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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.


I do not understand LoLGAF. Suggests an inhouse. Doesn't do inhouse because people don't want to play inhouse. Someone else suggests inhouse, plays inhouse. What the fuck?.... Makes me fucking depressed.

EDIT: Same shit with ARAM. LoLGAF makes me feel like I'm not worth shit when making/suggesting games.

Replace every "inhouse" above with baron, and that's my world :( Oh replace "ARAM" with dragon.

Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.

He is good, easy fast clear, enough cc to be relevant all phase of the game, and he actually hurts early game :(
Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
Not OP. Very prone to counterjungling to gimp him. I've denied several Amumus as Udyr. One game I never let him have a single buff and kept ganking him so he was 5 levels behind everyone.

Don't pick Amumu if you see something like Ali + CV Blitz. You can bet they'll rob you.


Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.
For one thing, getting a reliable team of any sort in League of Legends is near impossible as far as I know. Since you know, if they were actually reliable then you'd presumably start getting matched up against higher skill people until your team becomes unreliable and only wins 40-50% of the time.

That said, even if your team is reliable, he should be very vulnerable to counter-jungling and/or invading his blue if you have the team for it, as mentioned. If he loses a blue or two and people are playing safe enough to avoid ganks, he might really fall behind.


Is Amumu secretly OP? Been playing him for a while now and with a reliable team it's usually pretty much a stomp. And I usually do average at best in the jungle. Q or Flash + ult is just devastating.

his w is % of health so it scales in all stages of the game (scales really well with abyssal) and his ultimate punish bad position.
only weakness is early game, once you reach 6 your good.
Improving as ADC. Vayne is still my favorite. I just love the tumble and condemn mechanics.

Last match so gud. Started with an AFK Darius. Sona had to solo bot vs Jax+Garen while I had to solo top vs Tristana and Irelia. I got a bit annoyed when Darius just proceeded to bot when he returned, but after thinking about it, he can't do anything on top.

And whoa, why am I getting good players at noon? Amumu was a player who picked Kass after Ziggs, called for a tank, then switched to tank himself. Support who actually supports. Ziggs who bought wards and was good at ult sniping. During this time, kids/students are out so I always expect trashtalkers. No one trashtalked the entire match. I sat on 4000 gold when the match ended.

My farming still needs a lot improvement, whichever lane I go to. I do a ton of horrible misses. In the GAF game a 2 days ago, I played Morg and tried to denied Lux farm by constantly pushing, but somehow she still beat me by ~25cs.

Wow, this game is a lot more fun now that I have gotten a little better at it, LOL.
Game is much more fun if you play with people you know, specially with voice IMHO. I love playing with GAF because everyone wards and tracks time.


And whoa, why am I getting good players at noon? Amumu was a player who picked Kass after Ziggs, called for a tank, then switched to tank himself. Support who actually supports. Ziggs who bought wards and was good at ult sniping. During this time, kids/students are out so I always expect trashtalkers. No one trashtalked the entire match. I sat on 4000 gold when the match ended.
I still have the people saying slurs in chat, but like I was saying, I've been having shocking luck. I played another game tonight for my win of the day and 100th ranked Kat win...and we had two people call AD carry. They both refuse to go support, both of them say they only own Alistar and maybe Blitz (I think both banned of course)...then they both switch to Zyra/Morgana support, then one switches back to Tristana.

It was even weirder because at least 2 people in the lobby saw one player call first, and at least 2 people saw the other player call first, so I guess the chat message order got messed up.

At any rate, that player who went Zyra support had just prior to that threatened to feed, said they were going on a trip for a month so they didn't care if they were banned...but then Zyra support. And neither bot lane person actually raged at each other! And you'd say something like "Hey Tristana, better go back for mana since we just killed them and you have the chance" and she'd be like "okay good idea". Or they'd be like "Should we engage now? Can we kill Graves?"

We made mistakes, I was a mediocre Katarina, our jungler died a fair bit, and Irelia carried us. But for people to actually end up not raging, and help each other, and listen to advice from other players, is practically shocking especially at 1100 elo.

That game I mentioned earlier, just previous to that, was against a GAF player (someone dodged so I ended up playing against him instead of with him). I had intended to go Kass mid and trade Janna to someone else...but I was stupid and missed the trade timer. Stuck with Janna! Never played her in ranked! The person now stuck with Kass mid is like wtf are you doing! But...they knew how to play Kassadin okay (just complained that if you snowball with him he's boring). And my AD carry Caitlyn was good! And I think I only died once with Janna! And Caitlyn was like "wow thanks" when I would save her and kept calling me "sis"!

Where are these nice players coming from. ;_;


Ok, I can't seem to decide on a jungler, so I think I'll just buy Kat.

I think I'm just gonna start jungling against bots or something to get the feel or the jungle runs, because I just suck way too hard at it that's embarrassing.


Ok, I can't seem to decide on a jungler, so I think I'll just buy Kat.

