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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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Rengar :eek: well I guess I am refunding rengar to buy him again lol. Knew he would go on sale. Granted I've had him for two weeks but I could have made do hehe.

Its not my favorite skin but I think I have to buy cowgirl MF just because she's my favorite ad carry and I don't have a skin for her. That amethyst Ashe is awesome too. I rarely play her though. Decisions!
Did you buy him with RP? If so, you could just ask support for an RP refund.

Primal Udyr is on sale too, and it's his best skin. Waiting on secret agent MF.



Omg dem graphics settings.


Did you buy him with RP? If so, you could just ask support for an RP refund.

Primal Udyr is on sale too, and it's his best skin. Waiting on secret agent MF.

Omg dem graphics settings.

waait, you're telling me you dont play on ultra high settings?

BLASPHEMY. You need a better kangaroo to power up your computer
waait, you're telling me you dont play on ultra high settings?

BLASPHEMY. You need a better kangaroo to power up your computer

I don't what it is about low settings but it feels smoother somehow. I manage 80 FPS with V-Sync on Ultra but there's something about low settings that feels so good.


I should do more GAF matches, I feel bad about missing out on all the yelling.

The yelling is pretty rare.

I'm trying to make some sense of the new support items. Like, with Heart of Gold gone you can either buy the ward item, which basically pays itself, or get a Kage's Lucky Pick but that's probably money wasted on AP that builds into nothing useful.

Er, Shard of True Ice isn't anything useful? It give a 30% slow aura. Mana Manipulator is also a relatively decent early game laning item for bot lane as it gives both 6MP5 for more skill spam.

I'm not sure how this affects when I get to buy my fun items, haven't timed it really. Now the Aegis upgrade right now looks useless against non AP teams, and even in that case it's still 1k that could be spent on a Kindlegem into a Shurelya's or something else.

Aegis costs more but is still relatively cost effective for Season 3. I think once adjustments are done to the fact that things cost more, it'll be easier to comprehend. Maybe.

Now the other support items like the "support QSS" just builds off semi-useless items like a chalice, so I dunno.

Chalice has uses for bot lane. Especially for supports like Nami who are a huge mana drain if they spam their spells basically every cooldown.

Even if it wasn't, Mikael's Crucible is potentially a good enough item to warrant use anyway.

Edit: Hippalus polling General Discussion for what to do with a January sale. 50% off some Legacy skins is so far winning.


Junior Member
Whatever you use, crank up that AA. I see none in this screenshot.
Even my old mill CPU with a medium GPU manages 4xSGSSAA at stable 60fps and tripple buffering. I love the smooth look with those settings.


Whatever you use, crank up that AA. I see none in this screenshot.
Even my old mill CPU with a medium GPU manages 4xSGSSAA at stable 60fps and tripple buffering. I love the smooth look with those settings.

can you give me your setting, i tried to do it once but the fps was shaky (i play the game in 120 fps).


Everything is moe to me

really enjoy shyv now that im doing [relatively] better. no more whiffed ults and much faster jungling since i now have an opening route that lets me lvl 4 gank with red.


Rengar :eek: well I guess I am refunding rengar to buy him again lol. Knew he would go on sale. Granted I've had him for two weeks but I could have made do hehe.

Its not my favorite skin but I think I have to buy cowgirl MF just because she's my favorite ad carry and I don't have a skin for her. That amethyst Ashe is awesome too. I rarely play her though. Decisions!

so is rengar worth a buy still? when would you pick him over jax for example?
Whatever you use, crank up that AA. I see none in this screenshot.
Even my old mill CPU with a medium GPU manages 4xSGSSAA at stable 60fps and tripple buffering. I love the smooth look with those settings.

How do you manage to get triple buffering to work right? Every time I use it the fps goes nuts.


They said they didnt want to because the color of the ball is integral to gameplay

IE spell vamp passive changes the color of the ball when activated
I wish Riot was consistent on that idea. Stuff like the Syndra skin making the balls fade into the background really annoys the hell out of me, and does feel like a payed advantage. The same about Frostbite Annie and her invisible stun aura.

The yelling is pretty rare.
Well, I still want in the drama.

Er, Shard of True Ice isn't anything useful? It give a 30% slow aura. Mana Manipulator is also a relatively decent early game laning item for bot lane as it gives both 6MP5 for more skill spam.
Chalice has uses for bot lane. Especially for supports like Nami who are a huge mana drain if they spam their spells basically every cooldown.

