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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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The big difference I see between Sona and Taric is that Sona's plays are all-ins, she has to blow her ult to make the big hurt happen, so there's a lot of setting it up and whatnot. What I usually see Tarics do is just spam stun, get a few shots, etc. Nami is kinda like that, but her kit is much more offensive than Taric's and so I like her a lot more.

Well, if you're spamming stun every cooldown, you're not a very good Taric in my opinion. The stun has to do something. Deny cs, prevent an auto attack, allow for free harass, etc. Stunning for the sake of stunning is wasting the cooldown. Similarly, Sona has to pick and choose when she harasses to make sure she doesn't take too much damage (/gets initiated on).

I dunno. I just see the kit as more a versatile offensive/defensive sort of kit. Movement speed buff on her passive, stun on her Q, damage/heal on her W, a pursuite aid on her E (+ better damage per trade anyway), and an all-in ult. I don't even like playing support (besides Zyra) and I'm looking forward to Nami so much.

If anything, Nami support may mean the enemy bot lane has to play passively. Her heal is half the cooldown as Soraka with about the same ratio (that is, every 20s, Nami will heal about the same as Soraka would for a comparable cost). On top of that, she can actually catch people out and set up the kill (RQ) or help guarantee the kill (E).

Ken, you should stop playing ranked completely alone and duo que.

That's why I had merc and Rex help me for the end of Season 2 grind :|

I don't want to lose and bring people I know down.

And this is why I hadn't even played much Zed in normals :(


0mgItzJosh: i can counter mord
0mgItzJosh: morg **
xSetzer: lol corgi used to be good
Narkeon: ill top as irelia
xSetzer: but then he played Zed in ranked
xSetzer: muahahahahah
xSetzer: NOOO
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: OMG
xSetzer: NOO
xSetzer: you suck with Zed moron
xSetzer: you pathetic idiot
Corgi the Chloe: aw
xSetzer: quit playing this shit champion

xSetzer: go zed support
Corgi the Chloe: uh
Corgi the Chloe: no
xSetzer: you suck with him
Corgi the Chloe: lol
xSetzer: you wont mid and thats for sure
xSetzer: I see your stats
xSetzer: 5 8
xSetzer: 5 win for 8 lost
xSetzer: and you are fucking bad with him

Yeah I got into a similar spot by the end of S2. People started to lolking me and tell me not to play mid because I always lost. Feels like shit.


Well I found the drama my thanksgiving was missing.

Yeah, maybe you're right, I just like offensive supports more than defensive ones and I hate what heal-oriented supports do to an otherwise fun lane. I like making the plays myself, and her W is a more reactive skill (both carries are having a stand-off so I heal mine, so that he's healed twice), which is kinda meh for me. I don't like the Taric-like stun harass either. If it weren't for her ult I'd probably hate her as much as they do both of them borefests.

Gonna have to agree with scy about taric. He is an offensive support and playing him defensively is really under utilizing his kit. Your heal is shit but enhanced while autoing your opponents. You do a ridiculous amount of burst and you can ult 2-3 times for every ult the opposing support gets. Unless you meant you get bored playing taric because your opponents die too fast, then I can't really argue that.


Gonna have to agree with scy about taric. He is an offensive support and playing him defensively is really under utilizing his kit. Your heal is shit but enhanced while autoing your opponents. You do a ridiculous amount of burst and you can ult 2-3 times for every ult the opposing support gets. Unless you meant you get bored playing taric because your opponents die too fast, then I can't really argue that.
I don't play neither Taric nor Soraka, but they just turn their lanes into snoozefests, which is why I hate them.


So I took a break to play PS all stars, got raped online so went to play lol dom ai. it was fun:



Why would you run heal on Zed anyway.
Honestly it was me being stupid. I played AD carry twice in a row to fit in team roles, and then when I got to go mid again I forgot to change to ignite in time. But I actually went 10/2/10 with it, and I think I saved a teammate once or twice, so I thought WHAT CUD GO WRONG and tried it another game.

