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League of Legends |OT2| So free, it's only 8000 USD!

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Played classic normal solo queue. Got paired with some good teammates for once. After the game I sent them all friend requests. No one accepts.

Forever solo queue :'(


Someone told me that's the way it was. I'm not a good troll in general.
Some people will on rare occasions ragequit inhouse games, or afk in fountain/ragequit GAF vs pub games if it's going badly and a surrender fails, or defriend people and say they'll never play with them again, or call people on the other team "faggot". That's pretty much the exception though. In general even if people rage, they will play together again after a day or two, and most people seem nice enough. :)


Valid question. Perhaps the other states thought it was too brutal of a punishment?
For one thing, it is known to cause cancer in California.

*edit* Try this for your transparency problem, Electra:

There are still a few white pixels that could be hand-fixed if it bothers you.

*edit* You already got a better one, lol.


Taking a long break from this is driving my blood pressure so far down its incredible. Think ill give it till the champion after next and then get back in, won't be such a douch to people i actually enjoy playing with ><, back to fishing!
EXGN was doing really good as Udyr, too, against teams that would counter him.

What would suck was he'd be at 8 kills and I'd be at 6, we'd take 3 towers top and look at bot and see they had fed a ridiculous amount. :(

Two more suggestions:

Do a a slot swap like we can do champion swaps. What happens if the spectator slots are full? I had this happen once, we had to remake. :(

Secondly, the "Quit" button in custom games needs to be in a hard to click location. Just had SelfDeception accidentally quit because he wanted to hit the NeoGAF chat channel.


Edit: You guys banning and picking Garen is more of an ego-boost than anything. :p


Or make a custom game only mode where the opponent selects the champ for you. Twitches and Eves everywhere - except for Kiunch. Gaf would torture him by not giving him Eve.
I will carry the IE-Garen banner proudly.

Kinda crazy what a cloth armor will do for you top. And brutalizer is good... I just wish there were more cdr items for damage or armor or something. Yomuus sucks on Garen :(


Or make a custom game only mode where the opponent selects the champ for you. Twitches and Eves everywhere - except for Kiunch. Gaf would torture him by not giving him Eve.

There's a custom game mode where you play this way. Only problem is that you need to know the other team's champions beforehand.
No shame double post:

Can you guys go to the store and confirm for me? These champs are sporting the Chinese art, but ONLY in the preview, not when you click on them:



Bird of Prey Anivia
Vizir Malzahar
Assassin Master Yi
White Mage Veigar



My Solo Queue motivational:

FOUR other people on your team.
FIVE people on the opposing team.
YOU are the difference.

Make a difference in solo queue today!


What's wrong with grumping about solo queue?

I try not to rage or anything, but i generally like to huff a little to get it out of my system. Lot of the things I see strike me as kind of funny. I like to think it comes down to LoL being a team game, and solo just rarely teamfights. Most of my wins lately have come from taking AP Sion and following around whatever AD Carry seems the most awake, and doing dmg/stun for them. It seems to push the coin toss a little more in my favor.

My only serious grumps are people rarely if ever ward. I've been conditioned to buy wards every time I shop, and its insanely aggravating to see people refuse to buy even one and still facecheck into 3v1s. The premade / duo que thing seems a little dodgy too. Tonight I faced the same premade twice, while having pretty troll'ish teams. Last week, que'ing up with a low level friend put us against full 30/premades 3 out of 4 times. I'm sure there are numbers to explain, but it felt pretty bleh.

Tried out Pantheon tonight. Lost both times (vs that same premade) but the 2nd game felt pretty good until top/mid collapsed. Poking with Q kept bot mostly out of the lane, even against Janna shields.


formerly sane
Sorry for the big picture.

Elo Hell does exist.

Solo queue is not perfect unlike an organized queue.

1. Your first point can be negated by the fact the system doesn't make a distinction between players of similar elos with a lot games under their belt and a few. Your side argue since it's random it fair. There's nothing fair about random elements in a ranked setting causing you to lose. If anything it's highly unfair and doesn't promote an actual competitive system since a random element how player are ranked from the get go.

2. What does my own input or anyone of my team input matter when x amount of players are erasing my carry? The whole argument of this team crap yet one or two trolls on any team is a guaranteed loss for whoever gets them. You can't kill trolling since there is no mechanism and since there is way to make games like this a draw such stats are bogus in my head. No one in this elo system or any should be given credit positive or negative for someone or at times various people trolling a game.

To demonstrate my point another way. This isn't like organized sports at all that assume all of your team players are there to win or at least play by the rules. You get all sorts of trolls at default elo who basically can't play their character or their roles for the game while they feed or more often than not doing nothing until the game ends be it surrender or being pushed in.

3. The distribution of trolls isn't equal. Nor is it something you can peg in the game to make such an argument. Sometimes you could have a bunch of trolls on one team or a lopsided mixture of trolls. The idea that the enemy has more trolls is not supported by any stats riot or anyone on your side is willing to publically disclose.

4. I don't argue I always carry in this style of gameplay as you are going to have bad days. my problem and tons of people on the official forums or places for lol say it the same. Is when you have games where you hard carry only to have it wiped by derpiness due a team that won't win or a feeder. I lose more of my matches because once the laning phase ends and somehow a majority of the team I'm on don't understand that being in 5 man group mid to end game is the optimal. Sorry I don't want play in a mode where there is a clear disconnect between me and my teammates on how to end a game.

It's a pile of crap for a lot of reasons not listed here. Any system that doesn't allow solo players to deal with half the trolls that are in the game be in banning selection or in game is bunk. Hon system is a billion times better and more accurately reflects people usefulness to a team.

