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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Hurricane will be a very niche item. Just saying.

More AS than phantom dancer and up to 2 50% damage procs instead of 30% crit 12% MS. BT hurricane will be the shit. If you're hitting even only 1 extra proc that's flat out better dps and with 2 the dps and lifesteal potential is insane. Unless the AoE for getting submissiles is tiny or the cost is huge you're so wrong.


Well I think steroids and range are going to be the two BIG factors that make or break this item. Characters like Tristana and Kog are going to benefit from this item hugely in the late game especially if you're not thinking about that sustain from a BT. The thing that I'm worried about is when this item will come into play. You definitely won't build this as an early game item and even mid game I feel a bit wary. Part of it has to do with this affecting farming minions since it's aoe. This item will shine more late game because it's not that much of a focus on cs.

It'll largely depend on the kind of changes we see for IE and BT as well. Same for the exact numbers to PD. And we need to see the radius for Hurricane as well. Cost will be relevant too. I still think it's cute that Caitlyn gets six "charges" towards Headshot from a bush ... which also makes me wonder how that works for her anyway.

Remember, this item is most likely competing with the adjusted Phantom Dancer (-Movement Speed%, -Attack Speed%) for a slot. BT/Hurricane vs IE/PD will be the situations most likely.


ziggs is great
if you want to fuck your team so fucking hard

Eh? Wouldn't a badly-placed Anivia wall be worse than anything Ziggs could do wrong?

He doesn't have an AoE toggle or anything but his Q does a bit more than tickle, and W and E can disrupt pretty well for any "escaping". He can't jump across lanes like TF and Panth, but his Ult can still do something from a distance.

I was more thinking that his sustain would be bad for dealing with people constantly coming/going (and Anivia wall/AoE just cannot be truly matched by him).


To me Hurricane + BT could be a pretty annoying combo. Especially on someone that's beefy like graves.

You know what frightens me?

Fiora or Riven with a Hydra + MF with Hurricane + Katarina mid + Amumu ult. ffs, don't give a shit about the support at this point but lets just say Zyra ult because I really hate the enemy team.


Don't think impure would really do enough to make hurricane wortht it. Well.. I mean i think hurricane is worth it... but probably not much more than any other carry.


Don't think impure would really do enough to make hurricane wortht it. Well.. I mean i think hurricane is worth it... but probably not much more than any other carry.

Off-hand, Impure Shots is the highest on-hit damage of the ADCs with one, not counting Varus triggering his Blight Stacks. MF Ult is still nice for the area damage anyway.


Off-hand, Impure Shots is the highest on-hit damage of the ADCs with one, not counting Varus triggering his Blight Stacks. MF Ult is still nice for the area damage anyway.

Well that's the thing, I'd rather someone be doing their MF ult during an aoe fest instead.

Amumu ults.

MF ults with the new black cleaver. Shreds armor to hell.
Fiora and Riven go in with tiamats.


Well that's the thing, I'd rather someone be doing their MF ult during an aoe fest instead.

Right. She ults during the cc. MF's Impure Shots just really benefits from RH anyway afterwards (if there even is an after).

Edit: Basically what I'm saying is that I'd want an MF with Hurricane for when her ult isn't going. When the CC lands, she's definitely ulting. But, otherwise, Impure Shots greatly benefits from RH. More so than your average ADC without an on-hit.

MF ults with the new black cleaver. Shreds armor to hell.
Fiora and Riven go in with tiamats.

Cleaver works too (and/or better). I just assumed Cleaver on the Fiora/Riven anyway.
Current jungle problems:

Golems are too easy for blue side adc/support to kite at lvl1 and therefore take without taking damage, causes blue side advantage in high level play. So make them ranged monsters, duh.

Wraiths are too easy to farm with AoE, makes taking wraiths too easy for mids and is one of the reasons AoE junglers are stronger than autoattackers. So make them a pair (less favourable to AoE) of beefy monsters that require tanking (less favourable for mids) while outputting single target damage.

Or basically just swapping wraiths and golems would go a long away to making the changes Riot wants to the jungle. PAY ME RIOT.


