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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
people dont rage about him being mid because that how he was played in the spotlight.
People don't like AD mids because it's hard to make up for the lack of an AP champ top lane or in the jungle right now. More people should play Rumble really.


How to beat Jayce.

1. Sees enemy pick Jayce.
2. Go to championselect and find "Jayce is Weak Against" list.
3. Roll dice and see what you get.
4. If you lose put a thumbs down on Wu Kong suggestion but that won't ever happen because this plan is too smart to fail.

IRL Skitz: adc
gpound: jungle
Drag0nman: listen up
Drag0nman: stfu and stop calling
IRL Skitz: oh shit
IRL Skitz: dropping knowledge
Drag0nman: go what the freaking team needs
IRL Skitz: top pick hegemony
exherminator: class is in session!
exherminator: man, you probs had some bad games today huh drag
IRL Skitz: I'm cool with w/e as long as its not top
Corgi the Chloe: he's a dragonman
Corgi the Chloe: he's like
Drag0nman: so freaking worthless because youll just get mad if you dont get your way so dont borther in calling you idiots
Corgi the Chloe: dragonborn
Corgi the Chloe: but not
Drag0nman: youwant to get out of elo hell then stfu and go what the team needs
IRL Skitz: hey dragon
IRL Skitz: shut your fucking mouth
IRL Skitz: and play

I gladly sacrifice my ELO for experiences like these.


Ive seen wukong do really well against jayce.

i guess corgi's message is of "play the champion youre good at, not the counter"


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
That Jayce build...so bad. Why even bother buying Wits against that team? Also you lost because of your bot lane, not your top lane Corgi.
I've been playing Cait so much lately, and dominate my lane in terms of CS and shutting down the opposing ADC, but somehow keep losing my games. I eventually start getting ganked by 2 so lose in a 2v4, and the other lanes don't do shit. I can't seem to carry well enough. TOO HEAVY

That's the problem with Cait. She's tricky to carry with, I find. What's key is knowing how to push and where to place traps after the outer turret falls. It's about constantly drawing opponents away from their lanes but not getting caught yourself.

Lord Phol

Zeds not made for dominion, should have bought elise instead so much fun :(.
Is he any good on summoners rift? Think he'll get some buffs?


I'm starting to see a LOT of elise top lane. I'm liking this trend of riot releasing new champs with higher skill caps. They're immediately claimed to be UP because of the difficulty curve and people playing them in weird lanes then as the dust settles they turn into really solid champs.

Looks like Zed is coming into his own as a mid lane assassin too.

edit: like Syndra. A skilled Syndra player is a terror in midlane.


I'm starting to see a LOT of elise top lane.

Mostly because there's been a lot of Elise in streams and some Elise patch tournaments where she's seen use. After both Wings and scarra mentioning how ridiculous she is, I imagine she'll just keep getting more popular.

Which makes me a bit sad. :(


The OGN games so good. Come backs, throws, AP Yi and more!

Put him mid.

And make sure if you take him mid, that top goes AP (Vlad, Rumble, Cho) or you at least have some sort of significant combo of AP damage (Taric support, Amumu jungle, Trist bot, Yorick top, etc.).


I was forced to lane against her as Vlad which is literally impossible. That spammable % health damage is bullshit.

Yeah, I don't play a lot of top lane. I'm not even sure what I'd pick against Elise. She's very potent. Probably Riven with a BT for sustain. Elise isn't too bursty. Or Lee Sin and level W.


Yeah, I don't play a lot of top lane. I'm not even sure what I'd pick against Elise. She's very potent. Probably Riven with a BT for sustain. Elise isn't too bursty. Or Lee Sin and level W.

Riven will be forced out of lane constantly before she can get her BT. Lee Sin with W is the way to play the lane but him holding lane vs Elise is largely dependent on his skill. Both, ultimately, aren't really counters for her in lane I find.

Nidalee does fairly well if they're good at getting autos in safely. Jax has a fearsome all-in capability (+ facetank dueling) so Elise is forced to play a bit safer than normal. Vlad does well early game but he'll lose out on trades eventually. I've had some tough match ups vs Wukong since he can burst in stealth out for harass, but he's still pretty easy in direct trades.

