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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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i dont understand what do you mean by boring, jungling is the most dynamic role and only you decide to be boring "farm farm farm" or aggressive.

Aside from getting a good gank in, it's boring and tedious. Clearing the jungle is incredibly static, depending on your champion or if you're invading/counter-jungling. Running around killing camps as quickly as you can. It is the most dynamic role, but there's no back and forth like there is in a lane. The only excitement comes from ganks. If you're a great jungler, it's fun because of the reward from pulling off good kills, but that's the only reward.. at least in the early game.

High highs and low lows. If you have a good team and you do well, it's one of the best experiences, but if your team is bad, it's a waste of time and then you get blamed for not ganking anyone.. despite the fact that your lanes over-extend and don't respond when you are trying to get something up.


You should try counterjungling.

Warding the enemy jungle in attempts to steal buffs or catch the enemy jungler on low health is fun.

Yeah, I edited my post about that. Back in the day, Nunu counter-jungling was really fun. Especially if they were jungling Amumu. Loved stealing his blue constantly.. lol.

I'm hoping the new jungle changes open up more possibilities and routes, making it more fun and making things like counter-jungling more viable.


To be perfectly honest, you're over simplying jungling and thats why you don't like it

you want back and forth? jungling is a fucking dance between you and the other jungler with the whole map as your lane

you say theres no back and forth - but there is - its an invisible back and forth between you and the enemy jungler. counter ganking is a huge part of jungling, or at least, reading the other junglers mind without being able to see him constantly in the game like in a lane - hence why its much harder 'game sense' wise than laning

i mean, laning might be more like face to face dueling and perhaps you just prefer that. seeing as you love counter jungling

its not "just clearing" if youre clearing wraiths when you had an opportunity top, you just lost. you can be in bad positions in the jungle because you have less game sense than the enemy jungle. lets say, you came back from base and you're farming wolves and the enemy jungler ganks bot... that was your fault you werent there. amazing junglers know where and what the other junglers will be doing

people complain that their lanes are over-extending... if its so obvious that the jungler is going to gank them, counter gank? if the lane is pushing, you must have more minions/your laner has more exp. if the enemy jungler isnt coming, tower dive? oh no hes pushed to tower, guess i cant gank. nope. DIVE DAT ASS OHMWRECK HIM

besides, with the current state of the jungle, farming is just a thing you do because you cant find any lanes to pressure

tl'dr i suck at jungling cos i cant read minds
come s3 jungle im just going to farm jungle all day


That new DFG. Holy fucking shit.

Right back to OP as fuck.
Eve had her 3 weeks in the sun, and then I fed 3/4 ranked placement matches trying her again. If the new DFG makes it back in, maybe I can win with Eve again. :S What's sad is that to match everyone else I should win 52% of the time, but instead it's down to like 25-40%.

Katarina "HURRR what's a skillshot? wats a resource?" can die in a fire of nerfs please.
Do you all remember when I was complaining about Kat being remade because she might become popular? THIS IS THE SORT OF THING THAT HAPPENS. People want my Kat to die. :(

Not close, but still badass. Moments like this is why I keep trying to improve Vayne.
I was on two 4v5 games yesterday. In one, Alistar said to report him, hoped we won anyway, and left at level 10 or something. In another, Akali said sorry, dinner time (20 minutes into a game, apparently they didn't know). We had the ultimate (Blood Moon) Akali and Zed duo ninja combo even! She left at I guess level 13.

We won both games...and both games had a Vayne on my team. One was a surrender after Vayne got like a triple kill, and the other we got the nexus in a close push up the middle as the other team was respawning at like 42 minutes...Vayne was maybe 20/10/whatever.

My conclusion is that a decent Vayne can make up for 4v5.


Jungling is all about capitalizing on opportunities such as
  1. teammates being at a decent health level
  2. enemy not pushed to tower
  3. need to be no wards
  4. enemy jungler needs to be somewhere else

if even one of those is missing you or a team mate is probably going to die

most of the reasons i wouldn't be able to gank a lane stems from those 4 things
Skarner with aegis and 2 gp10s... and tier 1 boots at 20 minutes. I WONDER WHY YOUR GANKS ARE TOTALLY UNSUCCESSFUL. That was miserable fucking failure at a basic level.