Current jungle problems:

Golems are too easy for blue side adc/support to kite at lvl1 and therefore take without taking damage, causes blue side advantage in high level play. So make them ranged monsters, duh.

Wraiths are too easy to farm with AoE, makes taking wraiths too easy for mids and is one of the reasons AoE junglers are stronger than autoattackers. So make them a pair (less favourable to AoE) of beefy monsters that require tanking (less favourable for mids) while outputting single target damage.

Or basically just swapping wraiths and golems would go a long away to making the changes Riot wants to the jungle. PAY ME RIOT.
Long decades ago, golems used to be easier for bot lane to get at level 1. So, Riot changed them with the intent being that they would be impossible to get at level 1. Or difficult. Or something. Except they're still apparently possible for pro bot lanes to get, so I don't know that it really fixed much. =P


did rex take the tower dmg mastery in the game I played?

also: I'm afraid that if I take part in this I'll be the jungler all the time :( (tragedy of the all-rounder)
also: in terms of champ synergy our team was lacking a little bit. consider this blaze team: graves, maokai, ahri, vlad, taric. so much synergy! and like, it's a push comp that remains strong throughout

i should probably pick up maokai if we are going to be doing this

I pick cait because I know i can get the tower before 9 minutes no matter what support I have. I can just trap up the entire lane, prevent ganks and I can safely poke the crap out of the solo laner. If me/support dies to a gank, then the entire strategy falls apart since the solo laner will catch back up and won't take as much damage from my double shot passive and it'll make our top laner suffer even more since we don't get the tower fast enough.

Cait also has a really strong late late game and I can push my advantages mid game with the tower gold and play the time when we push mid like how I play laning (trap up the entire lane and carry heal to win the team fights that they initiate).

I can try stronger mid game champs like graves and miss fortune but i'll need to practice them for a push comp. I only play those 2 as carries who bullies the support and deny farm. Not quite sure how I would play a push comp with them right now. Might have to watch some captain jack grave games.

And I don't mind only playing adc because I enjoy it the most and i'm confident in winning my lane 80% of the time and probably 90% if i'm talking to my support.


Or basically just swapping wraiths and golems would go a long away to making the changes Riot wants to the jungle. PAY ME RIOT.

This would make jungle clears awkward timing wise. Blue -> Wolves -> Golems? Or run down to Wraiths?

Just making it harder to get from mid lane to Wraiths would work for most champs. Less "farm camp from over the wall without really leaving lane" clears. Delaying Golem spawn by ~10s would probably also work for bot lane issues probably.

And I don't mind only playing adc because I enjoy it the most and i'm confident in winning my lane 80% of the time and probably 90% if i'm talking to my support.

Until I take all of your kills. Scumbag Zyra op.


This would make jungle clears awkward timing wise. Blue -> Wolves -> Golems? Or run down to Wraiths?

Just making it harder to get from mid lane to Wraiths would work for most champs. Less "farm camp from over the wall without really leaving lane" clears. Delaying Golem spawn by ~10s would probably also work for bot lane issues probably.

Well they already stated how they're going to fix those issues.


Well they already stated how they're going to fix those issues.

Yup, not really worth talking about how they might fix the jungle, they've already revamped it. We'll see how much of a fix it is but it sounds pretty good. Going to be really tough to kill jungle creeps at level 1 with boots+pots. Will need cloth armor or the new hatchet thing.


Well they already stated how they're going to fix those issues.

The Wraith change I mentioned is exactly what they're doing I believe. I think for Golems they just wanted to make them harder or something but, honestly, delaying the spawn a few seconds would probably have been the easiest way to stop ADC/Support from starting there. Making it impossible to do them and get to lane in time will pretty much stop them from being an issue.

But, yeah, new Jungle and everything else makes it pretty irrelevant to think of how to fix things.


Tragic victim of fan death
Something a friend posted for hurricane.

