Jungling isn't easy. If you're able to control the map, you're most likely going to win. Get control by either oracles, ganking constantly to give pressure or counter jungling to make the other jungler fall behind (leads to them not ganking at all)
Well god damn, that mid was such a stomp. So i'm guessing ap ez would beat any mid champs who aren't that mobile?
Didn't know Singed could reach 3.5k hp with only a Rod of Ages.
It's annoying playing those games where everyone is unkillable.
This is part of the reason I may try my Lee Sin or other counter jungle junglers more. When I'm playing Maokai, I don't ever feel like I've got the kind of map presence we need, even with some ganks going on.
Eleisa's Miracle (1175 Gold)
+10 Health per 5 seconds
+15 Mana per 5 seconds
Removed Tenacity
Unique Passive - Aid: Your Heal, Clairvoyance and Revive cooldowns are reduced by 20%
Unique Passive: If you gain 3 levels while holding Eleisa's Miracle, you gain 10 HP/5, 15 MP/5 and the Aid Passive permanently and the item disappears from your inventory.
Lee Sin is my favorite (only?) jungler. When played right (I'll do it sometimes) he is an incredible jungler. Sneaky ganks, good counter jungling, high mobility without flash (run smite/exhaust) and good clear times. He can also solo dragon early on with wriggles and sneak in there from behind to do so. For my terrible 1200 elo games, it's tough to motivate the team to do anything so I'll solo dragon early for a quick lead.
I'm hoping with the new item changes there'll be a better way to kill super tanks.
An item with a Bloodseeker ultimate active effect would be awesome against champs like Singed.
I like Lee Sin since he directly scales with your mechanics. The better you get at the game, the better Lee Sin. I mean, this applies to many champs, sure, but Lee Sin takes it to an even greater extreme. He's so fun to play because of that.
It's just ... I have like no confidence in my jungling, which makes counter jungling, or even ganking, a rather hard thing to pull off sometimes. From my time as a top laner, I know how much it sucks to have a bad jungler and I always feel like that's what I'm doing when I'm playing jungle. Most of it is just inexperience but that seems to just feed back into itself to keep me from it :x
I like watching Oddone and onebadbrad. I've learned a lot from them. The biggest thing I took from him and other great junglers is to have a strong early presence. The scariest junglers are the ones where you swear they are everywhere. Both those guys will ALWAYS do a level 2 gank. They'll mix it up so you don't know what lane. Only bot is likely to be warded but with Lee Sin you can do an effective lane gank in that case. Get into a rhythm of clearing the jungle and go right into a gank. Get creative on your angles and keep the opponents guessing.
Well god damn, that mid was such a stomp. So i'm guessing ap ez would beat any mid champs who aren't that mobile?
And my ult for dragon fight turned a losing fight into a quadra kill for the draven
What was your build? Diana is meant to be really strong against tanky champions because they cant break her shield before it resets...I feel you. I really do. I had the most annoying ranked game last night where the opposing team was Kassadin, Caitlyn, Garen, Shyvana and Allistar. The game ended up going to 50+ minutes and the Garen, Shyv and Allistar were almost unkillable. They all built super tank.
I was Diana and fed to all hell (18/4/19 and 421 cs) and it felt like I was simply beating on a wall. I absolutely blew up Kass and Caitlyn but the tanky ones were just walking around without a care in the world. We ended up losing in a base race while our jungler solo'd dragon......... in a 55 minute game.... with both nexuses open.. and me sitting on 5k gold with nothing to do with it.
Flat Penetration is going before %penetration now. If you remember in s1, armor was absolutely worthless because of flat before % and because Last whisper was an amazing item and people had like, 30 Arpen in runes. We will only have one of those, but it's a lessening in the value of resistances nonetheless.I'm hoping with the new item changes there'll be a better way to kill super tanks.
An item with a Bloodseeker ultimate active effect would be awesome against champs like Singed.
DFG wasn't used to kill tanks =pHaha yeah. With the DFG nerf I literally couldn't think of any way to itemize to kill them as a caster. I had sorc shoes, Void staff, Rabadon's, Lichbane, Abyssal and GA with magic pen runes. I was still doing diddly. I was sitting on 5k gold and nothing to do with it. I would have happily sold a couple things to get some tank killer items
(your movement speed is how many units you will move in 1s)
What was your build? Diana is meant to be really strong against tanky champions because they cant break her shield before it resets...
DFG wasn't used to kill tanks =p
Anyway, it really is the ADC job to kill tanks, not the AP carries.
