So.. umm... how do you even counter vayne + nunu. I've seen it almost every game these days and I can't do anything about it. It's insane. Maybe Taric + Graves, but they're my least favorite combo to play.
eh unless the vayne knows what he/she is doing (which is only like 1% of the entire lol player base) then vayne will lose to anyone with good harass or cc.
E.g. Sona, taric, janna, lulu, draven, graves, miss fortune, ezreal, caitlyn etc...
With this said, most vayne will lose laning to 90% of bot lane combos.
If they are dodging skill shots or knowing how to trade with tumble/condemn, that vayne is good or you're getting outplayed.
If they are just farming and tumbling INTO you and hitting you nonstop and not getting a single condemn off, then you are playing the match up wrong and you should improve.
@ Rex watch the game at the 2hr mark.
That is how we play the push strat ;p
That Garen.
Over 600 armor. What's the armor reduction limit?
Highest I've seen so far is 85% at something like 300 armor.
Off-hand, the absolute highest possible is around 95% (~1800 Armor). It requires a gimmick setup with Trundles, though (basically double Agony use).
Wouldn't it be 100% with ninja tabi? Since it reduces basic attacks by 10%.
I'm guessing something like Trundle biting a meditating Yi.
Trundle with 6TMs = 678 armor
Yi with 6TMs while meditating = 983 armor
After Trundle ult = 1170 armor
Looking at my old games makes me laugh.
phantom dancers
whats a last whisper
That tryndamere in the second picture would make me cry forever if I was playing against him and he was good.... *shudddddder******
Hopefully some champions become terrible and get buffed as well. Only nerfs makes for sadness and despair.I think with the new items some champs will rocket into OP status.
Followed by nerf time.
It looks to have been a 5v4 (Twisted Fate left and was reported), and they had no tank.That tryn did more than two adcs combined. I'd say I couldn't believe a team didn't let a 32-9-12 carry them but failing and throwing seem to be a new norm for people in this game.
eh unless the vayne knows what he/she is doing (which is only like 1% of the entire lol player base) then vayne will lose to anyone with good harass or cc.
E.g. Sona, taric, janna, lulu, draven, graves, miss fortune, ezreal, caitlyn etc...
With this said, most vayne will lose laning to 90% of bot lane combos.
If they are dodging skill shots or knowing how to trade with tumble/condemn, that vayne is good or you're getting outplayed.
If they are just farming and tumbling INTO you and hitting you nonstop and not getting a single condemn off, then you are playing the match up wrong and you should improve.
@ Rex watch the game at the 2hr mark.
That is how we play the push strat ;p
1% of the playerbase got banned overnight, and the topic is delicious to read.
i want to play like this
5 minutes in, 3 kills 2 turrets.
I've noticed that lane choice seems to be pretty fluid in pro games. Compared to ranked solo queue where if you deviate from bruiser top, AP mid, ADC/support bot, you are a troll and will be reported by your team.
The irony being people who cling to this setup like their life depended on it aren't actually emulating the pros but doing the opposite by being so rigid.
I just realized when Season 3 items come out all the old guides will be outdated.
Everyone will have to start new again with build choices.
To be fair, some of these pro lane strategies are nigh impossible to pull off in a solo queue game with no voice chat and prior practice. No way to run stuff like triple TP+promote in a solo queue game.
5 minutes in, 3 kills 2 turrets.
I've noticed that lane choice seems to be pretty fluid in pro games. Compared to ranked solo queue where if you deviate from bruiser top, AP mid, ADC/support bot, you are a troll and will be reported by your team.
The irony being people who cling to this setup like their life depended on it aren't actually emulating the pros but doing the opposite by being so rigid.
I just realized when Season 3 items come out all the old guides will be outdated.
Everyone will have to start new again with build choices.
In case someone missed it, Crs Voyboy just picked Nasus against Wickd's Irelia in Lonestar Clash:
Will watch to see what happens.
E: Voyboy gets FB. Things might get interesting.
In case someone missed it, Crs Voyboy just picked Nasus against Wickd's Irelia in Lonestar Clash:
Will watch to see what happens.
E: Voyboy gets FB. Things might get interesting.
Yes, Saint initiated a gank that enabled the FB.Was there jungler intervention for the FB?
Scarra's hat is awesome. What's even funnier is that he dared to eat his hat if Voy would lock in Nasus.
First round won by Curse, and they really earned it. So well played, and so refreshing to see Nasus pulled out successfully in a tourney.
@ Rex watch the game at the 2hr mark.
That is how we play the push strat ;p
Let's do this.
@ Rex watch the game at the 2hr mark.
That is how we play the push strat ;p
Maybe 75% of LoLGAF has certain people on ignore, and maybe 80% of them don't have the initiative to actually create a lobby. I'm one of the latter usually.
Only a few select LoLGAF members have both the initiative to create a lobby, and send invites (even though the chatroom invite panel is still broken, RAYVENNNN), and only a select fewer LoLGAF members have the charisma for people to actually accept those invites.
Regarding the tournament championship round:Curse seemed pretty powerful dominating the first two games, but CLG.EU certainly made the final game one-sided, even winning the same Irelia vs Nasus matchup I think they lost earlier. I don't know what happened in game #4 though, whether it was close or one-sided.