Solo Queue is just that and most of it's problems can be resolved by actually being on a team or going to lan tournies. I tried it both seasons and the various time I did I saw crap going on I rarely see in normals which makes me realize it's not worth my time. I play these things casually since I don't have the money or time to travel to play real comp and not random ranked tryhard mode online.


There are two kinds of people in this world. People who don't understand stats and people who don't understand stats.


formerly sane
There are two kinds of people in this world. People who don't understand stats and people who don't understand stats.

I'm quite aware of how the elo works. I know that if I grind out a few hundreds games I will have the stats my skills reflect. I'm just saying it's not worth playing the length of time it takes for the system corrects itself when there are clear problems preventing me from getting there. There are clearly masochist who do so but it's easier just to do a few normals without selection hassle and then call it a day.

Also acting as if such stats are how things play out in solo/duo ranked queue is seriously disingenuous to larger argument at hand. Since you can't refute any of my points without a petty insult don't bother to respond to anymore of my posts.

Here's my own reflection of your phrase

There are two kinds of people in this world. People who choose to always see it in two shades and those that don't.


Corporate Apologist
What does it matter if you play 200+ games in unranked or 200+ game in ranked? They both actually have a rank to them, its just that you can see one and not the other. Do you not like the pick/ban phase? The audience it draws? The restriction to have a team of 1, 2, or 5 to play? The feeling when you see a number next to your name? Those are the only differences between the two types of match making when it comes down to it.


formerly sane
What does it matter if you play 200+ games in unranked or 200+ game in ranked? They both actually have a rank to them, its just that you can see one and not the other. Do you not like the pick/ban phase? The audience it draws? The restriction to have a team of 1, 2, or 5 to play? Those are the only differences between the two when it comes down to it.

I don't care if someone plays ranked or normal. I like ban mode in the game but only among people I'm familiar aka a pug with or a more formal league setting. I grew up on all pick/random in dota and enjoy the chaos is can bring over ban draft mode. I come from fighters and fps games the idea of banning characters unless they are totally broke is just something that doesn't gel with me. For a lot pick/ban gets the mojo going and there is nothing wrong with it.

bought Jarvan today, I'm helping. I picked Teleport for him, didn't work out much end game, I'll pick something else. I died so much time to AD from Vayne. I had fun soloing top with my ult trapping them :D near the turret.


If you don't want to start in the lower elo bracket you'll have to play at the beginning at each season. Not only is everyone at an equal level, but elo rewards (not penalties!) are also bigger.
Are GAF inhouse US?

I am EU East (Sweden), anyone else? :3
Fantomen and I are on EUNE. I also started a smurf on EUW.
3. The distribution of trolls isn't equal. Nor is it something you can peg in the game to make such an argument. Sometimes you could have a bunch of trolls on one team or a lopsided mixture of trolls. The idea that the enemy has more trolls is not supported by any stats riot or anyone on your side is willing to publically disclose.

Distribution is random. Riot's already confirmed that. If you get trolled 3 games in a row, then you're just unlucky (and the guys on the other team are lucky).


If you Duo you have to carry.

Jangler+ad doesn't have much duo synergy anyway.

In your opinion, what do you think would have the best synergy? I figured jungle + solo would be the best because it minimizes the chances of having a bad player fucking up your role.

If solo top does well and the jungler does well, there are only two lanes that can get fucked up. If one player jungles and the other goes AD bot, then you're still relying on the support to succeed.


I need to figure out the magical balance of playing a champion and switching champions. I figure since after playing some 500-odd games with a mix of champions, and being consistent with no one, I should try to learn someone well. After those initial 7/10 Riven wins, I moved to a phase where I got good scores but lost 70% of games. After THOSE games, I moved to a point where I was actively not doing well (still blind pick mostly, still with GAF teams).

I don't know if it's just all a giant random numbers game and sometimes I end up against countering champions, or good players, or if I get in a rut with one champion and make poor decisions. Maybe there's some middle ground where I try to get consistent with TWO champions and just play 10 with each alternately. =P

I'm also (jokingly) bitter about certain GAF people, since premades with them result in really good enemy teams being matched up with us, such as teams that get double oracles and have wards all over the place.


If there's anyone on EU West, feel free to add me for a few games (TheConcierge), I'm level 28, just getting back into the game after a few months break but it'd be nice to play with some people that I can somewhat relate to :)
Elo Hell does not exist.

And I'm a fan of support+jungler for duo. You can protect your carry while your jungler can do what it needs to do. Makes planning for ganks a lot easier as well. Of course, you would need an aggressive support (Taric, Leona, Alistar).



bought Jarvan today, I'm helping. I picked Teleport for him, didn't work out much end game, I'll pick something else. I died so much time to AD from Vayne. I had fun soloing top with my ult trapping them :D near the turret.

I'm liking the amount of Malzahars I'm seeing in these screen caps.

I'm not liking this Malz's build. 3 Deathcaps? Does he not understand what unique means?


In your opinion, what do you think would have the best synergy? I figured jungle + solo would be the best because it minimizes the chances of having a bad player fucking up your role.

If solo top does well and the jungler does well, there are only two lanes that can get fucked up. If one player jungles and the other goes AD bot, then you're still relying on the support to succeed.

In order of game control:
Mid+Jungler (coordinated ganks on other lanes, ganks on mid easier, dragon control)
Support+AD carry (AD carry win game)
Support+Jungler (Helps jungler gank the bot lane)
Top+Jungler (a crappy version of mid+jungle since top cant gank well and has no drg control)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Any of the sale champions worth picking up?
No, not really. They're all pretty old and should cost less IP than they do. Malzahar and Miss Fortune are on sale right now but neither are great champs.
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