Jungling is all about capitalizing on opportunities such as
  1. teammates being at a decent health level
  2. enemy not pushed to tower
  3. need to be no wards
  4. enemy jungler needs to be somewhere else

if even one of those is missing you or a team mate is probably going to die

and then there's the overwhelming list of "its not a good idea to gank that lane".

team mates low hp = bait

enemy pushed to tower = counter gank, lane gank, tower dive

overextended=wards wont wave you. gank from lane, gank around the ward - every lane has at least 2 entrances (not including lane)

if you know enemy jungler is there = counter gank, do dragon, take his shit. if he counter ganked you, then you just got outplayed

ganking isnt some kind of get them from the river always 2v1


Everything is moe to me
i really enjoy naut; shame i cant jungle to save my life.

boots of mobility and wandering at level 7~ so fun. i just build infinite armour/hp and dredge/shockwave/ult everything that threatens my precious ap/ad's
Hurricane + double BT = TONS OF LIFESTEAL

I was gonna get Black Cleaver for my arpen but the match already ended. Furor + Hurricane + Q = amazing


Blitz was a Russian and unbelievably annoying. Everytime he died, he spams either "IDIOT", or "OMG", or "report ashe" or some Russian words.

MS quints kinda needs to be nerfed. With how things are setup right now, it's almost as good as getting boots.
3 MS quints = 15 MS
Boots = 25MS


i really enjoy naut; shame i cant jungle to save my life.

boots of mobility and wandering at level 7~ so fun. i just build infinite armour/hp and dredge/shockwave/ult everything that threatens my precious ap/ad's

u can jungle naut before hitting 30 ?
the problem with naut is that he is in a very bad spot right now, maokai does everything he does with mcuh higher base stats.


naut is so much more intuitive than maokai for me right now

yet he cant transition as well as maokai into late game without tanky items, maokai can tank like a boss with gp10 items alone mid game which isnt the case for naut, his shield nerf was way too much since it used to compensate for his very low base armor.


Everything is moe to me
u can jungle naut before hitting 30 ?
the problem with naut is that he is in a very bad spot right now, maokai does everything he does with mcuh higher base stats.

if everyone loves you enough to give time at blue, yes. otherwise that blue will kill you and laugh at your pots. once you're level two you're fine.

also naut can interrupt everything with his AA and that is really nice sometimes.


Everything is moe to me
okay, i need 7 more champions to make this look neat and tidy.

1 spot reserved for nami.

1. nami

been thinking about taric, blitz, shyvana, nidalee, kat


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Blitz is must own even if its just to trade. I stopped seeing Kat a little while ago and the nerfs probably won't help that. If you are playing mid a lot I think you would like Orianna. Also check out Anivia, very strong right now. You also should probably fill your jungle roster more in case you have to do it. Oh, and you should probably own Shen.
Bough Vayne the other day and starting to learn her. Problem I find is if you have a shit support it's really hard for Vayne in lane phase, mainly because of how squishy she is. I feel like I'm going to have to start running cleans or something because any lane with decent CC (Leona is the bane of my life) will drop Vayne pretty easily. Absolutely love playing her though. Her mechanics are really fun. It feels awesome when you get the Tumble + Condemn-into-wall combo perfect.

Tried Nami on PBE, wow she's fun, and a pretty damn powerful support. great CC with the stun, slow and her ulti's knock up. She's got some great damage too, and she really just feels very rewarding to play. Total mana whore though. I can't wait to read her lore, just from the interesting voice tit bits you hear.


Gotta add Karthus to the mix too. Soloqueue stomper, just AFK farm and TROLOLOL at the enemy team as you carry after 25 minutes.


okay, i need 7 more champions to make this look neat and tidy.

1 spot reserved for nami.

1. nami

been thinking about taric, blitz, shyvana, nidalee, kat
Kat: very easy anti mage with op passive.
Diana: ridiculous damage very tanky easy to play.
Karthus: safest midale due to his q range, farming and pressing R wins you games.
Orianna: so much utility, very hard to master but extremely rewarding.
Mordekaiser: one of the best pusher in the game, very aggressive style.

