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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I think she's okay, could use more burst.

Main problem is unreliability, and unlike release Zyra, she doesn't have amazing damage/ratios to make up for it.


Aw lost my first match as Ori. Didn't think Ahri was a counter against her, but I should've :p

I also just realized her E also did damage and that her Q damaged people in the ball's path lol.



So you guys won.

Did someone on the other team also have the same problem?

I like how I don't have the leave status for that game but I have it for my dominion one.



Syndra is the first new champion I think I liked in awhile. She seems pretty fun managing her spheres and minions and just throwing out tons of abilities to set up for stuff. I'm surprised by the apathy towards her, to be honest.

Although, I don't think very competitively so whatever; she just feels fun to me after one game, even though it was a loss.


Regarding Syndra, her biggest flaws to me right now in lane is her terrible sustain. She has decent base Mana regen but you still will want to rush a Chalice so that fixes that, albeit by delaying an early damage item (though, early 30MR helps). Not sure how to fix her health concerns since she won't vamp back amazingly well. Might think about the HP5 seals on her since the MP5 ones aren't totally needed after the Chalice. Her base damage is fairly good so she might get away with a more defensive setup...

She's not a burst caster but a high sustained one. Q is a 4s base cooldown with up to 220 base damage (.5 AP) so she can harass amazingly well. Her all-in at 6 (Q + Q + W + Q + R + E) isn't that bad with 1110 (+3.5AP) damage, though the setup is annoying. She really benefits from CDR since she needs almost max CDR to reliably get a 7-hit ult off instead of just the 6-hit one above (making her damage at 6 go up to 1340 +4.15AP). Her max damage is a whopping 2762 (+4.45AP) so I mean ... she can do a ridiculous amount of damage. Just need to work on landing her setup.

I need to play her in a match up she wins like the slowest AP mids and the skillshot based ones. My two games with her were against an AP Eve and a Malzahar, both that seem to do really well against Syndra if they get ahead early. The Eve matchup was relatively fine at first (Q harass) but an early gank caused things to go bad. Plus my first game with Syndra and missing every-fucking-E stun and only getting off mostly 5 hit ults instead of 6/7 ones. Malzahar just kept his dot going every trade :(


Regarding Syndra, her biggest flaws to me right now in lane is her terrible sustain. She has decent base Mana regen but you still will want to rush a Chalice so that fixes that, albeit by delaying an early damage item (though, early 30MR helps). Not sure how to fix her health concerns since she won't vamp back amazingly well. Might think about the HP5 seals on her since the MP5 ones aren't totally needed after the Chalice. Her base damage is fairly good so she might get away with a more defensive setup...

She's not a burst caster but a high sustained one. Q is a 4s base cooldown with up to 220 base damage (.5 AP) so she can harass amazingly well. Her all-in at 6 (Q + Q + W + Q + R + E) isn't that bad with 1110 (+3.5AP) damage, though the setup is annoying. She really benefits from CDR since she needs almost max CDR to reliably get a 7-hit ult off instead of just the 6-hit one above (making her damage at 6 go up to 1340 +4.15AP). Her max damage is a whopping 2762 (+4.45AP) so I mean ... she can do a ridiculous amount of damage. Just need to work on landing her setup.

I need to play her in a match up she wins like the slowest AP mids and the skillshot based ones. My two games with her were against an AP Eve and a Malzahar, both that seem to do really well against Syndra if they get ahead early. The Eve matchup was relatively fine at first (Q harass) but an early gank caused things to go bad. Plus my first game with Syndra and missing every-fucking-E stun and only getting off mostly 5 hit ults instead of 6/7 ones. Malzahar just kept his dot going every trade :(

I havent played her but what I would do with her is:

magic pen reds, mana regen yellows, mr blues and quints

1. boots
2. 1 dorans and kage's
3. Chalice
4. Finish dfg then burst people down

Still havent seen any syndras buy DFG and i see it as the most optimal item for her laning



So you guys won.

Did someone on the other team also have the same problem?

I like how I don't have the leave status for that game but I have it for my dominion one.

I think they started giving loss forgiven instead, but since we won


All the matches lately seem to be snowballs. I miss the neck and neck matches...

Yeah. It seems like only the best teams know how to play from behind. League is very snowball-y. That's one thing I'll give Dota2, the games I've watched can turn at any moment.


Still havent seen any syndras buy DFG and i see it as the most optimal item for her laning

I'm not sure yet. DFG means that you want to initiate with it and then go into a quick burst rotation typically. So it comes down to whether or not you're going to try and play her where you're setting up the 6-hit ults or just going to try and single rotation burst down a target. Though, 19% CDR (39% with blue buff) does mean that you'll most likely be able to DFG + Q + W + Q + R + E which isn't exactly a bad setup.
How would one build Trundle? I just bought him. I was debating between boots-TF-GA and boots-BT-GA as my core, but I went with TF. I went 10/11/17 on my first match (which I lost) but our scores were pretty much even.

