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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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There's nothing discernible in that screenshot that seems awful. It's just such an obvious statement that I don't see the point in making it.

A 50 minute game where the Janna said she was going ADC but then didn't feel like it mid game and switched to AP. Also, support Brand.

Also, tons of aces and no one doing anything significant with them on both teams.


So, which champ would be best suited as a ranged bruiser? So far I've pretty much only had success with Urgot, Graves and MF while running bruiser builds... anyone else?

What do you mean "bruiser"? Most ranged AD characters are meant to be played as glass cannons, but a few bruiser-y characters that pop into mind are Urgot, Nidalee and Jayce. You could also try bruiser Twisted Fate, but that's mainly for the LOLz.


A 50 minute game where the Janna said she was going ADC but then didn't feel like it mid game and switched to AP. Also, support Brand.

Also, tons of aces and no one doing anything significant with them on both teams.
What is the point you are making, though? Are you playing on a smurf account and making fun of people who don't know the game well?

So, which champ would be best suited as a ranged bruiser? So far I've pretty much only had success with Urgot, Graves and MF while running bruiser builds... anyone else?
Once I saw a Graves with like Warmogs, Frozen Mallet, and Atma's, and I think he had more health than a max-stack Cho'gath who was on the same team. Plus Graves gets defensive stats for attacking so it was a funny sight and I think crushed our team. In general that's presumably a bad idea, and people will presumably say Atma's is terrible now, etc.


A 50 minute game where the Janna said she was going ADC but then didn't feel like it mid game and switched to AP. Also, support Brand.

Also, tons of aces and no one doing anything significant with them on both teams.
So your point was in fact what I said, demonstrating that people in low level games are learning the game and make mistakes. If it gets you worked up don't play on a smurf account. Again seems so obvious.


So your point was in fact what I said, demonstrating that people in low level games are learning the game and make mistakes. If it gets you worked up don't play on a smurf account. Again seems so obvious.

I think he's just pointing out that low level games aren't really about "skill" or "matchups" really and just who makes more mistakes first.

This basically holds true forever.
Elo Hell is real.

I think he's just pointing out that low level games aren't really about "skill" or "matchups" really and just who makes more mistakes first.

This basically holds true forever.

Yeah, even high level games are like that. It's why tourney matches have really low kill scores compared to usual pub games. They play very carefully and jump when the enemy makes a mistake.
WTF am I doing wrong??

Seriously, I think ima give up playing this game...

You need better builds.
- Don't rush PD on Ashe. Ever. The only AD carries who can afford to rush PD are Vayne and Kog. Maybe Varus too but I don't play him.
- Jayce doesn't use attack speed, so don't get PD or Berserker on him.
- Needs more practice with last hitting. 62cs past 30mins is pretty poor on a non-support, unless you're an assassin farming champions.

Shame about your Ez game. If all those assists became kills you probably could have carried.


New Movement Speed record -- over 9000


Im not new to the game, but i do a lot of bad calls.
Its all in my mind, some games i can be veeery good, but others i might throw the game :(
So im letting all gaf know, if you guys dont feel comfortable with my low skill and high ping its cool just to tell me, i dont mind


WTF am I doing wrong??

Seriously, I think ima give up playing this game...

Your builds are pretty bad, honestly. Not sure what lane you're running Jayce in but it should be top lane, not bot lane. He also doesn't really benefit from Attack Speed. Boots3 -> 2x Doran's -> Bloodthirster -> GA (alternatively, Triforce instead of the BT, though I don't like that build as much for most situations). You may just want to practice last hitting, however. ~60-120cs in 40 minutes games isn't really good.


What is the point you are making, though? Are you playing on a smurf account and making fun of people who don't know the game well?

Um it's something about a Janna who calls ADC in champion select (and even makes a point about it being an unorthodox pick) and then deciding to build AP instead during the game. That doesn't sound like someone "not knowing the game well."



C'mon. Lux spent the rest of the game just being up top and pushing it the entire game and getting killed over and over because she probably just pathed attack to the turret. Would never participate in team fights or anything. No one even said anything to the Lux so I guess she hit Play Now with the sole intent of making her team lose? Don't tell me this is low level players making poor decisions.


Karma: It's more than a terrible champion, it's punishment for playing on a smurf account.

But, maybe the honor system will help. WHO WILL BE THE MOST HONORABLE PLAYER THIS GAME?


I'm playing as Skarner now
Have you considered trying something like Caitlyn, or even Ashe? You seem to be struggling with last-hits in a plethora of your games. Easing into mechanics in a champ with an easy learning curve can be highly beneficial towards learning the more advanced characters.

You might also want to keep breaks every now and then. Pushing yourself through a marathon of games is not gonna help you achieve victory any faster. It will simply burn you out and hamper your concentration, even potentially leaving you in tilt.

See this video for further advice on tilting.


yeah I know. I've never played as jungle character, this is my first time.

Should I buy attack speed items for skarner?

You should start by taking smite.

I usually start Regrowth Pendant for a fast Philosopher Stone or Boots for an early gank. After that I go for either Shureliya's or Frozen Heart. Runes have attack speed. FH and Shureliya's has CDR.


Man, I'm kinda bad at this game but I love playing it. Came back last week for the first time since October 2011 and I've been playing a lot of Lulu. She's awesome! I like Sona a lot but wanted to try out a new support character and it's cool how much Lulu can do for a team fight. Everyone one of her abilities feels like it has a real impact on the fight. Plus, Lulu laugh. After a few games I ended up getting the Dragon Trainer skin, it's pretty great.