Chogath: god jungler, insane sustain, ultimate give him a free warmog but you need to collect stacks and never lose them.
Rengar:he got leblanced in elise patch (bad late game), but he is extremely powerful early to mid game.
Darius: easy to abuse top lane but very efficient jungler that doesnt need wriggles or any of that bullshit.
Hecarim: well, you like ponies.

malphite, so freaking cheap, and instant win if you got last ban and other team thought you would ban him.
double ap wreck him so fucking hard. hard to do that if you are playing with strangers though.


To be perfectly honest, you're over simplying jungling and thats why you don't like it

you want back and forth? jungling is a fucking dance between you and the other jungler with the whole map as your lane

you say theres no back and forth - but there is - its an invisible back and forth between you and the enemy jungler. counter ganking is a huge part of jungling, or at least, reading the other junglers mind without being able to see him constantly in the game like in a lane - hence why its much harder 'game sense' wise than laning

i mean, laning might be more like face to face dueling and perhaps you just prefer that. seeing as you love counter jungling

its not "just clearing" if youre clearing wraiths when you had an opportunity top, you just lost. you can be in bad positions in the jungle because you have less game sense than the enemy jungle. lets say, you came back from base and you're farming wolves and the enemy jungler ganks bot... that was your fault you werent there. amazing junglers know where and what the other junglers will be doing

people complain that their lanes are over-extending... if its so obvious that the jungler is going to gank them, counter gank? if the lane is pushing, you must have more minions/your laner has more exp. if the enemy jungler isnt coming, tower dive? oh no hes pushed to tower, guess i cant gank. nope. DIVE DAT ASS OHMWRECK HIM

besides, with the current state of the jungle, farming is just a thing you do because you cant find any lanes to pressure

tl'dr i suck at jungling cos i cant read minds
come s3 jungle im just going to farm jungle all day

Yeah, I realize that, but right now it's all homogenized, just like the lanes are with the current meta. Before the current meta, it was fun because it was chaos. Now it's to the point that a good jungler knows what the other is or should be doing. I'm hoping the S3 changes fix that by making it more dynamic than it currently is. What fun is a game when you know exactly what your opponent is or should be doing? It's like playing poker while knowing each others' hands. That's why I loved counter jungling back in the day. You ruin the other junglers game because they don't know what you're doing all the time.

It's just like the meta. You used to see weird lanes and different types of champs in them. Now it's the same every single game. top/ap mid/adc-support.. I'm just hoping that s3 changes up jungling a little. I'm sure some people like it how it is now, but I'd like to see some changes and I hope s3 delivers. It used to be my game of choice bar-none, now I mostly play when my friends and I are hanging out, drinking and want to screw around. I'd like it to be back in that top spot.. especially since I'm not feeling DOTA2.


Bough Vayne the other day and starting to learn her. Problem I find is if you have a shit support it's really hard for Vayne in lane phase, mainly because of how squishy she is. I feel like I'm going to have to start running cleans or something because any lane with decent CC (Leona is the bane of my life) will drop Vayne pretty easily. Absolutely love playing her though. Her mechanics are really fun. It feels awesome when you get the Tumble + Condemn-into-wall combo perfect.

If you have any friends you play with consistently, have someone play Nunu support with your Vayne. It's amazing if you're good with her and Nunu is a really fun support to play if you don't get countered.


Season 3 will be the exact same thing eventually. There is no change ever possible that will remove good game sense and intuition.

It's not that. It's fun to have good sense and intuition, but it's so structured right now. It's almost too easy to learn and know what the other jungler is or should be doing. That's one thing I've learned by playing support the last few months. I can almost always sense when a gank is coming or when I'm free to harass, unless the opposing team goes out of their way to make a play and my team fails communication or they miss an opportunity. It shouldn't be that easy.


Yeah, I realize that, but right now it's all homogenized, just like the lanes are with the current meta. Before the current meta, it was fun because it was chaos. Now it's to the point that a good jungler knows what the other is or should be doing. I'm hoping the S3 changes fix that by making it more dynamic than it currently is. What fun is a game when you know exactly what your opponent is or should be doing? It's like playing poker while knowing each others' hands. That's why I loved counter jungling back in the day. You ruin the other junglers game because they don't know what you're doing all the time.