I ended up having Tabi (fed Panth), Shurelya, TF, Hex, GA and Aegis (for my teammates). I think Wits might be a better choice than Hex. I'm still really debating if I should get AD for item damage or if I should just rely on TF/Wits. I don't know if I should capitalize on the Q effects.


Here is my current plan regarding the major topics discussed in this thread:

Refunds – will be addressed next week
Rune Pages– 2 for 1 promotion launched yesterday. Will revisit in 2013
Rune Pricing and Design – Evaluate in 2013
Champion Pricing– Proposed plan(s) will be presented to the community for feedback in the next few weeks
Skin Pricing– likely will try a couple things in 2012, with a long term plan in 2013
Bundles – Great feedback in the All About Bundles thread. Expect to see meaningful progress in 2012
Summoner Name Changes – Possible sale in 2012 along with another cleansing of unused names
Free Champion Rotation – Evaluate in 2013
Gifting to Friends – Targeting partial capability in December 2012
New Types of Content – Expect the first of many in late 2012
Skins for IP – Evaluate in 2013 (I appreciate the helpful poll threads)
Legacy Skins – Potential comeback for some legacy skins beginning December 2012
Limited Edition Skins– No plans to change


It's not trolling at all, per the win rates I mentioned on the last page. I think I nearly had a quadra the other day, ended up with just triple.

Reminds me of the game last night of someone asking if you were trolling with Eve mid :x


I bought Gunblade right after.
I've considered gunblade, but it's so expensive I really suspect that the DFG + ult burst works better with getting as much magic pen and MR reduction as possible. Gunblade MIGHT work as a fifth or sixth item, but I'm guessing a defensive item + deathcap would be more optimal.

Is DFG outside of the abyssal aura now? I need to remember to close the distance slightly before hitting it. I strongly suspect gunblade active is outside the aura for sure.


Played Riven and got stomped by Garen even though I went cloth5 and Ninja Tabi. I'm out of practice with her.
That doesn't surprise me too much since silence is like the #1 thing I hate with Riven. If Garen can get in range with Q and speedboots or whatever, you're probably going to take some nasty damage.


Played Riven and got stomped by Garen even though I went cloth5 and Ninja Tabi. I'm out of practice with her.

The closest thing to a hard counter to Riven is pretty much Garen. It's basically the only match up I've had with Riven that I really loathe to see.


The closest thing to a hard counter to Riven is pretty much Garen. It's basically the only match up I've had with Riven that I really loathe to see.

I'd argue rumble, vlad, teemo, kayle, or even kennen would destroy riven. Ranged poke OP top.


Rumble is destroyed by any halfway decent Riven and is one of his hardest counters. Vlad is another one who Riven should beat almost always. Kayle requires you to outplay them whenever her ranged is down otherwise she'll control the lane. I haven't played against any decent Kennens so I can't comment too much on that match up. Teemo is obnoxious and probably would be my second pick for most annoying matchup for lane but Garen is the top of my list, however.

Edit: Worth note that most of these (well, basically all but Rumble and Vlad) will require proper lane control. Bait the lanes to the side to force them to focus fire and shield harass to try and get your minions to attack your opponents instead of the other minions. Being able to farm outside turret range makes things so much simpler and sets up the gank really well. Probably a necessity for low level Kayle (should win mid/late laning phase fights) and every Kennen/Teemo.


Junior Member
Can't carry as Sona when the team is weird. I was godlike at one point. And seriously, no jungle, duo top with Kog and I was bot with Chogath.
And then we had disconnects... and LoL is down so noone could reconnect. Damn.


All the matches lately seem to be snowballs. I miss the neck and neck matches...
Yeah. It seems like only the best teams know how to play from behind. League is very snowball-y. That's one thing I'll give Dota2, the games I've watched can turn at any moment.
The latest matches (the Korean finals included) have all been seeded events, so one team should generally be much better than the other. @Volimar: Why don't you watch the Azubu.Frost v iG game 5 I posted earlier?

Played Riven and got stomped by Garen even though I went cloth5 and Ninja Tabi. I'm out of practice with her.
It's tough for riven but you can outplay him with a stun just before he comes in, kite him, then dash into harass with autos and Q. Or just stun, kite then farm - a garen who doesn't snowball is quite useless.


It's tough for riven but you can outplay him with a stun just before he comes in, kite him, then dash into harass with autos and Q. Or just stun, kite then farm - a garen who doesn't snowball is quite useless.

Yeah, that's basically the best advice for a Garen lane: just try not to go aggressive on him. He'll most likely win any direct confrontation. Respect Garen's kit and just stun auto harass and play it safe. It's not a matchup you can dominate early (e.g., Irelia).


Soooo, on par with every other non-yordle champion Riot's "creative" minds have thought up in the passed year?
I'm not sure if you mean pure visual design, but I think the last several champion designs have had interesting play mechanics at least.


Maokai counters Riven too. Arcane Smash stuffs her abilities so she can't trade in lane.

Try it.

Eh. She can shield saplings and stun after his root is cast and Q away. Riven can avoid a lot of the damage while taking no hits to any resource unlike Mao's mana costs.
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