Wolf Akela
See you tomorrow.
Well guys I'm taking a break from the game for a while. Not having fun with it right now, constantly playing bad and just get angry with myself. Thanks for the games I've played with you all and putting up with me. Ill still read the thread and post my dumb replies. See you guys whenever the Christmas stuff starts.
P.S. Vertical line.
its sad, when im first pick i like to take mid rengar and they always shout that they are going to report me then they feed like fucking cows, its really sad.Tried to solo queue. Really not a fan of everyone shouting out positions at the start for calling stuff. Also: people really do not like when I pick Lulu top in ranked, and having to tell people I'm serious seems like it would get old fast.
I never figured out how to Zed, but no worries -- if he turns out to be a mediocre champion, I'm sure Riot will fix him posthaste, just like Sejuani and Karma.
This is a price I would be willing to pay if it reduced, say, a never-ending stream of Ezreal's.Sejuani is tough, buff her a little bit might make her super good.
I never figured out how to Zed, but no worries -- if he turns out to be a mediocre champion, I'm sure Riot will fix him posthaste, just like Sejuani and Karma.
I'm not the metagame expert, but as far as I know Karma and Eve were long known as the very worst champions with the very worst win rates, to the extent that people might rage or dodge the game if you even picked them. Eve was super squishy and didn't do much damage. Karma could do some support things or damage...but required so much gold and items and she didn't work as the normal support role. And without a normal ult she wouldn't really have enough damage to be able to cope mid lane, presumably.*looks up karma*
"karma gains increased ability power corresponding to her % health missing"
This seems like a very easy way to see a grey screen.
Not counting the one game we used him, I don't even think I saw an Ezreal at all yesterday.
I've played Ezreal twice today already :O
I never figured out how to Zed, but no worries -- if he turns out to be a mediocre champion, I'm sure Riot will fix him posthaste, just like Sejuani and Karma.
scy, you may have just been lucky.
Also, Karma, Zed (haha), and Master Yi are the lowest with win rates in the 33-40% range.
Is it just me or normal queue been getting harder and harder and harder... how many more game must I lose before they match me with people that tower dive me for a free double kill with double buff?
So if we start playing seriously in normal, and winning >50%, that mean gold in 5s ranked is within our reach? Or at least silver?
Oh the next suppport champ sneak peak is out.
AP Corki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Holy shit, they are doubling down on the stupid. How many perfectly shaped female chests with a helmet is this now?
While this is the concept art and the final has changed (as all concepts do through development), she’s drawn by the ridiculously talented Gem Lim
So if we start playing seriously in normal, and winning >50%, that mean gold in 5s ranked is within our reach? Or at least silver?
Oh the next suppport champ sneak peak is out.
I wouldn't worry yet.
Don't say that, it reminded me when they first announce zyra, I like the preview art a lot better than the one they actually used.
That said, since I'm watching One Piece on the Merman Island arc right now... this is a must buy.
I demand a pirate themed skin.
where is my non-humanoid dog champ
I mean just a dog, just a nice ol dog
who fed dog?
where is my non-humanoid dog champ
I mean just a dog, just a nice ol dog
Here's my concern with Nami.
The fuck is her walking animation going to be?
She'll be at 150 speed on land, and have a flopping animation. She gets 500 base speed in river.
Actually how much you wanna bet she gets a speed increase in river?
League of Pokemon.I want a champ that's like muk.
Next time I play with you I'll pick Master Yi.I want no new champs.
In fact, I want less than there are now.
Let's take out Master Yi.