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League of Legends |OT3| Lizards are red, golems are blue. Give a leash or no gank 4 u

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It depends if you are close enough to trade with autos as well. Like if you are Annie then the AD will help more than the AP in early trades because you harass with AD. Lux will also likely be a contender, but maybe not someone like Kassadin.
Most of my girls could possibly benefit from the AD (Lux, Diana, Ori all have autoattacking passives), and I like to harass with autoattacks, but nowadays I feel like everyone has more AP than I do early and mid game. It usually doesn't determine whether I win or lose but I feel like I get a handicapped start (I'm running mpen reds, mana regen yellows, flat mr blues and ap quints, 21 0 9).


I think I'm gonna switch my 2 points from Brutal Force to AP Mental Force, since I can't see how 3 AD can make a big difference on last-hitting (scy, do the math for me :3) and 4 AP in the initial race for who trades better is almost another AP quint.

The counter point would be what does 4 AP add? Diana's Q gains 2.8 Damage (2.4 on Passive and W), Lux QE gains 5.2 Damage. 3 AD adds ~2 Damage per hit and is mana free and not restricted by cooldowns (or Mana).

Anyway, as for last hitting, Melee Minions do 12 Damage @ 1.25 APS, Caster Minions do 25 Damage @ 0.67 APS (15, 17 DPS); health wise, it's 445 and 280 respectively*. Most AP Mids have around 50 AD at Level 1 and gain approximately 3 per Level.

That said, it's hard to give a total DPS figure since minions don't focus fire and they're rather unpredictable. But, then again, that unpredictable nature is sort of the point. The different attack speeds (plus just different starting times for attacking) make it hard to gauge exactly when their health is at a certain level unless you check their health by clicking on them. Every point of AD is a little extra leeway in eyeballing health.

*Their Damage, Health, and Armor scale up as time goes by but you get the idea.

It usually doesn't determine whether I win or lose but I feel like I get a handicapped start (I'm running mpen reds, mana regen yellows, flat mr blues and ap quints, 21 0 9).

Most people don't really run much besides AP Quints, if that (Movement is honestly a more attractive option most of the time). Generally speaking, if someone has more MR than you in lane, they're running non-MR blues which puts them at a greater disadvantage.


The counter point would be what does 4 AP add? Diana's Q gains 2.8 Damage (2.4 on Passive and W), Lux QE gains 5.2 Damage. 3 AD adds ~2 Damage per hit and is mana free and not restricted by cooldowns (or Mana).

Anyway, as for last hitting, Melee Minions do 12 Damage @ 1.25 APS, Caster Minions do 25 Damage @ 0.67 APS (15, 17 DPS); health wise, it's 445 and 280 respectively*. Most AP Mids have around 50 AD at Level 1 and gain approximately 3 per Level.

That said, it's hard to give a total DPS figure since minions don't focus fire and they're rather unpredictable. But, then again, that unpredictable nature is sort of the point. The different attack speeds (plus just different starting times for attacking) make it hard to gauge exactly when their health is at a certain level unless you check their health by clicking on them. Every point of AD is a little extra leeway in eyeballing health.

*Their Damage, Health, and Armor scale up as time goes by but you get the idea.

Most people don't really run much besides AP Quints, if that (Movement is honestly a more attractive option most of the time). Generally speaking, if someone has more MR than you in lane, they're running non-MR blues which puts them at a greater disadvantage.
I'm thinking of it as getting a slight edge, 4/6 extra AP is about 30% more AP, but yeah, now that I think about it, low level magic damage comes from leveling up skills more than anything, so what you're saying makes sense.

I'm curious about doing MS quints, but at 2k IP each it'll take a long time.


Augmented Singed looks pretty nice. And he's on sale. Was spectating a match and was surprised to see that I could actually see Singed's poison trail...


My breakdancing Eternum Nocturne is the first thing to pull me away from Pulsefire Ezreal in quite some time.

I've been playing ADC for months, though. It's nice to have a good excuse to check out the new post-patch Jungle.
So will glasscannon AP Hurricane Varus be viable? Sorc Shoes, Hurricane, Deathcap, Zhonya, Nashor (for CDR), Void. His W has 6% AP ratio on fullstack, so having 500AP would do 45% of max HP.
why must there always be one person on my team who's 0-5 within 20 minutes into the game -_-


I always get the stupidest people on my team, holy shit


I'm thinking of it as getting a slight edge, 4/6 extra AP is about 30% more AP, but yeah, now that I think about it, low level magic damage comes from leveling up skills more than anything, so what you're saying makes sense.