From Dan Dinh's The mechanic, hopefully itll help people move/attack (for in game reference, a teemo is around 100 units):
I'd like at least two new items or remakes:
1. Something that gives non-mana AP casters CDR, to replace DFG
2. Something that gives AD casters mana, since manamune is presumably always terrible (of course this may never happen depending on how much Riot hates Talon and AD Nidalee)
What is Sheen?2. Something that gives AD casters mana, since manamune is presumably always terrible (of course this may never happen depending on how much Riot hates Talon and AD Nidalee)
Ionian bootsI'd like at least two new items or remakes:
1. Something that gives non-mana AP casters CDR, to replace DFG
2. Something that gives AD casters mana, since manamune is presumably always terrible (of course this may never happen depending on how much Riot hates Talon and AD Nidalee)
Sorc shoes, Abyssal, Rabadon's, Lichbane, Void Staff, GA.
Yeah, Our ADC was Ashe and she just wasn't getting it done against 3 very tanky champs. I was virtually unkillable near the end with my shield and GA. Only 4 deaths the whole game and 3 were midgame. I didn't look at Ashe's build. I was too frustrated. We were so close. Probably my best individual performance in a tough game and couldn't close the deal. I know this was the first time I ever broke 400 cs lol.
What is Sheen?
Ionian boots
A miserable pile of Triforce.What is Sheen?
This sounds better. I don't like Ionian boots because then you give up magic penetration or magic resist. Tradeoffs are bad, give me all the stats!Considering the new Blackfire Torch (Health, AP, Spell Pen, CDR), I wager there's something in the works for this.
Manamune is getting an upgrade and it either builds into something or grants a bonus when maxed.
To be specific I should say some sort of mana regen item, or mana boost larger than sheen has. I don't remember the exact value but I don't think sheen increases your mana pool by much, considering a single ability from Nidalee takes like 120-140 mana if I recall correctly.You do get Sheen on Nidalee, though, so I'm not sure why he mentioned Nid there :x
Wouldn't this be true of ANY AP caster though? None of those are going to build arpen as far as I know.Boken said:I'm not a fan of lichbane on Diana anyway. It does physical damage... and you have no armorpen. So it might be ok vs squishies, but you have no problem killing those anyway.
Sell GA after it popped and get Hourglass. I'm not a fan of lichbane on Diana anyway. It does physical damage... and you have no armorpen. So it might be ok vs squishies, but you have no problem killing those anyway.
Sell GA after it popped and get Hourglass. I'm not a fan of lichbane on Diana anyway. It does physical damage... and you have no armorpen. So it might be ok vs squishies, but you have no problem killing those anyway.
Pulled off some pretty good games with Diana last night, maybe I'll stick with her as my defacto mid. Surprised I don't see her more often.
Soon as she gets blue she can just run over people in lane.
Going Deathcap -> GA -> Rylais.
I love Diana. I had a couple of bad games immediately after she was nerfed and put her down but I'm starting to play her again. She does real well against Kat and I had an easy time against Kassadin last game also. She's mana hungry though. I have to get a couple doran's as quick as possible to be a good lane bully.
I typically go Abyssal -> Deathcap -> GA.
Before the patch I exclusively jungled her, which she was always iffy. Now it's even worse, but she still cleans up mid.
Went up against 2 oris, 1 morg, 1 twitch mid. Won the lane every time.
Still pretty pissed about her skin change though.
I tried her as a jungler some. Way too mana hungry. I liked her WAY better as a mid.
The skin change was awful. I'm still a little hot about that too. I loved that skin the way it was. First new champ bundle I ever bought because I liked that skin so much. Then they go off and change it. ugly.
I've recently been having alot of trouble being a 'playmaker' as ADC.
I lane pretty well, still need to play against Dravens and Zyras to get more experience against them. But after laning I just never seem to be a big enough factor in the mid games.
Team fights start, I get dove burn my escape and im kinda out of the fight.
So many games feel decided by everyone BUT me and my support, how did people ever hit diamond maining ADC?
I like deathcap way better first.
-I'm rushing GA after, so I'll have the defense after.
-Deathcap has way more AP, so I'm more defensive with the shield.
-With sorc boots + masteries + runes you're close to true damage against most early game champs.
-You gain no benefit from Abyssal's aura when poking with diana. (her Q has 200 more range than the debuff)
-Abyssal is a slower start.
Diana also had the benefit of getting a shield scaling with AP, so in a way you are not sacraficing too much in defense by going deathcap. Someone should crunch some number, at work atm.
The crunching forgets important things.
And, Abyssal let's you trade like a mofo anyway.
Did some number crunching. Here's some rough math.
