So I'm 3-0 Jungle Riven in ranked post-patch. I almost have to buy the Machete at lvl 1, but end up selling it so quick after a kill or two. Such a waste of gold. Just seems like a needless roadblock.
it builds into wriggles.
So I'm 3-0 Jungle Riven in ranked post-patch. I almost have to buy the Machete at lvl 1, but end up selling it so quick after a kill or two. Such a waste of gold. Just seems like a needless roadblock.
it builds into wriggles.
What is a wriggles
I'm going to regret it, but I kind of want to play some Zed with the new items. Run AD quints, armor pen marks.
Brutalizer->Black Cleaver
The new Black Cleaver will be pretty sick on him. When he ults, he should easily be able to get 4 stacks before the death mark hits.
You sound disappointedOh laning, I thought you were looking for a jungler?
Yeah, I've been meaning to buy her iceborn but so far I've just gotten to buy the glacial shroud. I have a thing against Rylai's and RoA, so I pretty much never buy themDepending on team comp I always build straight AP or sneak in torment + rylai's. I only play her jungle now though so I always get spirit of wraith asap. Been using Kat mid forever. New favorite item is iceborn though especially for jungling.
ATTENTION SUPPORTS: Just because you have a ward stone, doesn't mean you should stop buying wards. Yes, we do need more than 2 wards out.
Nor should you stop buying ward so you can save money for ward stone (or upgrading it) =.=
Actually, scrap all that, if you have a ward stone, make sure you put those wards somewhere. You can have 2 out at a time, and yes they will expire in 3 min, and you should put the new one out when the out one expire.
Can someone buy shurelia?
Yeah, ward stone is dumb. You save a lot of money, so it's inevitable but eh...ATTENTION SUPPORTS: Just because you have a ward stone, doesn't mean you should stop buying wards. Yes, we do need more than 2 wards out.
Nor should you stop buying ward so you can save money for ward stone (or upgrading it) =.=
Actually, scrap all that, if you have a ward stone, make sure you put those wards somewhere. You can have 2 out at a time, and yes they will expire in 3 min, and you should put the new one out when the out one expire.
Can someone buy shurelia?
ATTENTION SUPPORTS: Just because you have a ward stone, doesn't mean you should stop buying wards. Yes, we do need more than 2 wards out.
Can someone buy shurelia?
Yeah, ward stone is dumb. You save a lot of money, so it's inevitable but eh...
edit: that's on Riot, btw. I kinda wish they had added another GP10 item that only benefited supports, because now we're stuck with 2, maybe 3 wards placing supports.
I see kiunch implying that only supports should ward.
ATTENTION SUPPORTS: Just because you have a ward stone, doesn't mean you should stop buying wards. Yes, we do need more than 2 wards out.
I'm meh on the item as a support. Over time you might save the money but at 700 gold you need to place 10 wards to make it worth it. Only being able to do 2 at a time means it will take a minimum of 15 minutes to pay yourself back for it.
I'm going to regret it, but I kind of want to play some Zed with the new items. Run AD quints, armor pen marks.
Brutalizer->Black Cleaver
The new Black Cleaver will be pretty sick on him. When he ults, he should easily be able to get 4 stacks before the death mark hits.
The game I played last night was Zed mid, and I always build brutalizer so yeah it's definitely nice to have the upgrade. I didn't really notice the black cleaver effects but I was doing decent damage sometimes when I would poke people, so I assume it was doing something.I want to try Tiamat on him for the same reason I enjoy it on Riven: An additional 1.0 AD ratio. R in, E+Tiamat+Q+Auto is a lot of damage for Death Mark to end up dealing. Granted, it is basically entirely overkill and Zed doesn't necessarily benefit from Tiamat procs but it sounds cool in theory.
I feel like I was lacking lifesteal since it's so expensive (800+) now, and bloodthirster is wimpy and only 30 AD and a little lifesteal. I like having some lifesteal so I can recover health while farming without having to go back to base.
If you're ignoring the health on it (~250 Gold worth of Health), I suppose that's the case. Factoring the health, that's only 550 Gold it needs to recover or 8 Wards instead which removes an entire backing out of the equation (and pushes us down to the 9m mark for paying itself off). Also, incidentally, 10 Wards would be 12 minutes, not 15. The first two are placed at t=0, the fifth set is placed four cycles later at t=12 (0, 3, 6, 9, 12).
Also, 2 Wards every 3 Minutes means every 180 seconds you "get" 150 Gold. That's roughly 8.33 GP10. This replaces Heart of Gold in build orders so that's the comparison point to be made and it's far superior as an effective gold generation item. If HoG was ideal for supports before, Sightstone is that much better.
What we'll end up seeing is that money spent on normal wards will be moved to getting at least one Vision Ward instead for laning. That allows for counter pinking their river ward, for instance, to allow for ganks AND removes that location as a viable warding target for the duration (since otherwise it's merely giving up free gold).
This gives supports a way to counterward to directly harass the gold efficiency of the enemy support since you've forcing them to sit on a ward charge and/or ward in a less-than-ideal location.
I did see the cheaper BF sword cost, but didn't notice that bloodthirster base AD is higher than it used to be. I haven't done good analysis of the new item numbers in general.Bloodthirster was sort of buffed this patch despite the -2% Life Steal. It's cheaper to make and gives more (base) AD, making it more efficient at lower stacks.
If all else fails, stack Black Cleavers.
Good rationale. I'm still hesitant on it but I forgot the first sightstone also gives health. It definitely helps justify the cost. The key will be getting it as early as possible. But can you skip a gp/10 item for it? Probably can skip boots now but not sure if you'd want to go sightstone first or a gp/10.
ATTENTION SUPPORTS: Just because you have a ward stone, doesn't mean you should stop buying wards. Yes, we do need more than 2 wards out.
