Corgi the Chloe (6:59): quit farming with your WE
use it to hit gragas
he harassed you for free from 100-20
SummonsInTrouble (6:59): please don't give advice when you lose 9 in a row
Sheesh Blizzard, was just trying to help because I hate seeing
this happen in a Zed vs AP melee champion lane but whatever.
I'm sorry I was snappy, and I apologize for being rude. I really prefer not to do IMs until the game is over. Thanks for stopping after that point.
Ken, do we really have to do this in public? What you didn't mention is that I was trying to be nice and had a conversation over 6 PMs or so on GAF, instead of posting in public and pointing out the times you had 8 or 9 losses in a row, or when you had bad CS, or what have you. But I didn't do that, because I was trying to be a decent person. You apparently disagreed with my Zed suggestions and chose not to follow them, which is fair enough. And I'm not going to link your match history or compare the numbers here to get in a slapfight -- I think I already gave you some of those comparisons in the PM conversation.
Now unfortunately I didn't save the postgame screenshot from that game you were spectating, since I didn't realize you were going to post about it in public. I'll just post this instead:
It's not great, but I've won 5/6 of my last Zed games. The one loss, yes I got very outplayed by a good Diana. The game you were just spectating where I focused too much on CS and took too much early damage? I'm pretty sure I outfarmed everyone on either team in both CS and total gold, and I'd say I had a decent record. I had 15 assists, was involved in perhaps 2/3 of the game's kills, and was hopefully helpful. Yes I had good teamamates who may have carried me, and yes I almost certainly messed up early, and yes I should have gotten more CS. 7.4 CS per minute or so is better than I was averaging but lower than the 9+ CS per minute from the game before.
But...overall I'd say I did decently that game, and it's pretty uncool to post part of it in public without telling the whole story.