other lane, rather just preventing that lane from becoming a problem.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
Kennen and Rumble are good against almost everyone right now though.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
It's always funny to see this sort of point of view. It's like some rich guy complaining about how poor people need to lift themselves up by their bootstraps.Ahaha 3. assumes you get stuck in (normal games) ELO hell. If you really are "stuck" and it's impossible for you to get out of there, that means you belong there. Simple as that.
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
Dragging yourself out of ELO hell is a painful, long experience. Oh cool, you managed to win six consecutive games. Enjoy being flagged for multiple losses and getting stuck with three people with the reputation for leaving. It's more chance than it being your fault.
dat bd yi =/
I ended up 13/3/12. We were actually melting vayne and akali, nearly melting trynd and finishing him off, and taric was just an annoyance. It was just so late by the time we started winning teamfights that we had too few turrets, I guess.Ya, that was the recipe for a late game nightmare. Tryn + Yi = eff my life. We made Vayne useless at least.
Ctrl + the letter.How do you select your spells without having to click the + icon?
So I heard LoLGAF has a good amount of unlikeable people, and in general, LoLGAF doesn't even play together.
Confirm or Deny.
Can you not confirm or deny?
It's always funny to see this sort of point of view. It's like some rich guy complaining about how poor people need to lift themselves up by their bootstraps.
Dragging yourself out of ELO hell is a painful, long experience. Oh cool, you managed to win six consecutive games. Enjoy being flagged for multiple losses and getting stuck with three people with the reputation for leaving. It's more chance than anything.
y u trollin bro.
Someone told me that's the way it was. I'm not a good troll in general.
Someone told me that's the way it was. I'm not a good troll in general.
We have a little somethin' somethin' for naysayers like you