I can't help but think that Shen and Noc would be great for a push comp as well. Send Shen to deal with the 2v1, let him farm with Vorpal blade.
The hard part is getting Shen :x Bind got him once (I think it was the Zyra game I did? The one with the random Lee Sin jungle) and it worked fairly well. Any Teleport top lane could work, though.
When the 2v1 lane is ready to push, just tower dive the lone top laner by using Shen ult on Noc ult, there is no way the top laner can escape. Then take a free tower. Mid could roam bot to defend as necessary, and if they don't send people in response they could lose two towers super quickly.
I think the original plan drafted up was with a Lee Sin jungle and to just be a hyper aggressive essentially 3v1 lane. Then Tales of the Lane showed that basically exactly happening but with Ashe instead of Caitlyn. Though, they ran more of a "push that entire lane down" strat rather than the "take all first tier tower" strat.
Cait and Sona can make for an aggressive bot, but can get fucked w/ proper jungle presence, sona ult is consistently relevant, cait range is consistently relevant, but it's more pokey sustainy, like if the other team has a means of engaging, they will suffer in a straight fight.
Caitlyn gives one of the best 2v1 offensive zoning options and safest way to take down the turret. She's not integral or anything but I wouldn't say she's a bad pick here.
Elise, if I'm getting this right I fucking blow with her, is super aggressive harassy, whereas in a 2v1 you want sustain, passive, farming. her escape is situational, but her surprising damage can be really useful towards a shitty dive. her teamfight isn't as good as vlad's who also offers a really good wave clear, and clear discernible strength in team fights
Elise has better objective control than Vlad, though it's not really the role that needs filling for the comp (barring situations where we need to separate to split push). Vlad does well because he doesn't need the items to be team fight useful: Just land an ult. Elise has the better early-to-mid game and gives the comp a diving in tank.
like this is by no means a bad comp, but look how crazy good that blaze one i posted is.
Taric isn't really an ideal pick for this, though. He makes it a good kill lane, sure, but Zyra is ultimately a better push lane support and team fight support (granted, Zyra's kind of ridiculous right now). Sona's poke is really good for a 2v1 lane as well and she still provides one of the best team fight ults from a support. Honestly, Taric is pretty low on my list of ideal supports. He's just amazing with Graves in lane but it's not really necessary.
Ahri's strength for the team comp is her Charm for picking out people but she has a worse team fight than Orianna. Honestly, she's not really a great pick for this. I don't know what niche she's filling besides obligatory burst damage here. I suppose roaming potential but Katarina is better here for that. There's better snowball mids too and I'd rather snowball Orianna or Katarina than Ahri if given the choice.
Vlad's 2v1 is ... alright. He's in a similar situation as Elise (invuln escape to prevent dives) but Elise is a bit better under turret at low levels if only due to her having two Qs for last hitting that are on a lower cooldown. Come late game, Vlad is better for the team fight as his ult scales up the advantage the rest of your team has. I can play Vlad, though, so it's not really an issue.
Maokai is Maokai.
What our team comp did have was Orianna for the mobility advantage, Cho'gath knock-up for catching people, and Elise stun to hold them there; Sona and Orianna ult are just devastating when played right. Cho'gath and Elise gave us two tanks that can just wade in there and deal decent damage even very few damage items built; Elise E let me dive the carry out every time they tried to escape as well. Caitlyn's range kept her out of Karthus defile, though Olaf was an issue (and probably why he was picked, to just walk into her), and her ult let her pick off people trying to escape.
But, we didn't pick this team comp to push out. We did it because the opportunity was there. I think we based the comp originally off Katarina mid and a good 1v2 top with Teleport (ideally Shen but ... Shen).
we relied entirely on being ahead of the other team, but I don't think a good push comp necessarily needs to focus on early gold advantage, more on the map control that down towers give you. like, defending towers or counter-ganks are a big part of this, or just being at the right place at the right time.
The idea of the push comp is to get the early advantage and use the downed towers to give you objective (and jungle) control. You bleed them dry. If the game slows down and you don't get that control, the comp struggles and you give up free farm. You have to establish that kind of control first. We can't sit back and rest with one tower down, y'know?
We get an advantage and use it to force situations where they have to engage on us to stop us but they don't want to engage on us due to being worse off item wise. The strat isn't based entirely around confusing the enemy, it just helps that the strat forces them to react better. The strat is exactly about map control and dominance, it just gets it there by being hyper aggressive with the early towers. Laning phase is abrupt. Objectives and map presence are king.
we would have been completely irrelevant if the other team knew how to group up and turtle shit since we were basically sieging nonstop. well not completely, but they would have won that game ez pz if they were better players
If they had turtled up, we would've rotated through more objectives or had one of us split push while it was sieged 4v5. Elise is great at split pushing due to how fast she can take down towers. I learned Nidalee for this kind of split pushing strat.
I think if we are gonna wrack our minds trying to practice a strat we should keep contingency in mind.
I do agree we need a backup plan or at least know how to play it when things fail.
also rex can probably play other things besides ad
Rex is probably the only ADC I'd trust with the comp right now if only due to him being the only one familiar with it.
how to make people go outside their comfort zones/have a bigger champ/role pool? outside the narrative of look at the powah of my "insert champ" vs. look at the powah of our team?
I feel comfortable playing top, mid, or support for this. I think my Graves isn't bad, per se, but I don't feel like it's good enough to be the focus of the strat. Not yet, anyway.
everybody should gt out of their comfortzone by jungling
I don't necessarily mind trying it, I just don't like being the reason we lose. I have bad confidence issues I guess!