Could be clique exclusion. It's not as if they don't exist. You can find them in most OT's.
I do not understand LoLGAF. Suggests an inhouse. Doesn't do inhouse because people don't want to play inhouse. Someone else suggests inhouse, plays inhouse. What the fuck?.... Makes me fucking depressed.
EDIT: Same shit with ARAM. LoLGAF makes me feel like I'm not worth shit when making/suggesting games.
Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
Not OP. Very prone to counterjungling to gimp him. I've denied several Amumus as Udyr. One game I never let him have a single buff and kept ganking him so he was 5 levels behind everyone.Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
For one thing, getting a reliable team of any sort in League of Legends is near impossible as far as I know. Since you know, if they were actually reliable then you'd presumably start getting matched up against higher skill people until your team becomes unreliable and only wins 40-50% of the time.Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
Game is much more fun if you play with people you know, specially with voice IMHO. I love playing with GAF because everyone wards and tracks time.Wow, this game is a lot more fun now that I have gotten a little better at it, LOL.
I still have the people saying slurs in chat, but like I was saying, I've been having shocking luck. I played another game tonight for my win of the day and 100th ranked Kat win...and we had two people call AD carry. They both refuse to go support, both of them say they only own Alistar and maybe Blitz (I think both banned of course)...then they both switch to Zyra/Morgana support, then one switches back to Tristana.And whoa, why am I getting good players at noon? Amumu was a player who picked Kass after Ziggs, called for a tank, then switched to tank himself. Support who actually supports. Ziggs who bought wards and was good at ult sniping. During this time, kids/students are out so I always expect trashtalkers. No one trashtalked the entire match. I sat on 4000 gold when the match ended.
Maybe the 0.8% players banned were already all the toxic players?Where are these nice players coming from. ;_;
Maybe the 0.8% players banned were already all the toxic players?BELIEVE
Long range ults like that need a picture-in-picture mode so you can watch your lane while you watch your ult travel.
Ok, I can't seem to decide on a jungler, so I think I'll just buy Kat.
I think I'm just gonna start jungling against bots or something to get the feel or the jungle runs, because I just suck way too hard at it that's embarrassing.
Nautilus, Olaf, Mundo, Nocturne, Shyvana. The cheaper the better.Who were you looking at as options for junglers?
Nautilus, Olaf, Mundo, Nocturne, Shyvana. The cheaper the better.
Nautilus, Olaf, Mundo, Nocturne, Shyvana. The cheaper the better.
Draven, if not counterpicked, is the best ADC in the game.
There, I said it,
I don't see Trinity being a very good item for Draven. The advantage you gain from phage-procs is negligible (You already have CC tied to your E), utilizing sheen procs is gimmicky at best (buying raw damage is better, since Q has ridiculous scaling) and rest of the stats are too spread out to be worth the high price of not good with adc, but when i played draven i found out that going trinity is better than phantom (phage slow, every time you catch axe and use w it proc sheen, and it totally cover you mana wise).
Ok, I can't seem to decide on a jungler, so I think I'll just buy Kat.
I think I'm just gonna start jungling against bots or something to get the feel or the jungle runs, because I just suck way too hard at it that's embarrassing.
Draven, if not counterpicked, is the best ADC in the game.
There, I said it,
Does this mean new items time?
I do believe this means end of season 2, not the start of season 3.
There will be some down time between the seasons. There was about a month break between 1 & 2 iirc.
Edit: Cpt Jack is a beast.
Also, these caster are horrible. I swear 50% of what they are saying is wrong.... wrong teams, wrong champs, wrong abilities....
Also, theses caster are horrible. I swear 50% of what they are saying is wrong.... wrong teams, wrong champs, wrong abilities....
Nautilus, Olaf, Mundo, Nocturne, Shyvana. The cheaper the better.
Draven is so good.
It's really great when you see one who has perfected his kiting manuevers since with that you can prevent any melee from reaching you even after a gap closer.
Bonus points if you're one of the Draven's who knows how to juggle 2 axes effectively.
Does this mean new items time?
who put a video of my lee on the internet!?!?
who put a video of my lee on the internet!?!?
I've started making videos instead of comics.who put a video of my lee on the internet!?!?
Just a tip - nocturne functions better as an anti carry bruiser so you generally dont want to build pure damage since youll be so squishy youll die as soon as you fly into the enemy team. (Wriggles, Hog, Aegis, Randuins)Learning jungle Nocturne at the mo. First time playing him:
who put a video of my lee on the internet!?!?