Fact of the day: Rlyai's slow effect makes Liandry's torment always proc the double damage.
Step off the platform, spend mana and then pop them, step back on the platform to refresh Flask+Homeguard. You can do the same for top/mid lane. Blow some mana somehow, pop all three Flask charges, instantly refresh them, walk to lane with boosted regen. Similarly, you can speed up regen on the platform by popping your Flask as soon as you back as well.
If you're Teleporting somewhere and you have Flask, there's literally no reason to not get three stacks of Flask regen running before TPing.
Fact of the day: Rlyai's slow effect makes Liandry's torment always proc the double damage.
teleport+homeguard is going to be the new meta.
Pro teams are going to create whole strats around it. Ward bush, Malphite or Jarvan TP in with homeguard and dive tower at 100 miles an hour.
inb4 kiunch withers a minion
I just find that there's always better things to buy. 25 AP isn't really important as a support (Sona's Q does 20 more damage or something, she heals maybe 5 more HP?), and for 765 you could buy items to upgrade your Aegis, a gemstone, an oracle's, etc...Kage's has solid upgrade paths and getting "free" AP on a GP10 item is always good. There's really no reason to not get Kage's at some point, honestly.
I typically play Zyra support. Her mana expenditure in lane is pretty minor, enough so that Flask+Biscuit will last several minutes in lane. It also depends on how starved for mana you are. Flask is 120 Mana on demand; Faerie Charm needs 200 seconds (3m20s) to restore the same amount, an additional ~90 seconds (4m50s) if you factor in the biscuit (+50 Mana restored, stacks with Flask if you need to speed up the regen), though you have access to the biscuit as well. You also need to factor that Faerie Charm isn't actively regening whenever you're full on mana, though I suppose this time is limited to when you're walking to lane and basically never again during lane.
Flask + Biscuit gives me 5 minutes in lane worth of sustain. At ~20 GP10, that's roughly 600 gold. About when I'd be going back anyway.
I'm liking the on hit ms boost boots for ADs
I'm sure some of them are fine, I just have a hard time justifying the cost or finding a time where I think they're the right choice. Captain in particular feels very expensive to me. I get why people would like them but for me I'd rather take another item that builds into something bigger.You don't find 25% flash cooldown useful? Captain is great if you're initiating for the team. Homeguard is probably my favorite because you heal instantly at fountain and can reach inhib turret so easily.
I just find that there's always better things to buy. 25 AP isn't really important as a support (Sona's Q does 20 more damage or something, she heals maybe 5 more HP?), and for 765 you could buy items to upgrade your Aegis, a gemstone, an oracle's, etc...
It's a must-buy on supports that turn into off-AP carries, though, like Lux, Zyra, Morg, etc...
I'm sure some of them are fine, I just have a hard time justifying the cost or finding a time where I think they're the right choice. Captain in particular feels very expensive to me. I get why people would like them but for me I'd rather take another item that builds into something bigger.
Black Cleaver rush on carries like Graves, thoughts?
I really like it, so I tend to buy it most of the time I play support, but sure, varies from champion to champion and I wouldn't suggest it on a Lux unless necessary. On my other full-time supports (Sona, Janna, Leona, Soraka) I buy it every time, though. If you're going to go off-AP carry with Lux or something, feel free to go Athene's or whatever, your role is to support through a constant barrage of snares, stuns, slows, shields and harass.I dont like the mentality that aegis is even always a support item. Its poor thinking...not all supports are tanks and the item has been the most efficient defensive item forever now. Bulwark just makes it the goto item for your bruiser needing mr. Now that there are so many varieties of very potent support items its about team comp as to who should be focusing on am early aegis. If I'm supporting as Taric or Leona or tanky lulu... yes I'm going to try and rush it...but if I'm janna or lux or zyra I could become more useful to the team with a shard, crucible, etc.
I just find that there's always better things to buy. 25 AP isn't really important as a support (Sona's Q does 20 more damage or something, she heals maybe 5 more HP?), and for 765 you could buy items to upgrade your Aegis, a gemstone, an oracle's, etc...
Flask is fine if you're playing a more relaxed, zoning playstyle. You still forgot the fact that I also have 2 or 3 mana pots in addition to a biscuit and the charm which gives me the ability to dump mana onto them and just bully them out of lane.
A lot of item buying for supports depends on your matchup/lane strategy as well. Against sona I don't ever go so heavy on mana regen because you can't really out harass her sustain, you set that lane up to be more patient.
I dont like the mentality that aegis is even always a support item. Its poor thinking...not all supports are tanks and the item has been the most efficient defensive item forever now. Bulwark just makes it the goto item for your bruiser needing mr. Now that there are so many varieties of very potent support items its about team comp as to who should be focusing on am early aegis. If I'm supporting as Taric or Leona or tanky lulu... yes I'm going to try and rush it...but if I'm janna or lux or zyra I could become more useful to the team with a shard, crucible, etc.
it builds into wriggles.
I'm not entirely sure how many supports need ~800 Mana worth of sustain for 5 minutes of laning to be honest. I find that most my support bullying isn't necessarily mana limited.
Do you mean Soraka? Sona is the kind of support you do want to put damage on early. Though, really, the same applies to Soraka. You want to try and get rid of her before she gets her sustain engine running.