Even if it wasn't, Mikael's Crucible is potentially a good enough item to warrant use anyway.[/QUOTE]
I guess I missed this, somehow. The active is pretty great, but I never have found much use for more mana regen after Philo Stone. Even if I'm drained, the enemy support usually is too, and I just make it work. Same with the crucible, more mana I have skills to use on. If it built off a Ruby Crystal instead of a Saphire I'd give it more consideration but it seems like a huge waste of stats.

As for Nami being a mana drain, maybe it was my play, but I thought she was pretty low-cost in general, nerf-worthy, even, and I spammed like crazy.

Aegis costs more but is still relatively cost effective for Season 3. I think once adjustments are done to the fact that things cost more, it'll be easier to comprehend. Maybe.
The super Aegis seems to be way too non-cost-effective, unless they're running Vlad or Trundle top or something. Even then, it's too much money. Regular Aegis is still godly and I can't see me building anything else.

Edit: Hippalus polling General Discussion for what to do with a January sale. 50% off some Legacy skins is so far winning.
Gotta dread how people want skins not to be available to others, just so that they feel special. I'm as shallow as the next guy but that's just sad.


I guess I missed this, somehow. The active is pretty great, but I never have found much use for more mana regen after Philo Stone.

It's more of an "instead of Philo."

As for Nami being a mana drain, maybe it was my play, but I thought she was pretty low-cost in general, nerf-worthy, even, and I spammed like crazy.

They just fixed her W which had double cost. She still should go through mana decently fast. At least enough so that she wants a source of regen.

Gotta dread how people want skins not to be available to others, just so that they feel special. I'm as shallow as the next guy but that's just sad.

Oh well :(

I think they just want the 75% off sale first and foremost.


Gotta dread how people want skins not to be available to others, just so that they feel special. I'm as shallow as the next guy but that's just sad.
the sad part is 90% of these skins are actually recolored garbage.


It's more of an "instead of Philo."
Yeah, that may be kinda alright, start with Faerie charm, rush Kage's, and just build the Shard if the money's around. The AP is kinda useless, but I run Sona with magic pen runes, so I'll try it :D

They just fixed her W which had double cost. She still should go through mana decently fast. At least enough so that she wants a source of regen.
I did her R->Q->W->E (I figured I want her stun as often as possible and also fuck the "I'm 1900 elo" useless Graves I was supporting), and it was alright, didn't feel worse than Sona, though now that I think about it, I was running my AP mid's mana regen runes.

Oh well :(

I think they just want the 75% off sale first and foremost.
the sad part is 90% of these skins are actually recolored garbage.
I'd think they'd want the 75% off, but people also voted for the Halloween skins to be time limited only, so I just cry for Humanity.

Kitty Kat am cry :3


so is rengar worth a buy still? when would you pick him over jax for example?

I like him. He's fun. I don't have trouble with most top lane matchups. Irelia was the worst I've faced. I also really like jungling with him. Lots of fun.

I don't play jax. My top laners are riven, rengar, Vlad or lee sin.

I did refund him and rebuy on sale. Saved 400 rp. Means I'll buy a skin lol
Is it just me or is rengar very very underwhelming as a bruiser? oO Just purchased him and he's porbably the frailest top I've ever played, not to mention his jungling clear times are terrible. oO


I did her R->Q->W->E (I figured I want her stun as often as possible and also fuck the "I'm 1900 elo" useless Graves I was supporting), and it was alright, didn't feel worse than Sona, though now that I think about it, I was running my AP mid's mana regen runes.

It'll most likely be R>W>Q>E for her. W that hits harder and heals more will be a bigger deal than more often Qs probably. And that is her major mana hog (up to 120 mana per cast). You need to land a Q to convert it into a kill. It being up a second sooner isn't a huge deal I'd imagine. It's like Dazzle for Taric.

Is it just me or is rengar very very underwhelming as a bruiser? oO Just purchased him and he's porbably the frailest top I've ever played, not to mention his jungling clear times are terrible. oO

Well, he has bad base regen and defensive stats but his W gives him Armor/MR. He has great sustain off his Empowered W as well.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Is it just me or is rengar very very underwhelming as a bruiser? oO Just purchased him and he's porbably the frailest top I've ever played, not to mention his jungling clear times are terrible. oO
He was kind of flip flopping on the power scale but it seems like he's in an alright place now. I don't play him and haven't really seen him much after the nerfs though. I don't think he's very fragile with his heal, but I play Lulu and Kha'Zix top so I guess it's all relative.