Nor should you stop buying ward so you can save money for ward stone (or upgrading it) =.=
Actually, scrap all that, if you have a ward stone, make sure you put those wards somewhere. You can have 2 out at a time, and yes they will expire in 3 min, and you should put the new one out when the out one expire.
Can someone buy shurelia?
The problem I have with the early Sightstone is that it builds out of nothing. There's no starting item to buy to go into it. I may just do a Flask + Wards start to get right into Sightstone and then Philo (if Shurelya's) or Kage's (if Shard, Twin Shadows). And then Mikael's fits some-fucking-how.
As for GP10, think of it this way: Season 3 has given you 3GP10 for free. If you can make up 2 GP10 via Pickpocket (4 attacks per minute as ranged, 2.4 attacks per minute as melee), yourselves Season 3 baseline GP10 is the same as Season 2 with 1 GP10 item. Now factor that many of the items are slightly cheaper and that Sightstone is already more GP10, albeit limited to Wards only, and you're slightly ahead than Season 2 in gold even without a GP10 item.
edit: I'd like to hear more from y'all about sightstone in other lanes. Like the thing that messes with me the most is how much it costs. If you're in another lane having a nice laning item is pretty crucial to winning it, or at least that's how it was in S2. like how is "falling behind" mitigated?, especially since sightstone kind of exists as an item that needs to pay for itself through constant use
I've only played two games but right now I still feel like philo + wards + pots start is still the strongest way to go. I don't favor a sightstone rush because very early on the philo(or its very cheap pieces) sustain has a very real impact on the laning phase.
Scy did you say black cleavers stack? If so biggity and it's exactly like certain S1 items of this nature that could.
Flask + Biscuit + Explorer's Ward + 2x Sight Wards + 1x Vision Ward is the start I'm thinking for the early Sightstone. Philo's (health) sustain took a pretty big hit (15 HP5 -> 7 HP5) so it doesn't compare quite as favorably to a Flask for sustain. It comes down to the benefit of the Sightstone's Health and better vision vs GP10 and not having to put down 700 Gold at once. Though, honestly, your first back tends to be around the 700 Gold mark anyway (520g for Philo, 150g for at least two wards).
Anyone used the tower disabler yet?
I really like the 100/300 HP boost,, placing 10 wards is nothing, and with no secondary source of income, it might be a necessary evil. Unless you're willing to go Kage's, but I don't see much of a point for it on a support.I'm meh on the item as a support. Over time you might save the money but at 700 gold you need to place 10 wards to make it worth it. Only being able to do 2 at a time means it will take a minimum of 15 minutes to pay yourself back for it. Considering you probably won't be able to afford it until the 10 minute mark (really rough guesstimate here) means the game may be over before you pay yourself back with it. I'm having a tough time justifying the sightstone as a support.
However, for Kat or Lee Sin it becomes a jump stone. 700 gold for 4 jumps each back is perfect. You can easily get the use out of it in half the time just using it for mobility.
I used the Teleport+Homeguard trick with J4 to tower dive bot. Enemy bot lane is pushed to our tower, I teleport to a ward in the bush, enemy team tries to retreat, I run at them with the billion move speed from Homeguard and ult them under the tower. Use Ohmewrecker after taking a few tower shots, my team cleans up. I'M HELPING!
Anyone tried Karma since the S3 patch hit? In S2, her biggest problem was that her base stats sucked and provided little utility without gold. However, with a bit of gold, she got pretty powerful which is why people player her as an AP mid. Now that gold is less of an issue for supports and many of the new support items have AP ratios, she seems like she would be in a pretty good spot, even without the upcoming rework.
I used the Teleport+Homeguard trick with J4 to tower dive bot. Enemy bot lane is pushed to our tower, I teleport to a ward in the bush, enemy team tries to retreat, I run at them with the billion move speed from Homeguard and ult them under the tower. Use Ohmewrecker after taking a few tower shots, my team cleans up. I'M HELPING!
Anyone tried Karma since the S3 patch hit? In S2, her biggest problem was that her base stats sucked and provided little utility without gold. However, with a bit of gold, she got pretty powerful which is why people player her as an AP mid. Now that gold is less of an issue for supports and many of the new support items have AP ratios, she seems like she would be in a pretty good spot, even without the upcoming rework.
Flask is worthless as a replacement for mana pots if you're attempting to use then to bully someone out of lane with harass. Flask is a defensive item used if you're the passive part of the lane that is playing for late game, or you don't need the mana. Faerie charm alone provides me with more mana over the course of my first trip bot than a flask will while building towards my philo.
Never even thought about teleport+homeguard. That movespeed boost is so fun. Time to go Smite+Teleport Skarner jungle now.
I don't think any of the T3 boot upgrades are very appealing unless you've already bought everything else.
Pop Crystalline Flask charges as well for 30s of bonus regen. The Flask will refill while on the platform.
You can't stack beyond three stacks of the Flask active, for the record. As much fun as infinite regen Teleport Homeguard ganks would've been.
Homeward is fucking ridiculous, I hope it gets removed, really. You're sieging mid and a 900 MS unavoidable Rammus suddenly stuns you...Never even thought about teleport+homeguard. That movespeed boost is so fun. Time to go Smite+Teleport Skarner jungle now.
Homeward is fucking ridiculous, I hope it gets removed, really. You're sieging mid and a 900 MS unavoidable Rammus suddenly stuns you...
I don't think you can pop regen when you're at full. I know that's true for potions but maybe it's different with flask charges.
Unless you're willing to go Kage's, but I don't see much of a point for it on a support.
I don't think any of the T3 boot upgrades are very appealing unless you've already bought everything else.
I don't think you can pop regen when you're at full. I know that's true for potions but maybe it's different with flask charges.