Man, I'm kinda bad at this game but I love playing it. Came back last week for the first time since October 2011 and I've been playing a lot of Lulu. She's awesome! I like Sona a lot but wanted to try out a new support character and it's cool how much Lulu can do for a team fight. Everyone one of her abilities feels like it has a real impact on the fight. Plus, Lulu laugh. After a few games I ended up getting the Dragon Trainer skin, it's pretty great.

Wait till season 3 patch hits!



also, s3 jungle monster stats:

they got a huge HP buff
Zed can use his clones to blink out of range of area effects and ganks as well. Know I am late but Zed can escape. Clones are very important, why he needs some CDR.
Yeah same here. With Zed. They said they were nerfing the amount of gold/xp you got from the wraiths and wolves to try to get players to farm the other monsters.


Zed can use his clones to blink out of range of area effects and ganks as well. Know I am late but Zed can escape. Clones are very important, why he needs some CDR.

His ult has invuln frames as well so you can use it to block damage like Karthus ult.

...why is the gold lower?

It starts lower (and harder at the start) to make low level jungle less rewarding so it's harder to do low level ganks. After ~10 minutes (around the 11m mark, actually), the Gold is better in the jungle than the lanes to compensate. Basically, they shifted the strength of the jungle from early to mid game.
Phew... season 3 has been good to me. Finally got out of elo hell. Now I need to resist playing for a while so all the bad players drift to the bottom again.


His ult has invuln frames as well so you can use it to block damage like Karthus ult.

It starts lower (and harder at the start) to make low level jungle less rewarding so it's harder to do low level ganks. After ~10 minutes (around the 11m mark, actually), the Gold is better in the jungle than the lanes to compensate. Basically, they shifted the strength of the jungle from early to mid game.

Carry jungling is the easiest shit to play

thats all saint vicious can do



C'mon. Lux spent the rest of the game just being up top and pushing it the entire game and getting killed over and over because she probably just pathed attack to the turret. Would never participate in team fights or anything. No one even said anything to the Lux so I guess she hit Play Now with the sole intent of making her team lose? Don't tell me this is low level players making poor decisions.

They could be, although it didn't read like it in that game. What level is your smurf?

yeah I know. I've never played as jungle character, this is my first time.

Should I buy attack speed items for skarner?

Hope you enjoy getting flamed. You rarely see teams with a jungler pre level 20, which means someone on your team will invariably be playing top 2v1 and when they die - which they will - from the stupidity of not playing passively you'll be the one they blame. I wouldn't play as a jungler just yet if I was you, I'd spend the time in the lower levels focusing on laning and all that encompasses. I'd wait til you were playing with a more organised group, either friends or solo queue at a higher level, before I really bothered with jungling.

As someone else suggested, try playing Ashe for a while. She's a great champ to play with when you're learning, CSing (and general play) with her is much easier than some of the other champs you've been playing. Play defensively and worry pretty much solely about your own game at those levels and then even if you aren't winning, your own game will be improving. Don't run off needlessly to unwinnable team fights because you feel obliged, stay in your lane and farm up, pick your battles and focus on coming out the other side of the game happy with your own performance. You might get flamed a bit along the way for not suiciding along with your doopy team mates, but chances are you'll never run into these guys you played with ever again so who cares?

Garen's another awesome low level champ that might get you back in the feel of things. He can seriously chop up overly aggressive opponents at lower levels, give him a shot if you get a chance.


They could be, although it didn't read like it in that game. What level is your smurf?

11. I really doubt it. She did not participate in any team fights and kept pushing top on her own for oh about 20 minutes despite quite a few pings and people telling her to group up, to which she did not respond at all. I mean, I'm hoping people at any level instinctively know it's probably a bad idea to wander off to top lane and repeatedly die.


11. I really doubt it.

It's hard to tell just from that snippet of the chat, you were in the game so you'd know best. When that sort of thing happens to me in a game, I just start vividly describing in chat what they are doing so when they are reported they aren't as easily pardoned as they would usually be. 'Lux why are you running past the minions and attacking the tower, do you know how tower agro works?', 'Lux why aren't you attacking back, why are you just standing there letting yourself be killed', etc etc. Baiting them into admitting they are deliberately trolling works as well. Then at the end of the game if most your team reports them and they have a terrible k/d ratio and their cs is like 20, it's more likely they will actually be punished rather than just being given the benefit of the doubt of being a new player.

That said, I've known people not to even play PvP until beyond (sometimes well beyond) level 10, so there is always the possibility that somebody is actually new and relatively clueless about how to conduct themselves in games. A lot of people early on don't understand how an opponent can snowball and how much difference better items can make too. You continually see at lower levels people die and just come charging back in a minute later to try and get a revenge kill. You can tell they aren't intentionally dying, but they aren't rational enough to realise they aren't helping their situation by just charging in gun-ho again after dying the previous 5 times to that same guy. Not implying that is what happened here though, just saying.


Didn't bother to SS because when Lux was first caught I thought it was on accident or she was hoping she could push the tower down. Didn't really think much of it. When she did the same thing twice even after she ignored our pings and didn't even respond until the very end I figured she was a troll.

It doesn't really matter that much to me; it's just really annoying spending 20 minutes of time thinking you have a shot at winning and then it takes one person to waste all that time for nothing.
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