Corgi the Chloe (6:59): quit farming with your WE
use it to hit gragas
he harassed you for free from 100-20
SummonsInTrouble (6:59): please don't give advice when you lose 9 in a row

Sheesh Blizzard, was just trying to help because I hate seeing this happen in a Zed vs AP melee champion lane but whatever.
Corgi the Chloe (6:59): quit farming with your WE
use it to hit gragas
he harassed you for free from 100-20
SummonsInTrouble (6:59): please don't give advice when you lose 9 in a row

Sheesh Blizzard, was just trying to help because I hate seeing this happen in a Zed vs AP melee champion lane but whatever.

Get good Corgi.
Corgi the Chloe (6:59): quit farming with your WE
use it to hit gragas
he harassed you for free from 100-20
SummonsInTrouble (6:59): please don't give advice when you lose 9 in a row

Sheesh Blizzard, was just trying to help because I hate seeing this happen in a Zed vs AP melee champion lane but whatever.

Damn someone is salty. Even better when you consider that you have done well in most of your losses. BUT YOU STILL LOST BRO.


Is it just me or is rengar very very underwhelming as a bruiser? oO Just purchased him and he's porbably the frailest top I've ever played, not to mention his jungling clear times are terrible. oO
definitely baaaaaad late game, but his early to mid game is not that bad.
Max w first and dont buy wriggles, get 2 dorans and then rush bt.
His ganks from lvl 3-5 are very good but when you hit 6 you should get at least one kill with the ultimate (dont even bother coming from the side just do it behind your team mate and jump).

try him ap too (mid or jungle), one of the worst first clear but his clear just become insanely fast when you get the first amplifying tome.


Corgi the Chloe (6:59): quit farming with your WE
use it to hit gragas
he harassed you for free from 100-20
SummonsInTrouble (6:59): please don't give advice when you lose 9 in a row

Sheesh Blizzard, was just trying to help because I hate seeing this happen in a Zed vs AP melee champion lane but whatever.
I'm sorry I was snappy, and I apologize for being rude. I really prefer not to do IMs until the game is over. Thanks for stopping after that point.

Ken, do we really have to do this in public? What you didn't mention is that I was trying to be nice and had a conversation over 6 PMs or so on GAF, instead of posting in public and pointing out the times you had 8 or 9 losses in a row, or when you had bad CS, or what have you. But I didn't do that, because I was trying to be a decent person. You apparently disagreed with my Zed suggestions and chose not to follow them, which is fair enough. And I'm not going to link your match history or compare the numbers here to get in a slapfight -- I think I already gave you some of those comparisons in the PM conversation.

Now unfortunately I didn't save the postgame screenshot from that game you were spectating, since I didn't realize you were going to post about it in public. I'll just post this instead:


It's not great, but I've won 5/6 of my last Zed games. The one loss, yes I got very outplayed by a good Diana. The game you were just spectating where I focused too much on CS and took too much early damage? I'm pretty sure I outfarmed everyone on either team in both CS and total gold, and I'd say I had a decent record. I had 15 assists, was involved in perhaps 2/3 of the game's kills, and was hopefully helpful. Yes I had good teamamates who may have carried me, and yes I almost certainly messed up early, and yes I should have gotten more CS. 7.4 CS per minute or so is better than I was averaging but lower than the 9+ CS per minute from the game before.

But...overall I'd say I did decently that game, and it's pretty uncool to post part of it in public without telling the whole story.


Congrats for beasting in normals I guess?

And I don't really get what you mean by "post part of it in public without telling the whole story." I gave you a suggestion because I saw you were getting shoved out of lane by a Gragas, and you quickly go to bringing up W/L record. You're not much better than the solo queuers who LoLking screen everyone in champion select.

You have so much more assists than me and that pretty much tells me you have competent team mates who don't twiddle their thumbs in a bush while team fights are going on preventing me from doing anything with Zed late game. You're able to make things like Ghostblade and a full Maw, so games are kind of one sided already if you have that much gold to spend on superfluous items. Anyways, I don't really care that you play Zed differently than me. I just dislike that you bring up W/L in a team-oriented 5V5 game as your reason for dismissing any advice.


