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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Getting to grips with Vayne:


Leona + Vayne is such a strong lane. Leona stuns, then Condemn into a wall, watch them drop like a hot snot.

Was laning against a Twitch in that game, christ he's strong early game. Constant poke and a lot of speed. Obviously Vayne batters him late game, but he's very, very strong. Think people are going to start realising that soon, especially with Runaan's Hurricane. Constant poison on everyone and presumably is E will work on procing them all.

Getting to grips with Vayne:

Leona + Vayne is such a strong lane. Leona stuns, then Condemn into a wall, watch them drop like a hot snot.

Was laning against a Twitch in that game, christ he's strong early game. Constant poke and a lot of speed. Obviously Vayne batters him late game, but he's very, very strong. Think people are going to start realising that soon, especially with Runaan's Hurricane. Constant poison on everyone and presumably is E will work on procing them all.


While Vayne definitely has an edge on single target damage output late game, Twitch excels in destroying entire teams with his spray and pray.
Trying to keep track of all the masteries/glyph/item changes is a bit overwhelming considering I like some of the "weirder" characters build-wise (Fizz/Zyra/Galio) and still consider myself pretty newbish. I am debating just stockpiling a ton of IP and then waiting for the dust to clear to see what I need to buy. I'm excited though.

Yes, sit on IP to get runes. I find they really impact how I can play.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I haven't played Zed yet but I don't really understand how he is supposed to operate in team fights. It really doesn't seem like he has a lot of ways to avoid damage.


I haven't played Zed yet but I don't really understand how he is supposed to operate in team fights. It really doesn't seem like he has a lot of ways to avoid damage.
I agree with this -- it's sort of like Talon or Eve in that you can jump on the enemy carry, fire your entire RWEQ ignite combo, and hope you did enough damage for your team to finish the carry (and that the tankier people don't instantly murder you).

You can poke instead, or backdoor, but I'm guessing there are other easier champions who are also better at those roles, as well as other champions who are better at the assassin and/or team nuke roles.

Maybe if season 3 is more assassin focused he could become better, and I'd love to see a high-elo player streaming Zed and dominating, but currently I don't think he will really become a good choice in any role unless changes are made to his abilities and/or passive.


I'm going to start a new account and play nothing but Zed on it.

We also need a LoLGAF Beginner's league/group/roster thing so pre-30s can play with each other.


I'm going to start a new account and play nothing but Zed on it.

We also need a LoLGAF Beginner's league/group/roster thing so pre-30s can play with each other.
I like dedicated account names. I think I lost to a WORST LUX NA player earlier, who was playing, of course, some champion that wasn't Lux.

I think I'm still friends with someone who, when the Super Teemo skin came out, changed their name to Süper Teemo and played nothing but Super Teemo for like a month. As far as I know they still play lots of Teemo. They used to do AP mid.


Add DrGumshoe anytime you like, I'm playing right now.

I play a mean Fizz :) and a few others maybe not so mean but I don't feed!


Getting to grips with Vayne:

Leona + Vayne is such a strong lane. Leona stuns, then Condemn into a wall, watch them drop like a hot snot.

Was laning against a Twitch in that game, christ he's strong early game. Constant poke and a lot of speed. Obviously Vayne batters him late game, but he's very, very strong. Think people are going to start realising that soon, especially with Runaan's Hurricane. Constant poison on everyone and presumably is E will work on procing them all.


You have shouldn't get cleaver, simply not worth it for the cost, I suggest a LW or GA or save for IE


Junior Member
Here's my last match with Shyvana... don't know what I should be spending gold on.


Soul shroud

Nasher Tooth

Youmuu's GhostBlade

Spirit Visage

Doran Shield

Ionian Boots of lucidity

Those are the items I normally use.


Here's my last match with Shyvana... don't know what I should be spending gold on.