I think I'm just gonna start jungling against bots or something to get the feel or the jungle runs, because I just suck way too hard at it that's embarrassing.

Who were you looking at as options for junglers?
Draven, if not counterpicked, is the best ADC in the game.

There, I said it,

He is and he isn't. He's certainly one of the strongest in terms of pure damage output, that's for sure, and he's really fun to play, but he does have downsides.

He takes a lot of micro-management to be good at. A good Draven will trounce any other AD carry, but you have to be able to reliably keep your spinning axes going while keeping your W up too. He's also slow, although his W makes up for that when needed, but generally he's quite easily kited. He's also a total mana whore. His E, the slow, costs way too much mana if you ask me.

I also find myself getting pissed off with his ulti at times. It's still hilarious killing the enemy top laner under their tower from across the map, but if it hits anyone along the way and starts to come back you end up just feeling sad.

But like I said, he's incredibly strong and fun to play. He also snowballs like craaaaaaaaazy, more so than any other AD carry other than Vayne possibly.

He's certainly my favourite though.


im not good with adc, but when i played draven i found out that going trinity is better than phantom (phage slow, every time you catch axe and use w it proc sheen, and it totally cover you mana wise).


im not good with adc, but when i played draven i found out that going trinity is better than phantom (phage slow, every time you catch axe and use w it proc sheen, and it totally cover you mana wise).
I don't see Trinity being a very good item for Draven. The advantage you gain from phage-procs is negligible (You already have CC tied to your E), utilizing sheen procs is gimmicky at best (buying raw damage is better, since Q has ridiculous scaling) and rest of the stats are too spread out to be worth the high price of TF.


Ok, I can't seem to decide on a jungler, so I think I'll just buy Kat.

I think I'm just gonna start jungling against bots or something to get the feel or the jungle runs, because I just suck way too hard at it that's embarrassing.

Honestly, watch a couple youtube vids on clearing jungle camps then just dive in. Playing against bots isn't going to do much for you. Play blind picks so you don't feel bad. That's what I do to learn a new champ.

Start cloth + 5 pots until you are comfortable enough with the champ to clear with boots. It's also helpful to go at least 12 in defense masteries and run some armor runes.

Not that any of this really matters. The jungle is changing completely S3.
Draven, if not counterpicked, is the best ADC in the game.

There, I said it,

Agree with this... I've played Draven about 25 times winning close to 20 of the matches. I can feel when a team knows whats up though. Just 3 man diving Draven is hard to deal with.

I had one game where mid/jungler would be bot practically the whole game just shutting me down. It works well.


Does this mean new items time?

I do believe this means end of season 2, not the start of season 3.

There will be some down time between the seasons. There was about a month break between 1 & 2 iirc.

Edit: Cpt Jack is a beast.

Also, these casters are horrible. I swear 50% of what they are saying is wrong.... wrong teams, wrong champs, wrong abilities....
I do believe this means end of season 2, not the start of season 3.

There will be some down time between the seasons. There was about a month break between 1 & 2 iirc.

Edit: Cpt Jack is a beast.

Also, these caster are horrible. I swear 50% of what they are saying is wrong.... wrong teams, wrong champs, wrong abilities....

+ time where we wait at 30000th in queue while Rioto rushes several hotfixes. It'll be a huge update to the game.


Also, theses caster are horrible. I swear 50% of what they are saying is wrong.... wrong teams, wrong champs, wrong abilities....

The colour caster has made a fair few mistakes, but hes australian so i forgive him. It's also 4am here.
Learning jungle Nocturne at the mo. First time playing him:


Started by ganking top, got a kill. Then ganked bottom and got our carry a triple. Unfortunately, they had a Kat, Mundo, Udyr and Zyra that scaled massively. Even though we had a Veigar with 758 AP, he decided going and farming on his own would be better and left us in 4 v 5 team fights a lot of the time. Then we had an Ez who was incredibly fed but was too scared to fight any of the enemy, so we just couldn't win a team fight.

I was premade with 2 others; an Irelia that battered Udyr top and a good support Blitz who go this carry fed. Unfortunately we were let down by our team mates.

Sometimes I just feel like not paying at all until I'm premade and we have a full 5. It's just so annoying when you're let down like that.

Oh well, at least it wasn't a bad first time with Noc. was 7/3/12 at one stage.
Draven is so good.

It's really great when you see one who has perfected his kiting manuevers since with that you can prevent any melee from reaching you even after a gap closer.

Bonus points if you're one of the Draven's who knows how to juggle 2 axes effectively.

Does this mean new items time?

I only wish more supports knew what was up with the 2 spinning axes.. i always have to explain. "If you see me with two axes it's usually kill time"


I've started making videos instead of comics.
Learning jungle Nocturne at the mo. First time playing him:

Just a tip - nocturne functions better as an anti carry bruiser so you generally dont want to build pure damage since youll be so squishy youll die as soon as you fly into the enemy team. (Wriggles, Hog, Aegis, Randuins)
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