Barack Lesnar
To those who read GD (general discussion on the official forums) what has the response been like to this? Are there any common sentiments you've noticed?
Don't ashe questions.Muramana on ashe.
Don't ask questions. Just do it.
Muramana is such a silly name for a weapon
you're a silly name for a weapon
Clearly, Dignitas can now move Crumbzz back to the jungle and get Wings for top lane np.
Also, Quantic down too? Orbit can't catch a break.
Holy shit, Dignitas jungler IWillDominate was permabanned for toxic behavior and is not allowed to compete with the team in any Season 3 tournaments.
Muramana is such a silly name for a weapon
I actually lol'd.Season 3....
1. Spent 20 seconds in store every time.
2. Support will no longer put more than 2 wards out at a time
3. Corki jungle.....
4. Spam 3 spells + AA to take down cannon minion (totally worth it)
5. Too cheap for oracle (map will have only 2 wards anyway)
6. Death timer is funner than the actual game, gotta check out dat store!
Or, being able to type once the store pops there a shortcut that does this already? I started typing and didn't see anything so I gave up.
Here are my super awesome impressions from one game.
It takes me forever to find a ward.
I didn't even see the grid option, thanks.Set the shop to the grid instead of list. Every single champion in the game has wards (and potions) as a recommended item at the bottom of the page. Don't even need to scroll with the shop set to the grid view.
Holy shit, Dignitas jungler IWillDominate was permabanned for toxic behavior and is not allowed to compete with the team in any Season 3 tournaments.
It is simply too early to know or take anything as fact until there is more time with the patch. There is kind of a general craziness to many games being played as people try to adjust to UI changes building and finding items they don't know much about, or have experience with.To those who read GD (general discussion on the official forums) what has the response been like to this? Are there any common sentiments you've noticed?
The cooldown on her charge is very long until you put points into it. At the same time it is sort of the least attractive ability to level up. Between runes and masteries alone you can pick up a decent amount of CDR, but it is always an ability you have to be judicious about using.I like Sejuani a lot more than I thought I would. I was just winging it as far as build goes but did ok with spirit stone, Liandry's (probably dumb I guess), Frozen Heart and I was working on BV when we won. I'd like some CDR though because there were a few times I really really wanted Q back and didn't get it in time. Ended up 6/4/20. Gonna have to try her out some more.
Dominating people as Akali feels good man. S3 items op
I suspect Liandry's Torment would be good on her.Havent tried her in S3 whats something fun to try?
no...don't do this.I suspect Liandry's Torment would be good on her.
I suspect Liandry's Torment would be good on her.
That's probably better, since they rebuffed it to add the CDR again if I remember correctly.Shouldn't you be getting DFG instead? Makes her burst even stronger.
That's probably better, since they rebuffed it to add the CDR again if I remember correctly.
DFG isn't new though, so I was trying to think if there was anything new that would make Akali funny. Hextech sweeper should in theory help against her, but I don't know if rushing that against Akali is a good idea.
Also, I think I get it now. Diana is OP.
Grid mode for the shop is better but it's still pretty terrible. Finding items for my support Lux was a drag.
Random items new meta.
I even forgot about upgrading the sightstone lol
(I was support, Kayle was mid for some reason)
Picked or banned in nearly 100% of the games at IPL.=D. Diana gets so much hate that even if you aren't performing the best on the team the enemy team still blames the champion for their loss.
Love the Soraka-Ashe choreography
I think it helped that I didn't get any super hard lanes today, like I went against an AP Yi once, another Diana, etc. If I'd gotten a Gragas I'd be in way more serious trouble (I'm playing mostly blind pick nowadays).=D. Diana gets so much hate that even if you aren't performing the best on the team the enemy team still blames the champion for their loss.
Heh, Kass was getting pretty fed early on so I figured I could use the tenacity+MR. I was chugging elixir after elixir, so my laser was in the mid 30s, not that bad, considering I basically just E'd Kass, then laser'd him to pop the passive and just make his day a little more miserable.Merc treads on Lux, why have you soiled her feet with such shitty boots.
I always go sorc's with Lux. I'm already getting a bunch of CDR from masteries, Athene's, and blue buff/elixirs.Needs cooldown boots for that 20 seconds laser.
It was inevitable, but didn't expect it to happen so soon.Oh no loco left.. yada yada yada...
Havent tried her in S3 whats something fun to try?
What have you done to your avatar.Picked or banned in nearly 100% of the games at IPL.
Oh laning, I thought you were looking for a jungler?I think it helped that I didn't get any super hard lanes today, like I went against an AP Yi once, another Diana, etc. If I'd gotten a Gragas I'd be in way more serious trouble (I'm playing mostly blind pick nowadays).
Depending on team comp I always build straight AP or sneak in torment + rylai's. I only play her jungle now though so I always get spirit of wraith asap. Been using Kat mid forever. New favorite item is iceborn though especially for jungling.The key to Diana seems to be finding the right moment to dive against the carry, and I'm liking building her a lot more tankier than I usually do with mids. I'm doing like double doran's, merc or sorc boots, depending on how I'm doing, abyss, then straight to GA. I might slip a haunting guise in there if I'm doing alright, but so far that's been working for me, leaving rabs for later.
new jungle definitely fit my style perfectly.