And I don't really get what you mean by "post part of it in public without telling the whole story." I gave you a suggestion and you quickly go to bringing up W/L record.
You didn't only give me a suggestion. You gave me a suggestion, then followed up with saying I was ignoring your match history and Zed stats, and instead focusing on wins and losses, if I recall correctly. You didn't quote that part of the IMs you sent me.

You also posted a screenshot of mistakes I made early in the game, but did not mention the good aspects of the game, or the fact that did pretty well other than that, or the fact that it was a victory. Check Gragas stats that game compared to mine, for instance.

That's what I meant, selectively posting stuff, and calling someone out in public for something, including posting an IM, without mentioning everything else involved.

No, it's not ranked, just normal. The last game was draft, and I don't know which others were draft and which were blind. I'm 6-6 in ranked, yes I'm bad, yes I'm around 1180 elo. I think I went in bursts of wins and losses, with a max of possibly 1280 elo before I lost back down. I'd like to be consistent with someone like Zed before trying to play many ranked games with him.


It'll most likely be R>W>Q>E for her. W that hits harder and heals more will be a bigger deal than more often Qs probably. And that is her major mana hog (up to 120 mana per cast). You need to land a Q to convert it into a kill. It being up a second sooner isn't a huge deal I'd imagine. It's like Dazzle for Taric.
Yeah, maybe you're right, I just like offensive supports more than defensive ones and I hate what heal-oriented supports do to an otherwise fun lane. I like making the plays myself, and her W is a more reactive skill (both carries are having a stand-off so I heal mine, so that he's healed twice), which is kinda meh for me. I don't like the Taric-like stun harass either. If it weren't for her ult I'd probably hate her as much as they do both of them borefests.


You didn't only give me a suggestion. You gave me a suggestion, then followed up with saying I was ignoring your match history and Zed stats, and instead focusing on wins and losses, if I recall correctly. You didn't quote that part of the IMs you sent me.

You also posted a screenshot of mistakes I made early in the game, but did not mention the good aspects of the game, or the fact that did pretty well other than that, or the fact that it was a victory. Check Gragas stats that game compared to mine, for instance.

That's what I meant, selectively posting stuff, and calling someone out in public for something, including posting an IM, without mentioning everything else involved.

I only followed up because there was something to follow up on. If you didn't say something like "lol ur nub zed stfu im the scribblesnauts dinosaur rawr" I wouldn't have told you that you were ignoring my Zed stats.

I'm just trying to give you advice on how to possibly better your laning. I'm glad that you won but c'mon, you were letting Gragas harass for free. Imagine how differently the game would have gone if you harassed back.

I'm going to try not to post more about it. :( I really did try to be nice and keep my own build suggestions etc. in IMs, rather than calling him out. I just didn't think that particular screenshot was a fair representation.

I didn't mind the PMs. I mind when you respond with LoLKing stuff to advice. Anyways, I'm done too. I need to eat these peanut snacks.
Doing R then Q allows you to hit all enemy champions with a stun. With her otherwise a little hard to hit stun. So allows you to hit as many champions as possible and stun them then W and E to allow your AD carry of choice to dispatch as many of them as possible.


Yeah, maybe you're right, I just like offensive supports more than defensive ones and I hate what heal-oriented supports do to an otherwise fun lane. I like making the plays myself, and her W is a more reactive skill (both carries are having a stand-off so I heal mine, so that he's healed twice), which is kinda meh for me. I don't like the Taric-like stun harass either. If it weren't for her ult I'd probably hate her as much as they do both of them borefests.

She's not really a defensive support. Her E gives better trades/pursuit, her Q sets up kills, and her W is harass focused.

Also, she can't heal the same target twice. Using it reactively like that would get the ADC healed, hurt their ADC (-15%), and then heal you (-15%).

Edit: And Taric stun harass? You use stun to deny cs or to let your ADC get damage on them. It's the same logic behind Lux or Zyra snares in lane, really. Not sure how they're fundamentally different. They're both playmaker abilities.

End of the day, I just see her as an offensive support, not really defensive. Q sets up a kill (leveling it doesn't help it do this), W is both, E benefits trading and pursuits, and R also helps set up a kill.