But, honestly, nothing really makes me go "Yup, that's a counter" for top lane. It's basically going to be about the jungler ganking for them.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I was forced to lane against her as Vlad which is literally impossible. That spammable % health damage is bullshit.
The range on it is junk. I still think she's not very good.
But, honestly, nothing really makes me go "Yup, that's a counter" for top lane. It's basically going to be about the jungler ganking for them.
I strongly disagree.
Yeah, I don't play a lot of top lane. I'm not even sure what I'd pick against Elise. She's very potent. Probably Riven with a BT for sustain. Elise isn't too bursty. Or Lee Sin and level W.
Pick Darius. Or Jayce. Or someone with sustain like Yorick. Or Jax. Or anyone.


Everything is moe to me
level 20 so i can now start playing with runes. :3

was a tad limited on ip [only had about 7k] so i ended up going for a jack-of-all trades ruin page that did more to shore up what i feel are my weaknesses rather then specialise per character. named it my poverty page. :p

also finally started working on a top, ended up picking irelia. won my first real game with her vs a jarvan by just constantly sending him home while i leeched onward with w's lifegain and focused only on my cs and not dying to their Hec, felt very happy with how it went down because i ended up about 50cs ahead in my lane and then went 6-0 before the game ended.

so my team right now is:

adc - miss fortune, ezreal
support - leona, sona
mid - ahri
jungle - Naut
top - irelia


The range on it is junk. I still think she's not very good.

Her Q range is greater than almost every ranged harass for top lane. The damage scales faster than basically any other ranged harass as well. And it's on a short cooldown. She's basically one of the best AP top laners right now, if not flat out the best.

Pick Darius. Or Jayce. Or someone with sustain like Yorick. Or Jax. Or anyone.

Darius is one of the match ups she beats out the hardest. Jayce isn't that great in general anymore nor does he do well against her. Yorick cannot sustain fast enough.

Edit: Kha'zix actually does fairly well vs her if you get the jump on her human form. Spider form has Spiderlings to keep her perma non-isolated. Zed does well vs her as well, actually.


Remind me to never play against froggen when hes Lee Sin.... (not that i would enjoy playing against him on any character for that matter). Hes insane on lee, i dont think ive seen him miss a kick at all, his ults always do something crazy and he gets a double kill etc....

scary stuff....



Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I guess since I haven't played the matchups myself I don't really know. Those are just the champions I think would do well. I have played versus Elise quite a bit already, but I play non-traditional tops like Kha'Zix and Lulu for the most part. I usually find it to be a very easy lane and I think it's one of the safer matchups.


level 20 so i can now start playing with runes. :3

was a tad limited on ip [only had about 7k] so i ended up going for a jack-of-all trades ruin page that did more to shore up what i feel are my weaknesses rather then specialise per character. named it my poverty page. :p

also finally started working on a top, ended up picking irelia. won my first real game with her vs a jarvan by just constantly sending him home while i leeched onward with w's lifegain and focused only on my cs and not dying to their Hec, felt very happy with how it went down because i ended up about 50cs ahead in my lane and then went 6-0 before the game ended.

so my team right now is:

adc - miss fortune, ezreal
support - leona, sona
mid - ahri
jungle - Naut
top - irelia

You can get by for a long time with 2 generic rune pages:

AD - ad marks, armor seals, flat MR glyphs, ad quints
AP - magic pen marks, armor seals, flat MR glyphs, AP or movespeed quints

It's pretty effective and limits the amount of IP you need to spend as you'd share seals and glyphs. I used those 2 pages for a long time.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
If I had to choose between scaling and flat MR glyphs for all champions I would probably choose scaling.


If I had to choose between scaling and flat MR glyphs for all champions I would probably choose scaling.

Guess it depends on what role he prefers. I was more of a mid player so the flat MR was more valuable than the scaling for the early game.
Made it to 1501 so far this season, finished last with a high of 1230ish and ended around 1170. By and large these teams I'm getting in the 1400s are worse than the teams I was getting in the 1100s, with one notable exception (I mean everyone bought wards all game, everyone!)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Made it to 1501 so far this season, finished last with a high of 1230ish and ended around 1170. By and large these teams I'm getting in the 1400s are worse than the teams I was getting in the 1100s, with one notable exception (I mean everyone bought wards all game, everyone!)
I don't buy wards so Nosh feels more important when he plays support.


