Make each tree more useful to more champions
In Season two, masteries were a bit too targeted toward specific roles. AP and AD carries took Offense, tanks took Defense, and supports took Utility. While these straightforward options will still be good in the preseason, we want you to have additional incentives to dive deep into trees that might not be the obvious choice for your role. For example, a jungler interested in applying a lot of early game pressure might find the bonus starting gold from the Utility tree useful for picking up early Boots of Speed. Likewise, an AD carry with limited escape skills might find the bonus tenacity available in the Defense tree allows him to refocus his early itemization.
Move or replace out-of-place masteries
There were a number of Season Two masteries that didnt really fit well into their trees. Masteries like Siege Commander (which reduced the armor of nearby enemy turrets) didnt really belong in the Defense tree, so we replaced it with a more appropriate mastery called Tower Shield that reduces incoming damage from turrets.
Indomitable is gone and Tough Skin has been updated
Youll notice the absence of a few of the previous masteries, most notably Indomitable. We also changed Tough Skin so that it no longer grants reduced damage from lane minions. These two masteries trivialized early game minion damage when combined, allowing players to easily freeze lanes. Freezing lanes contributes heavily to snowballing and limits the viability of certain champions, so we wanted to make it a more risky proposition.
Reduce wasted points
There are a number of popular builds where you might find you have to waste points on masteries that dont really benefit you to reach the masteries you want. Weve changed up the dependencies so you can now reach the end of each tree without wasting any points.
Improve the Utility Tree
In Season Two, the Utility Tree wasnt all that appealing to the majority of champions. Weve made adjustments to ensure this tree has more useful options for champions in all roles. Champions like manaless casters who currently have to waste a lot of points to get to the bottom of the tree can now make it down 21 or more points in Utility and be rewarded for doing so.