It's just like the meta. You used to see weird lanes and different types of champs in them. Now it's the same every single game. top/ap mid/adc-support.. I'm just hoping that s3 changes up jungling a little. I'm sure some people like it how it is now, but I'd like to see some changes and I hope s3 delivers. It used to be my game of choice bar-none, now I mostly play when my friends and I are hanging out, drinking and want to screw around. I'd like it to be back in that top spot.. especially since I'm not feeling DOTA2.
You know, you can try different things in games. You can double jungle, do lane swaps, etc. Loads of people only know how to play in the current meta, so if you change it up people don't know what to do. It's easier to do stuff like this in premades though, solo queue might not be the best place to go with unsafe strategies; especially since your teammates might be against it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If you have any friends you play with consistently, have someone play Nunu support with your Vayne. It's amazing if you're good with her and Nunu is a really fun support to play if you don't get countered.
Press W on your ally and E on your enemy. Amazing fun.
You are complaining about people picking the same overpowered champions one moment and are peddling Nunu the next.


Press W on your ally and E on your enemy. Amazing fun.
You are complaining about people picking the same overpowered champions one moment and are peddling Nunu the next.
Nunu is essentially a walking phantom dancer/ bilgewater cuirass.


Press W on your ally and E on your enemy. Amazing fun.
You are complaining about people picking the same overpowered champions one moment and are peddling Nunu the next.

I never complained about people choosing OP champs.. you must have misunderstood what I said. And Nunu is far from OP. If you want to simplify his gameplay, you can do that with any of them.

If you really think Nunu is only about hitting W and E, you're playing him wrong.

I guess my bushes ult quadrakill last week was done by buffing Vayne and snowballing the underfarmed ADC


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I never complained about people choosing OP champs.. you must have misunderstood what I said. And Nunu is far from OP. If you want to simplify his gameplay, you can do that with any of them.
It's just like the meta. You used to see weird lanes and different types of champs in them. Now it's the same every single game. top/ap mid/adc-support.
Duder why do you think the same champions always get picked?

Also, very few champions are as simple and mindless as Nunu. He is almost completely hands off.


Duder why do you think the same champions always get picked?

Also, very few champions are as simple and mindless as Nunu. He is almost completely hands off.

Like I said, you must have misunderstood what I wrote. I never said anything like that. Pointing out that the meta is always the same isn't saying that the same champions always get chosen. Also, you must have missed the spoilered text of my last post. Nunu is no Lee Sin, but you obviously don't know his full ability if you think he's a walking Phantom Dancer.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I don't understand why people complain about easy-to-play champions. I like that Nunu is straightforward, and I don't get a lot of fun out of fighting against game mechanisms.
Fighting against game mechanics is the fun part.


I don't understand why people complain about easy-to-play champions. I like that Nunu is straightforward, and I don't get a lot of fun out of fighting against game mechanisms.

Because when they suck, they can blame the fact they play champions that are harder rather than because they're bad.

Execution is execution. If you can't execute a champion that is harder to play, that's still on you. A champion that is harder to play isn't an excuse for bad execution.

Or just because they like things that are more complicated since they tend to be more fun/rewarding when you do execute them properly.


Because when they suck, they can blame the fact they play champions that are harder rather than because they're bad.

Execution is execution. If you can't execute a champion that is harder to play, that's still on you. A champion that is harder to play isn't an excuse for bad execution.
Word. I do like skillshot champions better, even if I suck, because just plain point and click feels boring...


It's not that. It's fun to have good sense and intuition, but it's so structured right now. It's almost too easy to learn and know what the other jungler is or should be doing. That's one thing I've learned by playing support the last few months. I can almost always sense when a gank is coming or when I'm free to harass, unless the opposing team goes out of their way to make a play and my team fails communication or they miss an opportunity. It shouldn't be that easy.

I guess what I'm getting at is what do you want out of the jungle to make it more dynamic. To me, I'll always* be able to read when a gank is coming just based off watching the map and how people react. I don't even play Junglers and that's a sense I have. Nothing about the jungle itself will change how I read player behavior itself.

What I do think Season 3 will do is make the early game Jungle less rewarding but ultimately give more gold in the end. This means slow start Junglers aren't hurt as badly and opens up the possibility of more carry Junglers (or item dependent ones in general). Jungle changes themselves won't really change how you read the map, though, or how general game sense/intuition will work. I guess the higher reward from the Jungle (and/or lower gold per minion kill in lane) may mean that they'll farm instead of try to force a gank that won't pay off.

*I'll still die because I ignore my gut feelings way too often.
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