Edit: Looks like we have an idea of what Manamune will have:
Return of Urgot.
Edit: Looks like we have an idea of what Manamune will have:
Happens alot. lol. Game is great when played with a group of 5 and good team work. Otherwise most of the time you end up frustrated or being blamed. Thats a typical response in the solo q, being blamed for the game snowballing. Especially at that level where alot of them dont understand jungling enough
Return of Urgot.
Deionarra (2:29): yeah but it (solo queue) isnt about winning
Deionarra (2:29): its about
Deionarra (2:29): improving yourself
Deionarra (2:29): positive attitude!
Deionarra (2:29): always try to carry every game, then youll get better
khazix is probably one of the champion that i usually get extremely fed then lose the game because of extremely shitty team mates, i got 0 luck with this champion.
New item updates. This time, Tear of the Goddess:
And then Archangel's Staff:
And then the upgrade! Seraph's Embrace:
dat Barrier
its not about kills, i just had a game where anivia was 8-2 before fights and bottom was doing fine (top died twice which is not a big deal). When it came to the fights they always go fucking mad with extremely bad positioning (anivia tanking and dying immediately followed by chogath setting in the back while being afraid as fuck) not to mention that chogath went full ap items (roa into deathcap). We were winning more than 10 kills but we lost, i also had two other games like this before. bottom line, people are bad even when they win their lanes but i always seem to encounter this type when i play khazix :/Is it the same type of positive attitude you gave me when I tower dive a 1 vs 5 -.-?
If you don't feel that your champion have late game carry potential, you suppose to let the teammate (especially the ad carry) take all the kills.
Tear starts with 100 less mana then :/
End product gets 15 more flat AP but 400 less mana (= 12 passive AP) and 15 less MP5 but a nice active when it's done. Still not going to build it, especially if tear is worse. Still takes too long to be good.
Is it the same type of positive attitude you gave me when I tower dive a 1 vs 5 -.-?
xcloser (3:24): i was there when bind fell
i'll rather see the tear upgrade for the ad users.
Unique Toggle: Your basic attacks and single target spells drain an additional X% of your current mana and deal twice that amount in bonus magic damage over 2 seconds.
He really cannot do much versus bruisers once they get a bunch of defensive stats up and running.khazix is probably one of the champion that i usually get extremely fed then lose the game because of extremely shitty team mates, i got 0 luck with this champion.
I want you to improve too
Bindww (3:23): well
Bindww (3:23): so ends my time with league of legends
Bindww (3:23): It's been fun guys
Bindww (3:23): But
Bindww (3:24): Yeah
Bindww (3:24): No more
xcloser (3:24): bind pls
Deionarra (3:24): emo bind
Deionarra (3:24): bind is so emoo
Bindww (3:24): See you around gaf or something
Bindww (3:24): dunno
Bindww (3:24): later gator
xcloser (3:24): nooo
Deionarra (3:24): he actually did it
xcloser (3:24): i was there when bind fell
I don't know what bind is so upset about
bind pls
I didn't even Poppy jungle
Almost get more gold than our ADC as support. Ward everywhere, ADC gets dunked, ADC blames the lack of support.
You need to get on my level*, where Teemo support can work.He just needs to play when I'm Teemo. Teemo carries all games!
I want you to improve too
Bindww (3:23): well
Bindww (3:23): so ends my time with league of legends
Bindww (3:23): It's been fun guys
Bindww (3:23): But
Bindww (3:24): Yeah
Bindww (3:24): No more
xcloser (3:24): bind pls
Deionarra (3:24): emo bind
Deionarra (3:24): bind is so emoo
Bindww (3:24): See you around gaf or something
Bindww (3:24): dunno
Bindww (3:24): later gator
xcloser (3:24): nooo
Deionarra (3:24): he actually did it
xcloser (3:24): i was there when bind fell
I don't know what bind is so upset about
dats australia time
I would want to quit too after some of those GAF games I saw last night.
Is there any site that says the last time a champ has been on sale? I'm looking to get zyra and was wondering when was her last sale or if there was one at all.
This is the first time she's been on sale. She just came out not that long ago.Is there any site that says the last time a champ has been on sale? I'm looking to get zyra and was wondering when was her last sale or if there was one at all.
I was trying to jungle Shyvana and had two games in a row with Ezreal + Ahri on the other team. Quad flash mid lane, double/triple flash bot lane, ganks do not work well. ;_;Ya those were fucking horrible ugh.
I don't know what more I could of done, I guess ganked better.. but shit that was my first time trying to gank a jayce. Fucker just powerslams you away.
The biggest gold disparity between the two teams if you compare role to role was between you and Amumu. You should have gone harder on him and looked to counter jungle. Some of your ganks just came at the wrong time too. There is definitely more anyone could have done.Ya those were fucking horrible ugh.
I don't know what more I could of done, I guess ganked better.. but shit that was my first time trying to gank a jayce. Fucker just powerslams you away.
Got him real low, best I could do though
Well great because Shyvana isn't a gank-centric jungler anyways.I was trying to jungle Shyvana and had two games in a row with Ezreal + Ahri on the other team. Quad flash mid lane, double/triple flash bot lane, ganks do not work well. ;_;
I was trying to jungle Shyvana and had two games in a row with Ezreal + Ahri on the other team. Quad flash mid lane, double/triple flash bot lane, ganks do not work well. ;_;
The biggest gold disparity between the two teams if you compare role to role was between you and Amumu. You should have gone harder on him and looked to counter jungle. Some of your ganks just came at the wrong time too. There is definitely more anyone could have done.
i build him survival carry (i had maw, bruta, bt, ga, and working toward frozen/warmog), but its impossible to do anything when your mid carry suicide 3times in a row and die doing 0 damage. Im sure if had as much fed irelia i would have done better job at the teamfights but it was totally my team bad positioning/build.He really cannot do much versus bruisers once they get a bunch of defensive stats up and running.