Tanky items like Frozen Mallet, Warmogs, Randuins...you want to dive and disrupt their team while taking a ton of hits and being this annoying dragon that goes around setting everything it touches on fire while your carries pewpewpew and vzoompfshshpftoom everyone else.

tldr you're a tank


Junior Member
Tanky items like Frozen Mallet, Warmogs, Randuins...you want to dive and disrupt their team while taking a ton of hits and being this annoying dragon that goes around setting everything it touches on fire while your carries pewpewpew and vzoompfshshpftoom everyone else.

tldr you're a tank

Somebody in a match called me a tank with a booster rocket on my back, with Burnout and a low cooldown I move around so quickly; plus I have ghost just in case.


Somebody in a match called me a tank with a booster rocket on my back, with Burnout and a low cooldown I move around so quickly; plus I have ghost just in case.

You're a tank with an okay initiate/sub-100 second Flash in the form of your ultimate. After you initiate you just kind of stick around punching things hoping they die.

People usually jungle her so Smite/Exhaust are the typical summoners you see on her. Smite for jungling, and Exhaust for ganks because you lack CC.


Junior Member
You're a tank with an okay initiate/sub-100 second Flash in the form of your ultimate. After you initiate you just kind of stick around punching things hoping they die.

People usually jungle her so Smite/Exhaust are the typical summoners you see on her. Smite for jungling, and Exhaust for ganks because you lack CC.

Those are usually the spells that get used in me but that's why a use a burnout/ghost combo to speed away, works most of the time.


Here's my last match with Shyvana... don't know what I should be spending gold on.

Those are the items I normally use.

Follow the recommended item until you know what you are doing.

not that the recommended items are much better than what you are using


Cloth Armor + 5 Potions to start -> Wriggle's -> Frozen Mallet / Aegis / Wit's End / Randuin's typically for Shyvana.


Junior Member
Cloth Armor + 5 Potions to start -> Wriggle's -> Frozen Mallet / Aegis / Wit's End / Randuin's typically for Shyvana.

I usually just start off with Doran's shield, get as many minions kills then get the boots and go from there. Elixir of Brilliance is the only consumable I would ever use because I want to get my cooldown as low as possible.


Cloth Armor + 5 Potions to start -> Wriggle's -> Frozen Mallet / Aegis / Wit's End / Randuin's typically for Shyvana.
Similar to this, TheOddOne's guide may not be updated recently but it seemed pretty decent to me: http://www.solomid.net/guides.php?g=25267-theoddone-shyvana-build-guide

Darius: played by lol's biggest assholes.
There was a thread about which champion had the worse playerbase, and I think Darius won it by far. Draven is silly and over the top, but at least people who play him seem to have a sense of humor (Draven Blitzcrank vs Draven Blitzcrank mirror match today, Draven faces everywhere). Darius just tends to be played by a huge jerk half the time.


win your lane, you get all the kills.
lose your lane, you get all the kills anyway.

its really hard to find a darius with incredibly bad score, all it takes is 5 R's and their score is even.
that being said, jungle darius is one of my favorite junglers.


Junior Member
Here my mastery page:


Don't see a reason to change it.
Also don't understand why someone would go for more health albeit very little in lieu of health regen.


which runes for characters like jayce?

Probably something like 19/11/0.

In lane poke with acceleration gate/Qs early on.

When you feel confident do Q>acceleration gate/run through gate into hammer leap and knockback.

This is pre-nerf though; I haven't played him much after.

Don't see a reason to change it.
Also don't understand why someone would go for more health albeit very little in lieu of health regen.

Because people are intimidated if you have more squares than them!
I want to get the cool-down as low as possible to i can use any many abilities back to back.

Shyvana doesn't really have much use for CDR.
Q: Attack speed reduces CD.
W: Attack speed increases duration, therefore reduces downtime.
E: Not that great.
R: 100 second cooldown, unaffected by anything.

By the way, there is a 40% cap on CDR. Your build gives you 75%, which means you have 35% wasted.


Shyvana doesn't really have much use for CDR.
Q: Attack speed reduces CD.
W: Attack speed increases duration, therefore reduces downtime.
E: Not that great.
R: 100 second cooldown, unaffected by anything.

By the way, there is a 40% cap on CDR. Your build gives you 75%, which means you have 35% wasted.

CD affected by attack speed.
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