To be perfectly honest, you're over simplying jungling and thats why you don't like it
you want back and forth? jungling is a fucking dance between you and the other jungler with the whole map as your lane
you say theres no back and forth - but there is - its an invisible back and forth between you and the enemy jungler. counter ganking is a huge part of jungling, or at least, reading the other junglers mind without being able to see him constantly in the game like in a lane - hence why its much harder 'game sense' wise than laning
i mean, laning might be more like face to face dueling and perhaps you just prefer that. seeing as you love counter jungling
its not "just clearing" if youre clearing wraiths when you had an opportunity top, you just lost. you can be in bad positions in the jungle because you have less game sense than the enemy jungle. lets say, you came back from base and you're farming wolves and the enemy jungler ganks bot... that was your fault you werent there. amazing junglers know where and what the other junglers will be doing
people complain that their lanes are over-extending... if its so obvious that the jungler is going to gank them, counter gank? if the lane is pushing, you must have more minions/your laner has more exp. if the enemy jungler isnt coming, tower dive? oh no hes pushed to tower, guess i cant gank. nope. DIVE DAT ASS OHMWRECK HIM
besides, with the current state of the jungle, farming is just a thing you do because you cant find any lanes to pressure
tl'dr i suck at jungling cos i cant read minds
come s3 jungle im just going to farm jungle all day