I imagine it's generally useless since good AP mids will ignite, rendering heal useless, but occasionally you see people trolling with heal mid.


scy46, what items, skill orders, and general strategy do you use for Elise in 3v3? My friend plays 3's all the time and just tried Elise, but complained they got instakilled by Xerath. I can only assume seeing Xerath in 3's is a complete anomaly. But in general, if you have any good brief "how to dominate with Elise in 3v3" suggestions, I'd like to pass them on.


Been playing a lot with two friends of mine and none of us are great at this game so we're losing a lot. Decided to try draft normals instead of blind pick. I was hoping to jungle Nautilus but ended up needing to go mid. Since I do a lot of support or AD carry I wasn't thrilled about it but I took Ahri and ended up going 6/1/15 in a win. Feels really good to get a win in an actual good game. Also, Ahri is awesome.


scy46, what items, skill orders, and general strategy do you use for Elise in 3v3? My friend plays 3's all the time and just tried Elise, but complained they got instakilled by Xerath. I can only assume seeing Xerath in 3's is a complete anomaly. But in general, if you have any good brief "how to dominate with Elise in 3v3" suggestions, I'd like to pass them on.

Skill Order: QEQW, R>Q>W>E.
Items: Sorc Shoes + Blackfire Torch + Rylai's | Abyssal | Frozen Heart in some order depending on my lane matchup. Starting items are usually Boots + Amp Tome + 1 Pot.
Runes: Spell Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, Spell Red Quints

Basic laning strat is to just Q harass a lot (until around 50% or so) then I can Spider the all-in if their jungler / top lane is accounted for.


Skill Order: QEQW, R>Q>W>E.
Items: Sorc Shoes + Blackfire Torch + Rylai's | Abyssal | Frozen Heart in some order depending on my lane matchup. Starting items are usually Boots + Amp Tome + 1 Pot.
Runes: Spell Pen Reds, Armor Yellows, Scaling MR Blues, Spell Red Quints

Basic laning strat is to just Q harass a lot (until around 50% or so) then I can Spider the all-in if their jungler / top lane is accounted for.
Do you only do top lane, or only do bot lane, or it doesn't matter (I don't know if new 3v3 has a dedicated jungler or if it still tends to be 2 bot 1 top in normals)?


Do you only do top lane, or only do bot lane, or it doesn't matter (I don't know if new 3v3 has a dedicated jungler or if it still tends to be 2 bot 1 top in normals)?

Generally, I'm our bot lane (2v2 until the jungler goes to jungle at level 2 typically) and Rex top lanes. No idea about Normals though, that's for Ranked.


Generally, I'm our bot lane (2v2 until the jungler goes to jungle at level 2 typically) and Rex top lanes. No idea about Normals though, that's for Ranked.
Thanks, I appreciate the input.

On an unrelated note, one of the single best things about Zed is his ult's delay, and how he's presumably uncommon enough that people still don't know how it works. Usually it's the enemy AD carry who is surprised, but last game I apparently killed a vlad late game inside his pool. He had like 20% HP left, was in the pool, then abruptly died. He was like WHAT KILLED ME?!

So I'm guessing that it can kill even untargetable champions like Fizz or Elise. :D


A lot of things can kill Elise during her Rappel. You can, however, dodge Karthus ult.

I had a game with Zed where I had non-stop "HACKER" calls as I'd run off after ult bursting someone. On that note, ulting someone and walking away from them is such a great feeling.


A lot of things can kill Elise during her Rappel. You can, however, dodge Karthus ult.

I had a game with Zed where I had non-stop "HACKER" calls as I'd run off after ult bursting someone. On that note, ulting someone and walking away from them is such a great feeling.
You need sunglasses and an explosion behind you for maximum effect.
Man going solo is annoying. You never know what kind of trolls you'll find.

I was just in a game, I kept asking them to push mid, because we would win the team fights. The team just insists on farming..45 minutes into the game, were up by like 15 kills, they're too busy farming, and the other team take all the turrets and almost the nexus -_-

we ended up winning doe.

Anyway just got 6300ip

I'm deciding between


Looking for the best, easiest, and most OP out of those champs :p


Yeah I got into a similar spot by the end of S2. People started to lolking me and tell me not to play mid because I always lost. Feels like shit.
I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.


I've been playing PBE all night with a couple of friends, and it's usually pretty shit matches, but goofy stuff happens, so sometimes it's fun.