I would want to quit too after some of those GAF games I saw last night.
I think EZ and Ahri stayed pushed and/or under their own tower a good bit (most?) of the time, which meant tower dives and whatnot if you want a chance at them.If ez is at your tower, no flashes will save him from your burning wrath
also, go farm some more
MF, secret OP ADC and Dat ezreal nerf.
It's always seemed kind of bizarre to me how they gave certain AD ranged champions with AP skills. Caitlyn net, traps off of AP. MF ult off of AP. Ashe ult off of AP if I recall correctly.
It's seems obvious that building AP items would be non-viable. Were they attempting to encourage some sort of hybrid, or just using it as an excuse to guarantee that certain skills would not scale with the items the champion would buy? Or is this just old champions and they don't do this anymore?
Not just AD ranged. It seems like most AD characters, even where AP builds are not viable, have some sort of AP scaling.It's always seemed kind of bizarre to me how they gave certain AD ranged champions with AP skills. Caitlyn net, traps off of AP. MF ult off of AP. Ashe ult off of AP if I recall correctly.
It's seems obvious that building AP items would be non-viable. Were they attempting to encourage some sort of hybrid, or just using it as an excuse to guarantee that certain skills would not scale with the items the champion would buy? Or is this just old champions and they don't do this anymore?
Oh I forgot about Rengar. But it seems like Riot DOESN'T like alt builds, as evidenced by their nerfing of Lulu mid, Kogmaw mid, and AP Rengar (I think they nerfed that?). Like...why make it if you don't want people to use it. =P Who knows.No idea. But they still do that. Rengar is all AD except his W. I guess they just like Hybrids and alt builds.
Oh I forgot about Rengar. But it seems like Riot DOESN'T like alt builds, as evidenced by their nerfing of Lulu mid, Kogmaw mid, and AP Rengar (I think they nerfed that?). Like...why make it if you don't want people to use it. =P Who knows.
The best was when the PBE had Tryndamere able to kill teammates using his spin though.
We’ve made some jungle changes in the coming patch, aimed mostly at easing the early game pressure on the lanes and opening up the roster of viable junglers. I’m Statikk, and I was the primary designer on the preseason jungle changes. Here’s an in-depth look at how we plan on accomplishing these goals.
Reducing early game pressure
Season Two opened up more opportunities for junglers to create early game action through ganking lanes. Although this had an overall positive effect on the game, the current rate and effectiveness of early jungle ganking (particularly through brush camping) applies an overwhelming amount of pressure to the lanes. This significantly reduces the number of champions that can lane effectively by requiring them to either be able to farm from a very safe distance or have a reliable means of quick escape.
To alleviate some of this early pressure, we want to make early ganking from the jungle a more difficult, conscious choice that will require constant monitoring of the risks involved. To accomplish this, we are increasing the damage dealt by jungle monsters. This means that junglers who gank early will likely be at lower health and not equipped with Boots of Speed unless they’re specialized or have made tradeoffs in other areas.
To combat this spike in jungle difficulty, we’re introducing several jungle-specific items to the game. For example, Hunter’s Machete is a great starting item which can be purchased at the beginning of the game to help you efficiently clear jungle. It also eventually upgrades into multiple build paths that include several of your favorite mid game jungle items such as Madred’s Razor and Wriggle’s Lantern.
Increasing Jungle diversity
In Season Two, strong junglers were typically characterized by high area-of-effect damage, utility skills, and early ganking presence. During the preseason, we want to increase the diversity of viable junglers by ensuring that champions with other strengths can also shine.
Firstly, we are going to reduce the emphasis on area-of-effect damage dealers by re-balancing more of the health and damage into the large monster in each of the camps. This allows single-target damage dealers such as Gangplank to have more competitive clear times.
Next, we’re also going to significantly increase the rewards (gold and XP) and scaling difficulty (health and damage that the monsters gain over time) of the jungle as a game progresses. This way junglers who shift their focus toward farming the jungle efficiently can acquire gold and experience faster. This opens up the jungle to many of the more damage-focused and gold-reliant champions like Master Yi who need to scale into the later parts of the game.
Lastly, as we mentioned earlier, we’re going to increase the damage dealt by monsters in the jungle. This should allow high-sustain junglers such as Warwick or Fiddlesticks to break back into rotation by giving them an edge over the competition.
The new items will also be a factor here by opening up build paths for champions who previously had poor jungle itemization such as mages and attack damage casters.
Quality of Life and Meta Adjustments
We are also making many other smaller adjustments to the jungle, including:
Jungle monsters now attack the nearest target rather than attempting to chase their original attacker to make their behavior more consistent
Wraith camp gold rewards have been reduced and golem and wolf camp gold rewards have been increased to better match their respective difficulty and convenience
The wraiths have reduced attack range and the large wraith has been repositioned within the camp to force mid laners to commit more when farming them for extra gold
The golem camps monsters have increased movement speed to make them less vulnerable to kiting, especially early on by the blue side bottom lane
Overall, we hope these preseason changes will make the jungle a place where more varied champions, roles, and playstyles are viable. We don’t intend to remove any of the junglers that are currently viable – only add to the lineup.
As usual, we’re open to making changes as things develop, and we want to hear your feedback on both new junglers and your standbys as you experiment. Don’t hesitate to leave us a comment once you’ve hit the Fields of Justice!