Scaling is only good on junglers and sometimes on tops and even less times on ADC/support.

Flat is perfect on middle, good on bot/support and "even less times" on tops.

Flat clearly wins


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
By the time you are even meeting AP mids as an AD carry the numbers are probably identical.


Think this is the first non female champ I've seen you want. (Unless Cho gets boobs from feasts stacks then I understand why you want him.)
lol, I do have a couple monsters and (sigh) men, but yeah, girls are fun, dudes are boring.

He likes Cho because he eats people.

Nom nom nom nom

level 20 so i can now start playing with runes. :3

was a tad limited on ip [only had about 7k] so i ended up going for a jack-of-all trades ruin page that did more to shore up what i feel are my weaknesses rather then specialise per character. named it my poverty page. :p
Start with armor yellows and mres blues, since you'll find use for that with most champs anyways.

Also flat > scaling for both.

If you buy AD quints before AP your mids will find use for it to make last hitting easier (but don't get too used to it)

so my team right now is:

adc - miss fortune, ezreal
support - leona, sona
mid - ahri
jungle - Naut
top - irelia
Hmm, that's fun, let's think:
adc - ashe, corki, graves
support - alistar, janna, sona, leona
mid (lol) - ahri, akali, annie, diana, lux, morgana, orianna, katarina
jungle (lol)
top - jax, malph


Eh, scaling MR is better than flat for the majority of match ups. You don't need the MR until you get to Level 6-10 generally anyway and the difference then is pretty minor (or in favor of scaling at 10+). There's some match ups you'd want the flat for but, for the most part, scaling will be good enough.


Eh, scaling MR is better than flat for the majority of match ups. You don't need the MR until you get to Level 6-10 generally anyway and the difference then is pretty minor (or in favor of scaling at 10+). There's some match ups you'd want the flat for but, for the most part, scaling will be good enough.
Mids are the ones that most benefit from MR, and they want flat MR so they can trade and win pre-level 6 (there ain't no rune in the world that can save you from Annie's bear), and you're not gonna spend precious IP on scaling MR for the other champs...

3 to 8 MR for most champions won't do them much of a difference when they start meeting mids for the first time, while 12 MR is a ton at level 1 for most mids.

corki, ezreal, trist, kog, zyra, sona, leona, taric, alistar, lux, nunu, blitz

all say hi

i mean if you want to play like a bitch in bot lane until level 9, sure you could go scaling MR


By the time you are even meeting AP mids as an AD carry the numbers are probably identical.

corki, ezreal, trist, kog, zyra, sona, leona, taric, alistar, lux, nunu, blitz

all say hi

i mean if you want to play like a bitch in bot lane until level 9, sure you could go scaling MR


corki, ezreal, trist, kog, zyra, sona, leona, taric, alistar, lux, nunu, blitz

all say hi

i mean if you want to play like a bitch in bot lane until level 9, sure you could go scaling MR



Runes are 90% early game in my opinion. By the time it reaches late game (where scaling have an advantage) the items far outclass any rune benefits. The extra 12 MR from scaling runes are a drop in the bucket against an AP mid with 400-500 AP and a void staff.

edit: and my magic pen sona will eat you alive with scaling runes. :p
I get flat everything too. Scaling is just tiny by end game. 12MR end game is tiny when everyone's already pimping their gear. 42 total MR early game is biiig.


Mids are the ones that most benefit from MR, and they want flat MR so they can trade and win pre-level 6 (there ain't no rune in the world that can save you from Annie's bear), and you're not gonna spend precious IP on scaling MR for the other champs...

I said good enough, not ideal.

And, generally speaking, there's quite a few mids that don't actually deal enough damage early on to warrant the flat MRs. You run scaling MR to get the better MR for when they do come into their damage (e.g., mid laning phase transition). I don't disagree that flats are better early game (because duh) but I disagree that they're always the best option in mid.

You never run scaling Armor because it's most relevant at Level 1+. You can run scaling MR because many times, it's not relevant at Level 1.

Also, if you get stun caught by Annie's bear, you probably need to pay more attention. Though, yes, there's no rune to help for clicking on people.

Edit: Though, for your first set, flat will probably be better as you'll really need them when it counts and the same won't hold true for scaling.
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