Not disappointed, just curious since you were looking for female jungler and Diana is screaming the role now in S3. I suck mid Diana, feed all day eeryday lol.You sound disappointed
I thought of trying her as a jungler but with new jungle being tough and all, I figured I'd give it a week or so, so someone makes a good guide or something.
Yeah, I've been meaning to buy her iceborn but so far I've just gotten to buy the glacial shroud. I have a thing against Rylai's and RoA, so I pretty much never buy them![]()
Wriggles isn't good nor viable for some bruiser jungles. Riven being one of them.
Maybe with the new patch Aegis isn't so worthwhile on supports, I'll have to check, but I've grown fond of it. I just adore the tankiness it gives me.Honestly, I wouldn't buy (or at least, not prioritize) an Aegis on a support anymore.
My problem with Mikael is that it seems to think I have no control over my mana or something. Maybe I should replace my mana regen masteries for movement speed, etc., to make it worthwhile, but it just builds over two useless items on a support and the active feels aimed towards pro players with 0 ping. I mean, stuns last an average of two seconds, I don't have the reflexes to cleanse someone in less than that...They have better options for their support items (e.g., all the actives) and Aegis/Bulwark is now a go-to tank item, not necessarily a support one. Mikael's more-or-less replaces Aegis as the non-GP10 support built item.
I don't like what it builds into, really. Shard is good in theory but I haven't managed to get to use it even once, Morello's gives me a ton of mana I don't have use for, but otherwise it's alright if they have a Mundo or Yi or something, and I don't even know what to make of the ghosts.And I suppose we need to take a step back here. Is the argument that Kage's (and the upgrades) are not worth it? Kage's is GP10 with AP. This improves every single trade (20 damage per Sona Q isn't insignificant over the course of a few trades, though I believe 25 AP is +17.5 Q Damage for her).
Gotta test, what you say makes sense so we'll see. I haven't been gold dry with just one GP10 just yet (running 4 points greed, pickpocket, 2 GP10 quints and philo).Getting Sightstone + both GP10s running is, to me, the best use of your first ~2500 Gold. This sets you up to afford the items you need for later and gets you the support items you'll be wanting down the road (Shurelya's, Shard).
Can you lend me your full build, or maybe a guide (or bothNot disappointed, just curious since you were looking for female jungler and Diana is screaming the role now in S3. I suck mid Diana, feed all day eeryday lol.
Honestly I haven't changed anything with the way I jungle, only the item build and masteries have changed really. I have something like 16/7/7, although if someone has optimized builds I'm all ears. Definitely always jungling with machete > spirt of wraith, then usually guise into rylais are torment then rylais.
Diana is kind of insane in that, even if you miss your Q, you can still rush in with R and burst someone down during a gank.
Oh, if Scy's item was to get guise, Rylai's is basically my go to item. Iceborn is really neat, it's great for Skarner/Malph etc. Don't know if going Iceborn is better than going Triforce though on Skarner...
Man I thought I'd really like Graves but he plays so weird lol.
I mainly use Darius anyway..could people tell me what kind of build they use on him with the new update? And what kind of runes, I'm only level 22 so I haven't bought any runes yet.
I wouldn't change my Graves build too much. BloodThirster, PD, Last Whisper, GA/QSS>Mercurial. Runaan's Hurricane can be alright on him because it helps get his AS buff up faster, but it honestly doesn't seem like it would be that great for him.
Chaox says static shiv is fucking awesome.
Ashe E + Avarice Blade + TF + PickpocketIs it just me or is getting an Avarice Blade early on as an ADC really good since it provides superior gp10 if you can farm well and builds into a replacement for PD?
Is it just me or is getting an Avarice Blade early on as an ADC really good since it provides superior gp10 if you can farm well and builds into a replacement for PD?
Ashe E + Avarice Blade + TF + Pickpocket![]() Time to buy Nocturne, and then save again for Nami :x
Edit: Koi Nami splash: Time to buy Nocturne, and then save again for Nami :x
Build all crit items, base your success on luck! *bad advice dog*I really like Gangplank again. This is going to become a bad habit.
I wouldn't change my Graves build too much. BloodThirster, PD, Last Whisper, GA/QSS>Mercurial. Runaan's Hurricane can be alright on him because it helps get his AS buff up faster, but it honestly doesn't seem like it would be that great for him.
I disagree. Staying with the old isn't always better. There are some other solid damage builds with their own strengths and until riot nerfs some of them will leave them for adcs to figure out.
Was gonna do your idea up to 3 bcs and see what my final choice should be.
Aren't the brutalizer passive(s) still unique? I almost expect the black cleaver passives stacking to be an oversight, and changed in the next patch or two. I'm not necessarily saying it's too powerful, but I wouldn't be surprised if Riot removes it.
I think that might be pretty good if you're against someone like Darius. You just harass harass harass and the margin by which you normally would win the lane extends as you proc your Pickpocket.Next game I get the chance, I'm totally running Pickpocket on Nidalee in top lane. Because experimenting.
I like her face in this one a lot better and she has less dumb boobs. Kinda want, kinda makes me hungry for some sushi.Edit: Koi Nami splash: