C'mon. Lux spent the rest of the game just being up top and pushing it the entire game and getting killed over and over because she probably just pathed attack to the turret. Would never participate in team fights or anything. No one even said anything to the Lux so I guess she hit Play Now with the sole intent of making her team lose? Don't tell me this is low level players making poor decisions.
They could be, although it didn't read like it in that game. What level is your smurf?
yeah I know. I've never played as jungle character, this is my first time.
Should I buy attack speed items for skarner?
Hope you enjoy getting flamed. You rarely see teams with a jungler pre level 20, which means someone on your team will invariably be playing top 2v1 and when they die - which they will - from the stupidity of not playing passively you'll be the one they blame. I wouldn't play as a jungler just yet if I was you, I'd spend the time in the lower levels focusing on laning and all that encompasses. I'd wait til you were playing with a more organised group, either friends or solo queue at a higher level, before I really bothered with jungling.
As someone else suggested, try playing Ashe for a while. She's a great champ to play with when you're learning, CSing (and general play) with her is much easier than some of the other champs you've been playing. Play defensively and worry pretty much solely about your own game at those levels and then even if you aren't winning, your own game will be improving. Don't run off needlessly to unwinnable team fights because you feel obliged, stay in your lane and farm up, pick your battles and focus on coming out the other side of the game happy with your own performance. You might get flamed a bit along the way for not suiciding along with your doopy team mates, but chances are you'll never run into these guys you played with ever again so who cares?
Garen's another awesome low level champ that might get you back in the feel of things. He can seriously chop up overly aggressive opponents at lower levels, give him a shot if you get a chance.