I'm curious about doing MS quints, but at 2k IP each it'll take a long time.

Movespeed quints are the best thing since sliced bread for an ap mid. I'm hard pressed to think of a mid champ I play often that I wouldn't use ms quints. Well worth the investment.



Oh my word. 90 minute game. My body is broken.
Last 40 minutes was us turtling after our nexus turrets were destroyed. We kept taking the majority of their team down but couldn't take advantage of the fact because all our inhibs were down constantly. I sold my boots and our Ryze had four Deathcaps, haha. Slowly we managed to push mid and after we aced them at the end me and a Zed went down mid to take turrets but didn't pay attention and minions overwhelmed the ones who stayed at nexus.

Hilarious game though :')

Oh my word. 90 minute game. My body is broken.
Last 40 minutes was us turtling after our nexus turrets were destroyed. We kept taking the majority of their team down but couldn't take advantage of the fact because all our inhibs were down constantly. I sold my boots and our Ryze had four Deathcaps, haha. Slowly we managed to push mid and after we aced them at the end me and a Zed went down mid to take turrets but didn't pay attention and minions overwhelmed the ones who stayed at nexus.

Hilarious game though :')

Haha what was the total kills on each team.


Movespeed quints are the best thing since sliced bread for an ap mid. I'm hard pressed to think of a mid champ I play often that I wouldn't use ms quints. Well worth the investment.
Hmm, my problem is that I'd start with literally 3, 4 AP. I just played against a 30 AP Ahri. She does an extra 20 damage per harass.

Stuff like that scares me.

In any case, I won anyways with my puny 17 AP. I'm really liking Diana
Just watched BEST SHACO NA run a train on another team. Guy went legendary and survived so many ganks with 5% hp I can't even remember them all.

He also had a Pantheon and TF on his team and they pulled some of the craziest shit I've ever seen despite being down 10 kills in 15 minutes.


Hmm, my problem is that I'd start with literally 3, 4 AP. I just played against a 30 AP Ahri. She does an extra 20 damage per harass.

Stuff like that scares me.

In any case, I won anyways with my puny 17 AP. I'm really liking Diana

Movement helps you dodge Ahri's harass. Mid lane is almost entirely about dodging skillshots. Who cares if she deals 20 more damage per harass if she can't land it.


"Greetings PBE Summoners,
I am happy to announce that our final champion of the year is now (or soon will be) available for testing on the PBE.

Allow me to introduce Vi, the Piltover Enforcer. Imagine two giant hextech gauntlets. Now imagine a total badass who loves using those gauntlets to hit things. Hard. That's Vi in a nutshell.

Have you ever wished you could punch an enemy with such an impact that you hit the enemies behind it? If your answer is yes, you may enjoy playing Vi.

Have you ever had the desire to wind up a punch powerful enough to carry you across the battlefield, clocking anyone unlucky enough to get in your way? If your answer is yes, you may enjoy playing Vi.

Have you ever wanted to indiscriminately bowl through an enemy team, wiping the smirk off that AD carry's face as you slam it into the ground? If your answer is yes, well, you get the idea.

Vi is all about powerful punches. She's a high mobility high damage bruiser who picks a target, launches herself into the fray, and makes that target deal with her. So what are you waiting for? Go try her out. I'd love to hear your feedback. Best of luck on the Fields of Justice!

Bullet from Blazblue.


A lady puncher? I am intrigued and wish to subscribe to their newsletter.

Further adventures in new item land:
  • Frustrating games recently, had three with 14 kills in a row and few deaths, but granted I'm probably very bad at ganking and teamfighting so I lost two of them.
  • I tried AP Eve jungle, died to wraiths and lost red buff at like...level 5 or so since I stupidly thought I might be able to kill them. New jungle hurts. ;_;
  • New DFG takes forever to save up for, and I miss kage's pick building into it.
  • I bought the Stupid Kiunch Ghost item but forgot to ever use the ghosts! It was right before the game ended anyway.
  • I finally tried a boot upgrade besides homeguard -- furor (move fast if you attack stuff). I never really noticed its effects since Eve works that way anyway, and if I got kited it was because I messed up or was out of range to begin with. I probably should have tried captain or move fast or even homeguard upgrades that game.


Vi's kit looks uh ... pretty good.

dat ult. Charge to target with CC immunity, knocksback (+Damages) enemies in the way, and suppresses the target? Oh boy.