An opponent with 50 mr (fairly good average for early game I think, more or less mattering if they gain mr per level, what runes they're running etc), you'd be penenalized for about 16% mr with normal masteries/runes/sorcs. 1% if you'r rocking abyssal and in aura range.
W bonus armor from ap with Deathcap:
76x2 = 152
W with an Abyssal:
28x2 = 56
The game doesn't round them up for calculations (e.g., displays 9 MPen from runes, calculates 8.5) so it's 83.78% Damage Taken vs 98.67%; likewise, it is roughly 58.47% and 66.22% for the 100 MR sample.
Ignores the fact that Abyssal is granting +57 MR. So we're comparing 50 MR with a 152 point Shield vs 107 MR with a 56 point bonus Shield or 228 EHP vs ~116. Granted, that's vs Magic damage only but that's the most important part for a typical mid lane confrontation.
Abyssal first is done to help the fact that Diana needs to all-in for her kills and it helps reduce the damage she takes during it all. If we're measuring raw damage output, Deathcap is better (though, on that note, Deathcap is 182 effective AP, unless we're talking about base AP values in play here ... then those should have been factored into the Abyssal damage calculations). Deathcap is also less efficient gold spent per damage gained, I believe, and this is a bit more obvious as you look at damage per rotation rather than just raw numbers.
Did some number crunching. Here's some rough math.
An opponent with 50 mr (fairly good average for early game I think, more or less mattering if they gain mr per level, what runes they're running etc), you'd be penenalized for about 16% mr with normal masteries/runes/sorcs. 1% if you'r rocking abyssal and in aura range.
Full lvl Q with an Deathcap (roughly 190 ap):
363 - 58.08 = 304.92
W bonus armor from ap with Deathcap:
76x2 = 152
Full lvl Q with an Abyssal (70 ap and in aura range)
279 - 2.79 = 276.21
W with an Abyssal:
28x2 = 56
Even when deathcap is just it's components it does about the same Q damage, and more W as well as being cheaper. Take the MR higher to 100 (abyssal gives you about 30% reduction you have to get through, 40% on deathcap) and the deathcap still does more Q damage even when it's components alone.
Apples to apples, Deathcap is 1k gold more than abyssal so if you plan on going Deathcap next you can factor in a blasting wand on top of the abyssal. That's an extra 40ap which amounts to 28 damage on the Q.
182 ap, but i did a rough 190, cause due to bonuses from the bases it'd be higher (higher than 190 i'm sure).
Also I already stated the deathcap does equal if not more damage from it's components alone (and is cheaper) than a fully made abyssal.
I think the new range on the abyssal is the thing that most puts me off it. To get the full effect of that thing you gotta be in that range, and I'm most certainly in that range always when a Q lands.
Then those should be factored into the Abyssal calculations. Abyssal's MR shred makes all your AP more efficient.
This is a close case, though. Diana's ratios are all around where the tradeoff isn't as obvious as, say, Katarina. But Diana's all-in nature of her kit just gets a lot more out of the early Abyssal. Plus, it's not like she needs the Deathcap first for lane. Abyssal just makes it that much easier to win trades and force your lane out (if not outright kill them).
No I wasn't adding the base, I was roughly estimating how much your base would add to the 30% extra ap, not adding the actual base. Splitting hairs though.
-Go GA as a second item. (earlier the GA the better)
She is an all in champ, but I don't go all in until I've done a lot of poking. I'd be more willing to early haunting guise than abyssal myself.
Almost the same kinda strat you saw that lee sin mid pull. Huge damage item (bloodthirster) into a GA.
Honestly, those are the easiest Diana's for me to beat in lane. If I'm not getting QRW disengage harassed, it's basically the easiest lane in the world for me as Katarina.
I disagree. The GA isn't necessary until team fights start and you can get Abyssal + Deathcap both completed by then if you're on top of csing.
I'd play it differently against kat ya.
Would E interrupt her ult?
I don't think so. You get the resistances which are good no matter where in the game, but the revive effect just changes the whole dynamic on how someone has to face you.
So guys, 6300 time again.
Who should it be, who should it be?
I'd like a jungler/top, so maybe Olaf...
So I installed this game last night. Haven't played it yet. I have only played one other MOBA before, and that's SMITE. I am aware that it is much different than LoL, it being in 3rd person and more of an action game and all. Still, I'm willing to give LoL a shot. How long do games usually last? And does GAF play together or do you all do your own thing?
So I installed this game last night. Haven't played it yet. I have only played one other MOBA before, and that's SMITE. I am aware that it is much different than LoL, it being in 3rd person and more of an action game and all. Still, I'm willing to give LoL a shot. How long do games usually last? And does GAF play together or do you all do your own thing?