Varus – Applies Blighted Quiver on everyone hit, which can then get triggered by his other spells.
Caitlyn – Gains one stack of Headshot for each target hit. Fires Headshot only at the primary target.
Graves – Reduces the cooldown of Quickdraw for 2 seconds for each target hit.
Miss Fortune – Applies and stacks Impure Shots on every target hit. Activating Impure Shots will apply Grievous wounds to every target hit.
Ashe's - frost shot slows 3 people
Jayce's armor shred shot in Cannon form
Kog Maw deals 18% total damage per auto attack with his W up
Teemo poisons everywhere
kennen stacking Mark of the storm AOE


Quick question... I haven't played LoL in about 9-12 months probably.

I just looked up a quick Youtube video from this week and noticed they haven't changed the graphics engine yet (from what I could tell). Have they stated if they ever plan on doing that?


Quick question... I haven't played LoL in about 9-12 months probably.

I just looked up a quick Youtube video from this week and noticed they haven't changed the graphics engine yet (from what I could tell). Have they stated if they ever plan on doing that?

Haven't heard anything about a graphics engine upgrade. They update the models and the art though.


So what happens when the jungler pressures your 1v2 lane and then they lane switch?

Also alot of champs mentioned like Ori are popular picks and bans, what champs to play in lieu of them?

I think maximizing your bot lane synergy is worth the tradeoff in the case of Taric/Graves bot. As in, I think picking Taric Graves is smarter than Graves Sona. Esp in a push strat.

I play mid competently enough also, but mid and top are such hard to get roles in games because EVERYONE wants mid and top. I jungle poorly, I understand it the playstyle I just don't enjoy it. With the incoming S3 changes I also don't want to burn all that time practicing something about to drastically change.

ASL plz.

Won't work as well. The support has to be a disengager for the team because we should avoid team fights as much as possible after we push into the enemy. Taric can't disengage. He can stun one and we might all die if we dont all go in to fight. One bad fight will make us start to fall behind since we are giving up free farm.

Unless taric gets shurelyias right after we get top and bot tower, he isn't going to be the most efficient choice. And sona is a disengager with her ult and is a boss at pushing towers with auras and her sustain. I can just keep pushing and pushing with the sustain.

And the extra AD from Q lets me get the first tower even faster.


teemo+hurricane, tears will be shed
Twisted Fate + Hurricane.

Three gold cards.

Mind blown.

I just looked up a quick Youtube video from this week and noticed they haven't changed the graphics engine yet (from what I could tell). Have they stated if they ever plan on doing that?
Why would they plan such a thing? Seems more trouble than it's worth tbh.

The visuals and the performance (among numerous other things) have been vastly improved during your absence, so Riot is capable of expanding its engines capabilities, when they see it necessary.


Shouldn't Gold Card just enhance one attack and THEN Hurricane sends out two basic AAs afterward?

Pix vomiting lasers all day.
You might be correct, I was under the assumption that it took any AA- modifier into account, not just on-hit effects.


the implications for varus ARE huge though, it gives him atspd for faster procs too
maybe varus can stop being an AD bot? or at least supplement an ad heavy team better than he does atm


Tragic victim of fan death
The ones I posted are theories that my friend is saying. In no way am I endorsing them as truth. In fact I think almost all of them wouldn't work. Ash arrows being one.


Ecylpsia playing in IPL at the moment. Doesn't look like there are any big pushes at the moment but there is a Jayce bot.

And also elise rappel + orianna ult for mid game. Easy engage.


the implications for varus ARE huge though, it gives him atspd for faster procs too
maybe varus can stop being an AD bot? or at least supplement an ad heavy team better than he does atm

Caitlyn is the one that concerns me. She shoots from a bush with Hurricane towards three enemies. This means she gets +2 to Headshot's counter three times or +6. So ... how does this work? Does that mean every other auto attack she does is a Headshot? Or does she always Headshot? For when Headshot is still every 8th/7th auto, what happens to those extra auto attack counts?


Was there any mention on whether or not the hurricane's extra projectiles can hit the same target, assuming he was standing in point-blank range?

E: Nevermind, it's stated in the description that extra projectiles go for different individual targets.
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