Aww, I had a ten win streak and Varus DC'd and we lost :(

Vi's kit looks uh ... pretty good.

dat ult. Charge to target with CC immunity, knocksback (+Damages) enemies in the way, and suppresses the target? Oh boy.
So like if WW's ult casted Malphite's to everyone in its path...

Also, "Steel Legion Lux". WILL BE MINE


Annie gets her stun after four spells. Game changer. Also: Rengar nerfs, Yi buffs, Diana nerfs, Teemo nerfs.

Fiddlesticks skin:
Can someone post the change notes, please?

If it's an AP Yi buff, I'm not altogether sure he needs that. AP Yi showed up in a tournament, it's not supposed to be buffed. D:

*edit* Katarina: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-V_-g_wOf_-E/UMGNr4RZKpI/AAAAAAAAK3c/LxhqvcS_ZsQ/s1600/katarina.png

Maybe the splash will be nice, but the skin itself... :|
Tip: bind "attack move click" to mouse button 3 or similar. Now kiting is just right click behind you, middle click in front of you, right click behind you, middle click in front of you. Easy fast accurate kiting.

Edit: you should note it targets the closest enemy, including minions if they are closer than champions so you still have to target champions if there are minions nearby. But even if so it still has the benefit of stopping you from moving forward like a chump if you miss a right click.
Vi - [W] - Denting Blows
Every 3rd attack on the same target deals an additional 6/7/8/9/10% (+%) of the target's maximum health as physical damage, reduces its armor by 25% and grants you 30/35/40/45/50% attack speed for 4 seconds (max 300 damage vs. minions and monsters).

Move over Jax? This sounds OP as hell you can easily maintain that ASPD.

A suppressive Malphite ult?

Goddomn Riot stop with the power creep.


Rengar got smashed.

RIP, big guy.

Vi has an amazing kit. She sounds like she has sticking power problems but with a FM/gauntlet or whatever, shes gonna smash faces with that W. She sounds like a Darius level bruiser (high damage, no innate survability). Rather than rengar level tanky bruiser (mid damage, high survival).

Move over Jax? This sounds OP as hell you can easily maintain that ASPD.

A suppressive Malphite ult?

Goddomn Riot stop with the power creep.

Jax is actually tankier than her
And I doubt it's as fast as Malph ult though.


I dont think Rengar can recover from this nerfs like he did in the past.

The new skins are shit tier (except vi), they all look so damn bad.


Oh awesome, I was just thinking what they really need in this game is a bruiser.

Welcome, to the league of bruisers.

Last 15 releases, (not including nami)

2 assasins (ad casters)
1 support
1 tank
1 melee ADC
3 bruisers
4 mages
1 jayce

this is clearly, the league of mages.

holy shit, recalling now visible on minimap. game changer.

theres already a video for vi


hot, steaming, as melted butter slips into the cracks, drizzled with sticky sweet syrup OH GOD
Last 15 releases, (not including nami)

2 assasins
1 support
1 tank
1 melee ADC
3 bruisers
4 mages
1 jayce

this is clearly, the league of mages.

No, no, no.

It's the league of medium sized boobs mages with crowns/


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Played Vi on the PBE in a basic bot match. Ask anything if you want. Super fun champion. Q charges up a dash punch, didn't realize this reading the stuff. Her passive is a shield based on her HP that has a cooldown. Her E does huge AOE damage. It's on hit but the bigger thing is that it resets your auto attack. Amazing wave clear. Amazing at destroying towers. Her burst is crazy with it. Weirdest thing is charging up her W. You have to hit an enemy three times in a row for the buff, there are visible stacking rings around them. Her ultimate has pretty good range on it. Reeeeeeeeeeeeally high damage on that too. I think it was over 1k by the time I hit late game. Oh, and I soloed Baron no problem with her. She is crazy.


Played Vi on the PBE in a basic bot match. Ask anything if you want. Super fun champion. Q charges up a dash punch, didn't realize this reading the stuff. Her passive is a shield based on her HP that has a cooldown. Her E does huge AOE damage. It's on hit but the bigger thing is that it resets your auto attack. Amazing wave clear. Amazing at destroying towers. Her burst is crazy with it. Weirdest thing is charging up her W. You have to hit an enemy three times in a row for the buff, there are visible stacking rings around them. Her ultimate has pretty good range on it. Reeeeeeeeeeeeally high damage on that too. I think it was over 1k by the time I hit late game. Oh, and I soloed Baron no problem with her. She is crazy.
Can you post/detail the Teemo changes, please?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Riot was doing kind of alright with skins on champions, but Nami and Zed both have terrible alt skins. At least Vi's looks cool.
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