I ran Ahri ADC but I was bested by a clearly superior Graves and then we ran a home-made poke comp.

(nevermind the spanglish taunting, that Wukong was pretty fucking annoying)

We basically did everything wrong most of the match, then for some reason I got a stroke of genius and lazer stole Baron (probably the first time :p), landed a billion snares, lazer'd Ahri and Vayne when it counted and we just won in one push.

Poke comps are pretty fun, but simply picking a ton of champions with range doesn't actually work. I'm thinking of keeping Lux, maybe Nid or Jayce, but not both, and dropping Cait for an ADC our guy can actually play, like Ez.


Anyhow, tried the Shard of True Ice. By itself, I don't see it being useful. The GP10 is alright for a complete item but the mana regen isn't enough for Sona and the active is weird and seldom useful. Maybe a better player than me might find it of use but for now, not me. It's also pretty terrible to give up Philo Stone (which has better mana regen, and that bit of HP regen doesn't hurt), but worse, Shurelya's. And you have to build off Kage's, which is pretty useless too.

I'm also wrapping my mind around buying the Ruby Sightstone. It's a pretty good investment, that'll pay itself in half a match, and specially since it gives so much health but I fear the 3 ward limit might bite me in the ass someday. For now I'm always building it, if only to test it some more. The regular Sightstone is also kind of cool, you don't usually need more than two wards during laning phase.

I haven't gotten a long enough match to buy any of the other support items yet...


I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.
Do elaborate (use actual numbers).

edit: also I hate the new shop and the new buff particles. You barely feel Baronified.


Everything is moe to me
I have this theory that all Shyv wants is a hug. but everytime she gets close enough to grab someone, they catch fire and die.

its tragic really.


Are you mixing her up with amumu?

I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.

IMO, summoners on both sides should be anonymous to prevent championselect lookup harassment.


Really wish my friend that started playing would gravitate to shitty characters.

-Nunu (not bad at all, just not always needed)
-Galio (again.. a niche pick imo)

and now he's picked up Karma support.


I went my friend list and enter the person with the most win games

that person have 452,761 influence points and it is enough to buy 100% of all champions and 9% of all runes.


Everything is moe to me
jungle is so fun, its like support but you get to roam the whole map and gift kills to all the good little boys and girls.

8-2 in my last ten; 6 wins as shyv jungle.


I really hate that site sometimes. Especially when people use the champion win rates from that site. As someone who has access to actual win rates... man, they are so wrong.
How are they different from actual win rates? Can you please post the top 5 win rates and bottom 5 win rates for certain categories at the moment (or at least "all human 5v5 games")? I'd love to see that compared to the stat sites.
Solo top Nid vs Tryn. Did my best to gimp him into 5/13. Other enemy lanes snowballed. :( Top really feels like the least influential lane in the game, specially if I can't leave my lane. I didn't push hard early on to keep denying Tryn. Their jungle Amumu even camped my lane.


Solo top Nid vs Tryn. Did my best to gimp him into 5/13. Other enemy lanes snowballed. :( Top really feels like the least influential lane in the game, specially if I can't leave my lane. I didn't push hard early on to keep denying Tryn. Their jungle Amumu even camped my lane.
That's how you influenced the game - you effectively 1v2'ed the enemy team, giving your team a 4v3 advantage. They couldn't win it with that however. As a bonus, you can just keep pushing - which forces the enemy mid to roam top, making it a 1v3 and a 4v2 on the map.
That's how you influenced the game - you effectively 1v2'ed the enemy team, giving your team a 4v3 advantage. They couldn't win it with that however. As a bonus, you can just keep pushing - which forces the enemy mid to roam top, making it a 1v3 and a 4v2 on the map.

I'm not really good at capitalizing a pushed tower unless it's just solo queue. Usually, I visit the next lane but nothing really comes out of it. My other problem with it is that if I leave my lane, it leaves the enemy to freefarm and I really didn't want Tryn to freefarm.

It was pretty amusing how Tryn thought he can 1v1 me early on though. Lv3 he tried to 1v1 me but I went EWE and got him to trigger my W. He tried a few more times afterwards but I bought Tabi after the first blood.
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