Doing R then Q allows you to hit all enemy champions with a stun. With her otherwise a little hard to hit stun. So allows you to hit as many champions as possible and stun them then W and E to allow your AD carry of choice to dispatch as many of them as possible.

What would leveling Q first do here? You're limited by your ult cooldown for this all-in anyway so all you're doing with Q levels is raising the damage when all you really want from it is the stun. Maxing W first gets you the better harass and sustain. It's the best way to be offensive in lane.


Ken, I think you're just hitting a rough streak. It happened to me when I first started ranked. I had a good first few games and went into the 1300s, then I hit a bad patch that tanked me to 10-1100 i think. I predict you hit a point soon that the law of averages will defeat Murphy's Law. So just keep at it. Lolking, while neat to check out for your own stats, really turned into a blight on the community in general.


Lolking, while neat to check out for your own stats, really turned into a blight on the community in general.

I remember having a game where someone Lolking'd me during the end of Season 2 grind and commented on me only playing Katarina and that I should get out of ranked.

I went ~20-2.

They didn't say much else.

I like to Lolking people just to get a feel for where matchmaking is putting us.
This game is so damn infuriating sometimes. Even more depressing is knowing the fact that the people you report will probably get to keep playing for months and never get banned.


She's not really a defensive support. Her E gives better trades/pursuit, her Q sets up kills, and her W is harass focused.

Also, she can't heal the same target twice. Using it reactively like that would get the ADC healed, hurt their ADC (-15%), and then heal you (-15%).

Edit: And Taric stun harass? You use stun to deny cs or to let your ADC get damage on them. It's the same logic behind Lux or Zyra snares in lane, really. Not sure how they're fundamentally different. They're both playmaker abilities.

End of the day, I just see her as an offensive support, not really defensive. Q sets up a kill (leveling it doesn't help it do this), W is both, E benefits trading and pursuits, and R also helps set up a kill.
The big difference I see between Sona and Taric is that Sona's plays are all-ins, she has to blow her ult to make the big hurt happen, so there's a lot of setting it up and whatnot. What I usually see Tarics do is just spam stun, get a few shots, etc. Nami is kinda like that, but her kit is much more offensive than Taric's and so I like her a lot more.

Maybe she's not defensive, but I feel she's a lot more passive and reactive than Sona. Kinda like a Janna, but I like her shield mechanic so much I can look past it (and because using it offensively is a lot of fun).

But I played one Nami match, so I may be talking out my ass. The core issue will be whether landing her Q is fun enough for me.

I also think she's pretty alright as it is, maybe some mana nerfs, maybe her feeling mana-full had to do with my runes, I dunno.


I also just tried jungling with Shyv, but her ganks are just too weird. I think I may just buy Amumu and learn it easy. There aren't enough junglers with boobies in this game.
The big difference I see between Sona and Taric is that Sona's plays are all-ins, she has to blow her ult to make the big hurt happen, so there's a lot of setting it up and whatnot. What I usually see Tarics do is just spam stun, get a few shots, etc. Nami is kinda like that, but her kit is much more offensive than Taric's and so I like her a lot more.

Maybe she's not defensive, but I feel she's a lot more passive and reactive than Sona. Kinda like a Janna, but I like her shield mechanic so much I can look past it (and because using it offensively is a lot of fun).

But I played one Nami match, so I may be talking out my ass. The core issue will be whether landing her Q is fun enough for me.

I also think she's pretty alright as it is, maybe some mana nerfs, maybe her feeling mana-full had to do with my runes, I dunno.


I also just tried jungling with Shyv, but her ganks are just too weird. I think I may just buy Amumu and learn it easy. There aren't enough junglers with boobies in this game.

Sejuani is all you need.


0mgItzJosh: i can counter mord
0mgItzJosh: morg **
xSetzer: lol corgi used to be good
Narkeon: ill top as irelia
xSetzer: but then he played Zed in ranked
xSetzer: muahahahahah
xSetzer: NOOO
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: OMG
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: you suck with Zed moron
xSetzer: you pathetic idiot
Corgi the Chloe: aw
xSetzer: quit playing this shit champion

xSetzer: go zed support
Corgi the Chloe: uh
Corgi the Chloe: no
xSetzer: you suck with him
Corgi the Chloe: lol
xSetzer: you wont mid and thats for sure
xSetzer: I see your stats
xSetzer: 5 8
xSetzer: 5 win for 8 lost
xSetzer: and you are fucking bad with him

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